Acano X Series & VM 1.7 Release Notes


Acano X Series & VM 1.7 Release Notes
Acano solution
Acano Server & VM Release 1.7.0
Release Notes
May 2015
Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 3
New Features/Changes in R1.7......................................................................................... 4
2.1 Calling into scheduled Lync meetings directly and via IVR ....................................... 4
2.2 Changes to screen layouts on SIP endpoints ........................................................... 5
2.3 H.323 Gateway ........................................................................................................ 6
2.4 Miscellaneous Improvements ................................................................................... 6
2.5 Summary of API Additions & Changes ..................................................................... 7
2.5.1 Improvements to diagnostics handling via the API ......................................... 7
2.5.2 Handling multiple coSpace access methods .................................................. 7
2.5.3 Security improvements in accessing coSpaces .............................................. 8
2.5.4 Additional changes......................................................................................... 8
Notes on Installing and Upgrading to R1.7 ...................................................................... 10
3.1 R1.7 Deployments.................................................................................................. 10
3.1.1 Deployments using a single host server ....................................................... 10
3.1.2 Deployments using a single split server hosted on a Core server and
an Edge server ............................................................................................. 10
3.1.3 Deployments for scalability and resilience .................................................... 10
3.2 Upgrading to Release R1.7 .................................................................................... 11
3.3 Downgrading .......................................................................................................... 12
Resolved Issues .............................................................................................................. 13
Resolved in R1.7.0 (same build as previously labelled RC1) ................................. 13
Known Limitations ........................................................................................................... 15
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1 Introduction
This release note describes the new features, improvements and changes in Release 1.7.0 of
the Acano solution software for both Acano Server and virtualized deployments. It assumes that
you have already upgraded to R1.6.19 or later. If you have not, and are upgrading from 1.2.x,
then read the 1.6 release notes first and follow the instructions, before following any instructions
in this R1.7 release note.
Before upgrading to R1.7, you are advised to take a configuration backup using the backup
snapshot <filename> command and save the backup safely on a different device. See the
MMP Command Reference document for full details.
Note: XMPP server clustering was a beta feature in release 1.6. If you have this feature enabled
contact Acano Support before upgrading to release 1.7.
A revised version of XMPP server clustering will be available in a future release, but the
configuration will be different from the 1.6 beta version. Until this feature is ready, only enable
one XMPP server per domain in your Acano solution.
Note: if you decide to revert to R1.6 after upgrading to R1.7, any self-signed certificates created
on R1.7 cannot be used on a R1.6.12 or earlier build. You will need to recreate the certificates
on R1.6.
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New Features/Changes in R1.7
2 New Features/Changes in R1.7
2.1 Calling into scheduled Lync meetings directly and via IVR
Pre-requisite on Lync deployment: This feature requires a working Lync deployment with
telephone dial-in capabilities already enabled.
Release 1.7 supports calling into a scheduled Lync meeting from WebRTC, SIP or Acano
clients, using the Lync call ID to join the call.
This feature requires one or more Lync Front End servers to be configured. You can configure
one via the Web Admin interface under the Lync Edge settings from Configuration > General,
and one or more via the API (create them as TURN servers with type "lyncEdge"). Refer to the
Acano Solution deployment guide in the section entitled “Configuration for Lync Edge” for
instructions on how to do this. If there are multiple FE servers in a Pool, use the Pool FQDN as
the Server Address.
Table 1 Configuration tasks to enable calling into scheduled Lync meetings
On the Web Admin interface
Via the API
To configure the Call
Bridge IVR(s) to allow
entry of Lync conference
If you have set up an IVR via the
Web Admin:
If you have set up
IVRs through the API:
Go to Configuration > General
and set "Joining scheduled Lync
conferences by ID" in the IVR
section to "allowed"
Set resolveLync
ConferenceIds to
true for the
configured IVR
To allow direct dialing to
Lync conference IDs
from standard SIP
Go to Configuration > Incoming
calls, and for one or more
configured call matching domains,
set "Targets Lync" to "yes.
Set resolveToLync
Conferences to
true on the
incoming dial plan
If you have set up the Web Bridge
via the Web Admin
If you have set up
Web Bridges through
the API:
Note: you may choose to
extend an existing
configured domain to
allow Lync conference
access, or to create a
new one for this purpose.
