06.05.2015 - Ashburton Primary School


06.05.2015 - Ashburton Primary School
Ashburton Primary School
Fakenham Road Ashburton 3147
MAY 4 2015
PH: 98852559 FAX: 98854703
Principal’s Report
Dear Families,
Year 6 Camp
I am sure the Year 6 students will have a lovely
me at Cave Hill Creek Camp. They headed off
to Sovereign Hill on Monday and then stay at
camp for the week. The acvies include
canoeing, ropes course, bike riding, bush
cooking and fishing.
Merryn Bevis, Courtney Simon, Rachel Roberts,
Josh Brown, Sco* Bent and two parents Rob
Burns and Gerald Walsh will be a*ending camp
and looking a-er the students. They will be
returning on Friday approximately 3:15pm a
li*le weary but with many a story to tell.
Mr Bill Barbagiannis (the students call him Mr
B) will be taking PE for the week.
Mothers Day
We hope you get an extra big hug or breakfast
in bed to acknowledge how much you give
every day as a mother.
A Mother's Love
Of all the special joys in life,
The big ones and the small,
A mother's love and tenderness
Is the greatest of them all.
This week in SMILE we connued to talk about
blaming fairly. The focus is on when a problem
occurs how much is you, others of
circumstance? Ask yourself is this set back
permanent, pervasive or personal? The
metaphor we used was to imagine a pie chart.
* How big a slice of the pie were you
responsible for? For example, a sliver, a
poron mum would cut, or a dad’s size
poron. Somemes it might just be the crust.
* How big a slice of the pie was someone else
* How much is just circumstanal and beyond
your control?
Some quesons you could ask your child.
How did you help somebody today?
How did you help someone today?
What did you get be*er at today?
Educaon Week Open Morning Monday
May 18
All classrooms will be open from 8:30am to
9am to celebrate Educaon Week on Monday
May 18. SRC students will be available to offer
tours around the school as well. A special
assembly will be held at 9:00am. Selected Year
6 students will act as the Masters of Ceremony
with performances from many students. We
look forward to seeing you there.
New role for Natalie Nelson
I have certainly had to pracse my resilient
strategies. Due to unforeseen circumstances
the Senior Advisor posion I have been offered
in the North Eastern Victorian Region has been
delayed unl Term 3.
Natalie Nelson
Diary Dates
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Naplan—Years 3 and 5 Parent Flier Coming home today
4-8 May
Year 6 Camp
Friday 8 May
Mothers Day Stall
Prep –Yr5
Friday 8 May
Incursion at school
Tuesday 12 May
Years 3 & 5 Naplan
Language ConvenBons
Wednesday 13 May
Years 3 and 5 Naplan
Wednesday 13 May
Cupcake Stall 3.30pm
Wednesday 13 May
Parent’s AssociaBon
MeeBng 7.30pm
Wednesday 13 May
Yr 6 Excursion
Parliament House
Thursday 14 May
Years 3 and 5 Naplan
Saturday 16 May
Open Morning at School
for ProspecBve
Families 10am & 11am
Principal address & tour
Tuesday 19 May
School Council 7.30pm
Enrolment 2016
If you have a child starng school in 2016,
enrolments are now being accepted in the Office unl the end of
July. Ashburton Primary School has an Enrolment Boundary Map
available on the school website and informaon and dates
regarding Open days.
Chocolate Drive—Fundraising 2015
Check your child’s bag tonight for a noce on this
years Chocolate Drive (see back page of
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Term 2 Uniform
Shop Dates
19 May
2 June
Uniform Shop will be
on the 23rd June
instead of the 16th for
this month only.
Or anyone that can make a cupcake!
We need your help.
The ringing of the final bell on Wednesday 13 May will commence
our first cupcake stall for this year and we want it to be a good one.
We need any bakers of all types to help create our wonderful
offerings. You may be as creave or praccal as you like.
If you can help out with a batch (or two if you like) of cupcakes ,
please email Nicki at mathiesonfamily@bigpond.com.
Thanks so much
The Fundraising Team.
The cupcake stall will be on Wednesday 13 May in the
Quadrangle. Stall opens at the end of the day and
cupcakes are $2.50 each.
Assembly Performance
Monday May 11th
Sophie M will be
performing 'Brother
James', 'Lullaby' and
'Botany Bay' on the
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Smile Awards
Oliver D PAC For being a kind friend to others and for your consistent effort to listen a*envely.
Georgie H PVC For se*ling in to our class so well! Welcome to Ashburton Primary School Georgie!
Sara W PMD For showing wonderful manners when giving everything new, a try. Great persistence.
Hamish K 1ET
Chloe N 1SN
Maya Z 1LC
For always challenging yourself in Mathemacs, especially with reading and wring numbers over
1000! You’re a number superstar!
For her fantasc effort and achievement in reading and wring . Go Chloe!
For the excellent informaon she included in her weekend recount.
Millie S 2HL
For ‘showing off’ Mum during Show and Share and speaking so lovingly about why Mum was so
special to her.
Charlie W 3KA For his outstanding group work skills. He has demonstrated acve listening and shown
encouragement t all students whenever working in a group. Keep it up Charlie!
Ben A 3EM
For demonstrang a huge improvement in his ability to complete set tasks both at school and in
his homework. Well done Ben - keep up the great work!
Joshua D 3DS For always being cheerful, helpful and ready to learn. You are a wonderful class member
Thomas B 4DW For making mature learning choices to stay on task. Well done!
Steven M 4DW For his hard work and determinaon learning about decimals.
Olivia B 4KH
For confidently approaching tasks and persisng to achieve her learning goals.
Saksham S 4KH Working hard to improve his organisaonal skills. Keep up the great work!
Anki S 5KT
For contribung good ideas in the discussion on fair blaming.
Jennifer M 5KE For always being polite and well mannered. Your friendly nature makes you a very welcome
addion to our classroom.
Ma*hew C 5LP For his concentraon and enthusiasm during wring tasks. Fantasc work Ma*!
Jolie S 5DF
For her enthusiasc aStude towards wring. Jolie is a responsible and respecTul member of 5DF.
School 2 Minute Drop Off Zone on Fakenham Rd
We have sought clarificaon from Boroondara Council on our 2 minute Drop Off zone and
the response was as follows:
“that it is not ok to rank to wait for the drop-off space to be available and it would be desirable they
circulate instead. A 2 minute drop-off zone must be just that… 2 minutes. The driver should not be
alighng from the vehicle or at the least should only alight to assist passengers with school bags ,
equipment etc. and then leave the zone to make space for the next person. The drop-off zone , to be
effecve, cannot be considered by parents to be a convenient spot to park and escort their children into
the schoolyard/building as this defeats the purpose of such a zone” Supervisor Parking & Traffic
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