Worship Connection And the Lord Added


Worship Connection And the Lord Added
Volume 58 • Number 12
March 23, 2015
Announcing the Mission and Ministries of Ardmore Baptist Church, Inc., Winston-Salem, NC
Worship Connection
March 29
Palm Sunday
“What’s Not to Love
About a Parade?”
Luke 19:28-44
Rev. Ty Talton
Bring a Friend!
Easter Celebration With Children And Families
e are an Easter people! Hallelujah!
But let’s face it, the death and resurrection of Christ is not the easiest subject
to discuss with children. (The Christmas
story is much easier to tell. Everyone wants
to celebrate a birth!) Easter is the most
important day of the Christian year and so
we must tell the story, the good news that Jesus is alive! Even if the story is difficult, children need to hear it both at church and at home, thus enabling them to
have a safe place to learn about Jesus and to ask questions.
All children and parents are invited to join us in the fellowship hall this Saturday,
March 28 at 3:00 p.m. as we prepare for Easter. Each family will make a daily
devotional book to take home and use from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday
helping them experience what Jesus did during this time. Families with older children
will also have an opportunity to use their five senses to catch a glimpse of Jesus’
last day, touching a crown of thorns and smelling myrrh.
We will provide drinks and each family is asked to bring a snack to share as we
enjoy refreshments together. We will conclude our time with a retelling of the
Easter story using a tangible and edible prop! This sweet treat will amaze little
children and help them soak up the mystery and awe of Jesus’ resurrection.
I am excited to share this time with you and your family as we prepare ourselves for the journey of Holy Week and the celebration that comes on Easter
morning! Please let us know if you and your family plan to attend so we can make
sure to have all the supplies we need for you. Contact Linda Lunsford (llunsford
@ardmorebaptist.org) by this Wednesday.
- Lee Ritchie
Ministry Area Emphasis Of The Month
5 “F”s - Finish
he first “F” calls us to the task at
hand. In 2 Corinthians 8:11 it says
“Now finish what you started.” (NLT)
We started on this journey of building
a new sanctuary at a cost of $6.5 million
dollars and a loan of $4,914,523 in
2003. Over time, we have reduced this
debt, at an accelerated pace, and now
we can see the end in sight. Just Imagine
what we can do when we have no debt.
Begin praying that God will show us.
Worship, Music, & Arts ... Through Our Adult Choirs
rdmore has several opportunities for adults to be involved in worship, music,
and arts. Our two Adult Choirs rehearse weekly to prepare for our two
worship services. These choirs are filled with dedicated musicians who love to sing
for the Lord and offer their talents. Can you imagine what our worship services
would be like without the beautiful music offered each week by our choirs and the
special music programs they present at Easter, Christmas, and other times during
the year? These adults are true worship leaders who provide great inspiration in our
services. We also have a wonderful Senior
Adult Choir that meets each week on
Tuesday mornings. This choir is more of
a ministry choir as they minister through
Bobby and Margaret Hayes
music in area nursing and retirement
homes. All three of these choirs enjoy
And the Lord Added
(continued on page 4)
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March 23, 2015
Wednesday Night Opportunities
April 2; 7:00 p.m.
Prayers at the Cross
A Maundy Thursday Service of Worship & Holy Communion
Presented by the Adult Choir and guest instrumentalists.
April 3, Good Friday; 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Stations of the Cross
A devotional experience used to meditate on different scenes
from the passion and death of Christ.
April 5
Easter Sunday
Bylaw Amendment
Bylaw amendment regarding the
process for calling part-time ministers will be presented at the April
Church Conference. With the advent
of more part-time positions, clarification
is needed to guide this process. Copies
of this amendment will be available
for your review at the Welcome Desk
in the main lobby.
Retirement Reception
ark your calendar now so you
won’t miss the reception honoring Jo West as she prepares to retire.
The reception will be Sunday, May
17 in the Fellowship Hall, 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Come and celebrate with us
as we recognize Jo for her work and
ministry at WEE Preschool as director
for the last 24 years.
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
March 25 - Experiencing God Through
Art: Connect with God through your
own creative juices. We will explore
drawing (doodling) and working with
clay as ways to spend time with God.
Led by Lee Ritchie. Meet in F226.
April 1 - Holy Week and Spring Break
(no supper or children/youth activities)
April 8 & 22 - Help! The Internet is
Attached to My Kids: The Internet can
be a treacherous place, especially for
kids and teens. Come learn ways to
help keep you and your kids more informed and safe. The leader is Jason
Ritchie who works in the IT industry,
has led technology safety conversations, and has seen firsthand what
technology can be (both good and
bad) for young people. Meet in F226.
Disaster Relief Training
April 24 - 25
o learn more, visit www.baptists
onmission.org. Contact Jim Willard,
our Disaster Relief Coordinator, (7657166; jwillard97@triad.rr.com), if you
are interested in attending.
Offering Emphasis for March – Ardmore Homeland Missions
orth American missionaries, like Mark and Tammy Lashey, depend on funds
from the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering while they serve as church planters in Townsend, Delaware. One hundred and thirty thousand people live within
a 15-mile radius of their home, so Mark and Tammy started a Bible study in their
home that grew into LifeHouse Church. In the past two years more than 200
people have been baptized and more than 600 attend weekly services.
In July 2014, Kim and Marc Wyatts’ missional journey brought them back to
their home state of North Carolina to continue working with those living as
strangers in the Research Triangle, an eight-county region surrounding Raleigh
with more than two million residents. The Research Triangle includes a critical
density of refugees, immigrants, international students, visiting scholars and their
families, as well as victims of human trafficking – people, made in the image of
God, that are all too often overlooked. The Wyatts are supported by the CBF
Global Missions Offering.
Pray for missionaries and field personnel like these and give as your heart leads
to these mission offerings. Envelopes are available at the display in the lobby and
in the pew racks.
hank you to the Family Relations
Team for making the Father/
Daughter Date Night a meaningful
and memorable event! This team of
volunteers transformed the Fellowship
Hall into a “Winter Wonderland” for
the evening, as they created a magical
space for fathers and daughters to enjoy
delicious food, stellar entertainment,
and lots of dancing!
Thank you LeAnne Kennedy, Jan
Womble, Tori Wise, Cindy Grimes,
Angela Dixon, Donna McGalliard,
Bonnie Whitaker, Rosemary Davidson,
and Jim Sullivan for all your hard work!
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March 23, 2015
Ardmore ABCs ...
Deacon of the Week
Our sympathy and Christian concern are expressed to the following in the loss
of loved ones:
Les Davis in the death of his sister, Nadine Gillenwaters;
Sarah Young in the death of her father, Joe Denny; grandfather of Will and Charlie Young;
Helen Mize in the death of her sister, ReElla Johnson
March 22 - 28
Paul Young
Phone: (h) 794-3524
Gracious notes of appreciation have been received from the following and are
posted on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall:
Christmas for the City Leadership Team
Congratulations to:
Holly Martin on the birth of a grandson, Finley Robert Martin, born March 22 to Dane and Gretchen Martin, proud aunt is Noelle Budzyn;
Wiley and Ila Doby – 40th wedding anniversary on March 30th
Weekend Call
March 28 - 29
Betty Wright
Phone: 406-9966
Five Love Languages Of Children
April 12, 19, 26, and May 3; 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
ant some help improving your parenting skills and adding stability to your
home? Please join us for an engaging, practical book study based on
Dr. Gary Chapman’s The Five Love Languages of Children. Adam and Amanda
Horton, along with Paul Mullen, will lead this study on Sunday afternoons. Help
your children experience unconditional love in the language they best understand. Learn about building their inner security - along with strategies for effective discipline and handling anger. Explore biblical principles to “start children
off on the way they should go …” (Proverbs 22: 6)
Christian Women’s Job Corp
ur Community Impact and Global Connection Ministry Area is exploring the
possibility of beginning a Christian Women’s Job Corp® in Winston-Salem.
CWJC® is a ministry of National WMU. The purpose of a CWJC® is to provide a
Christian context in which women in need are equipped for life and employment,
and a missions context in which women help women. There are 14 CWJC® sites
in North Carolina, but none in the Triad area. We would like to cultivate other
churches, social workers, and school counselors in areas of need for this ministry
to partner with us, so this can be a community effort.
The key element in beginning such a ministry is finding a person who has the
skills and passion for such a ministry to be the Site Coordinator. This will be the
only salaried position, and the person would attend the state training later this
year. The Site Coordinator needs many volunteers for the ministry to be effective.
During WMU Missions Extravaganza, April 17 - 18, the Site Coordinator from
Wilmington and the State CWJC®/CMJC® Coordinator will be at Ardmore. This
provides a great opportunity for us to learn the steps involved in beginning such
a ministry. We acknowledge that God calls out individuals for special service; we
are praying that God will nudge many of you to have a passion for this ministry.
