The Beam - Angier Baptist Church


The Beam - Angier Baptist Church
Non-Profit Organization
U. S. Postage
Angier, N. C. 27501
Permit # 5
The Beam
April 26-May 9, 2015
Download our new Mobile App:
April 26-May 9, 2015
Phone: 919-639-6114
Fax: 919-639-7009
Day Care Email:
Follow us on Facebook & Twitter
Grover K. Blackburn, Jr., Senior Pastor
Allison Collier, Associate Pastor/Youth Minister
Lynne Wilkerson, Administrative Assistant
Tom Cochrane, Custodian/Grounds Keeper
Susan Surles & Kim East, Children’s Ministers
Nancy Oakes, Organist
Chris Hockaday, “Overcomers” Director
Barbara Hudson, Music Minister
Sonnie Matthews, Financial Officer
Glenda Johnson, Office Assistant
Christy Wilson, Pianist
Kitty Stanfield, Daycare Director
Kristy Tew, Assistant Daycare Director
“To lead religious and non-religious people to become fully devoted followers of Christ through teaching, worship and service.”
SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 2015
APRIL 26, 2015
9:45 am: Sunday School
Lock-up Deacon:
Apr: Keith Blalock (639-4958) 11:00 am: Morning Worship
3:00 pm: Church-Wide Fishing Day
May: Del Stewart (639-5982)
7:00 pm: Men’s Bible Study
Deacons on call:
Gordon Springle (639-2037)
6:30 pm: Special Prayer Time at
Don Ed Wimberly (612-7572)
Brookie Cotton’s Home
Sunday School Hosts:
Butch Jones, Robert & Libby
6:00 pm: Time of Prayer
Smith, Donald & Patricia
6:00 pm: Family Fellowship Meal
Young, Sammy & Lee McLean
7:00 pm: Adult Bible Study Healthy
Oak Hill Ministry:
Regret- Psalm 25:1-10;
Fran Hedgepeth, Max Henries
Youth Bible Study; RAs, GAs
& Julia Owen
& MFs
8:00 pm: Chancel Choir
Randall Johnson, Adam Raynor,
Wednesday Night Nursery
Hugh Surles & Donald Young
Jenny Harrop
Screen Operator
Wednesday Night Meal Host
Linda Young
Outreach SS Class
Randy Gilliam
7:30 pm: “Overcomer’s Class”
Camera Operator
Allison Collier
Nursery Workers:
Don & Jenny Harrop
Children’s Church: 4 yrs to 2nd
Patrick & Mitzi Springle
Youth Sunday School Teachers
Keith Bullock
Busy Bags:
Julia Owen & Marie Barnes
Number 8
Angier Baptist Church
P. O. Box 130
Angier, North Carolina 27501
Volume 50
Return Service Requested
MAY 3, 2015
Lock-up Deacon:
Del Stewart (639-5982)
Deacons on call:
Kim East (632-8348)
Barry Bailey (639-2764)
Sunday School Hosts:
Butch Jones, Robert & Libby
Smith, Donald & Patricia
Young, Sammy & Lee McLean
Oak Hill Ministry:
Kay Garner & Tammy Lewis
Barry Bailey, Travis Bailey,
Keith Bullock & Chris
Screen Operator:
Chris Hendges
Bobby Joe Weis & Corey
Camera Operator
Seth Springle
Nursery Workers:
Chad & Courtney Hatley
Children’s Church: 4 yrs to
2nd Grade
Pam Benson
Youth Sunday School Teachers
Jennifer Hendges
Busy Bags:
Julia Owen & Clara Young
SUNDAY, MAY 3, 2015
9:45 am: Sunday School
11:00 am: Morning Worship
5:30 pm: Deacons Meeting
5:45 pm: Bible Drills
6:00 pm: Time of Prayer; Youth
6:15 pm: KFC
7:00 pm: Men’s Bible Study
TUESDAY, MAY 5, 2015
8:45 am: Morning Glory Group
10:00 am: Prayer Shawl Knitting
6:30 pm: Special Prayer Time at
Brookie Cotton’s Home
6:00 pm: Time of Prayer
6:00 pm: Family Fellowship Meal
7:00 pm: Business Meeting,
Youth Bible Study; RAs,
GAs, MFs
8:00 pm: Chancel Choir
Wednesday Night Nursery
Allison Allen
Wednesday Night Meal Host
Serenity SS Class
7:00 pm: KCC Meeting
7:30 pm: “Overcomer’s Class”
A Message from Grover K. Blackburn, Jr.,
Angier Baptist Church Senior Pastor
The center for Healthy Churches recently released a short article outlining
the reasons for declining attendance in American churches. In alphabetical
order, the top 10 reasons are:
1. Athletic events: For those who travel to Saturday night games,
showing up on Sunday mornings is a stretch. Many professional athletic
events take place on Sundays and force a choice between attending church
or being at the game or tailgate event.
