Class V - Aravali


Class V - Aravali
Its Summer time, School Vacations have begun, Time for
children to play, and have fun in the sun.
Now the children Are out of school, There are trees to
climb, And swimming in the pool.
Time to spend with special friends Seems they are on
the go until the day’s end.
But when the summer vacation is finally through, it will
be time to hit the books and return to school again!
Dear students,
The much awaited summer vacations are back again. It is the time to stay
indoors, when it is too hot, but also time to enjoy with family, friends and
relatives. To keep you occupied during these vacations, some activities have been
complied, to develop creative thinking and general vocabulary. Instructions to be
followed to do the holiday homework:
Encourage your child to do the holiday homework on his/her own.
Avoid Junk foods. Eat nutritious food and stay healthy.
Class Teacher
Effective& courteous communication skills are important, as it gives the individual the required
Self - confidence. Parents must encourage their wards to speak in English at home also. For your support,
we are listing a few sentence forms that can be spoken for different functions/ at different occasions.
Ensure that your ward practices to speak these type of sentences meticulously and with expressions; daily
with you and/ or other family members, till they gain mastery. You may add on a few more from your side
For example
Greeting People
1. Expressing needs
2. Seeking permission
3. Using polite expressions
4. Asking questions
5. Asking Names
6. Responding to simple questions
7. Likes and dislikes
8. Complains
9. Taking leave
Good Morning!
Good Afternoon!
Good Evening!
Good Day!
Hello! How are you?
I need a sharpened pencil to write.
I want to pack my bag according to the time
I want to play with my toys.
May I come in?
May I use your pencil?
May I go home?
Please, give me an eraser.
Thank You, Ma’am
I am sorry for my mistake.
What is in the tiffin today?
Where will we go tomorrow?
Whose bottle is lying on the floor?
Children ask their classmates
 What is your name?
 What is your mother’s name?
 What is your father’s name?
My name is ________________________
My father’s name is ____________________
I have made this drawing.
Banana is my favourite fruit.
Do you like to play?
Yes I like to play.
He took my book.
My stomach is upset.
He ate my apple.
Bye, bye!
I look forward to see you again.
Wonderful meeting.
Good Night.
Nice meeting.
Look at each picture. With the help of hints, make 2-3 sentences for each & write in the space provided
below ( an example is done for your reference)
To express COURTESY………
Example: Aunty, please come in.
Hey kids! Have A Happy, Happening Break!
A holiday is supposed to be a break from studies, explanations and completing tasks. But are
holidays supposed to make us irresponsible kids?
‘No’, so we’re going to take up creation responsibilities and also enjoy our holidays with our
Visit any good book shop in your area and select books of your level and interest. Read them well.
Books are your best friends. List out the books you have read in your English and Hindi notebook.
Write one page of Hindi and one page of English every alternate day and when you’re back to school
after the holidays, your handwriting will be the envy of your classmates!
We would love to see your writing practice notebook when you come back don’t buy any new
notebook, save paper write on any paper which is a waste, click a picture of it from your mother’s
mobile and send it on home work
Go for walks with the family. You will realize you have two of God’s greatest gifts make a five day
collage of the pictures and mail it. NATURE AND YOUR FAMILY. Do not forget to thank God for these
Computer games are good. They sharpen your intellect, but what about the rest of your body?
You need to do some exercise, don’t you?
Go cycling, play badminton, cricket, kho-kho, hide ’n’ seek that will make you run. Don’t forget to
play early morning or late evening.
Revise all the work done in class, in all subjects, practice math everyday and learn tables till 20.
Visit the following website under the supervision and guidance of your parents and enjoy doing
these grammar exercises and playing grammar games with other members of your family.
Read the news paper from 30 May to 10 June and pick up two new words from
the newspaper daily. Find their meanings and make sentences using the words.
Choose any nine classmates of yours. Make a list of good qualities /abilities you
feel that they have. The tenth person on the list will be you, so list your abilities
- do the comprehension passage on page no. 31 and 32 of reader book.
-one day the sun does not set. How would you feel and what would you do?
Write a paragraph of about 150words and express your feelings.
Project time !!
