F-1 Curricular Practical Training Application - ISS
F-1 Curricular Practical Training Application - ISS
cpt F-1 Curricular Practical Training Application Name: Family First Wiscmail: UW ID#: Date of Birth: Passport Expiration Date: Month/Day/Year Major(s): Expected degree completion date*: Month/Day/Year Degree Level: Month/Day/Year *For undergraduates or course-work-only Master’s candidates, the completion date is the date of your last exam or graduation date; for Master’s students with thesis and Ph.D. students, it is the date the thesis/dissertation is submitted to the Graduate School for final review. Required CPT Documentation: Completed Academic/Career AdvisorForm (included in this packet). Enroll for the appropriate course on the Academic/Career Advisor Form. If you are applying for CPT based on a requirement to have a work experience to complete your degree, submit a copy of the departmental requirement showing that all degree candidates must complete an internship or practical training program. Completed Employer Form with position description (included in this packet). Exact start and end dates must be specified Only completed applications will be reviewed and processed. Signature of ISS Advisor: Date: Signature of Student: Date: • • • • Month/Day/Year Month/Day/Year To be eligible, you must be in valid F-1 status and have been enrolled full-time for at least one academic year. Participation in and authorization of CPT can only occur before degree completion. You CANNOT extend your I-20 to participate in CPT if all degree requirements have been met. You must meet with an ISS Advisor during Walk-in Advising to submit this CPT Application. Normal processing time for a CPT application is approximately two weeks. Revised 05/18/2015 International Student Services University of Wisconsin-Madison www.iss.wisc.edu 217 Red Gym 716 Langdon Street Madison, WI 53706 Phone: 608.262.2044 iss@studentlife.wisc.edu Box to be completed by ISS Staff only. ISS Staff Member confirm: In valid F-1 status Passport valid Engaged in full-time study for academic year (9 months/two terms) Qualifies for graduate student exemption based on Course enrollment verified in ISIS If not for credit, verification of department requirement for work experience If requesting full-time work, student qualifies based on: Work occurs during summer (or other vacation period) Enrolled in a course designed to grant credit for full-time work experience during a major term (Fall, Spring) Student has submitted an RCL for “Completed Course Work” (Fall, Spring) Student is a dissertator All attachments indicated are present and complete. (initials/date) Form to be Completed by the Academic or Career Advisor for International Student Curricular Practical Training Application Student Name: Family First In order for a student to qualify for Curricular Practical Training (CPT), the experience must be part of the curriculum and related to the student’s field of study. The following reasons qualify for a curricular experience. Please indicate which applies to the student’s situation*: An academic internship/co-op is required of all students in this program in order to graduate. An academic internship/co-op is an elective option in this program and the department has a specific course (noted below) designed for this purpose. Work experience gained from this internship is integral to the student’s thesis/dissertation or is an appropriate professional experience for a student completing a thesis/dissertation. The student is registered for the appropriate thesis/dissertation research course. *If none of these reasons apply, the student cannot be authorized for CPT. However, the student has the option to apply to USCIS for work permission in his/her field called Optional Practical Training (OPT). OPT does not require paperwork by the academic advisor or employer but typical processing time is 90 days. Please refer the student to ISS for OPT. Academic Department Student is registering for course # and student will earn Number of hours student will work per week: credits for CPT. ; Full Time or Part Time. (21+ hours/wk) (20 hours/wk or less) The department does or does not consider registering for this course a full-time academic load. Student’s CPT will occur during the Fall semester, Spring semester, or Summer of Employment to begin on Month/Day/Year and end on Month/Day/Year Year . (Dates from Advisor and Employer must match.) Advisor Name: Signature: E-mail: Phone: Date: Campus Address: Please return this completed form to the student. Student will submit to International Student Services for processing. Revised 05/18/2015 International Student Services University of Wisconsin-Madison www.iss.wisc.edu 217 Red Gym 716 Langdon Street Madison, WI 53706 Phone: 608.262.2044 iss@studentlife.wisc.edu Form to be Completed by the Employer for International Student Curricular Practical Training (CPT) Application Instructions for Employer: Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. By doing so, we may authorize our student to legally work for you. This information is required according to federal immigration regulations. Please note that the student may not begin working until the CPT has been authorized. Our normal processing time for applications is approximately two weeks. For more information on employing an international student, visit http://iss.wisc.edu/employerknow.html. Student Name: Family First Name of Company: Work Location: Name of Supervisor: E-mail: Phone: Employment to begin on Month/Day/Year Number of work hours per week: Position is: Paid or . and end on Unpaid Month/Day/Year ; Full Time or (21+ hours/wk) Dates from Advisor and Employer must match. Part Time (20 hours/wk or less) Position Title: Brief description of job duties: (may attach additional page) Representative’s Name: Title: Signature: Date: E-mail: Phone: Please return this completed form to the student. Student will submit to International Student Services for processing. Revised 05/18/2015 International Student Services University of Wisconsin-Madison www.iss.wisc.edu 217 Red Gym 716 Langdon Street Madison, WI 53706 Phone: 608.262.2044 iss@studentlife.wisc.edu