Innovation Projects Autism CRC 31st March 2015


Innovation Projects Autism CRC 31st March 2015
 Autism CRC Ltd
ABN 55 162 632 180
Innovation Projects Autism CRC 31st March 2015 Call for Innovation Projects Autism CRC March 2015. Autism CRC Ltd is currently calling for applications for Innovation Projects across its three Research Programs. The number of Innovation Projects in each Program will be determined based on merit and funding availability to enable Autism CRC to meet its Commonwealth milestones and deliverables. The Call for these Innovation Projects opens on 15th December 2014 and closes 31st March 2015. Completed applications, including the Autism CRC Innovative Project Plan, should be emailed to by COB 31st March 2015. An email receipt will be sent to the submitting project leader. Innovation Projects provide seed funding for innovation consistent with the Autism CRC Ltd’s overall objectives. These projects will involve a maximum investment of $50,000 (exclusive of GST) and will be a maximum of one year in duration. We are seeking creative and novel ideas that will assist us in meeting our research objectives. Information about Autism CRC can be found on our website Program 1A better start through better diagnosis This program aims to harness existing knowledge of ASD to improve diagnosis, ensure earlier diagnosis, and use breakthroughs in biological research to identify subtypes of ASD and the most effective interventions for these. To do this, we will create one of the largest repositories of autistic biological information in the world. This will enable us to:  Identify factors that may lead to autism  Revolutionise diagnostic accuracy; and  Help match children with the intervention that works best for their biological make‐up. Program 2 Enhancing teaching and learning This program aims to provide ASD appropriate educational environments and programs that optimise students’ social, behavioural and academic success, and equip teachers to manage even the most complex behaviours. Program 3 Finding a place in society This program aims to improve opportunities for people with ASD to successfully participate in higher education and employment, and identify best practice in physical and mental health management. Application Process Interested researchers should email their interest and/or discuss their proposed Innovation Project plans with Robyn Synnott Research Program Officer by email at Page 1 of 15, or call 33770607 in the first instance, or direct to Program Directors: o Professor Andrew Whitehouse (Program 1), o Professor Suzanne Carrington (Program 2), o Professor Torbjorn Falkmer (Program 3) The Autism CRC Innovation Project Plan (Appendix 1) must be completed in full and the Project Plan will need to be signed by all parties to the project prior to submission. Project leaders must ensure that at least one, if not more, Autism CRC participants are involved in each project as a project participant. Engagement with end‐users is strongly encouraged. Assessment and Independent Review for all Projects All Project Plans will first be considered by the Research Executive. Plans that meet the outlined criteria will be reviewed by the Research Executive and sent to the relevant Independent Scientific Advisors. Their Feedback will be considered by the Research Executive who will make recommendations to the Research and Development Committee (May 2015) regarding priorities for funding. The Research and Development Committee then makes recommendations for funding to the Board of Autism CRC Ltd (June 2015). Criteria for Assessment Innovation Projects Application and Project Plans will be assessed with regard to the following criteria: 
meet Autism CRC Ltd’s milestones and outputs by talking to Program Directors; utilise Participant in kind (staff and non‐staff); comply with proposal guidelines; are well developed and demonstrate feasibility over the time line; clearly focus on end‐user driven outcomes identified for Autism CRC Ltd; are collaborative and involve at least two (preferable more) CRC Essential and/or Other Participants;  include Participants with adequate skills and infrastructure to operationalise the project; and  demonstrate engagement with and input from end‐users in their development. Unsuccessful Project Plans If a project is not recommended, notification and feedback from the Research and Development Committee will be made to the Project Leader. Successful Project Plans Once project plans are approved for funding, all participating organisations will be required to sign off on the Project Agreement. Funding for projects will be finalised once the Project Agreement has been fully executed and evidence of ethical clearance has been provided to the Director of Research and Education. The initial payment will be made in advance, once the Project Agreement is fully executed and subsequently all payments will be made in arrears on the satisfactory completion of project milestones, research progress, cash and in‐kind reporting and acceptance by the Research Executive (and summarised for the Research and Development Committee). Unsatisfactory reporting or unsatisfactory progress against project milestones, not remedied to the satisfaction of the Research Executive, will lead to termination of project funding. Page 2 of 15 APPENDIX 1 Autism CRC ABN 55 162 632 180 Autism CRC Strategic Project Plan Project number Project name (short version) Project name To be assigned by Autism CRC Project leader Must be short and clear, preferably 2‐4 words. Optional – you may prefer a longer descriptive name Commencement date Completion date Project funds Total $ value of project (cash) In‐kind value Total $ value of in‐kind contributions Milestones Insert relevant CRC milestones.