2. Commitment: There are multiple reasons, but at the heart of the matter
is a sense that what is offered on Sunday mornings is not meaningful or
valuable enough to make the effort to attend.
3. Exhaustion: Younger families say that they find themselves exhausted
by a 6-day workweek, over-engaged children, and a host of other stresses.
Several have mentioned that Sundays are now their only day to be together
as a family.
4. Holidays: The number of Sundays that are now part of holiday
weekends has risen dramatically. One church discovered that 26 Sundays
in the previous year were impacted by a holiday, school break, or vacation.
5. Illness: Senior adults say they are living with chronic illness that
inhibits their ability to attend weekly worship. In previous years, they
would not have survived such a serious illness. Now they find their ability
to get out and participate severely restricted.
6. Children: Athletic travel teams, academic conferences, chess
tournaments, cheering competitions, parties and trips have proliferated in
the last thirty years. Many families find themselves far from home on
Sunday mornings.
7. Parents: Median-age adults recounted that they miss Sundays because
they are caring for aging, ill parents (related to #5, above).
8. Travel: The ease of travel in our day is a huge shift from 50 years ago.
9. Vacations, timeshares, second homes: Many admitted they spend
multiple weekends a year on vacation or taking advantage of second homes
or timeshares.
10. Work: The official estimate is that 1 in 3 Americans regularly work
on Sundays.
Which one affects you? The purpose of pointing these out is not to induce
guilt, but to help us realize how valuable each Sunday is. Especially with
children and youth who have not fully formed their faith - how often do
they need to get a foundation for spiritual growth? Perhaps this topic is
one we need to discuss openly in our homes. GKB
There will be a Parent/Child Dedication
Mother’s Day, May 10, 2015. If you wish to
participate please contact the church office.
Thank you for the donations given for the
Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. To date
we have received $385. We will be
collecting donations until the end of April.
Please put your donation in a envelope and
write “Easter Offering” on the outside and
place in the offering plate or bring to the
church office.
BBQ Mission Fundraiser Victory!! Over
700 plates were sold last Friday!!
Everything was yummy! Because of your
generosity, we will be able to help many
people here in Harnett County and in
Thanks to Allison Collier for coordinating
this major undertaking.
And, a big “Thank You” to all the
volunteers that prepared and cooked the
chickens, picked up the food sides, the
donations of cakes and bread, helped with
serving and making deliveries. You are
very much appreciated.
HOURS (MON-THUR 9:30 am4:00 pm; FRIDAY 10:00 am1:00 pm)
TIME OF PRAYER. The Prayer Team meets Sundays and Wednesdays
at 6 pm in the Prayer Room. Please join them for this special time to pray
for our church family and community.
Prayer Requests:
In the sanctuary, you will find prayer request forms in the back of
the pew in front of you. If you have a prayer request, drop it in
the basket beside the piano before or after the worship service.
Or, you may drop it in the offering plate during the worship
service. Your prayer request will be taken by someone in our church and
prayers will be lifted up during the week by this prayer partner. If you want to
be a prayer partner there are several opportunities for you. Contact the office
to be given a name, or come to the Time of Prayer and Special Prayer
The Special Prayer Group will meet April 28th and May 5th at
6:30 pm at the home of Brookie Cotton.
The Adult Handbell Choir will resume
practice in the fall.
Chancel Choir practice is Wednesday
nights at 8:00 pm.
RAs, GAs and Mission Friends meet Wednesday nights
at 7:00 pm.
Bible Drills meet Sunday nights at 5:45 pm; and KFC
meets Sunday nights at 6:15 pm. They will not meet
April 26 due to the Family Fishing Day.
