2015-4 eScope.pub - ASQ Orange Empire


2015-4 eScope.pub - ASQ Orange Empire
The official newsle er of the ASQ Orange Empire Sec on 0701
April 2015
Inside this Issue
Sec on Chair Update
Improvement Compass—
Supplier Audits, the Good, the
Bad and the Ugly
Leadership Commi ee
New Members
Monthly Recer fied Members
Volunteer Opportuni es
Quality Func on Deployment
(QFD) Seminar
Spring Cer fica on Opportunies
Refresher Courses
World Conference for Quality
and Improvement
Monthly Dinner Mee ng
SecƟon Chair Update
Anet Tanya Ant, CQA, CQE
Chair - ASQ Orange Empire
Sec on 0701
Summary: To increase engagement of young quality professionals
(YQP), ASQ Orange Empire Sec on 701 will make program improvements directed at this
cri cal demographic. Improvements will include establishment of more structured networking opportuni es between young members and experienced quality professionals, bringing
communica on to the YQP with an increased focus on social media, and embracing the technology that YQP are familiar with for process improvements to streamline the membership
Upcoming Events
April 14, 2015
Monthly Dinner Mee ng
May 12, 2015
Monthly Dinner Mee ng
May 30, 2015
Seminar: QFD
(Dr. Jack ReVelle)
June 9, 2015
Monthly Dinner Mee ng
Hello everyone, welcome to our April Newsle er
It is my pleasure to introduce you our new Social Media Chair, Jeffrey
Snoddy, who joined our team last month. Jeffrey’s experience will help
our sec on and members use social media channels to enhance communica on.
May 31, 2015 is the deadline for our Sec on 701 to submit PAR 2015
Innova on Award Intent To Apply to ASQ Headquarters. Therefore, at
our March Leadership Mee ng we brainstormed the ways to create more
member value through PAR 2015 Innova on Award and we came up with
the following project:
Title: Project YQP - Engaging the Next Genera on of Quality Professionals
Quarterly program sessions that are an informal discussion style with experienced quality professionals offering sugges ons to the YQP
Establishment of a mentor network that pairs YQP with experienced professionals in
their industry
High-func oning social media channels that increase member engagement from all demographics
Use of technology to streamline registra on process to allow more me at mee ngs for
networking and to demonstrate how process improvement can work.
We are very enthusias c about realizing this project and we are always welcoming your feedback and being part of our team. If you would like to join us, please contact our Vice Chair
Dieter Eckstein. This year World Conference on Quality and Improvement will be held in
Nashville, Tennessee on May 4 - 6, 2015. Registra on deadline is April 29, 2015 and the
theme of this year's conference is " Transforming the World Through Innova on, Inspira on,
and Leadership". If you would like to a end, here is the website to get more informa on and
register: h p://asq.org/wcqi.
As always, we have our Monthly Dinner Mee ng on every second Tuesday of each
month. We will be at Double Tree Hotel, Santa Ana on April 14, 2015 for a great program and
networking opportuni es. I am looking forward to seeing you there.
Best Wishes,
Anet Tanya Ant, CQE, CQA
Chair, ASQ Orange Empire Sec on 701
April 2015
Page 2
The Improvement Compass
Finding direcƟon!
Supplier Audits, The Good,
the Bad and the Ugly
By Dieter Eckstein, ASQ CMQ/OE, CQA, BSBM
Are you part of an organiza on that sends out annual
surveys or ques onnaires to your suppliers for the only
purpose of mee ng a corporate or standard requirement?
O en, the value added from this prac ce comes to mind.
What does an organiza on gain other than the tedious
paperwork? Very seldom, an organiza on will drive improvements by this prac ce. The me and effort spent vs.
the value added p the balance heavily towards this being
a “Bad” prac ce.
The surveys o en do not amount to very much other than
a record that simply helps prove that some effort was
made to evaluate suppliers. However, the suppliers o en
don’t become be er suppliers because they completed
the survey and returned it. In some cases, organiza ons
don’t even receive all of the surveys back because some
suppliers simply decide not to waste their me. Some
supplier rela onships then become “Ugly.”
But how do we turn these efforts into “Good” prac ces?
