The Day We Left Hitler Behind:


The Day We Left Hitler Behind:
The Anne Frank Center USA is proud to present
The Day We Left
Hitler Behind:
Image © copyright Warner Bros.
The Story and Legacy of
the Kindertransport
Talk and Film Screening, part of AFC’s Human Rights film series
The event will take place at
The Anne Frank Center USA
$5 students &
seniors (65 and over)
All commemorative events in 2015
are free for Holocaust survivors
Space limited. Reservations
(212) 431-7993 or email
To RSVP and purchase tickets:
About The Anne Frank
Center USA
The Anne Frank Center USA,
a partner of the Anne Frank
House, uses the diary and
spirit of Anne Frank as unique
tools to advance her legacy,
to educate young people
and communities in North
America about the dangers
of intolerance, antisemitism,
racism and discrimination, and
to inspire the next generation
to build a world based on equal
rights and mutual respect.
Part of the Helpers, Heroes, and Liberators season commemorating
the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 6:30-8:30 pm
Join us for a special screening of the 2000 Academy Award-winning documentary
Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport. This important film tells the
remarkable story of how over 10,000 Jewish children from Nazi Germany, Austria,
and Czechoslovakia were rescued from almost certain death by being transported to
England. Housed in foster homes and hostels, these children, or kinder, hoped to see
their parents again after the war, although, sadly, the majority would not. Narrated
by Judi Dench, and made in cooperation with the United States Holocaust Memorial
Museum, the film uses rare footage, photographs, and, most importantly, the words
of the child survivors, rescuers, parents, and foster parents in order to tell this most
moving and courageous of stories.
The film will be introduced by Tom Wysmuller, AFC Advisory Board Member and the
grand-nephew of Geertruida Wijsmuller-meijer, Dutch war hero and resistance fighter.
Geertrudia, or “Auntie Truus,” as she was known, was instrumental in saving more than
10,000 Jewish children in the Kindertransport rescue mission.
The Anne Frank Center USA’s Human Rights film series explores the impact of intolerance
and discrimination on a wide range of groups in contemporary film.
44 Park Place
New York, NY 10007
For more information about our Helpers, Heroes, and Liberators season, please visit: