May 10, 2015 - Ascension Lutheran Church


May 10, 2015 - Ascension Lutheran Church
Prayer Requests
¨ Ted Cash
¨ Ruth Burke
¨ Carol Wallace, Diane Beard’s sister
¨ Lee Dufendach, friend of the Blessings
¨ Ernest Zellmer, Marilyn Greene’s father
¨ Kayla Staff, Beverly Heslop’s granddaughter
¨ Lynne Funck, Nancy Byrum’s cousin
¨ Leta Withers, friend of Jodi Jennings
¨ Barb Brockschmidt, friend of Dewey & Maggie Bryson
¨ Vanessa Famigetti, Beverly Heslop’s niece
¨ Barbara Pope
¨ Jimmy, Carolyn Robinette’s brother
¨ Pastor Ted Zeile, Michele Wenz’s grandpa
¨ Betty Fullerton, friend of Sue Wenham
¨ Randy Hulse, friend of Sue Wenham
¨ Michael Kircher, friend of Margaret Bernhard’s daughter
¨ Lyn Sutterlin, friend of the Lindgren’s
¨ Danny Schuett
¨ Andy Kalnik
¨ Pat Fleming, Kathy Goebel’s sister
¨ Martha Quadflieg, Frank Wenz’s mother
¨ Hal Meier
¨ Chris Kalnik, son of Andy & Ellie Kalnik
¨ Debbie Speer-Smith, friend of Lori Wright
¨ Elise Marion, great, great niece of Lori Wright
¨ Joe Schulz, Tom Hagen’s nephew
¨ Dan McInnis, great nephew of Jackie Elam
¨ Brittany Miller
¨ Tim Wright, Lori’s son
¨ Joshua, grandson of Roy & Sharon Gugel
¨ Parker Hysick, 7-year old grandson of Debbie Gentsch’s sister
¨ Carol Pearson, friend of John & Marilyn Lindgren
¨ Delores Allison, sister of Curt Schmidt
¨ Karen Allison, niece of Curt Schmidt
¨ Clifford Thompson, friend of Tom & Joan Hagen
¨ Saundra Pons
¨ Angela Nelson, Barbara Pope’s grand daughter
¨ Evelyn Newcomer, Darren Seigler’s aunt
¨ Tony Lail, friend of Dwight Stine
¨ David Jacks
+ Special Prayers +
¨ For those serving overseas in the military: John Campbell (friend of Gloria Helms)
“The prelude to prayer is listening, for God has everything to teach us, and nothing to learn from us”
NEED PRAYER? Speak to the pastor or phone the church office at (704) 372-7317 to add your request to the
prayer list published in the bulletin. You may also fill out the Prayer Request card in the pew rack and place it
in the Prayer Box in the narthex or in the offering plate.
PRAYER CARD REQUESTS go to the Prayer Team and do not automatically appear on the published
prayer list.
Stephen Ministers are committed to providing confidential Christian care for others
experiencing many different needs. Stephen Ministers wear blue name badges and are available to listen if you
have a concern or have questions about the Stephen Ministry program. You may also fill in the blue pew card
and place it in the offering plate or mail it to the church office. A Stephen Minister will contact you.
Altar Flowers are given today by the Pence and Broome families in loving memory of Cecilia Pence, Louise
Pence, and Dorothy Adams.
Attendance, May 3, 2015
8:30 a.m. = 75
11:00 a.m. = 85
Assisted listening devices are now available for use during our worship services. Please see an usher to sign
one out. Thank you ~
Our next congregation meeting is next Sunday, May 17 following the 10:00 a.m. worship service. There will
be one service only on that day. Sunday School will be at 8:45 a.m. Lunch will be served. Please sign the red
book with a C and the number attending.
During the May 17 Congregational Meeting, Parish Planning Council elections will take place. The current
list of candidates are as follows:
* Executive Director - TBD
* Assistant Executive Directors - Paula Henry,
* Allison Pence, Dewey Bryson
* Treasure - TBD
* Lay Ministry - Robin Domeier
* Evangelism - TBD
* Small Groups – Paul Domeier
* Stewardship - Dave Burroughs
* Church Properties - Tom White
* Parish Fellowship - Wendy Fulton
* Family Ministry - Margaret White
* Caring Ministry – TBD
Brian Center: The Confirmation Class will be at the Brian Center next Sunday, May 17.
There is no A/C in the sanctuary until the completion of the HVAC project.
“Thank you very much for your gift of pop tabs to the Ronald McDonald House of Charlotte! We will recycle
the tabs and use the money we receive to help pay for the families who depend on the House. We appreciate
the support! Thank you,” Amie Rucker, RMH Volunteer
Christian Music Theater: Ascension’s VBS for rising K-9 grades. Talk to Mark Johanson for more
Updated phone directory - We plan to have an updated phone directory by the end of June. Please notify the
office with any changes in email, phone, address, etc. Thank you ~
Available for pick-up in the narthex:
* 1st Quarter Giving Statements
* May/June Table Talk
Softball schedule - Here is the softball schedule for 2015. Monday, May 11; Tuesday, May 19; Thursday, May
28; Wednesday, June 3; and Wednesday, June 10. Practice begins at 6:00 p.m., games begins at 6:30 p.m. All
games are played at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 3115 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC 28211. Come out and
cheer us on!
The alarm system arms itself at 10:00 p.m. each night and disarms at 6:30 a.m. Please do
not be in the building during these hours. Thank you, Mike Gallagher
Thrivent Members & Friends Invited to Celebrate July 4 at BB&T Ballpark - Thrivent Financial and its
Greater Charlotte Chapter are once again hosting a July 4 outing at the BB&T Ballpark for Thrivent members
and their friends. This is a fun time for all and at a bargain discount.
Tickets are $16.50 per person (a $33 value; children 2 years or younger are free). Price includes all-youcan-eat BBQ dinner, game & post game fireworks.
Team USA will play the Cuban Baseball Federation as part of a series of international friendship
games. Contact the church office for a registration form. For more information, email Wayne Thom, Thrivent
Chapter President at Seats are limited and fill up fast! Registration deadline is
Monday, June 1.
Just for Youth! ~ 6th - 12th grades ~
Upcoming Events
Questions? Contact Elizabeth Marquardt at (704) 564-3437 or
~ Soup Kitchen News ~
We served 136 guests with the help of 24 volunteers. The menu was potato & ham soup, tossed salad, fish stew,
mixed vegetables, pesto rice, fresh fruit, bread, assorted desserts, milk and coffee.
Thank you to Montessori School for volunteering all year! Have a blessed summer!
· Prayers for our guests and volunteers.
· Chicken and beef stock in powdered form please!
Please talk with Stu Nichols if you can help out or have questions
+ Worship Assistants +
Crucifers: Philip Jennings (8:30) Jackson Pence (11:00)
Acolytes: Rose Eckert, Lucy Jennings (8:30) Andrew Kuechler, Grace Kuechler (11:00)
Worship Assistants: Beth Williamson (8:30) Allison Pence (11:00)
Communion Assistants: Ted Cash, Jennifer Karnwie, Bruce Miller (8:30)
Readers: Stu Nichols (8:30) Mike Hanson (11:00)
Minister of Music: Mark Johanson
Greeters: Jane Friemark, Michele Wenz (8:30) Lois Runge, Luellen Stine (11:00)
Ushers: Vincent Cook, Paul Domeier, Tim Friemark, Frank Wenz (8:30)
Paul Spokas, Dwight Stine (11:00)
Altar Guild: Verna Cash, Jackie Elam, Debbie Gentsch, Hazel Peek, Marlys Sielsky, Barbara Suddreth
SUNDAY SCHOOL HOUR, 9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Children’s Classes
PS-K in Room 111
Grades 1-2 in Room 112
Grades 3-5 in Room 105
Confirmation (grades 6-8) in Room 1 (Taylor Hall)
High School in Upper Room
Adult Classes
Why Pray? - Led by Richard Eckert meets in LH
Spirit-Driven Bible Study Group led by Heather Eckert explores Bible verses that have caught the
attention of members. This group will be covering the same material as the Why Pray? Service. - meets
in Taylor Hall’s Room 2.
Weekly Bible Studies
Men’s North Wednesday Morning Bible Study meets from 6:45—8:00 a.m. at Bob Evans Restaurant in
Huntersville, located off I-77 at Exit 25. Join us!
Wednesday Morning Men’s Bible Study meets from 7:00—8:00 a.m. in the Board Room.
Women’s Bible Study meets Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. in the Board Room.
South of the Border Bible Study meets Sundays at the home of Heinz & Edith Blessing in Tega Cay, SC. at
6:30 p.m.
Scriptures for Next Sunday
May 17, 2015
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Acts 1:12-26
1 John 5:9-15
John 17:11b-19