Most Quality Standards look at establishing a win-win
rela onship with suppliers. Suppliers are qualified to
make sure they are competent and proficient in the processes outsourced to them.
Supplier audits should be established to iden fy gaps between the supplier and industry best prac ces. The gaps
iden fied o en uncover the opportuni es that add value
to our supplier’s opera ons and eventually help them find
more efficient and effec ve ways of performing their
Helping our suppliers minimize the growing pains involved
in finding value of key business prac ces such as calibraon of tools, process planning and controls, document
and record controls, are priceless value added “Good”
prac ces.
2015 Leadership Team
Anet Ant
ane eant@hotmail.com
Dieter Eckstein
Bob Mehta
Briana Jokerst
Jeffrey Snoddy
Email jeffreysnoddy@gmail.com
Laurie Pa on
laurie.pa on@cox.net
Vinay Goyal (Ac ng Chair)
Mark Lindsey
TEL (714) 273-2678
Aaron Reddoch
Cory Goral
Stan Themea
Hassan Farah
Ed Ma hews (2014)
ed.ma hews@honeywell.com
Bob Mehta (Ac ng Chair)
Vinay Goyal
Vatsal Patel
Unfortunately, supplier audits take more than a boilerplate survey sent on a “minimum” annual basis with generic ques ons. All organiza ons that find this as the
best, cost effec ve alterna ve, miss the intent of performing audits on suppliers. It may fit the resources available, but it will very seldom ensure the quality of suppliers or drive “con nuous” improvement.
risk score, thus, a valid need to be audited. The FMEA can also help
define the controls necessary to minimize such risks. Once suppliers
are iden fied by their risk level, audits can be planned with the purpose of iden fying any gaps between the controls iden fied to minimize risks the supplier’s business prac ces. Any gaps found will be a
stream of value added ac vi es that will have mutual benefit by driving con nuous improvement.
Companies should priori ze the audi ng needs and
efforts. An FMEA can be performed to iden fy the risks in
processes outsourced and the suppliers that have a higher
Supplier audits are key to developing great suppliers that are compe ve in pricing and overall product and service quality. Avoid the
“Bad” and the “Ugly” and aim to find the “Good” in your supplier relaonships.
April 2015
Page 3
New ASQ Members
Welcome and congratula ons on making the important decision to become a member of ASQ.
Congratula ons!
Re‐Cer fica ons
The following members have met the
requirements to be recer fied
Aaron Reddoch
Alison Baxter
Gulzar Ahmed
James Lusk
Kimberly Taylor
Ma Kas
Peter Lindwall
Robert Peterson
Ronald Gray
All new members are eligible for free admission to a dinner
mee ng within 3 months of becoming a member. Please contact Vinay Goyal for a free dinner voucher at
Antoine e M. Clay
Anupma Seth
Carla A zado
Carolyn W. Arndt
Cynthia B. Juncosa
Daisy Lacbain
Douglas C. Greene
Eva Chang
Fides J. Maldonado
Hans Y. Devouassoux
Helga Baik
James Campbell
James D. Deshefy
Jennifer Chen
Jesse Jensen
Joe Belanger
Jonathan A. Burton
Juan E. Talavera
Ken Chesnin
Lauren Pritche
Lawrence A. C. Mallari
Manouk Makardish
Michael Mao
Michael Sperber
Nancy Hall
Nasim Anbarafshan
Nathan Soto
Patricia A. Huddleson
Richelle S. Richter
Ruben A. Alanis Luu
Stanley Tan
Sumit J. Prasad
Thomas L. Kindberg
Yunxia Liu
Are your certifications due for renewal?
You can submit up to six months before and after the due
date. The recertification units must fall within the
recertification period.
Send you recertification packages to:
Alcon Laboratories
A n: Cory Goral, M/C 122, CEE Lab
15800 Alton Parkway, Irvine, CA 92618
For more informa on email cory.goral@alcon.com or
Click here for more informaƟon 
Or View our training videos
If you have ques ons, look for Cory Goral can answer ques‐
ons at hour dinner mee ngs.
eScope Ad Rates
Ad Size
1 Issue 6 Issues 12 Issues
Inch Size
Full page 8.5” x 11”
1/2 Page 7.5” x 4.91”
1/4 Page 3.67” x 4.91”
1/8 Page 3.67” x 2.36”
Checks should be made to: ASQ Orange Empire Section, and
mailed to ASQ, PO Box 14183, Irvine, CA 92614, with ad copy,
instructions for placement, and frequency.