To allow Lync
conference ID entry via
the Web Bridge call join
Go to Configuration > General
and ensure that "Joining
scheduled Lync conferences by
ID" in the "Web bridge settings"
section is set to "allowed"
Acano Solution: Acano Server R1.7.0 Release Notes 76-1005-19-K
Set resolveLync
ConferenceIds to
true on the Web
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New Features/Changes in R1.7
If a call is being matched against Lync conference IDs, the Call Bridge first checks that the call
ID does not apply to a coSpace, if it does not then the Call Bridge identifies a Lync Front End
server that it has been configured with, that has advertised itself as having the capability to
resolve IDs. The Call Bridge queries the Lync Front End server to determine whether the call ID
in question corresponds to a Lync conference - if it does, the look up is deemed to have been
successful and the call is joined to the Lync call. If the call ID is not recognized as corresponding
to a Lync conference then no further Lync Front End servers will be queried.
Note: you may get unexpected results if you add the settings of multiple Lync Front End servers
that are in different Lync deployments. For instance, if multiple Lync conferences in different
Lync deployments use the same call ID, then more than one Lync Front End server may
respond positively to the lookup, in which case the "first" successful Lync resolution is used.
The text in the invitations sent for scheduled Lync meetings can be customized to include the
necessary details to allow users to join via Acano. These details should be placed in the custom
footer section. For example ‘For SIP/H.323 endpoints, join by calling and
entering the conference ID above. For WebRTC go to and enter the
conference ID above.’ The URIs in this must match those configured above. Please see the
Microsoft documentation for more
2.2 Changes to screen layouts on SIP endpoints
Release 1.7 introduces new screen layouts on SIP endpoints. These layouts aim to improve the
user experience and focus on the activity within the call, rather than the legacy MCU style of
The changes include:
refining who is shown in the “all equal” layouts based on recent active speakers
participants will be shown in "big panes" when they become the active speaker
recent active speakers will be shown in big panes, with other participants shown in a
"dock" of smaller Picture in Picture (PiP) at the base of the screen
people will move out of the "active speaker list" (and thus be "demoted" to the PiP bar)
after a period of inactivity (not speaking)
for "all equal", stacked and overlay, if there is only one other video stream to be shown then
it will be shown full screen, "point to point" mode.
in “speaker large” mode (stacked or overlay) the PIP behavior has been simplified, only
showing up to 6 PiPs below the main speaker, even if there are more than 7 other callers in
the meeting.
other minor changes include:
using a grey background instead of black when the whole screen isn't filled with video
introducing gaps between groups of the same-sized panes (rather than bordered
abutting panes)
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New Features/Changes in R1.7
minor changes to the rendering of on-screen pane labels (e.g. a lighter background
colour on the pane names)
In addition, classic arrangements of 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 or 5x5 are available as layouts through the
API, but rather than being fixed pane arrangements, they are adapted to the number of streams
to show. For example, if you are using the 2x2 layout and have 3 people to show, you will get a
row of 2 panes (half-pane offsetted) above a row of 1, but the panes will be 1/4 screen size. See
parameter: defaultLayout, in section Call Leg Methods in the Acano Solution 1.7 API
Reference Guide.
2.3 H.323 Gateway
The Acano H.323 Gateway enables an H.323 call to connect to the Acano Call Bridge. The
H.323 Gateway does not provide firewall traversal or call control, you are recommended to
deploy a H.323 Gatekeeper to perform these functions. Refer to the H.323 Gateway deployment
guide for more information.
With the H.323 Gateway enabled, you can now make the following calls:
H.323 call > H.323 GW > coSpace
H.323 call > H.323 GW > Call Bridge->Lync
H.323 call > H.323 GW > Call Bridge->SIP device
H.323 call > H.323 GW > Call Bridge->Acano client
The H323 Gateway can be enabled on the same server as the Call Bridge or on a separate one.
Note: by default the H.323 Gateway uses port 6061.
2.4 Miscellaneous Improvements
Release 1.7 supports the following new features:
Active speaker indication shown by a blue line below the speaker’s pane
On-screen participant count provided on SIP endpoints, showing the total number of people
in the call once they are no longer all shown on the screen
Improved security options for guest and user access on Web Bridge, see section 2.5.3
Ability to disable support for Lync presence through the Web Admin interface
(Configuration>Call settings>SIP settings>Lync presence support).
Ability to control whether a user will be allowed to send and receive messages when in a
point to point call with another user
Improved filtering of event logs through Web Admin interface. You can now filter for: ‘show
all messages’, ‘show errors and warnings’ or ‘show only errors’.
