bulletin - John Patrick Publishing Company
bulletin - John Patrick Publishing Company
The Charity of Christ Compels Us: Erected 1963, First In The World Named After Mother Seton 1377 East Main Street, Shrub Oak, NY 10588 Pastoral Staff Rev. Fr. Robert A. Quarato, Administrator Rev. Fr. Brian Graebe, Parochial Vicar Rev. Fr. S. Kulandairajan, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Richard Juliano, Deacon, Plant Manager Rev. Mr. Michael F. Wilson, Deacon Rev. Mr. Matthew Reiman, Seminarian Deacon Sr. Gabriel Miriam, S.C., Regional School Principal Mrs. Sara Koshofer, Religious Education Coordinator Ms. Lana Kollath, Director of Sacred Music and Organist Ms. Noreen Donnellan, Parish Council President Mr. Edward Murgia, Finance Council Chairman Mrs. Janet Angelillo, Lay Trustee Mrs. Gwen Briggs, Lay Trustee Celebration of the Eucharist THE LORD’S DAY Saturday: 5:30PM (Birthday Blessing, 1st Sat) Sunday: 7:00 (no music), 8:00, 9:30 (Family Mass) 11:00 AM (Solemn Choir Mass), 12:30 PM Monday-Friday, 7:00AM, 9:00AM Saturday, 9:00AM Morning Prayer: Monday-Saturday 8:45AM For Holy Day schedule, consult bulletin Parish Contacts PARISH SCHOOL (914) 528-3563 FAX: (914) 528-0341 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION RECTORY (914) 528-8553 E-mail setonre@bestweb.net E-mail seton@bestweb.net (914) 528-3547 FAX: (914) 528-4216 Website http://www.seton-parish.org Handicapped accessible February 15, 2015 Ordinary Sunday 6 CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENTS Baptism/Becoming a Catholic Adults (RCIA): call the rectory for information Infants: Parent Instructions, 2nd Saturday, 11:00am Celebrations: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Sun., 1:30; 4th Sat, Noon Reconciliation Sat. 4-5:30PM; Thurs. 9:30AM Other times: upon request. Marriage The Sacrament of Matrimony requires specific preparation. Contact a priest one year before the planned ceremony. Archdiocesan marriage instruction is mandatory. Anointing of the Sick/Eucharist for the Homebound Contact a priest for ministry to the sick and aged at home or at a local healthcare facility. Upon request, the Eucharist will be brought to any Catholic who is seriously ill or homebound. Confirmation Baptized adults who have never received First Eucharist and/or Confirmation should contact a priest to complete their Christian Initiation through the RC.I.A. process. Holy Orders/Religious Vocations A pastoral staff member is always ready to discuss the prospect of a vocation to the priesthood or religious life. POPULAR DEVOTIONS Eucharistic Adoration (Suspended for July and August) Monday-Friday, Our Lady Memorial Chapel, 12:00-3PM First Friday, 12:00-6:00PM First Saturday, 9:30-10:30AM Novenas, following 9:00AM Mass Monday, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Parish Patroness Thursday, Miraculous Medal Recitation of the Rosary, Our Lady Memorial Chapel,. After 9:00 Masses, daily Parish Council, Noreen Donnellan, 914-962-4419 Finance Council, Edward Murgia, 914-245-4512, Arthur Bortz (Emeritus) Lectors, Judy Van Riper Legion of Mary, Loretta Mozeleski Altar/Rosary Society, Janet Angelillo, 914-245-9248, Gerarda Brown Altar Servers, Deacon Richard Juliano, 914-528-3547 Making All Things New Committee, Janet Angelillo, 914-245-9248 Becoming a Catholic (RCIA), Fr. Robert Quarato Bible Study (Tuesday) Pat Kiernan, 914-739-5461 Blood Bank, Agnes Manganelli, 845-628-1098 Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts, Steve Scott, 914-739-4621 / Brian Dever Medjugorie Rosary Guild, Joan Nastasi Midnight Run Committee, Walter Krisa, 914-248-9737, Eileen Kulp, 914-391-5418 Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers), Len Vallario, Bill Bertram Nursing Home Ministry, Terence Floyd Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Judy Van Riper Choirs and Sacred Music, Lana Kollath, 914-736-0372 CYO Basketball, Andre Soto, 845-284-2030 Matthew Parisi, 914-450-4959 Parish Book Club, Tere McCue-Fleming Parish Center Building Committee (PCBC), Tony