SCOPE Editor: Dieter Eckstein 949-677-2751 or
email ASQ0701eScope@outlook.com
April 2015
Page 4
Volunteering Opportuni es
We are currently looking for volunteers that would be interested in any of the following posi ons.
For more informa on contact Dieter Eckstein @ Tel. 949 677-2751 or email at ASQ0701Vice-Chair@outlook.com
Section Membership Chair
Programs Chair
Member Leader Posi on Descrip on
Maintain membership and ac vity informa on for
the sec on for historical purposes.
Member Leader Posi on Descrip on
Responsible for sec on recruitment and reten on
efforts. Develop and implements plans to maximize
membership renewal and encourage interested
persons to join ASQ.
Term One year: January 1 to December 31
Term: One year. January 1 to December 31.
Du es and Responsibili es
Work with sec on leadership commi ee (SLC)
to set goals/metrics to support the sec on's
management process as they relate to member recruitment and reten on.
Communicate/report to the sec on leadership ac vi es performed, status of performance against goals/metric set, etc. for member recruitment and reten on.
Plan regular mee ngs with the membership
commi ee to develop and review membership plans.
Be an advocate for member value, sa sfacon, and loyalty.
Provide an analysis of membership data to aid
sec on leadership commi ee in planning
ac vi es.
Develop, implement and maintain sec on
welcome program introducing new members
to programs and services.
Qualifica ons
Must be a member of the sec on in good
Preferably will have strong wri en and verbal
communica on skills.
Time Commitment
Up to three hours per month (outside of sec on
leadership commi ee mee ngs).
Work with sec on leadership commi ee to
set goals/metrics to support the sec on’s
management process as they relate to programs and ac vi es development.
Communicate/report to the sec on commi ee ac vi es performed, status of performance against. goals/metric set, etc. for
sec on program and ac vi es development.
Determine focus of sec on events and programs.
Sec on Opera ng Agreement
Solicit speakers to match topics.
Mee ng minutes of the current term
Conferences and courses sponsored or co
-sponsored by the sec on, and any accompanying Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs)
Work with arrangements chair, if applicable,
to coordinate speaker needs.
Work with newsle er editor to publish events
in a mely manner.
A end sec on leadership council mee ngs
and general membership mee ngs.
Uphold society bylaws, policies and procedures, and sec on opera ng agreement.
Work with Sec on Leadership Commi ee (LC)
to set goals/metrics to support the sec on's
management process as they relate to preserving sec on history.
Prepare or update the history of the sec on
ac vi es.
Work with sec on secretary and membership
chair to develop/maintain records that include:
Chair membership commi ee to deploy and
implement membership goals.
Du es and Responsibili es
Du es and Responsibili es
Term One year: January 1 to December 31.
Membership totals
Past sec on member leaders
Community events
Recogni on ac vi es
Qualifica ons
A end LC mee ngs and regular membership mee ngs.
Qualifica ons
Must be an ASQ member in good standing.
Preferably will have been a par cipant in
sec on commi ee ac vi es.
Time Commitment
Approximately 1 – 2 hours per month (outside of
sec on and execu ve commi ee mee ngs). Time
commitment will vary depending on how well
sec on records have been kept in previous years.
Must be an ASQ member in good standing.
Should possess strong organiza on, delegaon, and communica on skills.
Preferably will have understanding of needs
assessment tools.
Preferably will have some event planning
Time Commitment
Approximately three hours per month (outside of
member unit and execu ve commi ee mee ngs).
April 2015
Page 5
An American Society for Quality Seminar
Sec on 0701—Orange Empire
At Brandman University— 8:00am to 5:00pm
Quality Func on Deployment (QFD):
An Introduc on
Presented by: Jack B. ReVelle, Ph.D.
QFD is a comprehensive quality system that systema cally links the needs of the customer with
various business func ons and organiza onal processes, such as marke ng, design, quality, produc on, manufacturing, sales, etc., aligning the en re company toward achieving a common
goal. It does so by seeking both spoken and unspoken needs, iden fying posi ve quality and
business opportuni es, and transla ng these into ac ons and designs by using transparent
analy c and priori za on methods, empowering organiza ons to exceed normal expecta ons
and provide a level of unan cipated excitement that generates value.
