newsletter-2015-04-24 - Browns Plains State School
newsletter-2015-04-24 - Browns Plains State School
24 April 2015 Coming Events From the Principal Date 24/04/15 Event ANZAC Ceremony 27/04/15 P & C Meeting 28/04/15 Term 2 Resource Fees Due 7/05/15 Mother’s Day Stall 8/05/15 Mother’s Day Stall 12/05/15 NAPLAN 13/05/15 NAPLAN 14/05/15 NAPLAN 18/05/15 Sausage Sizzle 29/05/15 Yr 2 Museum/Science Visit 3/06/15 School Photos 4/06/15 School Photos 25/06/15 Under 8’s Day 9.30am WebAddress: Email: Principal: Deputy Principal: BSM: P&C: HOC G/O: HOSES – SEP, SCHOOL HOURS ARE 8:50AM TO 3:00PM Parents are responsible for their children before and after these hours Hello everyone Welcome back to our wonderful school for Term 2. I hope everyone had an enjoyable Easter vacation and is looking forward to another great term at Browns Plains. Having the cross country in the first week (23 April) is a great way to begin the new term and I look forward to seeing the students having heaps of fun competing in their house colours with all their friends. Our ANZAC ceremony this Friday will showcase our students’ respect for our country and those who have served to protect it. I thank Isaac Grayson and Lorrelle Lally for the lead they have taken in organising this ceremony. All parents and families are invited to attend this ceremony being held in our hall starting at 9:30am. I will also be representing the school at the formal ceremony being held at the Greenbank RSL on this Saturday at 9:30am. I encourage all students and families to join me in representing our school. Finally I am very pleased to announce that Amy Wasley and Nicky Guraya have both been permanently appointed to our school. Both have worked at Browns Plains and it is a fantastic outcome for our school that they will both continue to be a valuable part of our school for the foreseeable future. Kind Regards Andrew Beattie Principal WINTER STARTING – Green Jumpers As winter approaches it is time the jumpers come out. Please ensure your child has a green school uniform jumper to wear, clearly labelled with your child’s name. It is also part of our uniform policy that students have natural hair colour when at school. Thank you for your prompt attention. NAPLAN Special Provisions, Exem ptions and Withdraw als All requests for special provision, exemption or w ithdrawal require the completion of a form, available from the Office. These forms need to be returned to the Office by Thursday 7 May. PAYMENTS DUE Term 2 Resource Scheme Fee 28 April 2015 . HEALTH ALERT We wish to advise we have had a case of Hand/Foot and Mouth virus in our school. Please be aware of the symptoms and contact your doctor. P & C NEWS: Thank you for supporting our Easter Raffle. We raised $1012.00. All money raised goes back into the school for our students. The winners were: 1st Soraya Frew, 2nd Brian Jones, 3rd Scanlon family, 4th Lesley Walker, 5th Jana Miller, 6th Mel Stroud, 7th Kayla Love, 8th Zoe Reynolds 9th Vicki and Ivy McCabe MOTHER’S DAY STALL Our Mother’s day stall w ill be held on the 7 and 8 May 2015. All students w ill be able to purchase gifts for their mothers. If you can help please let the office know . Thank you ANIMAL WELFARE VISIT In week 2 term 2 we are looking forward to a visit from education officers from The Animal Welfare League. This organisation offers professionally developed education programs designed to educate about responsible animal care. Children learn about attending to the needs of animals in their care and how to reduce the number of unwanted animals in the community as well as various other aspects of interaction with animals. The officers visit with specially trained animals and the programs are structured according to the learning needs of the children. This organisation offers classroom visits as a service to the community free of charge. How ever in order to assist the AWLQ in covering the costs of the visit it kindly requests a gold coin donation per child w ho attends. All classes at our school are attending. Our school is also organising a hamper for the animals in the refuge. Any donations of cat or dog food in particular w ould be very much appreciated. This organisation has conducted this program in our school on a number of previous occasions and their presentations have been valued and enjoyed by both staff and students. AWLQ makes a very w orthwhile contribution to our community and it is important that our community is supportive of such organisations that make our school and our community a better place to be. Kerry Coombes P & C MEETING: When - Monday 27 April at 3.15pm Where – BPSS ECDP (building opposite the office - look for the large colourful fort) Children are welcome to play outside (supervised by own parents) All new members are welcome!