Spirit&Bride May2015 - Archdiocese of St. Louis
Spirit&Bride May2015 - Archdiocese of St. Louis
MAY 2015 Our mission: To stir into flame the culture of Pentecost through a fuller awakening of the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit, thus being empowered to bring Christ to others with new energy and new enthusiasm. 2015 Pentecost Novena 7 PM DAILY starting Friday May 15, 2015 at St. Vincent de Paul Chapel Cardinal Rigali Center, Shrewsbury Pentecost Vigil Mass 7 PM Saturday May 23, 2015 at Holy Redeemer Church Lockwood & Joy, Webster Groves See schedule above Bishop Robert Hermann At Pentecost 2014 Archbishop Robert Carlson consecrated the Archdiocese of St. Louis to the Holy Spirit, using this prayer of Fr. Félix de Jesús Rougier M.SP.S., founder of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit: O Holy Spirit, receive the perfect and complete consecration of my whole being. In all my actions, grant me the grace of being my Light, my Guide, my Strength and the Love of my heart. I surrender myself to You, and I ask You for the grace to be faithful to Your inspirations. Holy Spirit, transform me through Mary and with Mary into the true image of Christ Jesus, for the glory of the Father, and the salvation of the world. Amen. How shall our consecration to the Holy Spirit manifest itself in 2015? The Catholic Charismatic Renewal, at three levels — International, National, and Archdiocesan — is urging us to participate in a Pentecost Novena culminating in a Pentecost Celebration for 2015. International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS) provided an excellent background for the call to prayer action at Pentecost. Four paragraphs from their website tell the tale: Pentecost of the Nations, phase II, is an integral component of journeying towards the CCR Golden Jubilee, “a New Pentecost for a New Evangelization”. The 2014-2015 theme for stage 2 is ‘Fanning the Flame’, 2 Tim 1:6-7 [ see www.iccrs.org ]. At the 2013 Solemnity of Pentecost Holy Mass with the Ecclesial Movements, Pope Francis stated: “The Holy Spirit is the soul of mission. The events that took place in Jerusalem almost two thousand years ago are not something far removed from us; they are events which affect us and become a lived experience in each of us. The Pentecost of the Upper Room in Jerusalem is the beginning, a beginning which endures.” Deep wells of grace! In 1895, on the promptings of Bl. Elena Guerra, Pope Leo XIII asked all the faithful to celebrate a solemn novena (9 days of prayer) perpetually between Ascension and Pentecost for the unity of Christianity. For this, Leo XIII suggested a special formula of prayer to be included: Send forth your Spirit and renew the face of Earth. Another (Continued on page 3) Pentecost 2015 . . . Catholic Renewal Archdiocese of St. Louis Bishop Emeritus Robert Hermann Liaison Center ( C R C ) Leadership Msgr. Ed Griesedieck Chaplain Jane Guenther Director CATHOLIC RENEWAL CENTER 10909 ST. HENRY LANE ST. ANN, MO 63074 314-427-7786 archstl.org/renewal Facebook Page Catholic Renewal Center/ Archdiocese of St. Louis Friend Us Ministries Healing & Deliverance — Anne Hruz, 314-427-7786 annehruz@archstl.org Jonah Prayer Ministry — Jane Guenther, 314-427-7786 314-792-7734 janeguenther@archstl.org Life in the Spirit Seminars — Gary Whitlock, 636-296-2903 garycathy@sbcglobal.net Hispanic Core Coordinators — Maria Knapp, 314-522-3516 mariaknapp@att.net, Angeles Avila, Rosorio Cosgaya, and Silvina Baez silvina@borromeoparish.com Magnificat Ministry — Women Ministering to Women, 314-427-7786 archstl.org / renewal Zechariah Prayer Breakfast — For Men, 314-427-7786 archstl.org / renewal Abiding Bible Companion — Dr. Carr Worland, 314-725-6527 carrwo@hotmail.com 2Alike — A Ministry for Multiples, Jewel Jacobs, 636-537-0546 jacobsjewel73@yahoo.com CRC Service Team — Jeff Barczewski, Mary Jo Barczewski, Lizett Mata de Crooks, Katie Feise, Maria Knapp, Carol Nowak, Joan Odendahl, Modesta Perales, Betty Tyrey, Pat Wiswall, and Gary Whitlock (Editor, Spirit & Bride) Charismatic & Healing Masses St. Alban Roe, Wildwood — The last Tuesday Mass was March 3. In the fall we anticipate this Mass will move to Monday nights. Watch for an announcement online or in the next Holy Redeemer — Shepherd’s Table is a weekly Saturday Charismatic Liturgy at Holy Redeemer Parish, 341 Lockwood at Joy at 7:30 PM. Prayer Teams are offered after the Mass on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays. The prayer contact is Mary Orf at 636-239-2094 or andrew.orf@att.net. Raise Funds for the Center while shopping at your local Schnucks!! Or shopping online! Pick up an eScrip Customer