Bulletin - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Bulletin - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Sebastian Catholic Church
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time—February 8, 2015
A Pennsylvania
A Parish of the
Diocese of
801 Broad Avenue ~ Belle Vernon, PA 15012
Parish Staff
Rev. Msgr. Roger A. Statnick......................... Pastor
Mr. Daniel F. Lisovich... ............. Business Manager
Mrs. Christy Cabaniss ....................... Parish Minister
Mr. Christopher Manderino
................................ Coordinator of Youth Ministry
Mr. Eugene Lancas Coordinator of Liturgical Music
Mrs. Linda Drury ........................... Parish Secretary
Mrs. Darleen Koury...Bulletin/Faith Formation Secretary
Parish Telephone Numbers:
Parish Center/Office: ..................... 724-929-9300
Parish Fax: ........................................ 724-930-7611
Faith Formation Office: .................. 724-930-8504
Parish Hall: ....................................... 724-929-9982
Parish Website: www.saintsebastianchurch.org
Weekend Masses:
Saturday 4:30 p.m.; Sunday 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m.
Sacrament of Penance: Saturday 11:30 a.m.
Parish Office Hours:
Sunday—8:00 a.m.—8:45 a.m.; 10:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon
12:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saint Sebastian Regional School
Mr. Steven J. Dorko ................................... Principal
Mrs. Connie Simboli ....... School Office Manager
School Telephone ............................ 724-929-5143
School Fax ........................................ 724-929-3038
Website ........................................... www.sssbv.org
Ministry to the Homebound: To arrange for
the Sacraments of the Eucharist, Reconciliation
or Anointing of the Sick, call Christy Cabaniss.
Extraordinary Ministers are available for Communion to the Homebound on Sundays.
Catholic Charities: Counseling is available
through the Diocesan Catholic Charities Office
located in our Parish Center. Call 724-929-4699.
Religious Education/Formation: Please call the
Faith Formation Office at 724-930-8504.
(RCIA) Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults:
Anyone interested in information on the Catholic Church or in becoming a Catholic, please contact the Faith Formation Office.
Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements are to
be made at least six months in advance. Couples
must participate in Marriage Preparation sessions.
Sacrament of Baptism for Infants: Please contact the Faith Formation Office to schedule Baptism. Parents must attend a Baptism Preparation
Session prior to their child’s Baptism.
Bulletin Deadline: 9:00 a.m. on Monday. Please
print or type all announcements.
MISSION STATEMENT We the Parish Family of
Saint Sebastian, Belle Vernon, serve people in Westmoreland and Fayette Counties. We are Roman Catholics of various ethnic backgrounds with strong family
values demonstrating a variety of skills, trades and professions. The purpose of the parish is to glorify God by
assisting the community on the “Journey of a Lifetime”
through the Liturgy and Sacraments, teaching and
preaching the Word of God, and witnessing to our
faith. As a community of faith, we are committed to
love of God and neighbor through worshiping together
and serving others in caring for their spiritual, emotional
and physical needs. Each of us is called to strengthen
and reach beyond our parish through being responsible
stewards of our time, talent and treasure in the spirit of
our patron, Saint Sebastian.
FEBRUARY 8, 2015
St. Sebastian Church Weekly Report for Period Ending—February 2, 2015
Beginning Checking Account Balance January 27, 2015
$ + 51,142.89
Sunday Collection January 31/ February 1
+ 8,888.31
Special Collection ( Eastern & Central Europe)
Miscellaneous Receipts
+ 2,701.35
Expenses for Period
- 18,643.53
Closing Checking Account Balance: February 2, 2015
$ 44,663.12
Less holding accounts:
Those in Need
$ - 3,233.19
Collections owed Diocese
Athletic Association
- 3,085.19
Roof Fund
- 1,070.00
Balance for daily operating expenses
$ 36,625.64
2015 Roof Fund to Date: $ 2,015.50—2014 Roof Fund to date: $52,668.69
2013 Roof Fund final proceeds: $ 74,343.86—2012 Roof Fund final proceeds: $ 60,592.73
Finance Council Members: John Ciccarelli, Mark Ramsier, Louis Toth, Carol Shernisky, Lawrence Bender, David Free, Richard
Pastoral Council Members: Cliff Gorski, Sandy Wawro, Rachel Hoffman, Michael Couser, Mary Anne McMillen, Steve Zolock,
Mark Druciak.