By a ending this seminar, you will:
Realize how the QFD methodology can be applied to a broad variety of service, educa
health care, government, military and manufacturing projects
Understand how QFD provides a system of transla
ng customer requirements into necessary and appropriate organiza onal
responses at each stage from research and product development to engineering and manufacturing to marke ng/sales and
distribu on
See how QFD uses a structured format to encourage engineering discipline in conver
ng customer requirements into final
products and services
Find out how QFD helps provide improved product and processes in less
me and a lower costs
Our speaker: Jack B. ReVelle, Ph.D.
Dr. Jack B. ReVelle is a consul ng sta s cian for his firm, ReVelle Solu ons, LLC. He has provided his advice and assistance to manufacturing, service and residen al construc on organiza ons throughout North America, Europe, Australia, and China. Dr. ReVelle also provides his technical assistance as both a quality and an industrial engineering expert to a orneys involved in li ga on. He was awarded the Oklahoma State University College
of Engineering, Architecture and Technology (CEAT) Lohmann Medal (2006). He is a three- me Fellow
having been elected by: the Ins tute of Industrial Engineers (1993), the American Society for Quality
(1992), and the Ins tute for the Advancement of Engineering (1987). He is listed in Who's Who in Science
and Engineering, Who's Who in America, Who's Who in the World, and as an Outstanding Educator in The
InternaƟonal Who's Who in Quality. Dr. ReVelle received his B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Purdue
University, and both his M.S. and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management from Oklahoma State University. Prior to receiving his Ph.D., he served 12 years in the U.S. Air Force. During that me, he was promoted to the rank of Major and was awarded the Bronze Star Medal while sta oned in the Republic of Vietnam as well as the Joint Service Commenda on Medal for his work
in quality assurance with the Defense Nuclear Agency.
April 2015
Spring Cer fica on Opportuni es
By Mark Lindsey, Educa on Chair
We are into Spring and another round of ASQ Cer fica on Refresher/Prepara on Courses is underway. By June 6, 2015 exam we
should have another bumper crop with approximately 100 of our
members currently enrolled in the CQE, CSSGB, and CQA courses.
Surveys indicate many of the students are new Members to ASQ so it
is great that they are pursuing a Cer fica on. We have the 4th
largest Sec on in the na on and 48% of our Sec on members have
earned an ASQ Cer fica on. We hope that by 2016, we will be the
3rd largest Sec on with 51+% of our members having an ac ve Cer fica on.
We encourage you to reach out to others to become members and
earn a Cer fica on. That is what has sustained our Sec on for decades. We have no ced that Regulatory Agencies have been sending
their staff to our courses. They have also been encouraging companies to hire and develop qualified (competent) professionals in quality and safety.
Your Leadership Council is now reaching out to Universi es that
offer classes in Quality (i.e. CSUDH, Cal Poly Pomona, CSUF) to encourage their Students to a end our Dinner Mee ngs, become Student Members, and also earn the ASQ CQIA Cer fica on before they
graduate. The CQIA does not require prior work experience. When
you see Students at our Programs, reach out to them so the feel welcome and serve as a good role model/mentor as they are our future.
I joined the ASQ Student Chapter at CSULB back in the early in 1980s
and later joined the Orange Empire Sec on. 30+ years goes by fast.
I appreciate all of the mentoring I have received in 3 decades from
members like you. Lets keep developing the talent of the present
and the future. Is part of all of our Legacy.
Page 6
Page 7
April 2015
Six Sigma Green Belt Cer fica on— Prep Course
Cer fied Quality Auditor – Prep/Refresher Course
Sessions / Dates
10 sessions; Mondays from March 30, 2015 to June 1, 2015
Will cover: Lean Principles, Design for Six Sigma,, Project Mgmt Basics, Team Dynamics, Six Sigma Improvement Methodology & Tools
(Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, & Control)… Plus: Basic Sta scs prepara on, TI-30X II sta s cal calculator usage, strategies/ ps
for preparing & taking the exam.