Card at Schnucks today! Schnucks will contribute up to 3% of your purchases to our organization every time you shop and present your card. It’s Free, it’s Easy, it’s Powerful! Register your card today by calling 800-931-6258 or visit eScrip.com/schnucks.jsp. NEW! You can benefit CRC every time you shop online with or without a Schnucks card. Just visit eScrip.com and log in using your Schnucks card number, or create an account without a card. Then you can visit the eScrip online mall to shop in many places (including AMAZON) that will contribute a percentage of purchases to the Catholic Renewal Center. There is no promotional code or other entry required at sites visited through the eScrip.com site. The contribution is automatic because of how you entered the site. Pentecost — 2015 . . . In an email sent out April 20, Chariscenter USA (The National Service Committee for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal) strategic moment in our journey was the Apostolic Letter of repeated the ICCRS call for a Pentecost Novena culminating in Pope John Paul II in 2001, Novo Millennio Ineunte — At the a Pentecost Celebration for 2015. They enriched the outreach Beginning of the New Millennium. This letter brings to us a by gathering and explaining relevant Pentecost materials key phrase, Duc in Altum -- Cast your together at their website [ see www.nscnets out into the deep. (Luke 5:4) Again c h a r i s c e n t e r . o r g / r es o u rc e s / o t h e r to the CCR John Paul II declared, “I pray information/intercessory-prayer/ ]. That most fervently that your communities included copies of the Novena developed and the entire Charismatic Renewal will by Jane Guenther for use in St. Louis last put out into the deep of prayer in order year, the Burning Bush Novena from Kim Collins, the ETWN Novena to the Holy to put out into the deep of mission.” Spirit for the Seven Gifts, Presentation Phase I of Pentecost of the Nations was Ministries’ Pentecost Novena, the ICCRS a three-year journey. The 1st and 2nd Pentecost of the Nations flyer, Holy Spirit steps were taken at Pentecost 2008 and prayers such as the Pentecost Sequence, 2009. The 3rd step culminated on and other materials of interest. Pentecost Day, May 2010 in Assisi at the Finally, the Catholic Renewal Center for ICCRS International Intercession Event, the Archdiocese of St. Louis is making it The Road to Pentecost. However that happen right here, with a new Pentecost was not the end of our journey, it was only Novena developed by Jane Guenther and a beginning. Phase II of Pentecost of the culminating in the Pentecost Vigil Mass Nations began a seven year journey that to be celebrated by Bishop Robert will end with the 50th anniversary Hermann. A wonderful line-up of prayers, celebration of the CCR in 2017, only to speakers, and music awaits (see page one start another beginning which endures. for details). This is also our first Pentecost of the Nations is built on solid ground at the heart of opportunity to exercise a show of support of our Renewal the Church. It is a project for All Nations – In Your Nation. It is leaders as anticipated in the Covenant of Understanding we one answer that the worldwide CCR offers since 2008, in signed at the Spring Conference this year (see article below). It response to the desire expressed by Popes John Paul II, really does make a difference Benedict XVI and Francis that the spirituality of Pentecost will when we gather to pray, and spread for a new Culture of Pentecost in the Church for New Pentecost provides the chance Gary Evangelization (JPII, May 2004 – Benedict XVI, Sept 2005, to foster the renewal in the Whitlock Holy Spirit we seek and await. Francis, May 2013). (Continued from page 1) COVENANT OF UNDERSTANDING — TEXT OF THE DOCUMENT SIGNED AT THE 2015 SPRING CONFERENCE Introduction This COVENANT OF UNDERSTANDING is meant to be a spiritual expression of unity, strengthening our communion with God and enhancing communion among groups dedicated to the fostering of baptism in the Holy Spirit, the exercise of charisms, and a renewal of the full role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church. Covenant Statement A significant part of the birth of our prayer group, ministry or community has been the grace of renewal in the Holy Spirit within the life of the Church. The Church has affirmed this grace of the Holy Spirit through acknowledging a number of ecclesial movements and new communities. Some individuals and groups are called to acknowledge themselves as a specific part of these movements and new communities for the good of the Church. Other groups, birthed through this grace, can acknowledge the role of the movements and new communities in their heritage and affirm their openness to work in communion with them without being specifically identified with any particular expression. We choose to work together with this stream of grace through: 1) Acknowledging the role of baptism in the Holy Spirit in our association or group’s birth. 