Program number Project summary 1 2 3 Program Research Director Approximately 300‐500 words of plain language summarising objectives, methodology, expected outputs, outcomes and impact. This summary must specifically articulate how the project contributes to CRC milestones. This statement may be used on the website or in Autism CRC publications. Page 3 of 15 APPENDIX 1 1(a). Parties to the Project Agreement Project Parties are participants contributing cash and/or in‐kind to the project. Typically, parties to the Project Agreement receive some cash funding and/or are significantly involved in developing Project IP through contributing to research design, operationalisation, analysis and dissemination.. Project Parties to the Agreement Role in Project Autism CRC Ltd Where relevant insert division, department or faculty of a Party 1(b). Other Parties to the Project Other Parties are participants engaged via MOUs to provide in‐kind contributions (mostly end‐users). The parties typically assist with recruitment and/or dissemination of findings and not in the development of Project IP. Project Parties to the Agreement Role in Project Autism CRC Ltd Where relevant insert division, department or faculty of a Party 2.
Project objectives Describe the objectives of the project – up to half page in dot points. 3.
Proposed strategy – Research methodology Describe the proposed strategy and methodology (participants, instruments, procedure, analysis), including the responsibilities of Participants– up to two pages. Page 4 of 15 APPENDIX 1 4.
Potential outputs and utilisations Using the reference numbers provided in Schedule 3 of the Essential Participants Agreement, identify all outputs, utilisations and the relevant milestones to be achieved by this project, and describe how these will contribute to achieving the requirements of Schedule 3. 5.
Project milestones / outputs For strategic projects of two years or more duration there should be project milestones for each 6 months of the project. These need to be detailed enough for the Director of Research and Education to monitor project progress via 6 monthly reporting. Include ethical clearance by all organisations as an early milestone. If there are MOUs include signature of all MOUs as a preliminary milestone for the research project leader. Participant responsible for milestone / output Project milestones / outputs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Add more as needed CRC‐related milestone in EPA Date due 6. Analysis of project risk All project parties must be engaged in discussion of mitigation of risk. Describe any risks associated with achievement of project outputs and milestones and how they are to be mitigated – up to half a page. 7. Additional utilisation opportunities Describe any additional commercialisation and application/dissemination opportunities from proposed project outputs – up to half a page. 8. Management Communications Plan Briefly describe how your project team plans to engage as a team to keep the project on track (eg frequency of meetings, how meetings will occur and platforms to be used). Ensure all parties agree to this plan. 9. Background IP Description Name of party making the background IP available (if not owner) Owner of Background IP Restrictions on use of Background IP Page 5 of 15 APPENDIX 1 10. Rights to use Project IP Essential Participants have rights in relation to Project IP as described in the Essential Participants Agreement Clauses 23.13 and 23.14. For Other Participants, it will need to be stated if they have the same rights as Essential Participants under Clause 23.14 or differing rights. Project party Rights in relation to Project IP Restrictions on use of Project IP 11. (a) Budget justification A written detailed justification of all budget items including RAs, PhDs, Post Docs, Admin Assistants, and direct costs eg equipment, field work related travel, consumables, must be provided. The Project Budget must provide a separate budget for each participating organisation. All costs must be identified and listed separately for each participating organisation. Provide details of any funded staff involved in this project detailing the anticipated contribution by the staff member regarding their research and time commitments. The associated costs per project organisation, for each funded staff member, are to be included in the project budget. The FTE for all funded staff should also be included at the rate specified below. The rates should be pro rata for less than a full time position. Admin Assistant FTE $60,000 per annum (including on costs) Research Assistant FTE $80,000 per annum (including on costs) Post Doc FTE $120,000 per annum (including on costs) 2015 ‐ $25,849; 2016+ ‐ $26,624; 2017 ‐ $27,423; 2018 ‐ $28,246 PhD students* *If PhD student has an APA Scholarship, Autism CRC will provide a $5,000 per annum ‘top up’ to the scholarship for three years. Individual assets < $20,000 may be purchased with CRC project funds where required for specific interventions. Such items could include laptops, iPads, software, etc. Assets will need to be tracked throughout the project.. See Attachment E Capital Asset Guidelines. Page 6 of 15 APPENDIX 1 (b) Table of Project cash budget See SAMPLE budget in Attachment D Participating Institution Budget Item Year 1 GRAND TOTAL 12 In‐kind Resource Requirements 12.1(a) Project Party Staff FTE in‐kind contributions The staff FTE in‐kind contribution is to be calculated using the levels * stated below according to the percentage of time allocated. These figures have been supplied by the Commonwealth CRC program. See Attachments A and B for examples of each category within Autism CRC. Level * Participating Institution Name of staff member % Time SM, KR, RP, SS Start Date Finish Date $ Value * Level indicates one of the four levels provided by the Commonwealth. SM = Senior Manager ‐ $420K per annum KR = Key Researcher/Project/Theme Leader/Manager ‐ $280K per annum RP = Researcher/Professional ‐ $220K per annum SS = Other Support Staff ‐ $180K per annum. 12.1(b) MOU Staff FTE in‐kind contributions See Attachments A and B for examples of each category within Autism CRC. Level * Participating Institution Name of staff member % Time SM, KR, RP, SS Start Date Finish Date $ Value Page 7 of 15 APPENDIX 1 12.2 Non‐staff in‐kind contributions for (for use of equipment, laboratories, etc) This section is intended to capture extraordinary in‐kind expenses (eg. office space, laboratory space, equipment hire, infrastructure access costs, internal equipment charges etc.). In accordance with the EPA, access to large capital items must be valued proportionally to the usage by the CRC and based on the running costs and depreciation of the capital item, as agreed between the contributing Participant and the Board. See Attachment A for Guidelines for In‐kind contributions. See Attachments A and C for examples of each category within Autism CRC. Participating Institution Description of non‐staff in‐kind contribution Agreed $ value per annum (or if one off – total value) 12.3 Non‐staff in‐kind contributions (infrastructure support for CRC centre funded staff) See Attachments A and C for examples of calculations. Participating Institution Approximate $ value for duration of the Project 13 Special terms Any terms or conditions which vary from the project agreement clauses or the EPA are to be stated. Special terms will take precedence over the EPA clauses and other terms of the Project Agreement. Other standard Project Agreement clauses will remain unchanged for all Project Agreements.). 14 Project performance and responsibilities are outlined in the essential participants Agreement The Project Leader is the person appointed to act as a leader of a Project. The Project Leader and Project Participants must maintain the appropriate financial, research, time commitment and technical records. The Project Leader must: 
Ensure compliance with OH&S, animal ethics, human research ethics legislation and organisational obligations. 
Ensure research is conducted in an ethical manner as described by the NH&MRC. 
Ensure that clinical trials are conducted using Good Clinical Practice and are registered with the Clinical Trials Network. 
Use his or her reasonable efforts to ensure the Project is conducted in accordance with the Project Plan to achieve the Milestones and Project Objectives. 
Be responsible for administration of the Project and liaison with all Participants. 
Ensure project funds are used for the purposes of the Project only. 
Ensure project funds are used in accordance with the Project Plan and Project Budget. 
Provide quarterly reports to the Autism CRC on Project progress against milestones, outputs, deviations from the Project plan, any significant difficulties encountered and any Project IP created. Page 8 of 15 APPENDIX 1 Project Leader Certification I certify I have discussed this Project with the relevant Research Program Director and the Project Participants. I understand the responsibilities of the Project Leader role and have the time and capacity to perform the role of Project Leader. Name Signature Date Project Parties/Participants Certification I certify that I have discussed this project with the Project Leader and team and understand what I have committed to. Name Signature Date Name Signature Date Add additional rows as required DOCUMENT CONTROL Version: 3 Approved: Project Plan Approved by R&D Committee October 2013 Issue: December 2014 Review: December 2015 Responsible: Director of Research and Education Page 9 of 15 ATTACHMENT A Guidelines for In‐kind Contributions The CRC for Living with Autism Spectrum Disorders Overview When a Participant provides staff time and/or spends money supporting CRC activities, which are not funded by the CRC but paid for by the Participant, this support is an in‐kind contribution. In‐kind contributions are an essential part of the CRC and every Participant has agreed to supply in‐
kind to some degree (via Essential or Other Participant Agreement). Be aware that in‐kind contributions can be for any type of support and can be over and above amounts agreed to. Participants can provide in‐kind in three ways: Three Types of In‐kind 1. In‐kind staff contributions, where participants contribute their staff member’s time to the activities of Autism CRC but these activities are paid for by the organisation and; 2. Non‐staff in‐kind, where participants pay expenses towards activities of Autism CRC that are not otherwise funded. Examples are provided below and; 3. Other non‐staff in‐kind What can be claimed as an in‐kind contribution? There are a wide range of activities that can be claimed as an in‐kind contribution to the CRC. Any activity where an individual or an organisation is undertaking ACRC related activities that is not otherwise funded by the CRC (e.g project fund) is considered in‐kind. In‐Kind Staff Contributions Some examples include in‐kind staff contributions: 
Time taken for preparation eg: thought process, gathering documentation, discussions with other parties and time committed to collecting/reporting in‐kind. Phone calls that are made or received relating to ACRC activities. Reports including final reports, annual reports, quarterly reports, research papers and periodicals, etc, this includes preparation time. Letters and all correspondence relating to the ACRC and Participants. Preparation for travel and attendance at conferences, meetings, anything CRC related. Workshops/Events attended for project and/or ACRC related activities. Preparation and participation in ACRC committee meetings, internal meetings on projects, Board meetings, Participant meetings and working groups. Director on Autism CRC board is calculated at the standard rate of .10 FTE per year (10%). All preparation and discussions relating to anything to do with ACRC and the collective projects participants are or will be involved with. Research including Internet and/or reading to do with ACRC or projects or activities. Page 10 of 15 ATTACHMENT A 
Time spent on ACRC activities or projects that is not otherwise funded. Presentations or attendance at seminars/conferences on relevant topics. Giving advice to the ACRC. Non‐Staff In‐kind Contributions Includes any expenses paid by participants that relate to ACRC activities that are not otherwise paid by the CRC. This is not an exhaustive list but provides guidance as to possible contributions. 
Travel paid by participants for ACRC related business and projects. Access to databases of a participant on behalf of ACRC activities. The cost is $20 per name, per occasion. Use of capital asset where equipment is used for undertaking ACRC activities. This must be valued proportionally to the usage by the ACRC and based on the running costs and depreciation of the capital item, as agreed between the contributing Participant and the Autism CRC Board. Publication costs of information and other documentation relating to ACRC activities. Running workshops relating to ACRC activities including venue costs, hospitality, audio visual and other related costs not covered by a Autism ACRC project. Participant specific technology, service or property not otherwise paid for through an ACRC project or other agreement. Other Non‐Staff In‐kind Contributions (Other Non‐Staff In‐kind Contributions Guideline): Relates to expenses for cash funded and in‐kind staff contributions where: 
Infrastructure Support Costs‐ this relates to overheads supporting a CRC funded staff member. It is calculated by taking an appropriate in‐kind rate less the amount funded by the CRC for the staff member. THIS TYPE OF IN‐KIND WILL ALWAYS OCCUR WHEN THERE IS A CRC FUNDED STAFF MEMBER. Excess expenditure for in‐kind staff where total costs (wages plus overheads) paid by a participant exceeds the in‐kind per annum valuation rates. Collection and Reporting of In‐kind Data Each Participant is responsible for keeping separate documentation that records contributions. In‐
kind contributions will be collected quarterly via the In‐Kind Contributions Template (spreadsheet) provided by Autism CRC Ltd for most Participants. A copy of the template should be signed by an authorised officer and returned by email to: by the 15th day after the end of each quarter. Page 11 of 15 ATTACHMENT B Staff In-kind Category Guideline
Use the following table to assist in determining the correct in‐kind category for a staff member. These categories align with in‐kind valuation principles outlined in the Essential Participant and Other Participant Agreements. Category Senior Manager (SM) In‐kind Rate per Annum $420,000 Key Researcher / Project / Theme Leader / Manager (KR) $280,000 Researcher /Professional (RP) $220,000 Other Support Staff (SS) $180,000 Definition/ Example ● Program Directors ● Board Members (10% FTE) ● Members of R&D Commi ee who are not researchers in the CRC ● CEOs / Directors of Peak Bodies eg: MMRI, AEIOU, ASPECT, AQ & DETE) ● Vice Chancellor Research, Directors of Research Units at Universities ● CRC Theme Leaders/ projects named key researcher/ Project Leaders ● Researchers at Associate Professor and Professor levels ● End user organisa on researchers who are research/education/ unit managers ● Researchers si ng on R&D Commi ee ● Principals of Schools (eg AQ or ASPECT schools) or other school systems ● Researchers at universi es all other levels (lecturer/senior lecturer) or as noted in bid document ● Administra on support staff at end user and research organisations ● PhD students providing in kind who are not paid by Autism CRC Page 12 of 15 ATTACHMENT C Other Non-Staff In-kind Contributions Guideline
Including Infrastructure Support
There are two types of Other Non‐Staff In‐kind Contributions: 1.