Monday, March 30, 2015 6:00 PM – Monday, June 1, 2015 9:00 PM
Pacific Time
Text Cost
Employed Member
Fee $350.00 for a limited me ($400.00 original price)
Nonmember Fee $500.00 for a limited me ($550.00 original price)
Unemployed Member Fee $200.00
Bob Mehta (bobasq0701@gmail.com )
Open through March 20, 2015
Sessions / Dates
9 sessions; Mondays from April 6, 2015 to June 1, 2015. No
class Monday, May 25 Memorial Day. Makeup Class on Tuesday, May 26
Will cover: Cer fica on Overview, Audi ng Fundamentals,
Auditor Competencies, Audit Prepara on, Audit Performance, Audit Repor ng, Audit Follow-up & Closure, Audit
Business Applica ons, Quality Tools & Techniques, plus Tips &
Strategies on taking the exam.
Monday, April 6, 2015 6:00 PM – Monday, June 1, 2015 9:00
Pacific Time
Loca on
Alcon Laboratories
15800 Alton Parkway, Irvine, California 92618, USA USA
Dress Code
Business Casual A re
April 2015
Page 8
Get NO Points for Must Have’s: Using the Kano
Model to Create Marketplace Differen a on
Presented by: Joely Gardner
ASQ Orange Empire Monthly Dinner Mee ng
This is our regular monthly dinner mee ng program with two
clinics running concurrently, dinner, and an outstanding a er
dinner presenta on. You are welcome to come for the clinics
and a er dinner presenta on WITHOUT buying the dinner. In
fact, we welcome you. We will have accommoda ons for you.
This way you s ll earn the RU and take advantage of the presenta ons.
Clinic 1: Exploring the Changes Coming in ISO 9001:2015 and
their Impact - Presented by Thomas Bowles
Clinic 2: Co-Crea ng The Future of Management Systems
Presented by Manuel Marco
Products and services that simply meet requirements are no longer
adequate. In order to create marketplace differen a on, you must
delight your customers.
Using the Kano Model, you can:
Iden fy the kind of investment in product and service design
that returns the best user sa sfac on.
Determine which new features engage your users and which
ones waste your efforts.
Understand the classifica ons of customer needs and how they
influence sa sfac on.
Learn some methods to get at Basic, Performance and Excitement.
The session will be lively, interac ve, fun, and most of all informave.
About our speaker: Joely Gardner
Joely Gardner, PhD is a licensed psychologist
who specializes in customer experience strategy
and the “opera onaliza on” and incorpora on
of customer’s emo onal needs into measurable
improvement ini a ves within an organiza on.
Dinner Presenta on: Get No Points for Must Have's: Using Kano
Model - Presented by Joely Gardner, PhD.
Tuesday, April 14th, 2015, 5:15 PM - 9:00 PM
Doubletree Hotel Santa Ana/Orange County Airport
201 East MacArthur Boulevard, Santa Ana, California 92707
Clinic 1 or Clinic 2 ONLY (no dinner speaker or meal)
(0701 Member) Complimentary
(Non-0701 Member) $10.00
Clinic 1 or Clinic 2 and Dinner Speaker (no dinner meal)
(0701 Member) Complimentary
(Non-0701 Member) $10.00
Full Package - Clinic 1 or Clinic 2, Dinner, and Dinner Speaker
(0701 Member) $30.00 for a limited me ($40.00 original price)
(Non-0701 Member) $45.00 for a limited me ($55.00 original price)
Friday, April 10, 2015 at 11:15 AM for discounted pricing and
Fish and Beef dinner selec ons.
Online registra on closes at 12:00 pm on Tuesday, April 14,
Joely is an Adjunct Professor at Cal State Fullerton and teaches part- me in the graduate-level
Cer ficate Program in Customer Experience and
User-Centered Design. She is currently Chief
Customer Experience Strategist for Human Factors Research in San
Marcos, CA. Her clients include start up‘s in social networking and
mobile applica ons as well as enterprise-level organiza ons such as
Sony, Life Technologies, Quest Diagnos cs, Hewle Packard, and JP
Morgan Chase Bank.
Contact Informa on:
Joely Gardner, PhD
Human Factors Research, Inc.