2) Praying for the international, national and diocesan leadership groups of all such associations and groups that support this grace. 3) Being open to working in communion with associations and groups influenced by this Holy Spirit renewal internationally, nationally, and in our diocese; seeking to build unity and connections of mutual support. 4) Seeking God’s direction in the way our association or group is called to support the movements and new communities dedicated to Holy Spirit renewal internationally, nationally, and in our diocese, through our time, talent, and treasure. 5) Signing a certificate that affirms our Covenant of Understanding and our openness to work in communion with one another. [ SIGNATURE SECTIONS FOLLOW. MORE ON THE COVENANT IS AVAILABLE ON FACEBOOK AND AT WWW.NSC-CHARISCENTER.ORG ] Now Jericho was in a state of siege because of the presence of the Israelites. No one left or entered. And to Joshua the LORD said: “I have delivered Jericho, its king, and its warriors into your power. Have all the soldiers circle the city, marching once around it. Do this for six days, with seven priests carrying ram’s horns ahead of the ark. On the seventh day march around the city seven times, and have the priests blow the horns. When they give a long blast on the ram’s horns and you hear the sound of the horn, all the people shall shout aloud. The wall of the city will collapse, and the people shall attack straight ahead.” . . . As the horns blew, the people began to shout. When they heard the sound of the horn, they raised a tremendous shout. The wall collapsed, and the people attacked the city straight ahead and took it. [ Joshua 6:1-5, 20 ] A psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah. O God, you are my God — it is you I seek! For you my body yearns; for you my soul thirsts, in a land parched, lifeless, and without water. I look to you in the sanctuary to see your power and glory. For your love is better than life; my lips shall ever praise you! I will bless you as long as I live; I will lift up my hands, calling on your name. My soul shall be sated as with choice food, with joyous lips my mouth shall praise you! I think of you upon my bed, I remember you through the watches of the night. You indeed are my savior, and in the shadow of your wings I shout for joy. My soul clings fast to you; your right hand upholds me. [ Psalms 63:1-9 ] 2015 Spring Conference Words, Visions, Readings For the leader. A psalm of David, when Nathan the prophet came to him after he had gone in to Bathsheba. Have mercy on me, God, in accord with your merciful love; in your abundant compassion blot out my transgressions. Thoroughly wash away my guilt; and from my sin cleanse me. [ Psalms 51:1-4 ] Candles lit as we signed the Covenant of Understanding later set the altar on fire. Some saw the figure of a bishop in the flame. A woman of Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink.” His disciples had gone into the town to buy food. The Samaritan woman said to him, “How can you, a Jew, ask me, a Samaritan woman, for a drink?” (For Jews use nothing in common with Samaritans.) Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God and who is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” She said to him, “Sir, you do not even have a bucket and the cistern is deep; where then can you get this living water? Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us this cistern and drank from it himself with his children and his flocks?” Jesus answered and said to her, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again; but whoever drinks the water I shall give will never thirst; the water I shall give will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” [ John 4:7-15 ] VISION + Image of a golden cross. What is ugly is most beautiful. God showed us that Jesus died on the cross to forgive us. Maybe its not just about our named sins but the spots in our life when we need to be healed by forgiving ourselves or other people. If we can get in touch with what we are most ashamed of and forgive, then we can find the most beauty, joy, and happiness in life because we've found freedom through God's love. Why would we just go around trying to be the image of the golden cross without really getting in touch with what it means? If