God may be calling you to be the Site Coordinator. Should you feel led to explore
and consider such an opportunity, contact Joyce Camp or one of the other CIGC
MALT members: Kaye Hunter, Emily Lemons, Bea McRae, Mike Nuckolls,
Chester David, or Brad Preslar.
Note Date Change
Advance Care Planning
Free Lunch & Learn for Caregivers
Thursday, April 2
11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Senior Services on Shorefair Drive
ime will be provided for asking
questions and getting assistance
with completing advance care forms.
Lunch will be provided by Forest
Heights Senior Living. Registration is
required. Call (721-6918).
New Bus
he Transportation Committee has
taken delivery on a new 2015 bus
to replace our aging 1995 bus. This
purchase was approved by the Finance
Committee and paid for out of Unified
Budget receipts. We are pleased to
have this newest addition to our buses.
The older bus is now For Sale. Anyone or group interested in buying this
vehicle should talk with Foy Crouse,
chairman of the committee.
Ardmore Announcer is published weekly by Ardmore Baptist Church, Inc., 501 Miller Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27103. Publication Number USPS 545780.
Postmaster: Send address changes to Ardmore Announcer, 501 Miller Street, W-S, NC 27103-3610.
Church Phone: 336-725-8767; Fax: 336-725-2487; E-mail: Postmaster@ardmorebaptist.org; Web Site: www.ardmorebaptist.org
Memorials and Honoraria
Building Fund/Bold Faith
In Memory of Jim Canter
Chuck & Meg Eakes
In Memory of ReElla Johnson
Sara Richardson
Adult 10, Coed 2
In Memory of Ann Hartley and Joe Denney
Charlie & Ellen Bumgarner
In Honor of Jo West
Leon & Lynda Phillips
Ardmore Easter Offering
In Honor of The Gathering Sunday Bible
Study Class
Carl & Sandra Bovender
Heck-Jones Offering for WMU NC
In Memory of Julia Hamrick
Adult 6 Sunday Bible Study Class
Unified Budget
In Memory of Jim Canter
Leon & Lynda Phillips
Zambia Water Project
In Honor of Todd Jordan
Rick & Susan Jordan
For the Record
March 22, 2015
Weekly Budget Needs
Budget Receipts 03/22/15
Special Ministries
In Memory of Jerri Phillips
Foy & Linda Crouse
In Memory of Lois Ragsdale
Jan Ragsdale, Beth and Joseph Eskeridge, and Scott Ragsdale
Vacation Bible School
In Honor of Rev. Robert Lemons
Foy & Linda Crouse
Sunday Bible Study
Morning Worship
8:15 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
Music & Arts Series
In Memory of Andy Griffin
Anita Griffin
Bold Faith
Receipts 03/22/15 $
Receipts-To-Date$ 1,933,609
e need you! Below you will find
many ways to serve:
♦♦ With the current 6th grade students
♦♦ With Elementary Aged Children
♦♦ With Preschool Aged Children
♦♦ With Nursery Aged Children (for
children of VBS Volunteers)
♦♦ With Registration
♦♦ Acting and singing in our Openings
and Closings each day
The VBS Volunteer brochure, available at the Welcome Desks, provides
more detail. Contact the VBS Directing
Team if you have questions or to sign
up - Anna Rubin, Elementary Director
com); Julie Jones, Preschool Director
(771-6366; jjones4@triad.rr.com); Lee
Ritchie, Minister to Children and Families (725-8767, ext. 104; 706-247-0376;
(continued from page 1)
great music-making, fellowship, prayer,
devotions, and worship together each
week. Adults also have opportunities to
sing in ensembles periodically. Did you
know that many of our adult choir
members will be singing in the Lincoln Center’s Avery Fisher Hall in New
York City on Memorial Day? What an
honor to be invited to premiere Pepper
Choplin’s newest work with 200 other
singers. We will have 27 going to New
York and we are very excited about this
opportunity! Very few choirs receive
this prestigious invitation which attests
to the commitment and quality of our
Ardmore choir! What I love most
about our adult choir is their wonderful
spirit and desire to offer their very best
to honor God through their musicmaking and all that they do. Thank
you choirs! We are blessed by each
one of you and your beautiful music!
You truly inspire me each week!
- David Fitzgerald
YAH Trip
Chimney Rock State Park/Lake Lure
May 28; 8:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Cost: $90 (includes lunch)
Contact: Beverly Whitfield
Deadline for payment: April 27