Dat Tim Ven Fee Nee Plea te: Wedn me: 11:30 nue: Show : $18 (inc
Dat Tim Ven Fee Nee Plea te: Wedn me: 11:30 nue: Show : $18 (inc
Organizer: Title Sponsor: Datte: Wedn nesday, Jan nuary 22nd, 2014 Tim me: 11:30am to 1:30 0pm Ven nue: Show wcase, Marrkham Con nvergence Centre C 7271 Warden W Aveenue, Markhaam, ON L3 3R 5X5 Fee: $18 (inccludes HST) Nee ed practic cal tax re elated info ormation? ACC CE would lik ke to invite you to atte end a netwo orking lunch heon that iss designed to help busiiness owne ers and indiv viduals und derstand th he ever-ch hanging tax x rules, sav ve money, and to plan efffectively. Join n round table discussio ons with exp perienced tax t experts for a varietty of topics: • Persona al Tax update – In pre eparation to o file your ta axes, this iss a look at w what chang ged and wha at’s new in terms t of pe ersonal taxe es • Corpora ate Tax and d Accountting update es – A revie ew of the ta ax changes and an update on the Accounting A Standards for Private Enterprisess • Tax pro ograms ava ailable – A look at diffe erent goverrnment tax programs a and incentivves available e to help yo our busines ss save mon ney. Faciilitated by:: KPMG En nterprise ad dvisers Spe ecial Speak ker: Donna Wong, Vice President, Finance, ViXS Syste ems Inc. Pleaase RSVP to ACCE at 905 479-2802 or email: meembership p@acce.caa