we put on a cloak without really being the person behind it we are just then trying to draw attention to ourselves by showing off how good we are. What does that accomplish? Does it allow you to join an elite club of do-gooders? Does it buy you God's love? God's love cannot be bought. I believe He came as a baby born in a manger and a crown of thorns on his head because he was showing an example of how He wants us to be his followers. He wants us to be close; the least among us to follow Him. Image of flood gates opening and waters pouring forth - all will be covered with the waters of the Holy Spirit's graces. WORD My little lambs, you are mine. I have claimed you by my blood shed for you. Do not be afraid. Be at peace. Healing love is my gift to you. WORD You are my Covenant People, I am your Covenant God. Come always to Me for the power to spread the Good News of My grace present to all who trust in Me. You signed the Covenant with mere ink, I have signed with my blood on the cross. VISION WORD Go forth rejoicing for My Spirit is with you. Spread the love I have given you. A psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack. In green pastures he makes me lie down; to still waters he leads me; he restores my soul. He guides me along right paths for the sake of his name. Even though I walk through the valley of (Continued on page 5) the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff comfort me. You set a table before me in front of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Indeed, goodness and mercy will pursue me all the days of my life; I will dwell in the house of the LORD for endless days. [ 23rd Psalm ] The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” Let the hearer say, “Come.” Let the one who thirsts come forward, and the one who wants it receive the gift of life-giving water. [ Revelation 22:17 ] I delight in your presence this day. I am here to fill you with my grace and my love. Be open to my Spirit and He will pour out His gift upon you. Ask and you will receive for I want to bless you and make you my instrument for the salvation of many. WORD If you pray my prayer to the Father - remember you ask me to forgive you as you forgive others! I am waiting to forgive you - what are you waiting for? WORD Let my light shine thru you. I am calling you to bring my people out of darkness. Go forth with the Power of my Spirit, proclaiming My name, setting them free, and healing them. WORD Jeff Barczewski The Memorial Mass for Elizabeth Chitwood — so many were there to celebrate the anointed intimacy of it. For the few who missed it, or those who want a sharper memory, it is sad that the homily was never set to writing. But the homily outline was; it is shared below … Elizabeth, how are you? “Blessed!” Often she would then ask, “Are you blessed?” Various groups that Elizabeth was involved with: Parishes St Anthony High School I am going to reveal to you the secret of sanctity and happiness. Every day for five minutes control your imagination and close your eyes to all the noises of the world in order to enter into yourself. Then, in the sanctuary of your baptized soul (which is the temple of the Holy Spirit) speak to that Divine Spirit, saying to Him: O Holy Sprit, beloved of my soul, I adore you. Enlighten me, guide me, strengthen me, console me. Tell me what I should do; give me Your orders. I promise to submit myself to all that you desire of me and to accept all that you permit to happen to me. Let me only know Your Will. If you do this, your life will flow along happily, serenely, and full of consolation, even in the midst of trials. Grace will be proportioned to the trial, giving you the strength to carry it and you will arrive at the Gate of Paradise, laden with merit. This submission to the Holy Spirit is the secret of sanctity. Ministries Birthright Foster parent St Mary Magdalene Parish CRC Healing Deliverance Ministry St Peter & Paul Jonah Prayer Teams Cure of Ars Catholic Newman Center UMSL All Saints University City Alternative Spring Break Annunciation Genesis Ministry Prayer Groups days of reflection at various parishes Alleluia prayer group Silver Trumpets prayer group Parish Missions Spiritual Director Marriage Counseling Retreats Upper Room prayer group Genesis Prayer group Africa Missions TEC ACTS Awakenings SPIN Her request: please don't talk about me. We lived our marriage with this understanding. I will love you through God and I will love God through you. Our Golden Year 1975 — Life in the Spirit Seminar, Marriage Encounter, personal relationship. Decision. Gospel: DO NOT JUDGE. She struggled with this all her life. She got better but it