There will be a Pastoral Council meeting this Tuesday, February 10, at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center.
Monthly Report—January 1 thru January 31, 2015
Income for month
Expenses for month
Net Difference Income/Expense:
$ + 40,642.84
- 51,172.76
$ (10,529.92)
Catholic Institute Savings
TCTH Capital Campaign Refund
Roof Fund:
Miscellaneous Savings
Total Savings
Lent 2015
Little Black Book
This booklet with prayers and reflections for the Lenten Season is
available in the church vestibule.
Please place your donation of
$3.00 in the envelope provided and
return it to the Parish Office.
Second Collection
The second collection today is
the monthly Utilities & Maintenance collection.
Mardi Gras Polka
Dinner Dance
Next Sunday, February 15, a Dinner Dance will be held in
our Parish Hall, featuring “Ray Jay and the Carousels”.
Tickets for the Ethnic Dinner and Dance are $30 per person. Doors open at 1:00 p.m. Family style dinner served
at 2:00 p.m. Tickets for the Dance only are $20 per person and admission for the dance will begin at 3:00 p.m.
Ethnic foods, beer & wine will be available for purchase during the dance.
Get your tickets at the Parish Office during regular business hours.
Lottery Ticket Donations are needed for the Lottery Tree.
Donations may be dropped off at the Parish Office. Thank you in advance
for your help!
Next Wednesday, February 18, is
Ash Wednesday, which marks the
beginning of Lent. The distribution
of ashes will take place during the
8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Masses and
during the Liturgy of the Word Service at 4:00 p.m.
First Holy Communion Workshop
The first workshop for the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist
will be held on Saturday, February 21 at 9:00 a.m., at
Epiphany of Our Lord Chapel Hall in Monessen. All students who will receive the Sacrament of First Eucharist
and their parents are to attend this workshop.
Sacrament of Baptism and the
Baptism Preparation Session
Lent is the time of preparation for the
Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter
Vigil and during the Easter Season. The
Sacrament of Baptism is not solemnly celebrated in our Parish during Lent.
Monsignor Statnick will schedule a Baptism Preparation session sometime during Lent. Anyone wishing to have their
child baptized after Easter is asked to
please call the Faith Formation Office at 724-930-8504.
Boy Scout Sunday
Next Sunday, February 15, during the 11:00 a.m. Mass,
members of our Boy Scout Troop #1543 will be in full
uniform as they attend Mass for this annual celebration
of Boy Scout Sunday.
Hearing Assistance
Our parish has special hearing assistance technology for
those who need it. If you are interested in trying this
device, please see Msgr. Statnick, in the sacristy at least
15 minutes before Mass. The units are simple to operate, with one switch for on/off and volume, and an ear
plug for direct amplification.
Lenten Folder
During Lent each of us is asked to make a daily or
weekly offering in the Lenten Folder as a symbol of penance and almsgiving, a traditional Lenten practice. The
folders will only be mailed to those parishioners who
used and returned the Lenten Folders last year. You
may place your folder in the collection basket at the end
of Lent. Additional folders will be in the church vestibule.
February 8—Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
4:30 pm
Sat. Laurel Oliver—K of C Council 954
Sacrament of Baptism
9:00 am
For All the People of Saint Sebastian Parish
11:00 am
Dorothy Carrozza—Mancuso Family
Monday, February 9
8:00 am
Clara & Babe Tonarelli—Daughters, Gerry,
Tina & Elaine
Tuesday, February 10
8:00 am
Hubert Braunegg—St. Vincent de Paul
Wednesday, February 11
8:00 am
Ann Ross—Jack & Marlene France
Thursday, February 12
(Death Anniv) James Bitonti—Wife & Family
8:00 am
Friday, February 13
No Mass Today
Saturday, February 14
11:30 am
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
4:30 pm
Virginia & Thomas Abbott—Daughter,
Carole Wassilchalk & Family
Sunday, February 15
9:00 am
Walter “Chick” Strahosky—Sara & George
11:00 am
For All the People of Saint Sebastian Parish
Liturgical Ministers—Servers
Saturday, Feb. 14 4:30 pm E. Breckenridge, B. Barber
Sunday, Feb. 15
9:00 am L. & N. Dimpel
11:00 am H. & L. Baron
Lit. Coordinators
Saturday, Feb. 14
4:30 D. Free RJ Kozura K. Rygiel, L. Santori, S. Wawro
J. Stringhill, M. Free, R. Couser, L. Aul
Sunday, Feb. 15
9:00 B. Moskovitz A. Osiol L. & R. Galiszewski, D. Atkinson
C. Terravecchia, L. Turcheck, C. Korber, S. Battaglia
11:00 L. Nallo D. Columbus G. Klamerus, J. Cannizzaro
G. Rush, B.A. Wright, D. Cooper, D. Stasko, E. Studnicki
The Paschal Candle
is a symbol of the
risen Christ.
