Harrisburg Senators Tour - apics


Harrisburg Senators Tour - apics
The Central Penn Chapter of APICS is hosting an operational tour for our members, families and
professional community
Minor League Baseball Game – Behind the Scenes
When: Friday, May 22, 2015
Where: Metro Bank Park (home of the Harrisburg Senators)
245 Championship Way
Metro Bank Park
Harrisburg, PA 17105
Cost: For tour of the ballpark, picnic, and ball game:
$28.00 for individuals 13 years of age and older
$18.00 for individuals 12 years of age and younger
For picnic and ball game:
$24.00 for individuals 13 years of age and older
$14.00 for individuals 12 years of age and younger
Agenda: 3:00 PM – 3:45/4:00 PM – tour of the ballpark and stadium
4:00 PM – 5:00 – social
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM – picnic style dinner
6:30 PM – ???? – ball game and fireworks
Picnic menu: hamburgers, hot dogs, BBQ chicken, baked beans, mac & cheese, potato salad, chips,
cookies, popcorn, soda and water; cash bar is available for those 21 years of age and older
The picnic area and seating are circled below in blue:
About the tour: Nate DeFazio, Director of Ticket Sales, has been with the Harrisburg Senators for five
seasons. He will give us a tour of Metro Bank Park and answer any questions that we may have
regarding the behind-the-scene operations of the ballpark.
Registration: either register on the chapter website at www.apics-cp.org or e-mail your registration to
registration@apics-cp.org; deadline for registration is Monday, 05/11/2015; for additional information,
please contact Dave Messner at davidw.messner@gmail.com or 717-991-8367