was constantly there dragging her down. She would regularly confess this sin. One wise priest told her if God took this temptation from you, you would struggle with pride. Be humble. She never thought she was better than anyone else. As her husband I have to tell you the truth that she had another lover. JESUS. She is still with us. Deacon End: The Mystical Body - The Church Triumphant - The Church Suffering - The Church Militant [ A rough video of the homily can be viewed at http://youtu.be/LixW0UqrZOM ] Dennis Chitwood Upcoming Life in the Spirit Seminars (LISS) and Other Seminars and Events REGISTER ONLINE: EVENTS PAGE, ARCHSTL.ORG/RENEWAL CALL 314-427-7786 OR EMAIL CATHOLICRENEWAL@ARCHSTL.ORG SATURDAY MAY 9, 2015 9 AM — 3 PM SPIRITUAL GIFTS INVENTORY ST. JOSEPH, COTTLEVILLE Generational Healing Prayer Services — 2015 Please email annehruz@archstl.org if you plan to attend Bishop Robert Herman & Jane Guenther Wed. May 27, 7 — 9 PM Rigali Center Chapel Sun. July 26, 1 — 3 PM Rigali Center Chapel Wed. September 30, 7 — 9 PM Rigali Center Chapel Wed. November 18, 9 — 11 AM Rigali Center Chapel WEDNESDAYS OCTOBER 7 & 14, 2015 7 — 9 PM SPIRITUAL GIFTS SEMINAR OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE FRIDAY & SATURDAY OCTOBER 9 & 10, 2015 FALL CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS ON UNITY IN CHARISMS: DIVERSE GIFTS SERVING THE CURRENT OF GRACE Men’s Prayer Breakfast 9:00 AM Sat. June 20 Fr. John Mayo Sat. Sept. 12 Sr. Mary Rock FR. JOHN MAYO graduated from Cardinal Glennon College in 2005 and from Kenrick School of Theology in 2009. His first assignment was at Francis Borgia Parish in Washington MO from 2009-2012, then two years at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in St. Charles. Since June of 2014, Fr.. Mayo has been the Parochial Administrator of Holy Rosary Parish in Warrenton, MO. Yes, he is the “Ask Fr. John” in the St. Louis Review. 9:00 AM Sat. June 27, 2015 Kieran Gutting Sat. Oct. 24, 2015 Vaughn Kohler KIERAN GUTTING is a native of St Louis committed to his faith and family. He is an advocate for men and their families, speaking on The Noble Calling of Men to be Husband-Father-Worker. His life experiences include being a volunteer in India, a dedicated husband, a father of four, and a worker. Kieran and his wife Dacia are coordinators for St. Louis Retrouvaille (see helpourmarriage.org). He is an active member of Little Flower Parish, Richmond Heights. Now! Register online for Magnificat, Zechariah, or most events. Just visit the Catholic Renewal Center at the St. Louis Archdiocese website at ARCHSTL.ORG/RENEWAL and click on the online registration at the events page. The old ways to reserve breakfast still work, by phone to 314-427-7786 or email to catholicrenewal@archstl.org. Rather than navigating to the Archdiocesan website, you could try the shortcuts to some online registration forms at STLRENEWAL.ORG/LISS, STLRENEWAL.ORG/MAG, and STLRENEWAL.ORG/ZPB. ARCHDIOCESAN-WIDE PRAYER MEETING — UPCOMING DATES AND SPEAKERS 7:30 PM LALLY ROOM (USUALLY) OF CARDINAL RIGALI CENTER, SHREWSBURY MO 314-792-7734 WWW.ARCHSTL.ORG/RENEWAL MAY 28, 2015 — REV. EARL MULLER SEPTEMBER 24, 2015 — DEACON DENNIS CHITWOOD JUNE 25, 2015 — FR. JOHN HORN OCTOBER 22, 2015 — MRS. JANE GUENTHER JULY 23, 2015 — MRS. CATHY WHITLOCK NOVEMBER 12, 2015 — SR. MARGHERETTA DALTON AUGUST 27, 2015 — DR. ED HOGAN DECEMBER 24, 2015 — NO PRAYER GROUP SCHEDULED ANNUAL CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RETREAT—King’s House in Belleville IL Friday -- Sunday, August 28-30, 2015 "FINDING TRUE FREEDOM IN CHRIST'' CATHOLIC LAY EVANGELISTS LLOYD & NANCY GREENHAW Contact King's House Retreat and Renewal Center Belleville IL 1-800-779-7909 (Outside Metro East) or 618-397-0584 (Metro East) Website http://www.kingsretreatcenter.org/ or email us at: info@kingsretreatcenter.org. ABC Bible studies with Dr. Carr Worland 7 Holy Founders Tuesday 10:30 am Exodus St. Matthias Wednesday 11 am Book of Mark ABIDING BIBLE COMPANION Info: Carr Worland at 314-725-6527 CARRWO@HOTMAIL.COM Immaculate Heart of Mary Thursdays 10:30 am 1st Peter Bring your Bible All are welcome Recurring Events Date Time Event Tuesdays, Monday 7:00 PM Tuesday Mass discontinued after March 3, 2015 Jane Guenther, 314-427-7786 Mass will move to Mondays in Fall Saturdays 7:30 PM Charismatic Healing Mass Prayer Teams 2nd & 4th Saturdays Music Ministry Shepherd’s Voice Third Friday But NOT December 7:30 PM Healing Services With Fr. Dennis Voss Fr. Dennis Voss 618-277-0416 Tuesdays, Fridays 10 AM - 2 PM Walk-in Prayer Ministry No prior appointment required Catholic Renewal Center 10909 St. Henry LN, St. Ann, MO Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 10 AM - 3 PM Personal Prayer Ministry By appointment only - contact Anne Hruz 314-427-7786 Catholic Renewal Center 10909 St. Henry LN, St. Ann, MO 3rd Tuesday 5/19, 6/16, 7/21, 8/18, 9/15 7:30 PM Young Adult Prayer Group Jane Guenther, 314-427-7786 janeguenther@archstl.org Catholic Renewal Center 10909 St. Henry LN, St. Ann, MO 1st Wednesday 5/6, 6/3. 