760-994-6314 (m)
Page 9
April 2015
Exploring the Changes Coming in ISO 9001:2015 and
the Impacts on Different Elements of the
Organiza on
Co‐Crea ng The Future of Management Systems
Presented by: Thomas Bowles, MSEE, CQE
We all know that changes are coming to the ISO 9001 Quality Management standard. While this has been discussed for several years, it's now
upon us since the revised standard is due to be released before the end
of this year. In this clinic, we will look at what is driving these changes
and some of the specifics that are expected in the revised standard
based on the final dra that has been published by the ISO/IEC direcves commi ee. While there are substan al changes to the structure of
the standard and important nomenclature changes, the important considera ons for us are how will it affect our internal Quality Management
System and drive changes throughout the organiza on. The meframe
for the transi on is also significant since there will be a three-year implementa on period. Impact on other ISO specifica ons including ISO
13485, ISO 17025, ISO 14001 as well as AS9100 and the new emphasis
on Service in addi on to the tradi onal treatment of Product.
By a ending this presenta on, you will gain:
Insights into the changes that are coming to ISO 9001:2015 and the
mo va on driving these changes
 An apprecia on of the impact on the companion ISO standards: ISO
13485, ISO 17025, ISO 14001, AS9100
 An understanding of the changes that will be manifest within the
Organiza on and the Company’s Quality Management System to
comply with the new standard
 An understanding of the metable for implementa on of the new
About our speaker: Thomas Bowles, MSEE, CQE
As Director of Quality Assurance for FUTEK Advanced Sensor Technology, Inc. in Irvine, CA, Thomas
oversees all Quality, Training and Safety opera ons
for the Corpora on that manufactures and markets
force, load, torque and pressure sensors domes cally and in 49 countries around the world. In his 12
years as the head of Quality for FUTEK he has led the
Quality team on every major technological sensor
program including sensors for the NASA Mars Rover
Curiosity program which con nues to provide extraordinary scien fic discoveries from the surface of Mars. Prior to joining FUTEK, Thomas was the Manager of Reliability and Test Systems for
Ultraviolet Devices, Inc. in Valencia, CA, where he directed reliability
engineering and reliability growth tes ng programs for ultraviolet disinfec on and steriliza on equipment. He holds a US Patent for HVAC steriliza on equipment. Prior to that, he was the Deputy Program Manager
of GPS Programs at Magnavox Advance Systems in Torrance, CA, where
one of the first produc on GPS military and civilian receivers were built.
His professional career began at Hughes Aircra Company a er receiving his Masters’ Degree in Electrical Engineering from Cal State University, Northridge. At Hughes he par cipated in electronic and digital design
of radar and missile systems including many black programs. Hughes
also sponsored his post-Graduate work at USC. Prior to joining Hughes,
he taught Electrical Engineering as an instructor at his university. Thomas is also an FAA licensed Commercial Pilot and a former LAPD Police
Presented by: Manual Marco
Management systems have for decades been an important tool for
organiza ons in order to achieve their business objec ves; whether
to address quality, occupa onal health, safety, environmental, social
or other requirements.
But the world is changing, and management systems need to reflect
this new reality. With the new ISO Annex SL and the 2015 revisions,
we see a shi towards integra on of management systems, helping
organiza ons to take a broader view and address their most important risks and opportuni es in order to operate more sustainably. But is this move sufficient? What needs to be done in order for
management systems to be relevant in 2025?
This clinic involves heavy interac on between the speaker and the
a endees to provide valuable informa on pertaining to "how management systems should look like in 2025 and beyond.”
This interac ve clinic will introduce some of the trends impac ng
management systems and will invite you to provide your views and
visions on the future of management systems.
About our speaker: Manual Marco
Manuel Marco has been involved with Management System Cer fica on since 1993 in
Europe, North America and La n America,
where he has held different management
posi ons. Manuel has been qualified as
Lead Assessor for ISO/IEC 20000-1, ISO
9001, QS-9000 and ISO/TS 16949, and Assessor for ISO 14001. He has also been qualified as Lead Evaluator for the Carnegie
Mellon eSourcing Capability Models for
Service Providers (eSCM-SP) and Clients (eSCM-CL). Manuel is a
senior member of ASQ. Currently, Manuel is the Western District
Manager of DNV GL Business Assurance in North America.