Pier & Beam Warranty Transfer Form
Pier & Beam Warranty Transfer Form
Arch Foundation Repair' LP APPROVED PRG.LIFT WARRANTY AGREEMENT Arch Foundation Repair, LP (Contractor) To be completed at the time of sale and mailed along with th€ trrnsfer fee $10 and a se$lgmpnt -sJalgm€nt to: Arch Foundation Repair, Lp iocaied at Advanced Foundation Repair, LP; 5504 w. Davis St; Dallas,TX 75211 (214, 467-9700. for the transfer fee described below, Arch Foundation Repair, LP hereby agrees io issue to buyer the foundation warranty, written beIow, on the property described below In exchange for Advanced Formdation Repair, LP issuing the foundation warranty to Buyer, Buyer agrces to be bound by the terms ofthe axbitration clause and warranty contained in this transfer form. Ln exchange The buyer(s) hereby agree to the following: Owner and Contractor agee that any dispute, or lawsuit related in anyway to this ugt""111"nt'o. tne wori'related thereto, shall be resolved by mandatory and binding arbitration _administered by the American .Aibitration Association (AAA) in accordance with this arbitration agrsement and under the commercial arbitration rules of the AAA; with the stipulation. tttut, in tit" event of arbitration, the arbitrator shall require the losing party to pay the winning Parties' costs, i".iuJing ..uro"uUle attomey's fees, and the arbitrator shall be an engineer or builder with ex,perience in building, designing or analyzin! residential foundaiions. 6wner and Contractor agree that, in any arbitration proceeding, Contractor's liability shall be linriied ti the amouft paid to Contractor by Owner under the original contract. If Contractor files a mechanic's lien because of removing Owner's failure to make full payment in a timely manner, Owner agrees to rgimburse Contractor for the cost of filing and and such mechanic's lien, including reasonable attomey's fees. your home due to settling of Waxranty: Dudng the one year period following completion ofthe work ifany adjushnents are requir-ed at is unable to meet its Contractor If Contracior's piei or pilings. iontractor will ie-adjust all affected areas at no charge to Owner. If vou sell obligations. warranty Contractor's over oUtigutio* under tnis'*arianty, tle Texas Foundaiion Warranty Trust will take ihall be adiusted uowP,rd.o.r dow.nwqrd to reflect chanqeq in the Sl5*oq se.rviqe fp-e+ilL'ps's$fqs$:-ftr'EpJ tt'e. warlPtv' $ Pro-Lift contractor at the phone numbers below' ;; @thiswoik'Allotheiwarranties,expresse4innpli9d,9rstatutoryareherebydisclained. time is of essence. If full payment is not timely made, all warranties, expressed, Witir'i"gial a palments, the parties agree that implied and statutory axe void. The undersEned certiry that they are the sole owners ofthe subject pmperty and that th€re are no other owners. This is to certifu that on ,20State in the City of title to the prope$y known as of was, or will be, transferred from PHONE( Executed this day of ) 20 -, (BuYer) (Buyer) This instrBment was acknowledged before me on the day of _, -,-, bY Notary Public for the Stat€ My commission exPi.es ** *** "'| *,r.r'i t( 'IFOR OFFICE USE ONLY*;*i'*'!r' --=- above, the This is to certiry thal by payment of the transfer fee, receipt of which is hereby acknowledg:d, and on the facts contained the date oftitle transfer. on effective new OWNER on the records ofArch Foundation Repair, LP to the *u."-ty h^ Uaao t -sienei Arch Foundation Repair, LP DATE: 5504 W. Davis St * Dallas' TX 75211 * * Qt4) 467-9700 FAX Q14\ 467-2616
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