7/1, 8/5, 9/2 7:00 PM Healing & Deliverance South (North: call for appointment) Phone 2 weeks ahead for appointment w/Anne Hruz (314-427-7786) Cardinal Rigali Center 20 Archbishop May Dr. Shrewsbury, MO Wed. 5/27 & 9/30 Sunday 7/26/2015 Wed. 11/18/2015 7 PM to 9 PM 1 PM to 3 PM 9 AM to 11 AM Generational Healing Prayer Service Bishop R. Hermann, Jane Guenther Please contact if attending: annehruz@archstl.org 314-427-7786 Chapel at Cardinal Rigali Center 20 Arch-bishop May Drive , Shrewsbury MO 63119 Saturday, 6/20/15 Fr. John Mayo 9 AM—Noon For Women Magnificat Breakfast 9/12/15: Sr. Mary Rock $20, Call 314-427-7786 or reserve online at archstl.org/renewal Cardinal Rigali Center 20 Archbishop May Dr. Shrewsbury, MO Saturday, 6/27/15 Kieran Gutting 9 AM—Noon For Men Zechariah Prayer Breakfast $15, Call 314-427-7786 or reserve online at stlrenewal.org/zpb Cardinal Rigali Center 20 Archbishop May Dr. Shrewsbury, MO 7:30 PM Archdiocesan-Wide Prayer Group Monthly Meeting Fourth Thursday 10/24/15: Vaughn Kohler Information Location St. Alban Roe, Wildwood, MO Holy Redeemer, Webster Groves See full list of dates (top of page) or Cardinal Rigali Center 20 Archevents page, archstl.org/renewal bishop May Dr. Shrewsbury, MO C ATHOLIC C HARISMATIC R ENEWAL CATHOLIC RENEWAL CENTER 10909 ST. HENRY LANE ST. ANN MO 63074–2439 Return Service requested NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID ST. LOUIS, MO PERMIT NO. 2052 Tom Bayer, what parish do you belong to? I belong to St. Anthony's in High Ridge where I am the Jonah Prayer Minister Coordinator. The members of JPM have a very strong spiritual relationship and we reinforce it with regular monthly meetings. During these meetings there is socialization, ministry training, and intercessory and personal prayers. I’m also a door to door evangelist and Sunday money counter. When did you first start coming to events in the Catholic Renewal and what drew you in? I was shot in Viet Nam in January of 1968. Two years and 32 operations later I was sent home weighing only 95 lbs. My life has been a very difficult struggle holding a job and raising a family of five daughters and by 1993 I could hardly walk. I do not know how I came about hearing of a healing Mass but that lead me to Healing and Deliverance Ministry. Every time I went for prayers my injuries improved. At first I only went to events to get prayed over but in time I felt that was my calling. What I love about this Healing and Deliverance Ministry is that all you have to do is be there and let the Trinity do the rest. About a year ago I started serving on the planning team for the conferences. I love volunteering and doing what has to be done to make things run smoother. By the way, prayers are the only thing keeping me out of a hospital bed -- thanks, God. Do you attend a prayer group? How does it help you grow? I belong to St. Paul's Prayer Group and the planning committee. We do scripture readings and discuss how it relates to our life. We have one gentleman that was trained in the priesthood for several years and gives insight to scripture beyond untrained minds. Another aspect of our prayer group is that everyone does a lot of research on a particular topic or Saint which brings insight on how to grow in Christ in everyday living. What I like the most is when we lay hands on someone to pray for healing. In what ways do you feel called to serve in your life? Beyond the scope of which has already been mentioned, I have a great love and understanding for the outdoors. I get the biggest thrill out of the smallest of God's creation to the largest. I have been a volunteer for the Department of Conservation at Powder Valley Nature Center since 1999 and have over 2,000 hours of volunteer time teaching and learning about His creations. Your gifts? I consider myself very blessed in this area. I had one gift since I was 9 years old but did know what it was and did not care either at that age. Some forty years later I knew I had something, and it was called the discernment of spirits. Other gifts include tongues, knowledge, healing, and just very recently God told me I had the gift of receiving healing. To explain further, I have had 19 physical healings (not counting emotional and spiritual healings).