The Beam - Angier Baptist Church
The Beam - Angier Baptist Church
ANGIER BAPTIST CHURCH Non-Profit Organization U. S. Postage Angier, N. C. 27501 Permit # 5 The Beam ANGIER BAPTIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER April 12-25, 2015 Download our new Mobile App: April 12-25, 2015 Volume 50 Number 7 Return Service Requested Angier Baptist Church P. O. Box 130 Angier, North Carolina 27501 Phone: 919-639-6114 Fax: 919-639-7009 Email: Day Care Email: Website: Follow us on Facebook & Twitter Grover K. Blackburn, Jr., Senior Pastor Allison Collier, Associate Pastor/Youth Minister Lynne Wilkerson, Administrative Assistant Tom Cochrane, Custodian/Grounds Keeper Susan Surles & Kim East, Children’s Ministers Nancy Oakes, Organist Chris Hockaday, “Overcomers” Director Barbara Hudson, Music Minister Sonnie Matthews, Financial Officer Glenda Johnson, Office Assistant Christy Wilson, Pianist Kitty Stanfield, Daycare Director Kristy Tew, Assistant Daycare Director ANGIER BAPTIST’S MISSION STATEMENT : “To lead religious and non-religious people to become fully devoted followers of Christ through teaching, worship and service.” April 12, 2015 11:00 AM VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: JULY 26-30, 2015. The them is “Journey Off /The Map.” Many volunteers are needed for VBS. Please consider helping with this wonderful ministry. Volunteer sign-up sheet is located on the office door. WORSHIP ASSISTANTS / ACTIVITIES SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 2015 APRIL 12, 2015 9:45 am: Sunday School Lock-up Deacon: 11:00 am: Morning Worship/ Keith Blalock (639-4958) Communion Deacons on call: 5:30 pm: Adult Handbell Choir; Chris Hendges (639-0742) Deacons Meeting Chris Hockaday (723-6604) 5:45 pm: Bible Drills Sunday School Hosts: 6:00 pm: Time of Prayer; Youth Butch Jones, Robert & Libby 6:15 pm: KFC Smith, Donald & Patricia 7:00 pm: Men’s Bible Study Young, Sammy & Lee McLean TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2015 Oak Hill Ministry: 6:30 pm: Special Prayer Time at Carol Langdon, Delores Brookie Cotton’s Home Stephenson & Sharon Waicus 7:00 pm: Wiley Currin Group Ushers: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2015 Nicholas Dupree, Roger 6:00 pm: Time of Prayer 6:00 pm: Family Fellowship Meal Dupree, Huey Johnson & 7:00 pm: Business Meeting; Youth Glenda McLeod Bible Study; RAs, GAs & Screen Operator MFs Linda Young 8:00 pm: Chancel Choir Sound: Wednesday Night Nursery Tyler Bullock Stephanie Fox Camera Operator Wednesday Night Meal Host Mitchell Blalock Joe Currin SS Class Nursery Workers: THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 2015 Roger & Jane Dupree 2:00 pm: Stage Coach Birthday Children’s Church: 4 yrs to 2nd Party Grade 7:30 pm: “Overcomer’s Class” Glenda Honeycutt FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2015 Youth Sunday School Teachers 11:00-2:00 pm: BBQ Lunch 4:00-7:00 pm: BBQ Dinner Ben & Janice Pleasant Busy Bags: Julia Owen & Marie Barnes APRIL 19, 2015 Lock-up Deacon: Keith Blalock (639-4958) Deacons on call: Del Stewart (639-5982) Wayne Oakes (557-6112) Sunday School Hosts: Butch Jones, Robert & Libby Smith, Donald & Patricia Young, Sammy & Lee McLean Oak Hill Ministry: Gayle Adams & Rita Gregory Ushers: Dick Cruickshank, Willis Gregory, Max Henries & Sammy McLean Screen Operator: Gerald Tripp Sound: Eddie Wimberly Camera Operator Coleman Harrelson Nursery Workers: Kitty Stanfield Children’s Church: 4 yrs to 2nd Grade Julie Raynor Youth Sunday School Teachers Kathy Wallat Busy Bags: Julia Owen & Marie Barnes SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2015 9:45 am: Sunday School 11:00 am: Morning Worship 3:00-5:00 pm: Dwight Stephenson Birthday Celebration 5:30 pm: Adult Handbell Choir 5:45 pm: Bible Drills 6:00 pm: Time of Prayer; Youth 6:15 pm: KFC 7:00 