Collect information about the Famous Poets mentioned below and write related
information about them on an A-4 size interleaf sheet
according to your Roll No. given below:
1. William Shakespeare
(Roll Nos. 1-8)
2. John Keats
(Roll Nos. 9-15)
3. Robert Frost
(Roll Nos. 16-22)
4. William Wordsworth
(Roll Nos. 23-30)
5. S. T. Coleridge
(Roll Nos. 31-37)
Sample sheet has been
given here
To make your project interesting find relevant data from Internet or library
based on the pointers given as life span, place of birth, bringing and brought up,
education, life, family, achievements , famous quotations etc.
Student can make their oun Housie or Loto tickets and fill them up with
about 12 or 15 numbers of their choice and write in French and use A4 size
sheet or any attractive sheet or cardboard (Use counting 0-20)
Write 0 – 20 counting in a chart paper attractively
II. Find two new words in English every day and translate in French.
III. Revise all work we have done in the class.
Q1. Collect three pictures each of items in the following price ranges. Make a
collage of the pictures collected for each price range.
a) Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 10,000 ( 4 to 5 digits)
b) Rs. 12,000 to Rs. 1,00,000 ( 5 to 6 digits)
c) Rs 1,10,000 to Rs. 1,00,00,000 (6 to 8 digits)
Q2. Make the following Roman numerals using colourful straws or printed match
sticks on a chart or a cardboard.
a) Year in which you were born.
b) Year in which your parents were born.
c) Year in which your brother/sister were born.
Q3. Carpet weaving is an age-old art form. Can you try and invent a totally new
design of your own?
All you need is one-fourth of a chart paper to put your ideas on! Use triangles,
squares, rectangles, circles and line segments to create your design. And yes, you
can even make use of any art form you know of – painting, embroidery or even
computer printing. Use your innovation and use materials like rag-pieces, strings,
coloured paper etc.
Q4. Kids!! Do you know India is a place where the concept of 0 (zero) was introduced.
Algebra, trigonometry and calculus also originated here only. A lot of inventions in the field
of mathematics were done in India. So let’s explore our Mathematicians more…….
Famous Mathematicians:
1. Aryabhatta (Roll No. 1 to 7)
2. Srinivasa (Roll No. 8 to 14)
3. Ramanujan (Roll No. 15 to 20)
4. Budhayana (Roll No. 21 to 26)
5. Brahmagupta (Roll No. 27 to 33)
6. Bhāskara (Roll No. 34 to 38)
For your convenience, certain pointers have been given to compile the project:
origin (birthplace, year of birth, language etc.)
contribution in the field of mathematics
achievements related to their work
 Revise the syllabus for FA-I
 The projects have already been given in the class according to the roll number.
To understand our Rights and Duties as a citizen of India.
To respect the National heritage
To learn how to care for the public property.
To obey law and order.
Once Rinkoo went on a school trip to see the Qutub Minar with his classmates.
He ate a banana and threw the peel in the lawns in front of the monument. Rinkoo felt, "It
is my right to use the national property as I wish." Was that right on his part to do and think
like this ……Students let’s understand our Rights as well as our duties.
India is a Democratic country where people have certain rights as well as
duties towards their country and towards others for ensuring better life
for all.
la;qDr & O;atuksa ds 20 “kCn fy[ksAa
15 “kCnksa dk o.kZ & foPNsn djsaA RkFkk 15 “kCnksa dk o.kZ & la;ksx djsAa
laLd`r esa Qyksa vkSj lfCt;ks]a i”kqvksa vkSj if{k;ksa ds uke fy[ksa rFkk fp= cuk;sa ;k fpidk,¡A
vkids ifjokj esa dqy fdrus lnL; gSa ,d ikfjokfjd oa”k o`{k cuk, rFkk lnL;ksa ds uke fyax
ds vuqlkj fy[ksAa
 d{kk esa i<+k;k x;k lHkh dk;Z ;kn djsa rFkk fy[kdj vkSj cksydj vH;kl djsAa
 iksaI BaI puilasakmaI- yaa svatM~ta saonaanaI ka saaxaa%kar kroM va
]nakI dOinak idnacayaa- samaJakr ilaKoM .
 Ta}napak- maoM fhrae gae raYT/ ko sabasao }^Mcao JaMDo ko baaro maoM
jaanakarI ek~ kroM va saica~
vaNa-na kroM .
 [na Cui+yaaoM maoM Aapnao @yaa nayaa saIKa . saica~ vaNa-na kroM
 idyaa gayaa kaya- A4 size sheet pr kIijae.
 ifj;kstuk dk;Z &
lqizfln~/k ,sfrgkfld ik=ksa tSls pk.kD;] ohj f”kokth] egkjk.kk izrki] jkuh y{ehckbZ]
tks/kk&vdcj vkfn esa ls fdlh ,d ik= ds fo’k; esa tkudkjh ,df=r dhft, vkSj ,&4
“khV ij ifj;kstuk rS;kj dhft,A ¼ladsr fcanq & tUe LFkku] f”k{kk] muds n~okjk fd, x,
egku dk;Z] miyfC/k;k¡ ftlds dkj.k os bfrgkl esa izfln~/k gq, rFkk muls lacaf/kr
,sfrgkfld LFky vkfnA½
fo”ks’k & tkudkjh ,df=r djus ds fy, vki bUVjusV vFkok Vsyhfotu ij fn[kk, tkus
okys /kkjkokfgd ns[k ldrs gSaA
1. V-A
Human Evolution:
 How many years ago did humans evolve.
 What did humans evolve from?
 When did human evolution start?
 What happened in the human evolution starting around four million years ago?
 The Stone Age – Paleolithic Age, Mesolithic Age, Neolithic Age.
 The lifestyle, culture, food, tools, etc of these three periods.
 Comparison of the Stone Age to the modern era.
Dependence of humans on plants (primitive):
 How primitive people discovered about various plants?
 Uses of plants for primitive people-eating, covering their bodies, painting the caves,
making shelters, feeding animals, medicinal purposes etc.
Dependence of humans on animals (primitive):
 Hunting of animals for their meet and skin.
 Use of fire to scare away animals.
 Domestication of animals.
 Use of animals in farming.
Settlement of humans (nomads to cities):
 Lifestyle of nomads – where they live, how they lived, their culture, lifestyle, tools,
food, etc.
 Cities – how we live now, where we live, our lifestyle, culture, food, clothes, etc.
 Comparison of nomadic lifestyle and the modern lifestyle.
2. V-B
Increase in population:
 What is population?
 Population distribution – least populated country and most populated country.
 Human overpopulation.
 Causes of human overpopulation – agricultural revolution, industrial revolution, birth
rate and death rate, etc.
 Adverse impacts of overpopulation on environment.
Increase in pollution:
 What is pollution?
 Forms of pollution – air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, etc.
 Sources and cause of pollution – motor vehicle emissions, mining, construction,
nuclear waste, etc.
 Adverse effects of pollution – human health environment, etc.
 How to control pollution? (the 4R principle, slowing population growth, etc)
Mineral Cycle:
 What is mineral cycle?
 Important minerals – carbon, nitrogen, calcium, etc
 Mineral cycle and nutrient cycle
 The process of mineral cycle.
Change in weather and climate due to pollution:
3. V-C
Concept of global warming – greenhouse gases, rising temperature, depletion of ozone
Change in climatic conditions – extreme temperature.
Cause of pollution.
Adverse impact on environment.
Primitive Earth – Big Bang Theory:
 How old is Earth?
 How Earth was formed – formation of universe (Big Bang Theory).
 Position of earth in the solar system.
 Why life exists only on earth? – existence of water, suitable atmosphere, moderate
climate, etc.
Face of earth – with continents and oceans:
 What are continents and oceans?
 Seven continents (biggest – Asia, smallest – Australia).
 Five oceans (biggest – Pacific ocean, smallest – Arctic ocean).
Tectonic Plates:
 Gondwana land
 Which all continents formed the Gondwana.
 Break up of Gondwana land.
Today’s Earth:
 Emergence of cities, buildings, motor vehicles, etc
 Overcrowded cities.
 Problem of overpopulation.
 Pollution.
General Instruction:
1. Make models on the topics (working and non – working) allotted to you.
2. Make 3D models for topics related to earth.
3. Use cardboards for making models. Avoid the use of thermocol.
4. Avoid making charts.
5. Make 3D pie charts, bar graphs, maps, etc for topics related to pollution, population, weather and climate.