TALMAGE AGWAY Spring 2015 BABY CHICK Advance Order Form
TALMAGE AGWAY Spring 2015 BABY CHICK Advance Order Form
TALMAGE AGWAY Name: Address Town Spring 2015 BABY CHICK Advance Order Form Phone Email Zip Cell If you cannot pick them up in that time period it is your responsibility to contact us to make other arrangements. Notice: We will hold your order for four (4) days after we have notified you. As per NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets Law, Article 26, 354. 3. No person shall sell, offer for sale, barter or give away living baby chicks, ducklings or other fowl or baby rabbits under two months of age in any quantity less than 6. Sexed Pullets(90% accurate) $4.35 each Egg color (M=multi, B=brown, W=white, C=cream, DB=Dark Brown) Price 9.95 6.95 5.99 Broiler Expected Date: Egg color Araucanas M Barred Plymouth Rocks B Babcock White Leghorn W Black Australorps B Black Giants B Black Sex Link B Brown Leghorns W Buckeyes B Buff Orpingtons B Buff Brahmas B Cuckoo Marans DB Dark Brahmas B DeKalb Amberlinks B Columbian Rock Cross B/C Hubbard Golden Comets B Golden Laced Wyandottes B Light Brahmas B Production Reds B Red Cross B Rhode Island Reds B New Hampshires B Silver laced Wyandottes B Partridge Rocks B Speckled Sussex B White Plymouth Rocks Turkeys – Mammoth Bronze Ducks – White Peking Guinea Keats Cornish Rock Cross Pullets (Cockerels add $0.30) B 3/12/15 03/26/15 04/09/15 04/22/15 05/07/15 05/21/15 100+ 2.10 QTY Special Order any week 4/16/15 1-24 4.35 25-49 3.50 50-99 2.95 Note: This is our tentative schedule of deliveries. This may change based on pre-orders that are submitted. If you need a different mix please let us know. Also available are game birds (permit needed). Please give us your order 2 weeks prior to when you would like the birds. You may drop your order in person, or fax to: (631) 727 –8754 or Email to: orders@talmagefarm.com or Mail to: Talmage Farm Agway, 1122 Osborn Avenue, Riverhead, NY 11901 1|P age TALMAGE AGWAY Name: Address Town Spring 2015 BABY CHICK Advance Order Form Phone Email Zip Cell If you cannot pick them up in that time period it is your responsibility to contact us to make other arrangements. Notice: We will hold your order for four (4) days after we have notified you. As per NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets Law, Article 26, 354. 3. No person shall sell, offer for sale, barter or give away living baby chicks, ducklings or other fowl or baby rabbits under two months of age in any quantity less than 6. Egg color (M=multi, B=brown, W=white, C=cream, DB=Dark Brown) Sexed Pullets(90% accurate) $4.35 each Price Expected Date: Egg color Araucanas M Barred Plymouth Rocks B Babcock White Leghorn W Black Australorps B Black Giants B Black Sex Link B Brown Leghorns W Buckeyes B Buff Orpingtons B Buff Brahmas B Cuckoo Marans DB Dark Brahmas B DeKalb Amberlinks B Columbian Rock Cross B/C Hubbard Golden Comets B Golden Laced Wyandottes B Light Brahmas B Production Reds B Red Cross B Rhode Island Reds B New Hampshires B Silver laced Wyandottes B Partridge Rocks B Speckled Sussex B White Plymouth Rocks B 5/28/15 06/11/15 06/25/15 07/09/15 1-24 4.35 25-49 3.50 50-99 2.95 100+ 2.10 9.95 Turkeys – Mammoth Bronze 6.95 Ducks – White Peking 5.99 Guinea Keats Cornish Rock Cross Broiler Pullets (Cockerels add $0.30) QTY Special Order any week Note: This is our tentative schedule of deliveries. This may change based on pre-orders that are submitted. If you need a different mix please let us know. Also available are game birds (permit needed). Please give us your order 2 weeks prior to when you would like the birds. You may drop your order in person, or fax to: (631) 727 –8754 or Email to: orders@talmagefarm.com or Mail to: Talmage Farm Agway, 1122 Osborn Avenue, Riverhead, NY 11901 2|P age