Easter Sunday it is
placed next to the
pulpit for the 50 days of Easter; after
Easter it is placed near the Baptismal
Font and is lighted for Baptism and
Funerals. If you would like to sponsor a portion of the cost of the Paschal Candle this year, please call the
Parish Office. This Candle may be
in memory of a loved one, or for a
special intention.
Memorial Pavers
You may reserve a memorial paver
for the Saint Joseph
Memorial Shrine by
contacting the Parish
Office. The price for
each paver is $200,
and sheets to reserve
each memorial are
available in the vestibule and the church
office. A check must accompany
each reservation, and please note
the number limit for the characters
that can be engraved on each paver.
Reservations can be taken during
parish office hours on Sunday and
during the week. 150 pavers are
planned for the shrine, and they will
be reserved on a first come, first
served basis.
Belle Vernon Rotary
Annual Pancake Festival
The Belle Vernon Area Rotary will
sponsor their annual Sausage and All
-You-Can-Eat-Pancake Festival on
Shrove Tuesday, February 17, from
Noon until 7:00 p.m. in our Parish
Hall. Tickets may be purchased
from any Rotarian or at the door.
Middle School Youth
Lock-In March 7 & 8
Grades 6-8 at St. Vincent College".
Don't be the Walking Dead." Lenten Retreat. There is recreation and
spiritual renewal. This is organized
by the Diocese of Greensburg. See
the flyer in the vestibule, please take
an Information Sheet for details or
registration contact. Registration is
due by February 22.
Diocesan High School
Youth Ministry Retreat
Youth of the Diocese in grades 9 12 are invited to the High School
Retreat the weekend, February 27
thru March 1 at Laurelville Retreat
Center. Register now by calling
Christopher Manderino, Youth Ministry Coordinator, at the Faith Formation Office. For more information, visit
www.dioceseofgreensburg.org. The
deadline to register is February 15,
Lenten Fish Fry
Beginning Wednesday, February 18,
Ash Wednesday, and continuing
through the Fridays in Lent (except
Good Friday) Epiphany of Our Lord
Parish in Monessen will hold their
weekly Fish Fry from 11:00 a.m.
until 6:00 p.m. All are most welcome. Take out orders will be
available by calling 724-684-9199.
Lenten Fish Fry II
St. John the Baptist’s Altar Society
in Perryopolis will be holding a
Lenten Fish Fry every Friday during
Lent: in their Parish Social Center
from Noon until 6:00 pm.
Dine-In and Take-Out Available. Please bring your own take-out
containers. Containers will be available for $0.50 each. Call ahead at
724-736-0675 beginning at 9:00 am.
Travel Group
If you liked Mid Life Crisis,
You’re Gonna Love
“Nana’s Naughty Knickers”
Please join us for a fun time on July
31 to see the comedy play, "Nana's
Naughty Knickers". Make your reservations now for this amusing performance. Cost is $97. A non refundable deposit of $25 is due by
March 15 with the balance and your
menu choice due by June 1. Flyers
can be found in the pamphlet racks.
Getting “Real” About Drugs
Reality Tour (RT) is a national parent and child drug education and
prevention program. For more
information call 724-797-0955 or
email bellevernonarearealitytour.org. The Reality Tour group
meets the second Monday of the
Lord, please remember the sick,
the homebound and those in nursing homes from our parish and
Doreen Abler, Joseph Antal, Paula Baker, Brian
Bellissimo, Donna Biagini, Muffy Blevins, Anthony Boyle, Dane Breakwell, Brennan Breakwell,
Tricia Pelissero Bruenn, Adam Canigiani, Jr.,
Eric Cecchetti, Jenna Christner, Irene Colborn,
George L. Cowan, Lois Cowan, Matt Davies,
Bernadette Dayner, Mary Delbarre, Ron Edwards, Darlene Engel, Joan Eversburg,
Dolores Frazier, Thomas W. Galley, Jr., Millie
Gelotti, Mary Gira, Margaret Grant, Rudy
Halgas, Jane Hazy, Betty Jean Henderson,
Philomena Iacovangelo, Johnny Kelemen,
Kathy Kerestes, Jason Koliscak, Joseph Krosoff,
John Kushnar, James Litterini, Brandon Morris,
Val Novak, Paul Novakovich, Jo O’Hara, Julia
Paholski, Shirley Patten, Jack Pesi, Stella Povlish,
Eugene Raffelo, Barbara Riffle, Donna Robinson, Dorothy Rodgers, Mary Ann Rocco,
George Rue, Barbara Sedlak, Mary Shaffer,
Brenda L. Simon-Zerone, Mary Smith, Sally
Sposato, Dolores Sprowls, Edward Stasko,
Ralph Swantek, Margaret Tomayko, Joseph P.
Trenk, Christopher Valerio, Melvin Walkush,
Sr., Kaiden Wooten, Helene Wozniak, Sherri
Zitko. Lord, give them strength in body,
courage in spirit, and patience in pain.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
FEBRUARY 8, 2015
Charlie is a mutt. That
said, he does have some breed
specific traits. He shows some
beagle but probably a bit more
prominent is the golden retriever in his blood. He actually
looks like a miniature golden
retriever, if that were a breed.
He has the same boxy face and
floppy ears. He has a beautiful
flag tail, and the most silky golden fur I think I’ve ever seen.
But, appearances aren’t the only
way his retriever blood shows.
My dog loves to play
fetch. He will bring a stuffed
toy, a stick, or, most favorite, a
bouncing ball. He loves to run
after the bouncing ball, catch it
in his mouth and return it for
the next throw. This game goes
on as long as the thrower
doesn’t get tired. There is also
a sneaky trick played by the
thrower from time to time. At
our house, we call it the fakeout. You know the one. You
pretend to throw the ball, and
your dog unwittingly chases after nothing.
Charlie falls for this trick
nearly every time it’s played.
What’s funny though, is that no
matter how often he gets
tricked, he never loses interest
in playing fetch. He always
comes back just as excited by
the opportunity to chase after
that bouncing ball.
I have noticed that we
don’t have the same exuberance
about being tricked or fooled.
We get angry and resentful. We
then carry that hurt and resentment into our relationships with
others who have no fault in the
trickery. What’s worse is we
carry that tough exterior into
ministry, too.
In the Gospel of Matthew,
Jesus describes the judgment of
all souls. He speaks about the
Lord separating the sheep from
the goats. The Lord judges both
groups according to the same
criteria. He praises the sheep for
ministering to the Lord when he
was sick, hungry, naked, and in
prison. The goats are rebuked
for not caring for him. When the
sheep and goats both ask when
they were or were not caring for
the Lord, He tells them that,
“whatever you did for the least
of these, you did for me.”
When we hear these
words today, I think we give ourselves too much leeway. We say,
I give money to the poor, I serve
at Mass, I do volunteer activities
in my community. I am clearly
serving Jesus. I’m fine.
But, what about the scammers? What about the cheaters
and the criminals? What about
the people who are free-loaders
and abusers? What about the
ones who refuse to ask for forgiveness?
Are we still reaching out
to them? Are we still kind? Do
we show them love and consideration?
The trouble is, we don’t.
We put up our walls and barriers
and comfort ourselves with the
knowledge that they don’t deserve the ministry of Jesus. They
have been tricksters, so they
haven’t earned the care and love
we have to share. But, we couldn’t be further from the truth.
When we go forth to our
judgment day, the Lord isn’t going to praise us for not getting
fleeced or tricked by others.
He’s going to ask how many
times we forgave, how many
times we reached out to others,
or how many times we were loving. What will we answer?
I know that it’s hard to
stay joyful and forgiving when
people give you so much to be
grumpy about. That’s why we
come to the Eucharist each
week. It’s why we can seek to
let go of those hurts in Confession. The Sacraments let us start
again, so we can go out fresh and
renewed ready to love and serve
each other once more.
Chasing a ball thrills Charlie no matter how many times we
try to trick him. The opportunity
to care and serve the world
should do the same for us.
~Christy Cabaniss
~Parish Minister
Archived reflections can be found at: