Sydney Indesign 13-15 August 2015 Sydney Indesign 13


Sydney Indesign 13-15 August 2015 Sydney Indesign 13
Sydney Indesign
13-15 August 2015
Exhibitor Guidelines
Sydney Indesign
13-15 August 2015
Table of Contents
Section 1 – General Exhibitor Information
1. Location
2. Exhibitor Access & Galleria Opening Hours
3. Bump In/Bump Out Schedule
4. Bump In/Bump Out Details
5. Admission
6. Loading Dock Management
7. Deliveries, Stock Removal & Storage
8. Waste Removal
Section 2 - Operational Regulations & Guidelines
9. Authority of Premises
10. Exhibition Stand Construction & Build Requirements
11. Failure to Exhibit
12. Fire Precautions
13. Floor Loading & Weight Restrictions
14. Materials Handling & Forklifts
15. Indemnity & Insurance
16. Regulations Observance
17. Security
18. Venue Information
19. Workplace Health & Safety (WHS)
Sydney Indesign
13-15 August 2015
Dear Exhibitor, Congratulations on your participation in Galleria 2015.
From 13-15 August 2015, the Australian
- Closed footwear must be worn at all times
Technology Park (ATP) Exhibition Hall will be
in the venue and loading dock. Open toed
transformed into Galleria, a compact pop-up
shoes, sandals or thongs are not permitted.
precinct running over 2.5 days as an extension
of Sydney Indesign playing host to key industry - Organisers of group exhibitions are
figures and decision making visitors.
responsible for ensuring that all Exhibitors
and/or co-exhibitors on their stand be fully
These Exhibitor Guidelines will provide
aware of, agree to, and abide with all the
you with the operational and procedural
Rules and Regulations stated herein.
information that is crucial to ensure a safe
and smooth running show. Please study the
- Please ensure that you adhere to your
contents of this manual carefully and contact
allocated Bump In and Bump Out times as
the Sydney Indesign Team with any questions
directed by the Organiser.
you may have.
Please remember, we are here to help. Feel
The Sydney Indesign Team (herein after
free to contact us at anytime if you require
referred to as the Organiser) would like to
more information or clarification
draw your specific attention to the following on the material we provide.
important information for Bump In and
Bump Out:
Together, we will work to make your
participation at Galleria 2015 a worthwhile
- All Exhibitors and Contractors that will be
investment and a great success for all
onsite during the Bump In/Out phase must
complete the Australian Technology Park
Induction. Guards will not allow access to the
site if the induction has not been completed.
- During Bump In, Exhibitors will be able to
pick up name badges from the Registration
Desk, located at the loading dock.
- High visibility shirts or vests must be worn
at all times in the venue and loading dock.
You must provide your own high visibility
vests. A limited supply will be available for
purchase onsite.
- Persons under the age of 18 are not
permitted in the venue or loading dock.
Sydney Indesign
13-15 August 2015
Section 1 – General Exhibitor Information
1. Location
Galleria is located at the Australian Tehnology
Park - Conference & Exhibition Centre.
Exhibition Hall, Bays 10 – 14, 2 Locomotive
Street Eveleigh NSW 2015.
A location map of the ATP and surrounds is
available within the Exhibitor Portal. For a
current copy of the Galleria floor plan and
your location within Galleria please contact
the Organisers.
2. Exhibitor Access & Galleria Opening Hours
2.2 Galleria Opening Hours
Exhibition opening hours for visitors
Please Note: Exhibitors have access to the
venue 2 hours prior to show open.
All stands and displays must be staffed 30
minutes prior to show open.
Thurs 13 August
Fri 14 August
Sat 15 August
1600 – 2100
1000 – 1800
1000 – 1800
2.1 Exhibitor Access
Access to the venue during Bump In/Out is via
the Loading Dock on Locomotive Street (off
Garden Street). The service road is deemed
a tow-away zone to ensure a continuous and
clear flow of traffic. All crew and onsite staff
MUST wear high visibility safety vests. Any
crew or staff found not wearing a safety vest
will be escorted offsite.
Exhibition Entry for Visitors and Exhibitors
during show open will be via the designated
Show Entrances (Bay 12 and via the foyer in
Bay 8) on Locomotive Street by pedestrian
access and authorised Event Buses only.
If driving, Visitors and Exhibitors will need
to use the ATP car park located on Central
Avenue (off Garden Street or access via Davy
Road off Henderson Road).
Sydney Indesign
13-15 August 2015
3. Bump In/Bump Out Schedule
Bump In
Approved exhibitor stands and display
builders only.
Tues 11 August
Organiser will
determine Exhibitor
Build Schedule for
individual access
‘Tools down’ ALL exit venue
Tues 11 August
Approved exhibitor stands and display
builders only.
Wed 12 August
Organiser will
determine Exhibitor
Build Schedule for
individual access
Completion of ALL stand construction and
bump in. All stands must be dressed with all
rubbish and packaging removed from the
Exhibition Hall.
Wed 12 August
Bump Out
Removal of Exhibitor materials (hand carried
items only).
Sat 15 August
1830 - 2030
Dismantle of Exhibitor stands.
Sat 15 August
2030 - 2200
Completion of all stand dismantling. All
Exhibitor stands, rubbish and materials must
be removed from the Exhibition Hall by the
indicated time.
Sun 16 August
0700 - 1200
Sydney Indesign
13-15 August 2015
4. Bump In/Bump Out Details
4.1 Detailed Bump In/Out Schedule
The Organisers will create a schedule
for Bump In/Out, listing every Exhibitor’s
allocated Bump In/Out time. This schedule
will be communicated with Exhibitors and
Stand Builders in July. Please ensure that you
adhere to your allocated Bump In/Out times
as directed by the Organisers.
4.2 Important Facts for Bump In
Exhibitors must ensure that delivery, loading
and unloading of goods is carried out at the
loading dock only. The exhibition security
guards and/or our Galleria Exhibition
Contractor will be at this area to supervise
and direct vehicles, to ensure smooth and
safe operations of freight activities.
Exhibitors delivering small items using
passenger cars are to park in the ATP
Exhibition and Conference Centre Car Park.
4.3 Important facts for Bump Out
Exhibitors are NOT permitted to dismantle
stands/remove merchandise prior to the
official closing of the exhibition at 1800 on
Saturday 15 August 2015.
For the Bump Out time it is important that the
Exhibitor meets the following requirements:
- Exhibitors are not allowed to pack up before
the official closing time.
- Couriers will not be able to pick up packages
before the closing time.
- The Organiser will visit Exhibitors during the
Exhibitors or their contractor should not arrive exhibition days to remind each Exhibitor of
at the venue earlier than the time stipulated
their allocated Bump Out time and other
in the “Bump In/Bump Out Schedule”. The
dismantling requirements.
Organiser will not accept any delivery, or sign - The Organisers will not accept responsibility
for any goods, packages or other materials
for the loss of any items. Exhibitors are
on behalf of the Exhibitor, their Agent or
reminded that goods will be at risk during
their Contractor, nor can they be responsible
Bump Out and that stands should not be left
for failure in delivery. No responsibility for
unattended until the appropriate suppliers
the safety or well being of any such items
have collected all items and equipment.
delivered onsite or awaiting collection in the
absence of the Exhibitor, their Agent or their
Any merchandise remaining on the stand
Contractor will be accepted by the Organiser. should be stacked in the centre of your
stand, away from walls or structures and
To avoid congestion in the venue, Exhibitors clearly labelled with collection details and
may bring in hand-carried items only. Handcontact information. Exhibitors leaving
carried items are allowed to be unpacked
goods on their stand must also complete
inside the exhibition premises providing
a Goods Collection Form and submit to
there is no risk of damage to the floors
the Organisers as notification of collection
and hall when items are unpacked. Major
details. In doing so, Exhibitors accept
items should be unpacked away from the
full responsibility for the security of their
exhibition premises and then brought into
displays and exhibits until collected.
the stand for positioning.
Sydney Indesign
13-15 August 2015
Note: All exhibitors and equipment must be
offsite no later than 1200 Sunday 16 August
2015. The Organiser or ATP will accept no
responsibility for any exhibit or material
remaining after the completion of the Bump
Out period. These items will be considered
waste and disposed off at the Exhibitor’s
4.4 High Visibility Clothing Requirements
It is a compulsory requirement that all
Contractors and Exhibitors working in the
venue during the Bump In/Out days of
the event wear high visibility clothing, to
minimise risks associated with plant and
vehicle movements within the venue and its
loading dock. High Visibility Vests must be
worn at all times whilst in the loading dock
and within the venue for the duration of the
Bump In/Out.
4.5 Displays & Merchandise
Exhibitors must be present to receive all
exhibits. The Organiser will not accept any
delivery, or sign for any goods, packages or
other materials on behalf of the Exhibitor,
their Agent or their Contractor, nor can they
be responsible for failure in delivery.
4.6 Venue Induction
It is a venue requirement for all Exhibitors and
Contractors conducting work onsite during
the Bump In/Out phase to complete the new
online based induction PRIOR to arriving
onsite. This induction process needs to be
completed only once to be valid for all future
events for the next 12 months. Step by step
instructions for the induction process can be
found via the Exhibitor Portal.
Closed footwear must be worn at all times
in the venue and loading dock. Open toed
shoes, sandals or thongs are not permitted.
5. Admission
Admission into the venue is strictly controlled.
Exhibitors, their representatives, delegates,
and trade visitors are all required to display
their respective badges for admission into
the venue. Please note that Trade Identity will
be required for visitors registering onsite i.e.
business card.
5.1 Exhibitor Name Badges
Exhibitors are able to pre-register their staff
names for exhibitor badges via the Exhibitor
Portal. Exhibitor Badges will be available for
collection at the Galleria during Bump In on
Tuesday 12 August.
5.2 Contractors
Contractors requiring access to the exhibition
during the event period, 13-15 August 2015
are required to wear name badges and/or
company shirts for identification purposes.
For security purposes, Contractors will not be
permitted access outside the Bump In/Out
period or exhibition open hours without prior
approval from the Organisers.
Sydney Indesign
13-15 August 2015
6. Loading Dock Management
ATP has a vehicle checkpoint that will monitor
access and ensure an orderly flow of traffic
in accordance with the detailed Bump In/
Bump Out Schedule. Name and company
identification will be required.
For access to the loading dock of the
venue, delivery vehicles are to queue from
Locomotive Street. A 15-minute unloading
limit applies to all cars in this area. The laneway
is deemed a tow-away zone to ensure a
continuous and clean flow of traffic to all
spaces within the venue. No parking is allowed
in the loading dock areas, and no vehicles will
be admitted during exhibition open hours.
Please note: Any Exhibitor or their Contractor
who arrives outside their allotted time will not
be granted access to the loading dock. Please
ensure that you do not arrange any courier
to deliver your items for your stand/display
before the indicated time, as they won’t have
any access to the loading dock.
To confirm your loading dock access, please
ensure you submit the Loading Dock
Access Request Form available from the
Exhibitor Portal.
7. Deliveries, Stock Removal & Storage
7.1 Deliveries
Any deliveries/collections, if necessary,
must be done between 0800-0845 and/or
1815-1900, respectively during exhibition
days. The Organiser must be informed of any
such movement so that the necessary
arrangements can be made. Exhibitors must
ensure that delivery, loading and unloading
of goods is carried out only at the loading
dock. The exhibition security officers and
the exhibition contractor will be present
area to supervise and direct vehicles to
ensure smooth and safe operations of
freight activities.
The Organiser will not accept any delivery,
or sign for any goods, packages or other
materials on behalf of the Exhibitor, their
Agent or their Contractor, nor can they
be responsible for failure of delivery. No
responsibility for the safety or well being of
any such items delivered onsite or awaiting
collection in the absence of the Exhibitor,
their Agent or their Contractor will be
accepted by the Organiser. The Exhibitors
themselves may bring small hand-carried
items into the venue. Exhibitors delivering
small items using passenger cars are to park
in the ATP Exhibition and Conference Centre
car park.
A location map and courier delivery label
containing the venue address and event
details is available via the Exhibitor Portal.
7.2 Goods Removal Form
At the conclusion to the event any materials
remaining on the stand should be stacked in
the centre of your stand away from walls or
structures and clearly labelled with collection
details and contact information. Exhibitors
leaving goods on their stand must also
complete a Goods Collection Form and
submit to the Organisers as notification of
collection details. In doing so, Exhibitors
accept full responsibility for the security of
their displays and exhibits until collected.
Sydney Indesign
13-15 August 2015
7.3 Storage
No onsite storage facility is available through
the Organiser. Items stored onsite must be
stored on the Exhibitor’s stand only within
the parameters of their stand, not behind or
adjacent to the stand. Cartons, crates, cases,
packing materials and containers used for
storage and consignment of Exhibitors
must not be stored within the venue. The
Organiser reserves the right to remove and
dispose of any such items left in the venue.
Any storage or disposal costs incurred
will be borne by the Exhibitors. Exhibitors
must organise the removal of equipment &
packaging and store offsite.
8. Waste Removal
During the Bump In/Bump Out days of the
Exhibition, the aisles of the venue must not
be obstructed with packing and construction
materials or debris. Contractors building
stands or stand interiors are responsible for
removing their own building waste and offcuts from the site at the end of each day.
Exhibitors/Contractors must also ensure that
all materials left from their stand, including
advertising material, magazines and packing
material are removed from the venue. Failure
to do so will result in a disposal fee payable by
the Exhibitor to the Organiser. Any Exhibitor/
Contractor found placing items in bins not
supplied for Galleria, will be charged for
disposal by the Organiser.
Sydney Indesign
13-15 August 2015
Section 2 - Operational Regulations & Guidelines
9. Authority of Premises
In the event of any problems or disputes
onsite, the decision of the Organiser, being
the lessee of the premises, will be final. The
Organiser also reserves the right to amend
any earlier decision made in order to meet
and satisfy any unforeseen or prevailing
circumstance for the benefit of the exhibition
and concerned parties.
9.1 Official Contractors
The Organiser has appointed Official
Contractors who have already agreed to
abide by the Rules & Regulations for the
exhibition. All have provided copies of their
insurance policies, and their Workplace
Health & Safety (WHS) policies.
9.2 Exhibitor Appointed Contractors
An Exhibitor appointed Contractor is any
company (other than the officially appointed
Contractors) that an Exhibitor wishes to use
inside the venue, before, during and after
the exhibition.
Approval will be granted if the Exhibitor
appointed Contractor has provided their
insurance details, agrees to the Rules &
Regulations of the exhibition and abides by
the Organiser’s Safety Guidelines detailed
within this document. The Organiser will
notify the Exhibitor of the result by email
confirmation. It is the responsibility of the
Exhibitor to inform their Contractors of the
result of this application.
It is possible that the Contractor you wish to
appoint has already provided their insurance
details to Organiser. It is advisable to contact
the Organiser to establish whether or not
your Contractor is listed on our approved
Contractor’s register.
No permission will be given to use an
Exhibitor appointed Contractor for the
performance of electrical (connection/
consumption), material handling (forklifts),
telephone/fax/internet connection, rigging,
or cleaning. The Official Contractors will
provide these services for the event.
Exceptions for Exhibitor appointed Catering
Contractors can be made, provided one of
ATP’s approved caterers or a Gold Licenced
Caterer is being used, subject to approval by
ATP. The Official Caterers for the venues are
listed within the Galleria Contact List found in
the Exhibitor Portal.
Sydney Indesign
13-15 August 2015
10. Exhibition Stand Construction & Build Requirements
10.1 Exhibition or Display Stand Concept
Submission Deadline
All exhibition or display stand concepts must
be submitted to Bonnie Eskdale via no later than Friday
29 May 2015. Submissions received after
this date can not be guaranteed approval
for build.
Size: Please note that all exhibition spaces are
custom-sized as per your contract with the
Organiser, and all stand sizes must be agreed
and approved in writing by the Organiser.
Stand Designs must include:
- Line drawings to scale with all dimensions
- 3D Renders or supporting images
- Full list and description of materials used
- Stand Builder/Designer Contact Details
-Contact details for Exhibitor Emergency First
Aid/WHS Representative
Lighting: There is no lighting supplied as part
of your stand booking.
All materials used for display or stand
construction must conform to the following
minimum fire safety standards:
- Non-combustible material
- Flame-proof fabric
- Flame resistant woods
You must supply all plans and specifications
for any display or component that by reason
of weight, noise, vibration or operation is
likely to cause damage to ATP, or disturbance
to the occupants of ATP, for approval by the
Organiser and ATP.
10.2 Galleria Exhibition Stand
Package: This is a curated space and
Exhibitor packages are not supplied.
Exhibitors are purchasing floor space
only, based on the agreed and contracted
participation fees. All displays and exhibition
areas are to be supplied by the Exhibitor,
with designs and infrastructure approved in
writing by the Organiser.
Walls: Please note that walls are not supplied
and are discouraged, unless otherwise agreed
and approved in writing by the Organiser.
Power: 1 x 4amp power point provided as
part of stand bookings (this does not include
Featured @ Galleria - Crate bookings). This
power supply will cover basic electrical
requirements e.g. powering laptops, charging
mobile phones etc.
For any forklift, rigging, lighting and
additional power requirements, please use
the relevant order forms supplied within the
Exhibitor Portal.
10.3 Display and Walling
Display of Exhibitor’s name, logo, etc. is
not permitted on the back or sidewalls
of neighbouring booths. The Organiser
reserves the right to request the Exhibitor to
change, modify, lower or shorten any back
wall or sidewall proposed in the stand design
if, in the opinion of the Organiser, such wall
or sidewall will obstruct the reasonable
exposure of any adjacent exhibition stands.
In addition, the external side of any wall,
which faces another Exhibitor or a public
area, must also be finished to a quality
acceptable to the Organiser.
10.4 Painting
Major painting of displays and exhibition
materials are not permitted in the venue.
However, “touch-up” painting of the displays
Sydney Indesign
13-15 August 2015
and exhibition materials are permitted
provided such work is undertaken
during the Bump In period and all safety
precautions and protective surface
coverings are put in place.
These precautions include:
-Painting in an area which is properly
- Use of Non Toxic Paints.
-Covering the concrete floor with plastic
overlaid with drop sheets.
-No painting near ATP’s vertical structure (i.e.
walls and columns)
-No washing of paint material within or
surrounding the venue, this includes
venue bathrooms.
10.5 Flooring
Flooring of stands can be covered in carpet
or other suitable material. In relation to raised
floor areas, they must comply with ATP’s
guidelines below. If Exhibitors are providing
their own flooring, designs must be approved
by the Organisers.
ll raised floors, steps and ramps within
exhibits must comply with the relevant
sections of the Building Code of Australia.
Any raised floor section must be clearly
distinguishable from areas of the surrounding
floor space.
All raised floors with a height of less than
115mm are not regarded as a step, and
these floors will require a suitable and
clearly distinguishable ramp from the main
exhibiting floor level or surrounding platform
to the raised section. The ramp must be of
gradient no less than 1:3 and be contained
within the contracted space.
Ramps may not protrude into the nominated
aisle way, therefore, must be included in the
stand space.
All raised floors with a height greater than
115mm but less than 190mm from the main
exhibition floor level or surrounding platform
will be regarded as a step and generally will
not require a ramp. However, an approved
stair nosing must be installed as per
requirements for steps in public places. The
raised floor or ramps must not contain sharp
or dangerous edges. Disabled access points
to the stand must be approved by Organisers.
10.6 Stand Fitting & Boundaries
Exhibitors are not permitted to display, hang,
or distribute any exhibit, material, furniture or
product, nor extend their stand structures and
fittings, beyond their contracted boundaries.
Erection of partitions or display boards
which could hamper the fire protection
system and the airconditioning diffusers
and airflow inside the venue is not allowed.
Any temporary structures erected must
allow a minimum clearance of 3 metres from
door opening to fire cabinets, electrical and
mechanical riser and alarm call points.
10.7 Stand Height
Any design for a structure exceeding 2.4m
in height must be submitted with the stand
concept and build plans for approval and will
be taken into consideration on a case-bycase basis.
Any interior or exterior wall over 2.4m in
height shall not extend more than two-thirds
the length of the stand unless prior approval
is given by the Organiser.
10.8 Temporary Structures & False Ceilings
All temporary structures built for exhibitions
Sydney Indesign
13-15 August 2015
must comply with the Building Code of
Australia and all other statutory regulations
current at the time of construction. This
includes areas pertaining to egress, height,
and fire safety and fire retardency of materials.
Exhibitors wishing to construct a false
ceiling on their stand must submit detailed
drawings to the Organiser for approval.
Flashing lights and neon displays are not
permitted unless they form an integral part
of the exhibit. Sequence-lit displays used
may be subject to the Organiser’s approval
and the rate of light change.
Service such as electrical cables,
computerised air pipes, telephone lines
inside or near the stand may not be
removed, cut or diverted without the
permission of the Organiser.
Fittings, display or self-adhesive stickers/
signs must not be attached to or suspended
from the ceiling or any part of the venue, nor
may nails or screws be driven, nor holes be
drilled into the floors, walls, doors or pillars or
any part of the venue.
10.9 Signage
All signage must be commercially produced,
be of appropriate size and located as per
approval by the Organiser. No signs, banners
or commercial medium may be hung, fixed
or visible on the building interior or exterior
without prior approval. Signage must be
submitted for approval with the designated
date for design concept submissions.
10.10 Damages to the Venue
Contractors will have to bear any charges
levied by the venue for damages caused to
the property and/or flooring. Contractors
must ensure that the stand they are
constructing and/or decorating is clean
before handing it over to the Exhibitor.
All contractors are expected to clean the
stands and remove all construction debris
including all double-sided tapes and residue
marks before the end of the bump out
period. Please note: Saw dust producing
construction is not allowed within the venue.
11. Failure to Exhibit
Any organisation which has signed and
submitted a valid Contract for space
reservation, and fails to exhibit or turn up for
the exhibition and has not been released from
the Contract by the Organiser, shall be held
liable for the full cost stated in the Contract,
plus any additional costs incurred by the
Organiser as a result of the failure to exhibit or
turn up for the exhibition.
Sydney Indesign
13-15 August 2015
12. Fire Precautions
The venue is equipped with a fire-protection
system. Exhibitors who require a special type
of fire extinguisher due to the nature of their
exhibits are required to make arrangements
for such equipment at their own cost. The
Organiser will assist and advise, if required.
an exhibit display within certain guidelines
approved by ATP via the organiser.
Data sheets must be obtained from the
venue for LP Gas and general flammable
liquids. All stands using cooking appliances
must have a fire extinguisher supported on
No packing materials or brochures may be
the wall by a bracket 1.2m above the floor.
stored behind the walls of perimeter stands or Should the construction of a stand create a
any other designated service areas.
potential smoke lock area or create an area not
serviceable by the existing sprinkler systems,
12.1 Flammable goods and fire proofing
the Organiser or ATP may require the Exhibitor
Any materials used for stand construction
or Contractor to install a smoke detection or
or display purposes must comply with the
sprinkler system, emergency exit lighting and
Building Code of Australia. The following are
exit systems on their stand.
- Non combustible material
Fire extinguishers and the venue’s fire fighting
- Inherently non-flammable material
equipment must be visible and accessible at
- Flame-proof fabric
all times and must not be removed from their
- Self-extinguishing plastic material plywood, correct location. Display stands/materials
hardwood, pulp board or fibre board
must not obscure or hinder access to fire
rendered flame-resistant by a process of
fighting equipment.
impregnation acceptable to the authorities.
- Crepe paper corrugated cardboard, straw,
untreated Hessian or PVC sheet (except on
floors as a protective membrane) is strictly
12.2 Fire Regulations
Special fire equipment/precautions may
be necessary for stands displaying motor
vehicles. Please contact the Organisers for
approval on Vehicle Display. In addition, to
comply with fire regulations any excessive
amounts of waste material must be removed
periodically from the exhibition site.
Proposals to use flammable gas and/or naked
flames on any exhibit must be approved
in writing by ATP via the Organiser at least
one month prior to the first day of Bump-In.
Flammable liquids may be used as part of
Sydney Indesign
13-15 August 2015
13. Floor Loading & Weight Restrictions
The maximum uniformity distributed load
shall not exceed 20kPa. All floor areas within
the ATP have specified loading limits per
square metre. Any equipment or item to be
displayed weighing more than 500 kilograms
must be assessed prior to the item or
equipment being positioned. The Organiser
requires the following information submitted
with the stand design and build concept in
advance of the commencement of the build:
- The dimensions of the base of the item
- The gross weight of the item
- A picture or diagram of the item
- Indication on the floor plan where the item is
to be located
Concentrated loads exceeding the given
amount will have to be assessed and where
permissible, approved in writing by the
Organiser in consultation with ATP.
14. Materials Handling & Forklifts
All forklifts and other materials handling
equipment (depending on your requirements)
will be operated by the Organiser’s Official
Exhibitor Contractor. Special materials
handling equipment and service is available
at cost to all Exhibitors. Relevant Order forms
will be available via the Exhibitor Portal.
Payment for forklift and other services
booked onsite during the show for Exhibitors
will be by cash or credit card at the time
service is provided.
Sydney Indesign
13-15 August 2015
15. Indemnity & Insurance
15.1 Indemnity
The Exhibitor will indemnify the Organiser
against any cost, claim, liability, loss, damage,
proceeding and expense whatsoever to
which the Organiser, its Directors, Officers,
Contractors, Employees and Agents are in
any way subject, arising from or in connection
to an act or omission of the Exhibitor (or
of any Co-exhibitor, Contractor, Director,
Officer, Employee, or Agent of the Exhibitor)
including, without limitation, liability in
relation to personal injury, damage to or theft
of property, or economic loss.
The Organiser will not be liable for any cost,
claim, liability, loss damage, proceeding
and expense whatsoever arising from or
in connection with the exhibition or the
Exhibitor, including, without limitation,
liability in relation to personal injury, damage
to or theft of property, economic loss, any
conditions or restrictions that affect the
construction, erection, completion, alteration
or dismantling of a stand or exhibit, the failure
of any service at the exhibition centre and
the cancellation or part-time opening of the
exhibition either as a whole or in part.
their agents are insured against claims for
workman’s compensation.
15.2 Insurance
Exhibitors shall ensure that they are fully
covered with public liability insurance and
comprehensive protection.
Exhibitors must provide the Organiser with
a copy of their current certificate for Public
Liability cover. The policy must be on the
Insurer’s letterhead and is to include the
following details:
- Your exhibition company name
- Amount of coverage (must be no less than
A$20 million for public liability – i.e., Limit
of Indemnity to a minimum value of A$20
- Company you are covered with
- Date you are covered for, this must show
expiry. You must be insured for the period
of exhibition commencement through to
conclusion including the build/dismantle
period (10-17 August 2015, inclusively).
- Your policy number
The Organiser will not be responsible for
the safety of articles of any kind brought
into the exhibition by the Exhibitors, their
Agents, Contractors, Visitors or any other
person. Exhibitors shall also be responsible
for making good any loss or damage to any
items which they have rented or hired from
the Official Exhibition Contractors. Moreover,
Exhibitors shall take all necessary precautions
to prevent any damage to their equipment,
exhibits and displays before making any
connection to the electrical supply of the
official contractors. Exhibitors must ensure
that their temporary staff and the staff of
Sydney Indesign
13-15 August 2015
16. Regulations Observance
Every Exhibitor, their Agent or Contractor,
must observe the Rules and Regulations
laid down and enforced from the date of
this exhibition, including any amendments,
which may be applicable from the date of
the exhibition and introduced by the relevant
Authorities or the Organiser.
Failure to observe these rules and
regulations may result in the Authorities
or the Organiser ordering the closure and
removal from the venue, all or part of the
stand or exhibits. In the event that this
occurs, the Authorities and the Organiser
will not be held liable for any loss or damage
thereby suffered by any Exhibitor.
17. Security
General security in the venue will be
provided. Uniformed security guards will
be on duty during the total period of the
exhibition, including Bump In/Bump Out
periods. Though the Organiser maintains
security surveillance at all times, Exhibitors
are reminded that goods/exhibits will still,
nevertheless, be at risk, especially during the
final day when the show closes on Saturday
15 August 2015. Please ensure your stand,
especially personal and valuable property,
portable and rented items, are not left
unattended at any time before, during and
after the show.
Exhibitors are reminded that small, portable
and valuable items are most at risk after
the exhibition closes each day. Therefore,
Exhibitors are advised to keep these safely
stored each day before leaving the venue.
Exhibitors are reminded that this is an open
stand show and the primary responsibility
for safeguarding of belongings lies with
the Exhibitors. The Organiser will not accept
responsibility for theft, loss or damage
of exhibits, stores or any other equipment
belonging to Exhibitors, Contractors
or Visitors.
Please note: Exhibitors holding functions
on their stand approved by the Organiser,
must book security guards to ensure other
Exhibitor’s stands are not interfered with.
Should you require security on your stand
for functions etc., please contact Rebecca
Harris, ATP (02) 9209 4435 obtain costs and
make a booking.
Contractors should ensure that all staff are
wearing name badges and/or company shirts
for identification purposes. If contractors
are required to work outside the official
time periods please inform the Organiser so
security can be arranged – this may entail
costs which will be borne by the Exhibitor.
Our security officers will maintain security
during the event. While every reasonable
precaution is taken, the Organiser and ATP
accept no responsibility for any loss or
damage occurring to persons or property at
the exhibition.
Sydney Indesign
13-15 August 2015
18. Venue Information
18.1 Venue Specifications
Floor Finish
Freight / Loading
Dock Entrance
Access is via
Locomotive Drive
Loading dock is
two-way with a
roundabout area
outside Bay 14
Loading dock
Height 4.3m x
Width 7.8m
Ceiling Height
Water and Waste
Peaked Roof Truss
height at 9.5m
and overall ceiling
height of 13m
Bulkhead Beams
Height 2.6m
Located in
designated areas
at southern end of
Hall, please contact
the Organisers to
enquire about the
exact locations
Workshops and outside the Biomedical
Building on Central Avenue.
Please note: There is no free parking for
Exhibitors or Visitors. For more information
including up to date parking rates please visit
18.3 Cleaning
General cleaning of the traffic areas within
Galleria and public waste removal will be
managed by the Organiser. Individual
exhibition display cleaning and waste removal
requirements is the responsibility of the
individual Exhibitor. Please note cleaning
charges may be imposed for disposal of
waste from individual exhibition displays.
18.4 Display
Please note that ATP is a heritage listed
building, no signs, decorations or other items
can be affixed to any surface. You must not
paint, nail, screw or stick anything to the walls,
doors, floors, pylons/pillars or any other part
of the venue.
18.5 Generators
No generators are to be used without prior
written approval from the Organiser and ATP.
18.2 Parking
Australian Technology Park is located close
to the CBD with excellent public transport
connections. ATPSL encourages all tenants
and visitors to ATP to travel by public
18.6 Health Regulations
You must comply with all statutory
requirements, regulations and directions of
authorities relating to health and food safety
for the event.
ATP provides undercover parking with direct
lift access to the Conference and Exhibition
facilities. There are allocated spaces for
people with disabilities. These spaces are
located on Locomotive Street, directly in
front of Bays 8, 4 and 16 of the Locomotive
18.7 Food & Beverage Sampling
ATP has sole rights for the sale or
distribution of food & beverages, therefore
no catering may be brought into ATP without
the consent of ATP’s Management. You must
comply with the following in relation to food
& beverage sampling.
Sydney Indesign
13-15 August 2015
- Beverage samples must not exceed 120ml
- The beverage container must be 120ml or
- Food samples must not exceed 100g
- Confectionery and snacks must not exceed
59g in weight.
- Samples must be given for analysis should
this be required. Failure to cooperate will
result in removal of samples from venue.
be located within direct access of the
serviced area
- Hand wash basin with hot and cold water
- Separate basin with hot and cold water
where utensils and implements are used
- Refrigerated display and/or storage cabinet
for perishable food
- Glass or perspex screens or sneeze guards
to protect the food from contamination
- Washable impervious floor; e.g. vinyl sheeting.
Alcohol Liquor License:
ATP employ a responsible service of alcohol
policy, a copy which is available on request.
You must comply with the requirements of that
policy. Caterers supplying alcohol for the Event
must hold a current caterer’s gold licence
and be an approved panel caterer under the
Liquor Licence. It is your obligation to control
guests and refuse service of alcohol to guests
adversely affected by alcohol in accordance
with the Harm Minimisation requirements
under the Liquor Act.
Public Eating & Drinking Implements:
Public eating and drinking implements must
be disposable and non re-usable e.g. plastic
cups, plastic spoons etc.
Samples for Promotional Purposes:
Samples for promotional purposes must be
offered so as they are not handled by the public
e.g. apportioned and tooth picks inserted.
Protection from contamination by use of a tray
with fitted plastic covers is mandatory.
Perishable Packaged Foods:
Perishable packaged foods may require
refrigeration. You must comply with any
request with ATP in relation to refrigeration to
comply with Health Regulation requirements.
Cooking of food by exhibitors & guests
is discouraged. Each request for cooking
of food by Exhibitors and guests will be
considered by ATP and the Organiser on its
merits in conjunction with the type of food
and quantity being cooked; and the method
used to remove any cooking odours. Early
consultation with the organisers and ATP
should be sought in this regard. Written
permission must be obtained from the
Organiser and ATP for any cooking of food by
Exhibitors and guests.
Unpackaged Foods:
Where unpackaged food is given away
and is to be openly stored, displayed and
handled, the following facilities need to be
- Where hot and cold water are required,
the exhibition stand or otherwise must
Rubbish Receptacles:
The party promoting food must provide
adequate rubbish/garbage receptacles in
suitable locations. Such receptacles shall be
located at or near the stand and the contents
shall be disposed of in a manner approved by
the Oragnisers and ATP.
ATP have an on-site Caterer and panel of
other preferred cateres, please find following
the list of ATP approved caterers within the
supplier contct list in the exhibitor portal.
Sydney Indesign
13-15 August 2015
Please note extra cleaning charges may be
It is now a condition of your contractual
imposed for the disposal and cleaning of food agreement with the Organiser that you
or food waste.
uphold the non-smoking policies of ATP in
which events are held. This means ensuring
Demonstrating Equipment:
that you, your staff and your customers
Where an event or exhibition has
observe the non-smoking policy. Failure
demonstrations using portable electrical
to do so will expose the Organiser, your
equipment, the Safety Manager must give
organisation and you personally, to the risk of
special approval and extra safety precautions claims for damages by persons claiming to be
must be taken to protect members of the
affected by cigarette smoke.
public. These extra precautions must be
complied with at all times or the demonstration The Organiser will not be responsible for any
will be stopped.
breaches of this policy resulting from the
failure to enforce it. The contract that you
Sale of Alcohol, Refreshments, Merchandise
enter into with the Organiser now includes a
or Other Items:
clause indemnifying the Organiser against
The Organiser reserve the right to prohibit the claims as a result of your actions/or failure to
sale or other supply of alcohol, refreshments, act on the non-smoking policy.
food, merchandise, or other items, for
any reason whatsoever. Approval must be
18.10 Telephones & Internet
granted by the Organisers and ATP for the
Australian Technology Park offers a
sale of any items prior to commencement of
high-speed internet connection that
the event dates.
enables limitless network configurations.
Teleconfrencing and videoconferencing can
18.8 Competition and Gaming Regulations
be provided through their Telstra Customnet
Any competition, trade promotion or art
service. Public telephones are located the
union conducted at or in conjunction with
main entrances throughout the venue. Please
an Exhibitors’ stand must comply with the
refer to the Exhibitor Services Form found
Charitable and Non-Profit Gaming Act 1999,
within the Exhibitor Portal.
Regulations and Rules (NSW).
For more information on conducting a
competition, trade promotion or art union,
Exhibitors should contact the New South
Wales Office of Liquor, Gaming & Racing on
(02) 02 9995 0894 to obtain an information
sheet or visit their web site: http://www.olgr.
18.9 Smoking Restrictions
ATP has a no smoking policy within all areas of
the venue. Exhibitors are therefore requested
not to smoke within the exhibition area.
Sydney Indesign
13-15 August 2015
19. Workplace Health & Safety (WHS)
19.1 Emergency First Aid and Medical
It is imperative that emergency contact
details of the person in charge of your stand
during the show open days be supplied to the
Organiser. This contact must be supplied as
part of your stand design plan submission.
request the same information for any subcontractor they employ. It is also advisable
for you and/or your contractor to document
a risk assessment and method statement on
the installation and removal of your stand
construction at the exhibition.
Emergency telephone numbers are:
Ambulance - 000, Dental - 3830 4157.
19.4 Safety
It is the policy of the Organiser to endeavour
to seek the co-operation of all concerned in
order to achieve the highest standards, in all
aspects, of health and safety. The Organiser,
along with ATP, have, within the scope of
their policies, a responsibility to ensure
that safe working practices are maintained
at all times, which includes ensuring that
provision is made whereby persons other
than the Organiser or ATP employees are
reminded of their responsibilities whilst
working at the venue.
The nearest Public Hospital Casualty
Department is at the St Vincents Hospital, 390
Victoria Street Darlinghurst, (02) 8382 1111
19.2 Evacuation Procedures
In the event of a partial or complete
evacuation of the venue Exhibitor/
Contractor’s staff will be directed to the
areas by ATP security staff. If it proves to be
necessary to clear people away temporarily
from only a section of the building, then the
evacuation public address announcement
will be made.
Please be aware of the importance of a
constant check being made on the contents of
Exhibitors’ stands to see that no unidentifiable
packages, cases or bags have been left lying
around. In any case of doubt, the article
should not be touched and security staff
should be advised via the Organiser. When
security is satisfied that there is no danger, an
announcement will be made.
Please refer to the Emergency Response
Procedures document and the venue
evacuation diagram found within the
Exhibitor Portal.
19.3 Health, Safety and Risk Assessments
You are advised to request the health and
safety policies of any contractors you
employ and to remind them that they should
As an Exhibitor, Contractor or Agent you
have a duty under Workplace Health & Safety
Legislation to ensure that all personnel,
contracted by you are aware that they have
a responsibility for the health, safety and
welfare of all employees, and that any plant,
or systems of work which may be used are,
so far as is reasonably practicable, safe and
without risks to health. This includes that all
employees are provided with information,
instruction, training and supervision to ensure
not only their own health and safety, but also
of others working or attending the vicinity.
Under Workplace Health & Safety Legislation
all Exhibitors and Contractors are required
to carry out an assessment of the activities
involving the use, handling and storage of
hazardous substances within the workplace.
As such, the Organiser will undertake an
assessment of how any substances used,
handled or stored at an exhibition may affect
Sydney Indesign
13-15 August 2015
others and if precautions are needed, to
ensure that they are put into place.
You are also required to have in your
possession a copy of your own Workplace
Health & Safety (WHS) policy and a copy of
the WHS policy document of each contractor
employed by you which, may be requested
during the exhibition. Following are some of
the principal areas, which need to be brought
to your attention:
19.5 Safety Guidelines
- You must appoint someone who is
responsible for Workplace Health & Safety
(WHS) matters on the stand.
- During the bump in and bump out periods,
your staff and sub-contractors should be
constantly reminded by you of the need
for vigilance regarding the health and
safety of themselves and those working in
their vicinity.
- The need to maintain the emergency
aisleways, as indicated on the site floor
plans, must be maintained at all times.
- Fire exits and emergency equipment must
not be obstructed.
- Work areas should be maintained free from
general waste and packaging materials,
which could be hazardous to operatives.
- You must ensure that portable electric tools
are used with the minimum length of trailing
leads and that such equipment is not left
unattended with a live power supply to it
- You must ensure that portable power
equipment is used for the purpose for
which it was designed and that safety guard
and dust collection bags are correctly fitted
and used.
- It is your responsibility to ensure that any
equipment or re-wired units comply with the
Australian Safety Standards before they are
installed onsite
- No electrical cables must be allowed to
cross gangways, passageways and fire exits.
All portable electrical equipment should
have a current inspection tag attached,
and when in use, should be connected to a
Residual Current Device (RCD).
- Exhibitors are responsible for the safe
use and storage of flammable liquids and
substances and segregation from waste
and other risk areas.
- Operatives should wear suitable protective
clothing relevant to their job, which includes
eye, hearing, foot and hand protection.
- If scaffolding must be used during the
construction of any exhibition within the
venue, safety features of the scaffolding must
be adhered to. Any tower scaffold in use must
be properly stabilised and propped.
- Stand construction contractors must
comply fully with all legal requirements that
are relevant with their operations.
- All equipment must be regularly serviced
and inspected - all statutory testing and
examination requirement must be fulfilled.
- Any violations or concerns regarding any of
the above points should be reported to the
Organiser immediately.