pm: Men’s Bible Study TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 2015 11:30 am: Golden Gems Luncheon 6:30 pm: Special Prayer Time at Brookie Cotton’s Home WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2015 6:00 pm: Time of Prayer 6:00 pm: Family Fellowship Meal 7:00 pm: Adult Bible Study, Mountaintop Moments, Youth Bible Study; RAs, GAs, MFs 8:00 pm: Chancel Choir Wednesday Night Nursery Kathy Wallat Wednesday Night Meal Host Loyalty SS Class THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 2015 7:30 pm: “Overcomer’s Class” SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 2015 8:30 am: Operation InAsMuch . OPERATION INASMUCH April 25, 2015 Meet at the Gazebo in Centennial Square, downtown Angier, at 8:30 am. At 9:00 everyone will be dispersed to do their planned missions. Upcoming Wednesday Night Bible Study Topics The Children’s Department had their Easter Egg Hunt March 29th on the grounds around the church. Afterwards they had a party and was visited by the “Easter Rabbit.” April 15: Business Meeting April 22: Mountaintop Moments Mark 9:2-8 April 29: Healthy Regret Psalm 25: 1-10 Mission Vitamin Drive We need your help collecting bottles of children’s vitamins to take to Guatemala this summer. Our goal is 500 bottles of chewable or gummy children’s vitamins. We are partnering with Angier Discount Drug who has offered to purchase vitamins in bulk for $2.50 for 100 count supply. Some money needed has been donated. We only need $535.00 to complete this mission. Please turn in cash in envelope labeled “Vitamins” to the church office. We would like to thank Angier Discount Drug for donating 100 bottles so we only need to collect 400 more. Other items that would be helpful to take are: travel size soaps, toothbrushes & paste, hydrocortisone type creams, Tylenol and Ibuprofen. Another way to help! If you want to help support those going to Guatemala one way is through purchasing Rada Cutlery. A brochure of items available is in the office along with order forms. You may also order on line at (the Internet ordering number is 505465 and the password is Guatemala). Feel free to share this information with family, friends, neighbors, etc as all proceeds go to help offset the cost of the trip for our church members. TIME OF PRAYER ANGIER BAPTIST CHURCH HAS A PRAYER ROOM THAT YOU CAN VISIT DURING CHURCH OFFICE HOURS (MON-THUR 9:30 am4:00 pm; FRIDAY 10:00 am1:00 pm) TIME OF PRAYER. The Prayer Team meets Sundays and Wednesdays at 6 pm in the Prayer Room. Please join them for this special time to pray for our church family and community. Prayer Requests: In the sanctuary, you will find prayer request forms in the back of the pew in front of you. If you have a prayer request, drop it in the silver vase beside the piano before or after the worship service. Or, you may drop it in the offering plate during the worship service. Your prayer request will be taken by someone in our church and prayers will be lifted up during the week by this prayer partner. If you want to be a prayer partner there are several opportunities for you. Contact the office to be given a name, or come to the Time of Prayer and Special Prayer Meetings. The Special Prayer Group will meet April 14 and April 21 at 6:30 pm at the home of Brookie Cotton. Church Wide Fishing Day April 26, 2015 At the Wimberlys at 3:00 pm. Bring your fishing supplies. Hot dogs and the trimmings will be provided. GOLDEN GEMS NEWS Happy Golden Gems Birthday to: Thurleen Stancil and Dwight Stephenson, April 12; Ann Moore, April 17; Martha Stanley, April 18; Gayle Adams, April 21; Betty Jane Jordan, April 23 and Mattie Agnes Price, April 24!! April 16 @ 2:00 pm: Stage Coach Birthday Party. Those who have residents with birthdays are Brookie Cotton, Gale Peed, Janice Johnson and Ruby Neal. April 21 @ 11:30 am: Luncheon. Chicken pastry and trimmings. Dianne Godfrey will have our devotion. Our entertainment will be Janice Johnson, Ann Moore, Maxine Lentz and Jean McLean. May 19 @ 11:30 am: Luncheon. Fried Chicken and trimmings. Delores Stephenson will have the devotion. Entertainment will be Julia Owen, Mattie Agnes Price and Reecie Partin. May 21 @ 2:00 pm: Stage Coach Birthday Party. Marsha Crapo has a resident with a birthday. BAPTIST WOMEN NEWS Don’t forget, our cookbook, “Sharing our Blessings” is still available. They make great gifts ($20). Next Circle Meetings Morning Glory Group: The next meeting is May 5 at 8:45 am at the Red Barn. Wiley Currin Group: The next meeting will be April 14 at 7:00 pm at the multi-purpose building. Golden Threadsss Group: The next meeting will be May 14 at 8:30 am in the multi-purpose building. The Adult Handbell Choir will practice April 12 & April 19 at 5:30 pm. RAs, GAs and Mission Friends meet Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm. Chancel Choir practice is Wednesday nights at 8:00 pm. Bible Drills meet Sunday nights at 5:45 pm. KFC meet Sunday nights at 6:15 pm. CareNet Counseling is a non-profit interdenominational pastoral counseling ministry and has office in Erwin and Fuquay-Varina. The RAILTRAIL RUN/WALK 5 K is Sunday, April 26, in downtown Erwin. Check out the church bulletin board for more information. Register online at We will be collecting for the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions. Every penny given to Annie Armstrong goes directly to support the ministries of our missionaries proclaiming the gospel in the US, Canada and US Territories. Please put your donation in a envelope and write “Easter Offering” on the outside. Please support our missionaries who do our walking and talking for us! THE RECORD WE WROTE-2015 $ 8,960.04…………….Weekly Budget Requirement $ 125,440.56…....Requirement to date (14 Sundays) $ 123,012.37..….…….Amount Received Year-to-date $ 2,428.19..................Amount Under Requirement 98.1%..........................Percent of Year-To-Date Budget $ 101,435.18….….…..….…..……....……..*Giving Profile 149….……………………………………….School Attendance 295………...…....……..........Sunday Worship Attendance *Giving Profile is an average of the past five years of giving. New Roof Goal: $140,000 Contributions to date: $107,980.13 The Drop Zone “Where you can turn your trash into treasures for Jesus Christ” Please bring in your old, current and expired (up to 6 months) coupons and drop them off in the plastic tub at the back door near the office. They will then be donated to MMIA-Military Mission in Action in Fuquay-Varina and they will send them to military bases where they can use them up to 6 months expired. It is a small way we can help and encourage those serving our country and defending our freedom. MARK YOUR CALENDARS May 13: High School & College Grads Deadline to turn in information and pictures to the office. Graduation Day is June 7. May 16: Kids Community and Christ (KCC DAY)-Local churches in the community come together at the Angier Depot in a fun-filled day for the community. More information to follow. May 30: Church-wide/Outreach/Family Event: Durham Bulls game $15 per ticket which includes ticket to game and $5 Bull Bucks to spend. Fireworks after the game. There are 50 tickets available. Dear Church Members, Your prayers, cards and deeds were very much appreciated during and after my surgery. Dwight Tripp PRAYER CONCERNS DEACONS OF THE WEEK Many names have been moved to the LONG TERM PRAYER LISTING. Please pick up a Long Term Prayer Listing in the basket in the front vestibule and in the front of the sanctuary in the prayer urn. We would appreciate your help in keeping us updated regarding the status of individuals on our prayer lists. Week of April 12: ds Chris Hendges 919.639.0742 