April - Altamira #1 HOA
April - Altamira #1 HOA
April 2015 THE ALTAMIRAN WWW.ALTAMIRAONEHOA.COM The Official Publication of Altamira Management Association #1, a non-profit corporation. All articles pertaining to rules, regulations, bylaws or CC&Rs are available for download from the web site, and should be regarded as official notices from the Association. President’s Message, Ted Staplin We had our open house on April 11th. The turnout of members was small but enthusiastic. Several people signed up for different committees. Committee sign ups are an ongoing activity without a deadline for sign up. The deadline for board member applications to be received is May 1. I encourage all that have an interest in being actively involved in the decision making of the community to apply. As I mentioned last month the Landscape Committee has created a comprehensive document on rules for the front yards of our units. The board began to review this document in the open meeting on Feb. 18th and approved the rules in the March 18th open board meeting contingent on legal counsel review and continued membership review. At this time the process is continuing. Stay tuned, we will keep the membership informed and hopefully involved as this situation evolves. As I mentioned earlier, please consider applying for the board and or a committee. I look forward to seeing you at the annual meeting scheduled for June 27 th. Candidacy Statement Deadline May 1st / Annual Meeting Saturday, June 27, 2015 If you have any interest in volunteering to serve on the Board please complete a candidacy form and return it by May 1, 2015 so your name can be included on the 2015 election ballot. There are three Board seats to fill and you must be an owner on record and in good standing with the HOA to serve on the Board. Financial Report The Altamira 1 budget package for the fiscal year starting July 1, 2015, will be mailed out to all homeowners on May 1. The new budget will result in monthly HOA dues rising from $200 up to $205, effective July 1, 2015. The $5.00 increase consists of a $1.22 increase in each homeowner’s contribution to the operating budget (less than the rate of inflation), and a $3.78 increase in each homeowner’s contribution to the Reserve Fund. The overall $5.00 in monthly dues (2.5%) is in line with the current rate of inflation. Please review your copy of the mailed budget packet that is forthcoming after May 1st for full details. Next HOA Board Meeting Wed – May 20, 2015 North Park Clubhouse At 6:00 PM Board Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month and all homeowners are welcome and encouraged to attend! Members may address the Board during Open Forum prior to Call To Order of Regular Session. We do ask that members please limit comments to 3 minutes during the Open Forum. If you have concerns you may submit them in writing to the attention of the Board and send directly to jill@lindsaymgt.com so she may include member communications in the Board packet for review, discussion and any Board action that may be required. LIST OF OFFICERS: PRESIDENT TED STAPLIN VICE PRESIDENT MIKE ANDERSON Landscape The drought and the cost of water have become significant issues relative to our landscape assets. In the near future, the regional Water Authority will be issuing new guidelines & regulations regarding the use of water for irrigation and other outside uses. We can anticipate further limitations on the use of water. The Landscape Sub-Committee on xeriscape will be meeting on May 9th at 10:00 a.m. at the North Park Clubhouse to review various proposed concept plans for turf-to-xeriscape conversion locations. Members are invited to attend to preview the various proposed concept plans. Sub-Committee members may be discussing the Plans’ benefits and drawbacks. The Board will review the various concept Plans at its regular Board meeting, scheduled for May 20th at 6:00 p.m., at the North Park Clubhouse. Members can comment on the various Plans to the Board at the May Board meeting. Select turf-to-xeriscape concept Plans will be displayed at the Annual Meeting, scheduled for Saturday, June 27, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at the North Park Clubhouse. SECRETARY DAVID HENEBRY TREASURER ERIC KILSTROM MEMBER AT LARGE DANA JOHNSON CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE AT: HTTP://WWW.ALTAMIRAONEHOA. COM Maintenance The Board is researching the best replacement sauna equipment to install at the South Clubhouse. We appreciate everyone’s patience as the Association replaces the original and archaic 40 year old sauna equipment. Pools & Spas With the warm summer months upon us, use of the pools & spas has increased dramatically. Please be safe as you enjoy our wonderful aquatics facilities. Non swimmers must be watched and kept within arms reach of a responsible adult charged with the responsibility of watching that child. Do not rely on water wings, or any other similar floatation device. These provide a false sense of security, and can slip off at any time, quickly leading to a potential drowning situation. Drowning is called “the silent killer”, because a child can silently slip underwater and drown, even in a crowded pool situation. In the event of an emergency, please utilize the information contained on signs mounted inside the pool area, providing address location necessary for 911 responders to know where to go. Address signs for each pool are posted at street side on Parque and Prado, in order to insure that emergency responders promptly find the pool with no delay. All non-emergency maintenance items should be called in to Lindsay Management. One important example is a pool gate that does not self close and latch. In order to prevent accidental drowning due to a small child wandering in through an unlatched pool gate, it is very important that the gates close and lock every time. Roofing Are you thinking of fumigating your home for pests by tenting your structure? If you have a red clay tile roof, assuredly, many of the tiles will be broken in the process. As Owner, you and your contractor are in control of the fumigation process and therefore responsible to repair any resulting roofing material damages. The HOA accumulates Reserve funds from your monthly dues to replace roofing materials at the end of their serviceable life. Clay Tiles have an anticipated service life of 30 – 40 years. Damages to roofing materials resulting from activities by the Owner, such as tent fumigation, are not factored into the contributions made to the Reserves Fund. ALTAMIRA #1 HOA ANNUAL COMMITTEE VOLUNTEER FORMS WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE THAT MEMBERS WILL RECEIVE IN MAY. PLEASE CONSIDER SIGNING UP FOR ONE OF THESE COMMUNITY COMMITTEES: AD HOC – CALTRANS WALL ARCHITECTURAL CLUBHOUSE MONITOR COMPLIANCE FINANCE LANDSCAPE & TREE MAINTENANCE NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH NEWSLETTER PAINT/STUCCO POOL MONITOR ROOF RV STORAGE LOT SOCIAL WEBSITE/TECHNOLOGY M ANAGEMENT CONTACT LINDSAY M ANAGEMENT SERVICES / LMS 6126 INNOVATION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009 PHONE: 760-436-1144 FAX: 760-436-2566 OFFICE HOURS MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM Owners of all roofing types that are considering tent fumigation should also consider the costs of the collateral roofing damages and inspections they will incur. Owners are advised to discuss these additional costs with their contractor before finalizing their contract. Owners should also talk to Jill at Lindsay Management (760-436-1144) to coordinate an inspection of their roof, before the tenting process and after, in order to approve the repairs made to the roofing materials. COMMUNITY ASSOC MANAGER: Rules & Regulations ESCROW / INSURANCE DOCS MARINA DAVIS The Altamira #1 HOA CC&R’s and Rules & Regulations were created to provide a safe and enjoyable Community environment for all Altamira residents to enjoy. Please make sure you are familiar with these documents. They are available on the Altamira website for download. Community violations should be reported to Jill Schilling at Lindsay Management at jill@lindsaymgt.com . Social Community Supper and Game Night The Social Committee will be hosting a potluck supper to be followed by games on Friday, May 22nd at 6:00 PM in the North Park Clubhouse. Memorial Day is soon to follow so we will have a patriotic theme. People of all ages are invited to attend and are asked to contribute to the meal as well as provide their own beverages. For those interested in playing games after supper, we are well supplied with playing cards, poker chips and dominoes. All are welcome to bring any games of their choice. Please RSVP to Judy Holaday by Monday, May 18 th at 760-683-5721 or jholaday@hotmail.com. We hope to see you there! JILL SCHILLING, CMCA JILL@LINDSAYMGT.COM ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT DANIELA BEAUDIN ACCOUNTING / PAYMENTS SYDNEY MASON For afterhours common area maintenance emergencies please call 760-436-1144 and a management representative will be paged promptly. RANCHO SANTA FE SECURITY 1-800-303-8877 RSFS patrols the Community nightly, seven days a week. They respond to calls reporting a disturbance, vandalism or anything suspicious in the Community or at the pools 24/7. POLICE EMERGENCIES CALL 9-1-1!