Improved TIP support
Allowing “cascading” of Lync and Acano conferences
Improvements to CDRs for distributed non-coSpace calls
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New Features/Changes in R1.7
Overlay screen layout: PiPs now only partially cover bottom of large pane, previously they
completely covered the bottom of the large pane.
support for new look and feel, and additional features in Acano Client v1.6
separate presentation stream - i.e. allowing clients to receive main and presentation
video as separate streams
clients informed of "last used time" for configured slave SIP endpoints with the list
presented in "most recently used" order
more per-participant indications (video muted etc.)
2.5 Summary of API Additions & Changes
2.5.1 Improvements to diagnostics handling via the API
Diagnostic improvements include:
allowing access to call diagnostics via the API (POST to initiate new diagnostics, GET and
DELETE to manage diagnostics)
automatically generating call diagnostics on remote call bridge peers for distributed calls
We now allow generating diagnostics to be triggered via the API on a per-coSpace basis (you
supply the ID of an active coSpace), or by specifying the ID of an active call (the call may or may
not be made within a coSpace). Whether the diagnostics are triggered via this new mechanism
or from a client, other call bridges that are hosting a distributed instance of the same call should
generate their own diagnostics at that point. All such linked diagnostics should end up with the
same GUID on each call bridge, and you are also able to filter the diagnostics (when
enumerating via the API) by coSpace ID.
New profile objects:
/calls/<call id>/diagnostics
/coSpaces/<coSpace id>/diagnostics
/system/diagnostics/<diagnostics id>
/system/diagnostics/<diagnostics id>/contents
2.5.2 Handling multiple coSpace access methods
In Release 1.7, an administrator can decide which access details are shown in invitations
generated by clients. Using the API, specify the “scope” parameter of accessMethod as either
“public” or “private”. Those marked as “public” will be communicated to clients when retrieving
the information to show in invitations. If “scope” is left unset for an accessMethod, by default it
is equivalent to “private”.
If a coSpace has one access method with “scope” set to public, the client will be advised of that
access method's URI / call ID / passcode / weblink rather than the corresponding coSpace-level
values. Currently, if a coSpace has multiple access methods set to public, the Call Bridge will
pick one to send to the client.
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New Features/Changes in R1.7
Note: coSpace members are not permitted to edit the URI (etc.) of a coSpace that has any
public access methods.
2.5.3 Security improvements in accessing coSpaces
To prevent someone guessing the call ID of a coSpace and gaining access, security
improvements have been implemented on the Call Bridge and Web Bridge.
An optional additional parameter “secret” has been added to accessMethod to associate a
"secret" passcode per-coSpace or per-access method. This secret is included in the link in
the invite text and allows direct connection to the coSpace. The complexity of the secret
prevents brute force attacks.
Note: The optional parameter “secret” will be automatically generated if it is not specified.
Ability to disable access via the web link, manual entry of call details or user login on the
Web Bridge.
Additional modes to control manual entry of coSpace details. It is now possible to configure
a coSpace so that guests must supply the call ID and passcode at the same time, rather
than the call ID first, and if it's found to be valid, then supplying the passcode. This prevents
brute force attack on call IDs followed by an attack on passcodes.
2.5.4 Additional changes
Additional parameters for the following methods:
Call methods
callLegProfile methods
coSpace methods
coSpace accessMethods
inboundDialPlanRule methods
IVR methods
Web Bridge methods
User Profile methods
New failure reason
New options in defaultLayout parameter
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New Features/Changes in R1.7
Refer to the Acano Solution 1.7 API Reference Guide for further information. Additions to the
guide for R1.7 are shown in red for easy reference.
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Notes on Installing and Upgrading to R1.7
3 Notes on Installing and Upgrading to R1.7
This release note assumes that you have already upgraded to R1.6.19 or later. If you have not,
and are upgrading from 1.2.x, then read the 1.6 release notes first and follow the instructions,
before following any instructions in this R1.7 release note.
CAUTION: Before upgrading to R1.7 you must take a configuration backup using the backup
snapshot <filename> command and save the backup safely on a different device. See the
MMP Command Reference document for full details.
3.1 R1.7 Deployments
R1.7 supports the new deployments introduced in R1.6: the single combined Acano server, the
single split server and the deployment for scalability and resilience.
3.1.1 Deployments using a single host server
If you are installing the Acano solution for the first time on a single host server (a “combined”
deployment), we recommend that you read and follow the documentation in the following order:
1. Appropriate Installation Guide for your Acano Server or virtualized host.
2. The Acano solution 1.7 Single Combined Acano server Deployment Guide enabling all the
solution components on the single host. This guide refers out to the Acano Certificate
Guidelines for Single Combined Acano Server Deployments for details on obtaining and
installing certificates for this deployment.