Chris Hockaday 919.723.6604 Del Stewart 919.639.5982 Wayne Oakes 919.552.6112 Week of April 19: The Youth will begin having a meal on Sunday nights at 5:30 pm to be followed by Youth time. Families will rotate preparing the meals. Calendar of Events: April 17: Youth BBQ Chicken Funraiser. Proceeds to toward the Harnett County and Guatemala Mission Trips. April 25: Operation InAsMuch May 16: Kids, Community & Christ (KCC) May 30: Durham Bulls Game -$15 per ticket which includes ticket to game and $5 Bull Bucks to spend. Fireworks after the game. There are 50 tickets available. June 7: Graduation Sunday. Get pictures to Allison by May 13 for the video. June 13-20: Harnett County Mission Trip. Staying at Harnett Central High School; working in Harnett County. Total cost is $150. Deposit of $50 is due now! Spaces available. Adults needed to help chaperone. July 19-25: Guatemala Summer Mission Trip Christian Sympathy is extended to the family and friends of Patricia Johnson upon her death. HOSPITALS: Duke: Michelle Godwin (friend of Jenny Harrop-brain aneurism & cranial bleed), Elwood Newton (Linda Young’s brother) HOME: Rebecca Adams (Kitty Stanfield’s cousin-tests), John Boyd (Jim Boyd’s brother-recovering from 6-bypass and toe amputation surgeries.), Dave Clarke (bladder cancer), Janell Currin, Pat Demmel (Lolita Tripp’s motherdementia), Becky Flowers (Harold & Jean Flowers’ daughter-in-law-breast cancer), Dianne Godfrey, Mary Chris Griffin (knee replacement April 16), John Holmes (Brenda L. Blalock’s friend-brain cancer), Harry Jackson (Jenny Harrop’s brother-in-law), Joyce Johnson (fell-had elbow surgery), Butch Jones (eye surgery April 9), Paris King (Julia Owen’s friendcancer), David Merritt (Dianne Godfrey’s brother-in-law), Ricky Messer, Yvonne Naylor (Teresa Fish’s mother-heart issues), Harry Reavis (Karen Mertz’s step-father), Frances Ashworth Senter, Angus Sibley (broken collar bone–surgery), Harold Smith, Martha Carol Stephenson, Tammy Vann (Katie Vann’s mother-ABCD-cancer), Joy Williams (hip replacement), Ruby Womack (Sandra Gilliam’s niece’s mother-in-law-breast cancer-radiation therapy), Emma Wood, Clara Young REST HOMES/REHABS: Accel at Willow Bend in TX: Pauline Duval (Kathy Wallat’s mother) Corner Stone Nursing & Rehab (Dunn): Larry and Anne Stanley Emerald Rehab: Frankie Howard Genesis Nursing Home (Pembroke): Jimmy Freeman (Kelli’s father) Green Leaf Care: Myrtle Ray (Buddy Smith’s sister) Longleaf Facility (4761 Ward Blvd, Wilson, NC 2789): Marye Hall NC Veteran’s Nursing Home: Clifford Pate (2150 Hull Rd. Room C112, Kinston, NC 28504-25052) Oak Hill Assisted Living Center: Emily Adams, Grace Blalock, Kathleen Dupree (Anfesa Matthews’ Mother), Doris McLeod, Katie Walters (Ron Gibson’s mother), Eira Watkins Pruitt Health (919-755-5669): Janie Jackson (heart issue) Wake Med Rehab: Kaylan King Windsor Point: Rachel Adams ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPECIAL PRAYER REQUESTS Melanie Edwards ( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MILITARY: Matthew Bragg-Hawaii - (Wanda & Ron Gibson’s nephew-Marines) SPC Chris Stephens - Ft. Campbell, KY (Dewey & Vicki Stephens’ son) Michael Wood - Ft. Stewart, GA (Tammy Lewis’ nephew) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MISSIONARIES: Jeff & Kim Abernethy (UNC-Charlotte), Dan Deaton (LRBA Director of Missions), Cindy & Todd Hayes (, Edna Roos (Johannesburg-Staph infection), Gene & Barbara Warrick (church planters), NW Missions – Goldsboro, NC Dear Church Family, Thank you for ministering to our family during the loss of our dear Daddy. The food, cards, visits and prayers were an outpouring of your love which encouraged us to be strong, have courage, and to have peace that surpassed all understanding. We sincerely appreciate the love you gave us. The Marvin Blalock family