April - UF/IFAS Extension Alachua County
April - UF/IFAS Extension Alachua County
UPDATE UF/IFAS EXTENSION ALACHUA COUNTY An Equal Opportunity Institution 2800 NE 39 TH AVENUE • GAINESVILLE, FL 32609 • (352) 955-2402 APRIL 2015 Inside this Issue: 2015 Youth Fair & Livestock Show ...................... 1 Getting Ready for Spring....... 2 Statewide MG Coordinator, Wendy Wilber.......................... 3 Upcoming Programs........ 3 & 4 2015 ALACHUA COUNTY YOUTH FAIR & LIVESTOCK SHOW By: Dr. Cindy Sanders County Extension Director/Livestock Agent The 2015 Alachua County Youth Fair & Livestock Show was held March 6-10, 2015, at the Alachua County Fairgrounds. Approximately 450 FFA and 4-H youth from Alachua County exhibited their livestock and nonlivestock projects. Blue ribbons were plentiful as these youth proudly exhibited their poultry, rabbits, beef, market swine, dairy heifer, breeding goats, market goats, market steers, and non-livestock projects and demonstrations. New this year was a hay bale decorating contest, where 4-H clubs creatively decorated 4 square bales. On Monday, March 9th, approximately 450 elementary students participated in the school tours, sponsored by Alachua County Farm Bureau. These students got to see up close chickens, rabbits, cattle, play beef bingo, and milk Ms. Moo! What a great experience for these kids. On the final day of the fair, the market swine, steers, and goats were sold. This year was a record breaking sale for our Youth Fair. Thank you to all the businesses and individuals that come out and support our youth. Cindy Sanders, Ph.D. UF/IFAS Extension Alachua County Extension Director sanders1@ufl.edu alachua.ifas.ufl.edu FFA & 4-H youth participating in the 2015 Youth Fair & Livestock Show. Getting Ready for Spring by: Wendy Wilber, Envirnonmental Horticulture Agent The pollen has cleared and now we are ready for spring. There are many spring chores to do this month. This is a great time to plant vegetables and herbs. Vegetables: Continue planting warm-season crops like tomatoes, peppers, beans, squash, eggplant, and later in the month get the okra and sweet potatoes started. Mulch well to prevent weeds and provide irrigation if rainfall is lacking. Request the Florida Vegetable Gardening Guide from the Extension Office or access it on line at http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/VH021. Plant heat-loving herbs, including: basil, oregano, sage, Mexican tarragon, and rosemary. They all need to be in full sun for good growth. For Your Lawn: Apply fertilizer no sooner than mid-April after new growth has started. Choose a fertilizer (not a “weed and feed”) with little or no phosphorus unless a soil test indicates the need for it. A fertilizer with controlledrelease nitrogen yields longer-lasting results. Look for a product with an analysis like 15-0-15 for best results. Contact the Extension Office if you need to get your soil tested, they will send you the instructions and the soil bag that you will need to take to the lab. Shrubs: Choose from a wide variety of shrubs to add to the landscape now. Prune azaleas and other spring bloomers (camellias, spirea and hydrangeas) right after they are done blooming. If you wait too long into the summer you will be cutting off next year’s bloom. Trees: Consider planting a spring-blooming tree, such as fringetree, Carolina silver bell, dogwood or redbud. Other Chores in the Yard: • Monitor landscape plants weekly for aphids on tender new growth. • Identify and conserve beneficial insects. Some insects should be encouraged in your yard! See: Beneficial Insects (http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/topic_beneficial_insects) • Add mulch to minimize weeds and conserve moisture during dry weather. Organic mulches add nutrients to the soil. See: Landscape Mulches: What Are the Choices in Florida? (http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/fr079) Wendy Wilber accepts position on UF campus as the new Statewide Master Gardener Coordinator Wendy has served as the UF/IFAS Environmental Horticulture Extension Agent for Alachua County for the past 15 years. She also is the coordinator for the Alachua County Master Gardener program. Wendy has developed strong Extension programs in Alachua County, with 140 volunteers, and a large following of local citizens. Her programs and expertise have been in the areas of Florida Friendly Landscaping™, sustainable food production, water conservation, 4-H youth programs, and gardening. Wendy will now be sharing her expertise throughout Florida with over 4,000 Master Gardener volunteers as the new Statewide Master Gardener Coordinator. Congratulations, Wendy! UPCOMING EXTENSION PROGRAMS Please call (352)337-6209 (voicemail) to register for the programs listed below or (352)955-2402 for additional information. Unless otherwise stated, programs will be held at the UF/IFAS Extension Alachua County Office, 2800 NE 39 Avenue, Gainesville. Date Time Ag Tour Program April 10 8:00 am4:00 pm $30.00 pp includes lunch & bus fee A Farmer’s Market & Local Food Promotion Program: Grant Writing April 13 9:00 am1:00 pm No cost Registation is available online at http://amstaalachua.eventbrite.com This workshop will focus on effective grant writing strategies for USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) programs such as the Farmers’ Market Promotion Program and the Local Food Promotion Program. However, techniques and skills learned will be useful across USDA agencies. The workshop is open to all individuals and groups seeking to better connect agricultural producers and consumers through local food systems. Master Herdsman Series April 13 April 20 April 27 May 4 May 11 6:008:00 pm Barton Wilder $50.00 series $20.00 per class/$30.00 for late registration Registration is available online with additional fee at http://tinyurl.com/ p5v5y3g This series will cover: goats, poultry, equine, cattle, economics and forage production. Participants must attend at least 4 workshops to become a Master Herdsman. Classes will be held at the Suwannee Valley Ag Extension Farm, 8202 CR 417, Live Oak. Building Your Own Farm’s Food Safety Manual April 14 8:00 am5:00 pm Aparna Gazula $35.00 (primary) $15.00 (secondary) Registation is available online with additional fee at https://eventbrite.com/ event/15522634618/ or contact our office for a registration form. One-day workshop to help growers develop their own food safety manuals. At the end of the workshop, your farm will have to a ready to print copy of teh main components of a food safety manual and plan. The class is done on a computer - limited to 20 farms, using a web-based food safety manual development program. The class will be held at the UF Straughn Center, 2142, Shealy Drive, Gainesville. Canning Workshop April 14 1:303:30 pm & 6:008:00 pm Brenda Williams No cost Pre-register by calling 352-486-5131 Provides basic information on canning foods using the steam pressure/boiling-water canner. Directions & tips will also be included on making jams, jellies and pickles. Printed materials will be available for $3.00 per set. This class will be held at the UF/IFAS Extension Levy County Office, 625 N Hathway Avenue Alt 27, Bronson. Fruits for Alachua County April 14 6:308:00 pm Aparna Gazula No cost Pre-register at least 3 days prior to class Learn techniques to successfully grow fruits such as persimmons, peaches, pomegranates, figs, grapes and more in your landscape. Canning Workshop April 21 1:303:30 pm & 6:008:00 pm Brenda Williams No cost Pre-register by calling 352-498-1219 Provides basic information on canning foods using the steam pressure/boiling-water canner. Directions & tips will also be included on making jams, jellies and pickles. Printed materials will be available for $3.00 per set. This class will be held at the Dixie County Public Library, 16328 SE 19 Hwy., Cross City. Native Plants for Your Landscape for Earth Day April 22 4:005:30 pm Master Gardener Volunteer No cost Pre-register at least 3 days prior to class Learn the correct use of native plants by putting the right plant in the right place. Beekeeping Program April 25 9:00 am1:00 pm Aparna Gazula No cost Pre-register at least 3 days prior to class This program covers hive disease and pest management. There will be demonstrations with live bees, protective clothing is required. This class will be held at the UF Plant Science Field Classrooms, 1301 Fifield Hall. Green Industries Best Management Practices April 28 8:30 am4:00 pm Aparna Gazula & Barton Wilder $25.00 includes lunch & materials Pre-register at least 3 days prior to class To train in Best Management Practices working in lawn, landscape, pest control or Municipal grounds areas. CEUs available. Florida-Friendly April 28 6:30 8:00 pm Wendy Wilber No cost Pre-register at least 3 days prior to class Learn techniques and time for correct pruning and placing the right plant in the right place. This class will be held at the Tower Road Library, 3020 SW 75 Street, Gainesville. Attracting Butterflies to Your Garden May 5 6:30 8:00 pm Master Gardener Volunteer No cost Pre-register at least 3 days prior to class Learn butterly gardening basics from a Master Gardener Volunteer who knows how to create a garden that will attract butterflies. Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance May 14 9:00 am5:00 pm Aparna Gazula & Barton Wilder $30.00 includes lunch & materials Pre-register at least 3 days prior to class For Landscape Maintenance Contractors applying pesticides to their customers’ plant beds or shrubs. CEU’s will be awarded. Landscaping™ Pruning Instructor Cost Registration Description Pre-register by April 6th Come and learn more about what is growing in Alachua (payment due at County’s backyard and see what local agriculture is all registration) about. Registration is limited to the first 50 pre-paid registrants. Upcoming programs continued on the next page. NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID GAINESVILLE, FL PERMIT NO. 94 Alachua County 2800 NE 39th Avenue Gainesville, FL 32609 UPCOMING EXTENSION PROGRAMS Please call (352)337-6209 (voicemail) to register for the programs listed below or (352)955-2402 for additional information. Unless otherwise stated, programs will be held at the UF/IFAS Extension Alachua County Office, 2800 NE 39 Avenue, Gainesville. Program Date Time Instructor Cost Registration Description Master Gardener Plant Sale & Ag Fest May 16 8:00 am12:00 pm Food Safety & Quality Program (ServSafe®) May 20 8:30 am4:30 pm Brenda Williams Private Applicator Pesticide School May 21 9:00 am5:00 pm Aparna Gazula & Barton Wilder $10.00 includes lunch Pre-register at least 3 days prior to class This workshop is designed to provide training for the private applicator agricultural pest control license. The private applicator license is required for anyone that applies restricted use pesticides to their own farm, greenhouse or nursery. Honey Extraction - Hive Inspections; Bee Forages & Plants June 13 9:00 am1:00 pm Aparna Gazula No cost Pre-register at least 3 days prior to class This workshop will focus on the procedures to follow for extracting and bottling honey. We will also discuss hive inspections to conduct for this time of the year and bee forages and plants. We will be working with live bees, protective clothing is required. Green Industries Best Management Practices June 18 8:30 am4:00 pm Aparna Gazula & Barton Wilder $25.00 includes lunch & materials Pre-register at least 3 days prior to class To train in Best Management Practices working in lawn, landscape, pest control or Municipal grounds areas. CEUs available. A fundraiser for the Alachua County Master Gardener Volunteer Program. There will be a wide selection of various plants, herbs, annuals, perennials, etc. available at very affordable prices. At the Ag Fest come and learn about information on growing fruit, bees, raised bed gardening and much more! Visit http://fycs.ifas.ufl.edu/ The ServSafe® Curriculum meets the Florida extension/hnfs/FoodSafety/ requirement for certification for food service managers. for registration and cost or call toll free 1-888-232-8723 and leave message for return call. An Equal Opportunity Institution. Extension Service, University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Nick T. Place, Dean. Single copies of Extension publications (excluding 4-H and youth publications) are available free to Florida residents from county Extension offices.