Excess Expenditure for In‐kind Staff. This where a staff member contributing in‐kind has an actual salary (including on‐costs) greater than the in‐kind per annum valuation rates (SM $420k; KR $280k; RP $220k; SS $180k). The amount over the in‐kind rate is considered an additional in‐kind contribution. CRC Funded Staff Member Infrastructure Support is calculated based on the difference between CRC funding for a staff member and the appropriate in‐kind rate (see Table 1 below). This type of in‐kind will occur for every CRC funded staff member. For example a Post Doc position in a project is funded at $120,000 per annum. The corresponding in‐kind level is RP at $220,000 per annum. The in‐kind contribution is equivalent to $100,000 per annum ($220,000 less $120,000). Table 1 – per annum basis per FTE (full time equivalent) Position RA Post Doc PhD CRC Funded Salary $80k $120k Based on APA rates In‐kind Category SS RP SS In‐kind Rate $180k $220k $180k Infrastructure Support Amount per Annum $100k $100k Difference between funded salary and in‐
kind rate The following provides an example for this type of contribution on a quarterly basis. Example: Calculation of Infrastructure Support for a RA at 0.3FTE, Post Doc at 0.4FTE and a full time PhD student. The highlighted amounts in the sample below are the Infrastructure Support in‐kind contributions. Participant Institution UWA LTU UNSW Approximate $ value for the duration of the Project RA 0.3FTE: (180,000x0.3)x3 – 72,000 = 90,000 (SS rate x FTE) x no of years – total for 3 years = Post Doc 0.4FTE: (220,000x0.4)x3 – 144,000 = 120,000 (RP rate x FTE) x no of years – total for 3 years = PhD student: (180,000x3) ‐ 79,896 = 460,104 (SS rate x no of years) – total for 3 years = Page 13 of 15 ATTACHMENT D Sample Project cash budget
Personnel: Funding for research Post Docs, RAs and PhD students is to be included in the project budget using the following rates: Admin Assistant $60,000 per annum (including on costs) Research Assistant $80,000 per annum (including on costs) Post Doc $120,000 per annum (including on costs) 2017 ‐ $27,423; 2018 ‐ $28,246 PhD students* 2015 ‐ $25,849; 2016+ ‐ $26,624; *If PhD student has an APA Scholarship, Autism CRC will provide a $5,000 per annum ‘top up’ to the scholarship for three years. Direct Research costs, that is, costs directly related to the execution of the project. These costs may include, but are not limited to: ‐ Equipment ‐ Travel and accommodation ‐ Test protocols ‐ Consumables. Participating Institution Budget Item Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 TOTAL UWA Salary costs – RA 0.3FTE $24,000 $24,000 $24,000 $72,000 Salary costs – PhD student top up $5,000 $5,000
$5,000 $15,000 Payment to clinicians rating videos $4,200 $4,100 $4,200 $12,500 Video cameras and memory card for recording assessments $400 $400 Psychological testing $433 $433 $434 Total UWA $34,033 $33,533 $33,634 LTU Salary costs – Post Doc 0.4FTE $48,000 $48,000
$48,000 $144,000 Salary costs ‐ RA 0.2FTE for 1 year $16,000 $16,000 Payment to clinicians rating videos $4,200 $4,100 $4,200 $12,500 Video cameras and memory card for recording assessments $400 $400 Record forms $433 $433 $434 $1,300 Total LTU $69,033 $52,533 $52,634 $174,200 UNSW Salary costs – PhD student $25,849 26,624
$27,423 $79,896 Payment to clinicians rating videos $4,200 $4,100 $4,200 $12,500 Travel and accommodation Total UNSW GRAND TOTAL $1,300 $101,200 $850 $850 $850 $2,550 $30,899 $31,574 $32,473 $94,946 $133,965 $117,640 $118,741 $370,346 Page 14 of 15 ATTACHMENT E Capital Assets – less than $20,000 in value
Direct costs relating to capital assets refer to item(s) purchased for a CRC project by a Project Participant valued at < $20,000. This guideline does not pertain to other types of assets. A Participant receiving CRC funds may only purchase an asset in accordance with the approved Project Budget. The Participant will need to: 
maintain a register of the asset(s) and report to the Project Leader as required; ensure the asset is clearly labelled; and ensure the asset is available for use by the project and the CRC. In finalising a project, the Autism CRC DoRE, in conjunction with the Project Leader, will determine where assets reside at the end of the project. If not required on another CRC project or elsewhere within Autism CRC, the DoRE may agree that the assets remain with the participant, eg a school, with title being transferred as necessary. In these circumstances, a label is to remain on the asset acknowledging that it was provided by Autism CRC Ltd. Page 15 of 15