The Drop Zone
“Where you can turn your trash into
treasures for Jesus Christ”
Please bring in your current and expired (up to 6 months) coupons and drop
them off in the plastic tub at the back door near the office. They will then be
donated to MMIA-Military Mission in Action in Fuquay-Varina and they
will send them to military bases where they can use them up to 6 months
expired. It is a small way we can help and encourage those serving our
country and defending our freedom.
Upcoming Wednesday Night Bible Study Topics
April 29: Healthy Regret Psalm 25: 1-10
8,960.04…………….Weekly Budget Requirement
$ 143,360.64…....Requirement to date (16 Sundays)
$ 139,401.87..….….Amount Received Year-to-date
3,958.77..................Amount Under Requirement
97.3%..........................Percent of Year-To-Date Budget
$ 115,925.92….….…..….…..……....……..*Giving Profile
147….……………………………………….School Attendance
190………...…....……..........Sunday Worship Attendance
*Giving Profile is an average of the past five years of
New Roof
Goal: $140,000
to date:
Happy Golden Gems Birthday to:
Marsha Crapo, May 2; Jean Flowers,
May 5; Wincy Stephens, May 7 and Jean
McLean, May 9!!
May 14: Little River Baptist Association Fun Day at Trinity
Baptist Church. Storyteller will be Albert Long and
entertainment by Social Security Boys. Lunch will follow at no
charge. Sign-up sheet is in the back vestibule. Deadline to sign
up is May 1.
May 17 Golden Gems Sunday: Dr. John Roberson, Campbell
University, will be the speaker. Mark your calendars!!
May 19 @ 11:30 am: Luncheon. Fried Chicken and trimmings.
Delores Stephenson will have the devotion. Entertainment will be
Julia Owen, Mattie Agnes Price and Reecie Partin.
May 21 @ 2:00 pm: Stage Coach Birthday Party. Marsha Crapo
has a resident with a birthday.
Don’t forget, our cookbook, “Sharing our
Blessings” is still available. They make great gifts
Next Circle Meetings
Morning Glory Group: The next meeting is May 5 at 8:45 am at
the Red Barn.
Wiley Currin Group: The next meeting will be May 12 at 7:00 pm
at the multi-purpose building.
Golden Threadsss Group: The next meeting will be May 14 at 8:30
am in the multi-purpose building.
Angier Baptist Church Members,
Greetings to our extended family at Angier Baptist!
This is just a short note to let you know that we are
thinking of you guys and to express our deepest
gratitude for your prayerful support of our ministry
here in Brattleboro, Vermont! We are doing well here,
as we have survived the majority of the winter season!
We greatly anticipate the new life that comes with
spring, and pray that Jesus will bring many to life
during this Easter Season! Again thank you for your
In Christ,
Corey & Ashlee
(Ashlee is the niece of Gordon & Donna Springle.)
Dear Angier Baptist Church Prayer Ministry,
Thank you so much for the prayer shawl that was
given to my husband, Ricky, by your church members,
Jennifer and Taylor Hendges. We do believe in the
power of prayer and know that this shawl will bring
peace, healing and comfort. This beautiful handstitched shawl will travel with Ricky next week as he
has foot surgery. Thank you again for your
thoughtfulness and prayers.
Ashley Messer
Week of April 26
Many names have been moved to the LONG TERM PRAYER
LISTING. Please pick up a Long Term Prayer Listing in the basket in
the front vestibule and in the front of the sanctuary in the basket. We
would appreciate your help in keeping us updated regarding the status of
individuals on our prayer lists.
Gordon Springle
Don Ed Wimberly
919. 612.7572
Week of May 3
Kim East
Barry Bailey
The Youth will begin having a meal on Sunday nights at 5:30 pm to be
followed by Youth time. Families will rotate preparing the meals.
Youth has Bible Study each Wednesday Night at 7:00 pm.
Calendar of Events:
April 25: Operation InAsMuch
May 16: Kids, Community & Christ (KCC)
May 30: Durham Bulls Game -$15 per ticket which includes ticket to game
and $5 Bull Bucks to spend. Fireworks after the game. There are
50 tickets available.
June 7: Graduation Sunday. Get pictures to Allison by May 13 for the
June 13-20: Harnett County Mission Trip. Staying at Harnett Central
High School; working in Harnett County. Total cost is $150.
Deposit of $50 is due now! Spaces available. Adults needed to
help chaperone.
