Govt. of West Bengal Office of the Executive Engineer Nadia Arsenic
Govt. of West Bengal Office of the Executive Engineer Nadia Arsenic
Govt. of West Bengal Office of the Executive Engineer Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II P. H. Engineering Directorate. 1, S.K. Basu road Krishnagar, Nadia Memo No. 24/AE II/NACD II Dt. 15/05/2015 Corrigendum-01 of NIT-03/AE II/NACD II The following changes have been made to the above mentioned notice and this corrigendum is also to be treated as part of tender document also. Sl No 1 Description In place of To be read as Eligibility of participants i.e Col- 10 of Annexure Bonafide agency having experience in operation & maintenance of Iron Elimination Plants under PHE Dte. Bonafide agency having experience in operation & maintenance work of iron elimination plants or distribution systems of PWSS under PHE dte. All other terms & condition of the tender remains same. Also visit for information also. Sd/Assistant Engineer II Nadia Arsenic Civil Division II PHE Dte. Memo No. 24/AE II/NACD II Dt. 15/05/2015 Copy to: 1. 2. 3. 4. The Executive Engineer,NACD II,PHE Dte Sr. DAO, NACD-II, PHE Dte The Cashier ,NACD II,PHE Dte Office Notice Board. Sd/Assistant Engineer II Nadia Arsenic Civil Division II PHE Dte.