Iraola Parish Pilgrimages, Alex Winogradoff, 845-526-4495 Peekskill Pastors’ Lunch Program, Mary Ellen Modico, 914-528-3547 Photography, Ed Herzog, 914-844-7611 Prayer Shawl Ministry, Pam Adamovich, 845-528-4483 Development Committee, Katherine Quinn, kquinn3502@aol.com Eucharistic Adoration, Alex & Felicia Winogradoff, 845-526-4495 Ann DiGraci, 914-610-1379 Eucharistic Ministers, Fr. Robert Quarato Regional School Board, No. West./Put, Tom Engelhart, Frank Inzirillo Religious Education, Sara Koshofer, 845-528-8553 Respect Life Committee, Laura Parisi Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, (see Becoming a Catholic) Founder’s Group, Kathy Zsiday Girl Scouts, Meg Jandrasits, 914-556-6003 Safe Environment Program, Mary Ellen Modico, 914-528-3547 Saint Mary’s Food Pantry, Anne Dougherty Saint Matthew’s Guild, Joe Pikula, Bill Lewis Cardinal’s Appeal, Roland Faucher, Susan Kolesar Helping Hands, Cathy Bomba, 845-526-2214 Holy Name Society, Charles Angelillo, 914-245-9248 Homebound Visitation, Nancy Murgia, 914-245-4512 Hospitality Committee, Geraldine Inzirillo Knights of Columbus, Robert Hecker, Charles Angelillo, GK PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED PRAY FOR OUR SICK As is our custom, a person’s name will appear for four weeks, after which it will be removed unless we hear from the family. School, Parish, Sr. Gabriel Miriam, S.C., 914-528-3563 Sacristan, Sunday, Joseph Mozdzierz Third Order (Secular) Franciscans, Nick Oliverio Ushers (see: Ministers of Hospitality) Webmaster, Noreen Donnellan, 914-962-4419 Young Adult Outreach www.catholicnyc.com Monthly Prayer Intentions of Pope Francis The Holy Father asks the people of the world to pray with Nicole Cattano, Gloria Colbrook, Edward DiCaprio, Lucia Mele him for the following during February: Hanson, Kathleen Heffernan, Richard Iadarola, Dorothy Johns, EiUniversal: That prisoners, especially the young, may be leen Kostecke, Marie Lazarz, Brad Lewis, Sr., Noreen Malanaphy, able to rebuild lives of dignity. Lucy Mazzeo, Sr. Edmund McGourty, Ramona Olszewski, Frank Evangelization: That married people who are separated O’Rourke, Katharine Pasensa, Barbara Ravoli, Patricia Rottenkolber, Terry Samborski may find welcome and support in the Christian community. 444 - Page 2 MASS INTENTIONS Tue 5:30 Feb 15 7:00 8:00 9:30 11:00 12:30 Feb 16 9:00 Feb 17 Wed 7;00 9:00 Feb 18 Sun Mon 9:00 People of Seton Parish Sixth Ordinary Sunday Harold Whalen Mary Meany Charles Zsiday Carol Kinghan Virginia LoPreto Weekday Marion Engelhart (only Mass today) Weekday/The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order Helen Teague Bridget McGonigle Ash Wednesday No Individual Intentions Lenten Weekday Helen Teague Marie Bortz Lenten Weekday Harold Whalen Myra Adamski Barbara Wilson Lenten Saturday/St. Peter Damian, Bishop & Church Doctor Victor & Evelyn Coster 5:30 Feb 22 7:00 8:00 9:30 11:00 12:30 Paul Oswald First Sunday of lent People of Seton Parish Bridie Moore Anthony John Vignola Stephen Kelleher Peter DeCicco Thurs Feb 19 7:00 9:00 Fri Feb 20 7:00 9:00 7:00 Sat Feb 21 Sun WEEKLY MEMORIALS (3) The Sanctuary Lamp, indicating the Real Presence, burns in memory of Catherine Peace. The Eternal Flame in Our Lady Memorial Chapel, burning in memory of deceased children, and those lost on September 11, 2001, has been donated in memory of Lucy Caldararo. The Sacramental Bread and Wine were donated in honor of Sr. Edmund McGourty’s 97th birthday. The Altar Flowers were donated in memory of Padraig Gilmartin. Parish Book Club Select February Events Mon, Feb 16 Federal Holiday-Rectory Closed Wed, Feb 18 Ash Wednesday 2nd Collections: Peter’s Pence, Seton Emergency Maintenance Fund, Seton Missalettes Presidents Day Happy Holiday! As a result of the 1971’s Uniform Monday Holiday Act, President’s Day, originally honoring George Washington, is a holiday meant to honor all US presidents. As with all Federal Holidays, on Monday the rectory office is closed, the 7:00 AM Mass, and noonday Adoration are cancelled. ASH WEDNESDAY A DAY OF FAST AND ABSTINENCE Lent should be marked by prayer, penance, fasting and acts of charity. Fasting prescribes that only one full meal a day is taken. Two smaller meals may be taken to maintain strength, but taken together should not equal another full meal. Fasting obliges from the 18th to the 59th birthdays. Abstinence prohibits the eating of meat and foods made with meat. Abstinence obliges from the 14th birthday on. Those who have a serious illness are not obliged to abstain. The First Day of Lent February 18th---ASH WEDNESDAY Masses: 7:00AM, 9:00AM, 12PM and 7:30 PM Word Service: 3:30 and 5:00 PM Ashes Only & Confessions Available: 8:00-9:00PM NO Noonday Eucharistic Adoration Lenten Masses As has been our custom for years, there are two additional Masses celebrated during the Lenten season: the 11:00 TUESDAY school Mass (unless cancelled because of funerals), and the 7:00 PM FRIDAY Mass, followed by the Stations of the Cross. Please come and make use of the Mass to strengthen your faith. Blood Drive The Bloodmobile is here today, Sunday, February 15th from 8am to 2pm. Please consider donating. Special Training Session for Our next meeting is Sunday, March 8th at 2pm in the Ministers to the Nursing Home Chapel to discuss I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, and/or the Homebound Maya Angelou’s debut memoir of her childhood marked This Thursday, February 19th from 2:30PMby abandonment and prejudice. See the blurb on our Web4:00PM or 7:30-9:00 PM. site, www.seton-parish.org. 444 - Page 3 Next Weekend Second Collection: Seton February 21st/22nd: Seton Word & Song Books MARK YOUR CALENDARS! LENT PARISH MISSION 2015 MARCH 23-25 Tickets were sold this weekend at the church exits. One of our parish school children will pick the winner Tuesday morning, and the winner’s name will be announced before all Masses next weekend, and printed in next week’s bulletin. PRAYER + PREACHING + PRAISE With the CFRs Franciscan Friars of the Renewal & Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal EVERYONE IS WELCOME! REMINDER FOR 8:00 MASS-GOERS! Save the Date! Third Sunday February 50/50 Raffle February 22nd, Sunday morning’s Religious Ed classes begin with the 8:00 AM Mass; so it is very important that students be in the auditorium by 7:45 AM. If they are brought after Mass begins, they are to sit with their parents for the Mass. Lenten Series Instruments of the Passion A&R Day of Recollection The Seton Altar and Rosary Society will hold its annual Day of Recollection on Saturday, March 14, 9AM 2:30PM, at St Joseph's Seminary in Yonkers. Mark your calendars and come away with us for a day of rest in the Lord. More details to follow! Financial Misconduct Join Fr. Graebe on Tuesday evenings for a reflection on some of the objects in the Passion drama, and the lessons they continue to teach us. 2/24 The Whip 3/3 The Dice 3/10 The Sponge Each evening will begin with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, followed by the reflection, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and Benediction. The evenings begin at 7:00pm in the church and will last for about 40 minutes. Please note that there will only be 3 talks due to the parish mission. The Archdiocese of New York takes stewardship of your donations and its resources seriously. If you have knowledge of financial misconduct or suspect that it might be occurring, please report your concerns via a toll free hotline at 877-820-0541, or on the internet at http:/ reportlineweb.com/ADNY. Both are available 24 hours per day. Happy Birthday! PARISHPAY – ELECTRONIC COLLECTION SUPPORT SETON WITH ONLINE DONATIONS We wish a very “Happy Birthday” to all parish children who celebrate their birthdays in February, especially Connor Connaughton who received a blessing at the 5:30 Mass last Saturday. Mandatory Meeting for All Lectors Mon., March 9 - 2:30PM-4:00PM or 7:30-9:00 PM At this meeting guidelines will be distributed and reviewed, information forms completed and petitions for the mandate made. If you are not able to make either session, then you must speak with Fr. Quarato. All current Lectors need to be commissioned again for a new term. Please note that no one can be commissioned or re-commissioned without the mandate. See our website, www.seton-parish.org, go to ParishPay.com, or call 866-727-4741. Third Sunday Food Pantry Sunday Donations are being collected in our auditorium for the Community Pantry at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church this weekend. Thank you for your continuing support of this local interfaith outreach; it’s a life saver! Thank You from the Food Pantry We received a letter from Terry Berardi, the Cocoordinator of St. Mary’s Food Pantry, Mohegan Lake which read: “On behalf of the Community Food Pantry, thank you Mandatory Meeting for All Extraordinary for another year of generous care in so many ways. It is with this continuing support of our partners in faith that the Ministers of Holy Communion pantry is able to meet the needs of those friends and neighMon., March 16 - 2:30PM-4:00PM or 7:30-9:00 PM At this meeting guidelines will be distributed and re- bors in our community that are struggling to feed their famiviewed, information forms completed and petitions for lies, keep a roof over their heads and stay warm. Just last the mandate made. If you are not able to make either week the pantry served 139 families. The pantry is serving session then you must speak with Fr. Quarato. All cur- well over 100 families every week and is able to berent Eucharistic Ministers need to be commissioned again cause of the ongoing time, talent and treasure that is shared for a new term. Please note that no one can be commis- with us by our community. May your new year be peaceful, full of moments of joy and good health. sioned or re-commissioned without the mandate. 444 - Page 4 A Note about Becoming Sponsors For Baptism and Confirmation It is a great honor to be asked to be a sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation. The role of a “godparent” is to be an “other parent” in matters of our holy Faith. That is why sponsors must be practicing Catholics, 16 years of age or older, having received Confirmation and currently living a good Christian moral life. If the sponsor is married, that person must be in a valid Church marriage. One sponsor is required for Confirmation. It is customary to have two for Baptism, in which case one must be male and the other female. A nominated sponsor is asked to get certification from his/her current parish. This is a declaration by a priest/ deacon that the individual is qualified to be a sponsor according to Church Law. To be so certified, the individual must be a current parishioner of the particular parish where the certification is being sought, and be known to the priest/ deacon as being a faithful practicing Catholic, attending Mass there regularly. Unfortunately, at times, family members or friends are chosen to be sponsors with good intentions, but are found to be ineligible according to Church Law. Also, more and more, people seem to think that they are still “parishioners” of their childhood parish, where they attended school or received sacraments years ago, while no longer living in the area or attending Mass there regularly. It is important for all individuals to be active members of their local Catholic faith communities. The unfortunate fact is that some are neither practicing Catholics nor faithful members of a parish family, and are thereby ineligible to become sponsors. Like all other things in life, individual choices bring consequences. Here, at Seton, Certificates of Sponsorship are given by the pastor to registered members of the parish who are practicing Catholics and who meet the above criteria. Please see the pastor after Mass on Saturday evening or Sunday to inquire about getting a certificate. 10th Annual Divine Mercy Conference Cardinal Spellman High School, Bronx, NY, will host its Divine Mercy Conference on Saturday, March 21st, from 9:30am to 5:30pm. Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron will celebrate Mass, there will be numerous speakers, and a special appearance by the Mater Ecclesiae College Choir. For information and registration, visit www.thedivinemercy.org/bronx, or call 1-800-462-7426. Our Lady of Fatima The Seton Legion of Mary Fatima statue can be brought to any homebound parishioner for a week to pray with them and their family. If interested, please call Loretta, 845803-7291. Donation Envelopes Looking for that right person? www.catholicsingles.com Reflections Visits to the Blessed Sacrament are a proof of gratitude, an expression of love, and an acknowledgement of the Lords’ presence. Tirelessly promote the cult of the Eucharist, the focus where all other forms of piety must ultimately emerge. The Eucharist is that flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ who suffered for our sins and whom the Father in His loving kindness raised again. The Lord did not say, This is a symbol of My Body and this is a symbol of My Blood but, This is My Body and This is My Blood. Fr. Faber It’s Time to Come Home! www.CatholicsComeHome.org Eucharistic Adoration Please consider joining the other 40 adorers by spending one hour praying to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Adoration is weekdays from Noon till 3 PM, and on First Fridays from Noon till 6PM. We would welcome additional adorers, especially on the following days and times: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from Noon to 1PM, Tuesday and Friday from 1PM to 2PM, Tuesday and Thursday from 2PM to 3PM, First Fridays for 1 hour starting at 3PM, 4PM and 5PM. Please call Alex Winogradoff, 845-5264495, if you are interested. God Bless! DECEASED PARISHIONERS Parishioners who “passed from this life to the next” during the week of February 14th in previous years: Margaret Rodgers, Dominick Squillante, Roy Swed, D. McNulty, Cornelius M. Cleary, Eileen Sawicki, Rose Tria, Felix Gonzalez, Frank Antonecchia, Vito Rutigli, Bridget Faranan, Emily Smith, Leonilda Caggianese, Raquel Perez, Donald F. Razmus, Mary G. Reilly, Thomas Gudewicz, Brian Wencak, Richard Viglione, Gisela Stoisits, Olga M. Kaziesko, Francis McElroy, Ronald Walter, Edward Joseph Franze, Elizabeth C. Toher, John P. McCarthy, Joseph Scafuri, Mary Gaughan, Florence Arpino, Mary Mesisco, Teresa Ann Krasko, Millie Mallia, Nancy Giasi, Joseph J. Meslener, Robert Francis Noll, Lawrence Reo, Mary G. Molloy, Richard E. Ferro, Agnes McIntyre, Caroline Napoli, Myra Adamski, Emerson Kalbfell, Rose A. Salvador, Margaret Sarno, Janet Davitt This week, Seton Parish highlights Dr. Sean M. Rooney, Children & Adult Orthodontics and Thyme Restaurant whose advertisements at the rear of our bulletin, along with nearly 100 other local businesses, make possible the printing of this parish bulletin by the John Patrick Publishing Company, 52 weeks a year. When the need arises, please patronize our advertisers. We ask that you please clearly mark the donation amount on your envelopes. The St. Matthew’s Guild tries very hard to check that each envelope has the dollar amount on it, but sometimes an envelope will slip through without an amount. In that case, we will post only $1 to your account. 444 - Page 5 JEFFERSON VALLEY EYE CARE “Your Hometown Supermarket” Dr. Sandra C. Kellett • Optometrist PEDIATRIC • ADOLESCENT • ADULT Comprehensive Eye Examinations • Contact Lenses • Low Vision • Orthoptics Jefferson Valley Professional Center • 3630 Hill Boulevard, Suite 303 (914) 962-8111 • jveyecare.com We’re here to improve the way you look... Lifetime Guarantee • Handle all Ins. claims 3330 Old Crompond Rd. • Yorkton, NY 10598 (across from BJ’s & Staples on Rt.202) 914-739-6451 10 WEST STEVENS AVENUE • HAWTHORNE, NY Traditional Catholic Burial in a Beautifully CEMETERY Maintained Setting Pre-Need In-Ground Burial Space • Double Depth Graves Mausoleum Crypts: One to Four Spaces Cremation Niches and Cremation Burial Services PRE-PLANNING WILL BRING YOUR PEACE OF MIND Family owned and operated since 1973 3651 Lee Rd., Jefferson Valley, NY 10535 Catholic Cemetery in The Archdiocese of N.Y. 914-245-1262 Top Notch Tree Inc. North View Jim Pulvermiller Save Money • Your Wishes Are Fulfilled • Relieves the Burden from Your Loved Ones FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED 914-769-3672 Cabling, Removals, Pruning, Landscaping, Ask About Our Three-Year Interest-Free Payment Plan on Crypt Purchases Stumpgrinding, Fertilization, Spraying www.gateofheavenny.com GEORGE E. MCCOMBE 962-1818 3656 Lee Rd (next to the Post Ofce) Jefferson Valley NY 914-739-6484 DONALD E. NEWSHOLME, CFP, EA. 914-243-6700 - Serving the community for 30 years!! Individual & Corporate Tax Preparation/Financial Planning Securities offered through Royal Alliance , Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC Patrick O’Brien, Agent DYNAMIC PLUMBING & HEATING Experience The Dynamic Difference! NO Job Too Small!!! Repairs • Water Heaters • Well Tanks • Boilers • Renovations • New Construction Music Teacher in St. Elizabeth Seton / St. Columbanus Schools Licensed • Insured • Bonded • Senior & Veterans Discount Dr. Vernon Peryea Martin Law, P.C. Estate Planning 914-752-5521 Accidents FREE CONSULTATION Real Estate Transactions tomthumb campus • 914-528-5600 We Are A School! Ages 2.9 & Up! Younger 5s Class Operating Hrs. 7am-6pm COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR CENTER 1909 COMMERCE ST. • YORKTOWN HTS (914) 962-2223 Jobs change. Retirement dreams don’t have to. Call us to rollover your old 401K to an IRA! Andrew J Donovan, Ph.D., CFP® 2229 Crompond Road, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 914-526-7288 • www.lpl.com/andrew.donovan Securities offered through LPL Financial • Member FINRA/SIPC 444 St. Elizabeth Seton, Shrub Oak, NY (3) Rt. U ThumB Thum Belina A school for twos 914-528-5600 914-528-5600 www.tomthumbpreschool.com f I Y ou SUMMER CAMP www.dynamic-gym.com Us Ages 3.5 - 9 Preschool, Years Old Recreational, You Choose the Days! 9am-3pm and Team Tom Thumb Knows the Power of Play! Classes Let Everyone Play - Rain or Shine! 914-528-5437 Available Where Summer Comes Alive! Catch Beach Shopping Ctr. 1865 Main Street • Peekskill, NY 10566 914-737-0437 245-1639 • 963-9022 Dependable Service For Over 30 Years C an ~ Now Accepting New Patients ~ Service & New Installations 100 South Bedford Road • Suite 340 Mt. Kisco, NY 10549 OPTOMETRIST • Lasik Co-Management • Contact Lenses • Accepting Most Insurances • Designer Eyewear • Comprehensive Eye Exams Air Conditioning & Heating Michael A. Martin, Esq. 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St. Elizabeth Seton Pork Store & Fine Foods of Jefferson Valley Hot & Cold Catering for All Occasions Fresh Sausage & Mozzarella The best in Veal, Poultry, Beef & Pork Full line of Boar’s Head Cold Cuts & Italian Cheeses. 3665 Hill Boulevard Jefferson Valley NOW OPEN 7 DAYS! (914)243-9608 $3.00 OFF Any Order Over $25 (Cannot Be Combined) WWW.SPIRELLIELECTRIC.COM Licensed & Insured PROMPT, PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDOOR/OUTDOOR LIGHTING SWITCHES & OUTLETS POOL WIRING SERVICE UPGRADE A/C WIRING ADDITIONS CEILING FANS KITCHENS/BATHROOMS (914) 455-2158 Res./Comm. • Family Owned & Operated PAINTING Eagle Painting Co. • INTERIOR & EXTERIOR POWER WASHING • DECK STAINING Over 20 Years Exp. Visit our web site at www.HeritageFuneralHomeNY.com Agnes M. Powe, Licensed Funeral Director & Owner Seton Graduate 1976 845-526-3000 The “Don” Has Come To Town! PASTA • GRILLED PIZZA • SEAFOOD & STEAKS Martini Tap Mondays Wine WTuesdays ednesd ays • Lunch & dinner menus • 17 Italian wines by the glass • Take out & catering available • OPEN 7 DAYS • Courtyard dining • Full Bar with Lounge Area WEEKDAY 3 COURSE PRIXE FIXE DINNER $21.00 CLAUDIA MOTTOLA FREE Estimates Fully Licensed & Insured Real Estate Salesperson also available Fri/Sat 4-6 pm Free Dessert Yorktown Brokerage Ofce compliments of “The Don” x279 • M: 914.419.0893 eaglepainting@gmail.com cmottola@houlihanlawrence.com O: 914.962.4900 HUDSON PODIATRY ASSOCIATES One dessert per couple with coupon. Cannot be combined with any other offers. ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW 1961 COMMERCE ST., YORKTOWN HEIGHTS, NY 10598 • (914) 962-3700 • PARISHIONER STATE-OF-THE-ART-FACILITY Dr. Sean M. Rooney Joint Commission of Hospitals Gold Seal of Approval • Surgery Certied Yorktown Footcare Group Cortlandt Footcare Group 2050 Saw Mill River Road Yorktown Heights 2050 E. Main St., Cortlandt Manor 914-245-7888 914-739-2800 Children & Adult Orthodontics 54 Miller Rd., Mahopac, NY 10541 (Pike Plaza - Upper Level - Above King Buffet) 845.621.1222 • www.rooneyortho.com CORLISS LAW GROUP Sheila C. De Rosa, CPA, MS Personal Taxes, Business Taxes, Accounting Services Call for condential consultation 845-526-5530 • www.scd-cpa.com Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. AVON TERESA ECHEVERRIA 914-528-6206 www.youravon.com/techeverria Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 • www.duqcapital.com Contact me today to BUY OR SELL AVON 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 Over 20 Years Experience~Parishioner ǡǡǤ Richard Caruana Sr. • Serving Westchester, Putnam & Dutchess $99 Simple Will for parishioners Ristorante Italiano & Catering ® SUNDAY DINNER 15% OFF CHECK TOTAL 3131 East Main Street Mohegan Lake, NY 10547 914-528-0800 www.piazza-roma.com Marie A. Corliss, Esq. REWARD ELECTRIC Residential / Commercial Since 1975 • NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL • Lic. & Fully Ins. 914-245-1266 • rewardelectric@gmail.com w/ this ad (max. disc. $20; not to be combined; exc. holidays; dine-in only) 914-302-7900 Estate Planning, Elder Law (Medicaid Planning, Guardianships, etc.) and Assisting Family Members of the Mentally Ill Dr. Wayne Bloom & Dr. Michael Carioscia Board Certied in Podiatric Surgery 334 Underhill Ave., Yorktown Hts. MARY O’NEILL SCHLAGETER BUNIONS • ATHLETE’S FOOT • HEEL SPURS FUNGAL NAILS • HAMMERTOES • WARTS D 35 Morrissey Dr., Putnam Valley Located less than 3 miles from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church Yorktown’s own Cuomo family presens their take on casual Italian dining Robert H Girolamo Girolamo Insurance Agency 1217 East main St., Shrub Oak, NY 10588 914-962-9777 • girolar@nationwide.com John Ettere - Parish Member 914-299-0328 Heritage Funeral Home 30% OFF WITH AD 444 St. Elizabeth Seton, Shrub Oak, NY (I) Rt. U 914-930-8400 Assumption Cemetery Serving All Catholics Regardless of Parish Afliation In-Ground & Above Ground Burial Options Including Interment of Cremated Remains. Feature Areas Including Sacred Heart & Padre Pio 1055 OREGON RD. • CORTLANDT MANOR, NY 10567 www.assumptionpeekskill.org 914-737-2071 John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • www.jppc.net St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School Shrub Oak, NY Family Owned & Managed Founded 1966 A Northern Westchester and Putnam Regional School (914) 528-3563 SISTER GABRIEL OBRAZ, SISTER OF CHARITY, PRINCIPAL Pre-K through 8th Grade Before and After School Programs Affiliated With Yannantuono Funeral Home “Where the Difference is in the Caring” Anthony J. Guarino • James J. Dickson 945 East Main Street • Shrub Oak, NY 10588 914.962.0700 www.yorktownfh.com LAW OFFICES Of BUYING Anthony J. Centone YOUR Parishioner OLD COINS • Personal Injury Call for Free Appraisal Larry Jensen / Parishioner • Wills and Estates • Real Estate • Disputes RONALD G. WORTH D.D.S.,P.C. Catering to a Family Trade at Family Prices Serving: Burgers • Steaks • Pastas • Seafood • Steamers Community Medical Center 1983 Crompond Road Cortlandt Manor 914-737-5421 Parishioner Lunch • Dinner and Sunday Brunch Christenings • Communions • Conrmations • Respite Luncheon Frankie & Augie’Z Open 7 Days • Private Parties FREE DELIVERY 3673 Hill Blvd. Jefferson Valley 914-245-9241 Free Consultation Christopher J. Fitzsimmons CPA, P.C. 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