July 18-25: Guatemala Summer Mission Trip
Dear Church Family,
We are grateful to you for the comfort and love you gave
us through your prayers, visits, cards, and calls done on
our behalf. We also are very grateful for the donations
made to the Angier Baptist Church Building Fund as
memorials to our dear mom, Betty Stephenson Denning.
Many thanks to everyone,
Wesley M. Denning
Gary W. Denning
Amanda D. Marshall
Dear Church Family,
Thank you so much for the prayers, cards, meals, and kind
words following my recent accident and surgery. I am
continuing to improve daily and I give God the glory for
my healing and recovery. What a blessing to feel the
prayers of all of you while we were in Chattanooga dealing
with this situation. Thank you again for everything! God
has blessed us with such a wonderful church family and we
love you all!!
Thanks again,
Joyce Johnson
Christian Sympathy is extended to the families and
friends of Yvonne Naylor, David Merritt, Thomas Allen
(Glenda Johnson & Nancy Tripp’s sister-in-law’s brother),
and Wanda Steavons (Linda Walter’s Mother) upon their
HOSPITALS: Wake Med: Molly White (ABC Daycare employee)
Janell Currin, Pat Demmel (Lolita Tripp’s mother-dementia), Michelle
Godwin (friend of Jenny Harrop-brain aneurism & cranial bleeding), Frances
Harper (Butch’s aunt-cancer), John Holmes (Brenda L. Blalock’s friend-brain
cancer), Charlene Jackson (Kitty Stanfield’s sister-in-law-needs reconstructive back
surgery), Harry Jackson (Jenny Harrop’s brother-in-law), Janie Jackson (at
son’s home), Paris King (Julia Owen’s friend-cancer), Robert Lambert (Father
of ABC Daycare children-brain tumor), Ricky Messer (Tyson Messer’s Dad-lung
cancer), Eugene Montague (breathing issues), Reecie Partin (to have sciatic
nerve surgery 5-6), Harry Reavis (Karen Mertz’s step-father-heart operation 4-23),
Angus Sibley (broken collar bone–surgery), Frances Ashworth Senter,
Rudean Senter (tests-4-23), Martha Carol Stephenson, Janet Tutor
( Kidney cancer surgery), Tammy Vann (Katie Vann’s mother-ABC Daycarecancer), Joy Williams (hip replacement), Ruby Womack (Sandra Gilliam’s
niece’s mother-in-law-breast cancer-radiation therapy), Emma Wood, Clara
Accel at Willow Bend in TX: Pauline Duval (Kathy Wallat’s mother)
Corner Stone Nursing & Rehab (Dunn): Larry and Anne Stanley
Emerald Rehab: Frankie Howard
Genesis Nursing Home (Pembroke): Jimmy Freeman (Kelli’s father)
Green Leaf Care: Myrtle Ray (Buddy Smith’s sister)
Longleaf Facility (4761 Ward Blvd, Wilson, NC 2789): Marye Hall
NC Veteran’s Nursing Home: Clifford Pate (2150 Hull Rd. Room C112, Kinston, NC 28504-25052)
Oak Hill Assisted Living Center: Emily Adams, Grace Blalock,
Kathleen Dupree (Anfesa Matthews’ Mother), Doris McLeod, Katie
Walters (Ron Gibson’s mother), Eira Watkins
Rex Rehab (Apex): Mary Chris Griffin (knee replacement)
Universal Health (Lillington): Elwood Newton (Linda Young’s brother)
Wake Med Rehab: Kaylan King
Windsor Point: Rachel Adams
Matthew Bragg-Hawaii - (Wanda & Ron Gibson’s nephew-Marines)
SPC Chris Stephens - Ft. Campbell, KY (Dewey & Vicki Stephens’ son)
Michael Wood - Ft. Stewart, GA (Tammy Lewis’ nephew)
MISSIONARIES: Jeff & Kim Abernethy (UNC-Charlotte), Dan Deaton
(LRBA Director of Missions), Cindy & Todd Hayes (,
Edna Roos (Johannesburg-Staph infection), Gene & Barbara Warrick (church
planters), NW Missions – Goldsboro, NC
Dear Church Family,
Thank you for the loving support given to us during
Clinton’s illness and the passing of our dear loved one.
We sincerely appreciate all the cards, visits, prayers, and
words of encouragement during all of this time.
Please continue to pray for us as we adjust to this
great loss.
Bettie Adams & family