3.1.2 Deployments using a single split server hosted on a Core server and an
Edge server
If you are installing the Acano solution for the first time in a split server model, we recommend
that you deploy the XMPP server on the Core server, and deploy the Load Balancer on the Edge
Read and follow the documentation in the following order:
1. Appropriate Installation Guide for your Acano server or virtualized deployment
2. The Acano solution 1.7 Single Split Acano server Deployment Guide. This guide refers out to
the Acano Certificate Guidelines for Single Split Acano Server Deployments for details on
obtaining and installing certificates for this deployment
3.1.3 Deployments for scalability and resilience
If you are installing the Acano solution for scalability and resilience using multiple host servers,
we recommend that you deploy the XMPP server on Core servers, and deploy Load Balancers
on the Edge server.
Read and follow the documentation in the following order:
1. Appropriate Installation Guide for your Acano server or virtualized deployment
2. The Acano solution 1.7 Scalability and Resilience Deployment Guide. This guide refers out
to the Acano Certificate Guidelines for Scalable and Resilient Acano Server Deployments for
details on obtaining and installing certificates for this deployment
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Notes on Installing and Upgrading to R1.7
3.2 Upgrading to Release R1.7
The instructions in this section apply to both Acano Server and virtualized deployments with a
previous Acano solution release already installed.
Upgrading the firmware is a two-stage process: first, upload the upgraded firmware image; then
issue the upgrade command. (This restarts the Acano solution: the restart process interrupts all
active calls running on the Acano solution; therefore, this stage should be done at a suitable
time so as not to impact users − or users should be warned in advance.
To install the latest firmware on the Acano server follow these steps:
1. Obtain the upgrade image from the secure partner section of the Acano website. You should
have obtained a file called upgrade.img. If this is not the case – rename the file to
Note: If you are using WinSCP for the file transfer, ensure that the Transfer Settings option is
‘binary’ not ‘text’. Using the incorrect setting results in the transferred file being slightly smaller
than the original – and this prevents successful upgrade.
2. Using a SFTP client, log into the MMP using its IP address. The login credentials will be the
ones set for the MMP admin account. If you are using Windows, we recommend using the
WinSCP tool.
Note 1: You can find the IP address of the MMP’s interface with the ipv4 admin command or
the equivalent ipv6 command.
Note 2: The SFTP server runs on the standard port, 22.
Note 3: After copying the upgrade.img file, you will not be able to see it listed as being in the file
system; this is normal.
3. Copy the software to the Acano Server/ virtualized server.
4. To apply the upgrade, issue the upgrade command.
a. Establish a SSH connection to the MMP and log in.
b. Initiate the upgrade by executing the upgrade command.
The Acano Server/ virtualized server restarts automatically: allow 10 minutes for the process
to complete.
5. Verify that the Acano solution is running the upgraded image by re-establishing the SSH
connection to the MMP and typing:
6. Check the Configuration > Outbound Calls rules updating the Local Contact Domain field
and completing the new Local From Domain field if necessary.
7. Update the customization archive file when available.
8. Only if you are deploying a scaled or resilient deployment (with more than one server host—
Acano server, virtualized host or a combination) read the Scalability & Resilience
Deployment Guide and plan the rest of your deployment order and configuration.
9. Go on to the next section.
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Notes on Installing and Upgrading to R1.7
3.3 Downgrading
To return to the older version of the Acano solution, use the regular upgrade procedure to
“upgrade” to the appropriate version, and then restore the configuration backup for that version.
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Resolved Issues
4 Resolved Issues
Resolved in R1.7.0 (same build as previously labelled RC1)
GUID displayed in weblink rather
than call ID
If a user receives a direct call from another Acano user
(i.e. not a call in a coSpace) and the user then clicks
the information button, the web link is displayed with a
GUID instead of a URI/call ID/passcode. Fixed in
R1.7.0, see section 2.5.2 in this release note.
Cannot change branded logo on
connected SIP endpoint
If a user dials into a meeting using a connected SIP
endpoint, the endpoint displays the Acano logo and
the callBrandingProfile is not applied to
the endpoint. Fixed in R1.7.0.
Grey bar at bottom of Web Bridge
landing page always displayed
Footer at bottom of Web Bridge landing page cannot
be customized. Fixed in R1.7.0. showfooter
option added to sign_in_settings.json.
WebRTC clients do not support
DTMF tones
Fixed in R1.7.0. DTMF keypad now displayed in Web
clients and DTMF tones are proxied to the remote
system or interpreted from the remote system by the
Call Bridge.
Malformed API calls return
Fixed in R1.7.0. API calls need to be formed properly
otherwise they display an error.
Using the WebRTC client to call a
contact who is not logged in, takes
you to an empty conference rather
than tell you that the call has failed
This makes it feel like the user has successfully
entered an empty coSpace instead of failing to call out
to a user who is off line. Fixed in R1.7.0
G.722.1c issues with non-interworked
call to LifeSize endpoint
Fixed in R1.7.0
Acano media module restart
A bug in the Acano H.264 encoder can very
occasionally cause a media module to restart, but not
cause a full server restart. Fixed in R1.7.0.
Lync audio client disconnected in
cospace when Acano client starts
sharing content
Fixed in R1.7.0.
Calls made within a coSpace fail to
Lync clients, while point-to-point calls
are successful
Fixed in R1.7.0.
Directory searching fails if 1 search
location does not work
If one directorySearchLocations fails,
then all directory searches fail. Fixed in 1.7.0.
Activity list cleared of some entries
after client logs out of clustered
Point-to-point calls and calls to coSpaces that have no
chat in them are wiped from the activity list after only a
few minutes of the client logging out. Fixed in R1.7.0.
Chat between Lync clients on
different Call Bridges in a distributed
call does not work
Lync clients can only chat between each other if they
land on the same Call Bridge. Fixed in R1.7.0.
Loss of video from 2010 Lync client
coSpace no longer displays video from 2010 Lync
client after video is stopped and then restarted. Fixed
in R1.7.0
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Resolved Issues
System level CallProfile not applied
to ad hoc conferences created by
tenanted users
If a system level call profile is set, ad hoc calls created
by a user who is a member of a tenant will not always
have the call profile applied. In particular, the profile is
not applied if the system has been rebooted since it
was set. Fixed in R1.7.0.
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Known Limitations
5 Known Limitations
If you encounter any of the following issues, contact because we are likely
to have test builds to send you with fixes for many or all of them by the time you find them.
Unable to stop pcap capture
on serial/ssh
Occasionally users running pcap from the serial console for a
few minutes are unable to stop the capture with a Ctr+C. If this
happens try Ctr+\ or contact Acano support.
Prevent logging in to the Web
Admin Interface
By going to the Web Admin Interface login page, clicking OK to
login and then holding down F5, all the sessions will be “used”
without even logging in. This prevents anyone else from logging
in until those sessions expire. This issue will be addressed in a
future release.
No DNS failover for AD sync
Although the initial problem of the Call Bridge not falling back to
a second AD server address after the LDAP connection to the
first failed has been fixed in R1.2, there remains the issue that
trying to connect to a non-existent/non-responding remote
address can take a long time to time out.
Sharing a presentation in full
screen mode does not work
using Chrome 42
Using the WebRTC client through Chrome, and sharing a
presentation in full screen mode, the web client continues to only
show the application. Possible work-arounds are:
- share screen rather than application
- share the Powerpoint only after starting the presentation
Firefox 37+ WebRTC client
cannot connect to coSpace
Various issues experienced joining a coSpace using Firefox 37+
web browser, including the browser crashing.
Wiggling panes in dock area
Participant panes in dock at bottom of screen may appear
participantLimit field per
tenant does not apply across
calls hosted on multiple Call
The participantLimit field, which may be set through the API, can
be applied in two places: on a tenant or as part of a callProfile.
When participantLimit is configured for a tenant, it acts to limit
the number of participants across all calls corresponding to that
tenant. However this only works correctly in single Call Bridge
deployments. In a scalable and resilient deployment, with
distributed Call Bridges, the limit is applied per Call Bridge.
When participantLimit is used as part of a callProfile it works
correctly in both the single and distributed Call Bridge cases.
Problems restoring backup
snapshot taken from 1.7.0 to
a server running release 1.7.0
There is a known issue restoring a backup taken from a server
running 1.7.0 to a server also running 1.7.0. The problem is not
with the backup file but with the restore process. This will be
fixed in release 1.7.1 so any backups taken for 1.7.0 can be
restored to a server running 1.7.1. If you encounter a problem
applying a 1.7.0 backup restore you need to contact Acano
Support for advice and they will assist you to complete the
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© 2015 Acano (UK) Ltd. All rights reserved.
This document is provided for information purposes only and its contents are subject to change without notice. This
document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, for any purpose other than the
recipient’s personal use, without our prior written permission.
Acano and coSpace are trademarks of Acano. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
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