avail vapor responds to request from federal drug administration to
avail vapor responds to request from federal drug administration to
AVAIL VAPOR RESPONDS TO REQUEST FROM FEDERAL DRUG ADMINISTRATION TO PROVIDE FEEDBACK FROM E-CIGARETTE USERS Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q2 What is your age? Answered: 8,509 Skipped: 18 18-20 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60 or older 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses 787 18-20 9.25% 21-29 27.91% 2,375 30-39 28.77% 2,448 40-49 19.00% 1,617 50-59 11.48% 977 60 or older 3.58% 305 Total 8,509 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 2 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q3 What is your approximate average household income? Answered: 8,509 Skipped: 18 $0-$15,999 $16,000-$24,999 $25,000-$49,999 $50,000-$74,999 $75,000-$99,999 $100,000-$124,9 99 or more 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses $0-$15,999 13.24% 1,127 $16,000-$24,999 13.49% 1,148 $25,000-$49,999 28.16% 2,396 $50,000-$74,999 21.21% 1,805 $75,000-$99,999 11.54% 982 $100,000-$124,999 or more 12.35% 1,051 Total 8,509 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 3 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q4 What is your email address? ***Optional*** The first 4000 participants with email entries who complete the full survey, will be eligible to receive a promo code for a free 10ML bottle of e-liquid! This is an in-store pick up option only, while supplies last. You will be notified via email with details within one week after completing the survey. The deadline to redeem the promo code will be May 31, 2015. Answered: 4,627 Skipped: 3,900 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 4 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q5 Have you ever tried an electronic cigarette? Answered: 8,496 Skipped: 31 Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Yes 98.82% No 1.18% Total 8,396 100 8,496 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 5 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q6 What was the reason you FIRST tried an e-cigarette? Answered: 8,340 Skipped: 187 General Curiosity Health concerns... Cost savings (alternative... Other (please specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses General Curiosity 15.95% 1,330 Health concerns (alternative to traditional tobacco) 68.78% 5,736 Cost savings (alternative to traditional tobacco) 10.55% 880 Other (please specify) 4.72% 394 Total 8,340 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 6 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q7 How did you first learn about ecigarettes? Answered: 8,340 Skipped: 187 Radio Ad Billboard Advertisement Website Doctor recommendation Friend or relative Social Media Other 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Radio Ad 1.59% 133 Billboard Advertisement 1.19% 99 Website 11.69% 975 Doctor recommendation 1.83% 153 Friend or relative 67.65% Social Media 9.52% 794 Other 6.52% 544 Total 5,642 8,340 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 7 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q8 What was the FIRST type of e-cigarette you tried? Answered: 8,340 Skipped: 187 Disposable Rechargeable pen style Mod E-cigar or pipe Other (please specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Disposable 31.02% 2,587 Rechargeable pen style 57.46% 4,792 Mod 8.39% 700 E-cigar or pipe 0.97% 81 Other (please specify) 2.16% 180 Total 8,340 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 8 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q9 If you chose "disposable" in Question 5, do you still use them? Answered: 2,594 Skipped: 5,933 Yes, I still only use... No, I upgraded to a differe... Yes, I occasionally... No, I no longer use... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Answer Choices Responses 8 Yes, I still only use disposable e-cigarettes 0.31% No, I upgraded to a different kind of device 96.49% Yes, I occasionally use them, but I also use a different kind of device 1.73% 45 No, I no longer use e-cigarettes 1.46% 38 Total 2,503 2,594 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 9 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q10 How long did you use a disposable ecigarette before upgrading your device? Answered: 2,533 Skipped: 5,994 Less than 1 month 1-3 months 3-6 months 6-12 months more than 12 months 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Less than 1 month 62.06% 1,572 1-3 months 25.35% 642 3-6 months 7.62% 193 6-12 months 2.72% 69 more than 12 months 2.25% 57 Total 2,533 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 10 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q11 Why did you stop using Disposables? Answered: 2,533 Skipped: 5,994 Did not satisfy my... Inconsistent flavor Inconsistent throat hit Wanted more flavor choices Wanted a longer batte... Other 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Did not satisfy my traditional tobacco cravings 55.90% 1,416 Inconsistent flavor 37.27% 944 Inconsistent throat hit 32.45% 822 Wanted more flavor choices 48.44% 1,227 Wanted a longer battery life 48.20% 1,221 Other 10.42% 264 Total Respondents: 2,533 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 11 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q12 What type of electronic cigarette do you CURRENTLY use? Answered: 8,279 Skipped: 248 Rechargeable pen style Mod/Advanced Device E-Cigar or Pipe Mod Other (please specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Rechargeable pen style 14.22% 1,177 Mod/Advanced Device 83.40% 6,905 E-Cigar or Pipe Mod 0.70% 58 Other (please specify) 1.68% 139 Total 8,279 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 12 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q13 Did you start using an e-cigarette having NEVER used traditional tobacco products (cigarettes, pipes, chewing tobacco, etc.)? Answered: 8,275 Skipped: 252 Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Yes 5.81% No 94.19% Total 481 7,794 8,275 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 13 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q14 How long did you use traditional tobacco products (cigarettes, pipes, chewing tobacco, etc.)? Answered: 7,703 Skipped: 824 Less than 1 year 1-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years 16-20 years 21-25 years 26-30 years More than 30 years 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses 254 Less than 1 year 3.30% 1-5 years 16.54% 1,274 6-10 years 17.56% 1,353 11-15 years 16.23% 1,250 16-20 years 14.45% 1,113 21-25 years 11.89% 916 26-30 years 7.53% 580 More than 30 years 12.50% 963 Total 7,703 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 14 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q15 Has the use of electronic cigarettes helped you reduce or quit your use of traditional tobacco products? Answered: 7,709 Skipped: 818 Yes, I have quit... Yes, I have reduced my u... No, I have not reduced or q... No, I am not a user of... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Yes, I have quit traditional tobacco products 85.20% 6,568 Yes, I have reduced my use of traditional tobacco products 13.06% 1,007 No, I have not reduced or quit traditional tobacco products 0.67% 52 No, I am not a user of traditional tobacco products 1.06% 82 Total 7,709 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 15 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q16 Did you intentionally choose an ecigarette as an option to help you reduce or quit traditional tobacco? Answered: 7,709 Skipped: 818 Yes, I started using... Yes, I started using... No, I did not plan to quit... No, I am not a traditional... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Answer Choices Responses Yes, I started using e-cigarettes to quit traditional tobacco 79.13% 6,100 Yes, I started using e-cigarettes to reduce my use of traditional tobacco 13.61% 1,049 No, I did not plan to quit or reduce my use of traditional tobacco 6.41% 494 No, I am not a traditional tobacco user (never used cigarettes, pipes, or chewing tobacco) 0.86% 66 Total 7,709 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 16 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q17 How long did it take you to quit using traditional tobacco by using an e-cigarette? Answered: 7,709 Skipped: 818 Less than 1 month 1-6 months 6-12 months 1-2 years 2-3 years Over 3 years I haven't quit traditional... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Less than 1 month 69.05% 5,323 1-6 months 15.73% 1,213 6-12 months 4.20% 324 1-2 years 1.52% 117 2-3 years 0.34% 26 Over 3 years 0.21% 16 I haven't quit traditional tobacco 8.95% 690 Total 7,709 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 17 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q18 How long have you been traditional tobacco free since using an e-cigarette? Answered: 7,709 Skipped: 818 Less than 1 month 1-6 months 6-12 months 1-2 years 2-3 years Over 3 years I haven't quit traditional... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses 616 Less than 1 month 7.99% 1-6 months 14.09% 1,086 6-12 months 21.64% 1,668 1-2 years 25.88% 1,995 2-3 years 12.05% 929 Over 3 years 8.77% 676 I haven't quit traditional tobacco 9.59% 739 Total 7,709 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 18 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q19 Once you quit traditional tobacco products by using an e-cigarette, have you ever relapsed back to using traditional tobacco products? Answered: 7,709 Skipped: 818 Yes No I haven't quit traditional... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Yes 13.30% 1,025 No 77.92% 6,007 I haven't quit traditional tobacco 8.78% Total 677 7,709 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 19 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q20 Do you consider e-cigarettes to be a healthier alternative to traditional tobacco products? Answered: 8,190 Skipped: 337 Yes No I don't know 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses 7,855 Yes 95.91% No 0.53% 43 I don't know 3.57% 292 Total 8,190 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 20 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q21 Where do you purchase your ecigarettes? (Choose up to TWO responses) Answered: 8,098 Skipped: 429 Convenient store (for... Traditional retail outle... Specialty retail "vape... Online Wholesaler Other 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Answer Choices Responses Convenient store (for example, 7-Eleven, gas station) 2.32% 188 Traditional retail outlet (for example, Walmart or grocery store) 0.90% 73 Specialty retail "vape" store 84.66% 6,856 Online 60.97% 4,937 Wholesaler 2.28% 185 Other 1.17% 95 Total Respondents: 8,098 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 21 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q22 Where do you purchase your e-liquid? (Choose up to TWO responses) Answered: 8,098 Skipped: 429 Convenient store Traditional retail outle... Specialty retail "vape... Online Wholesaler Other 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Answer Choices Responses Convenient store 1.43% 116 Traditional retail outlet (for example, Walmart or grocery store) 1.10% 89 Specialty retail "vape" store 82.96% 6,718 Online 59.48% 4,817 Wholesaler 1.74% 141 Other 4.94% 400 Total Respondents: 8,098 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 22 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q23 How important are safe manufacturing practices of e-liquids to you? Answered: 8,098 Skipped: 429 Very important Somewhat important Neutral Somewhat unimportant Not important at all 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Very important 85.39% 6,915 Somewhat important 11.39% 922 Neutral 2.80% 227 Somewhat unimportant 0.27% 22 Not important at all 0.15% 12 Total 8,098 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 23 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q24 Did you begin vaping using a traditional tobacco or menthol e-liquid flavor? Answered: 8,098 Skipped: 429 Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Yes 51.27% 4,152 No 48.73% 3,946 Total 8,098 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 24 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q25 Do you CURRENTLY use a traditional tobacco or menthol e-liquid flavor? Answered: 8,098 Skipped: 429 Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Yes 17.75% 1,437 No 82.25% 6,661 Total 8,098 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 25 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q26 If you no longer use a traditional tobacco flavor or menthol e-liquid flavor, why did you switch? Answered: 8,098 Skipped: 429 Wanted to try something new No longer enjoy the taste I vape traditional... I never used tobacco or... I only vape traditional... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Wanted to try something new 21.57% 1,747 No longer enjoy the taste 30.88% 2,501 I vape traditional tobacco or menthol, as well as other flavors 16.66% 1,349 I never used tobacco or menthol e-liquid flavors 28.16% 2,280 I only vape traditional tobacco or menthol flavors 2.73% Total 221 8,098 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 26 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q27 How frequently do you switch e-liquid flavors? Answered: 8,098 Skipped: 429 Frequently (at least once a... Somewhat frequently (... Occasionally (once every ... Rarely (Once every few... Never 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Frequently (at least once a day) 36.28% 2,938 Somewhat frequently (at least once a week) 31.49% 2,550 Occasionally (once every few weeks) 19.14% 1,550 Rarely (Once every few months or longer) 10.09% 817 Never 3.00% 243 Total 8,098 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 27 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q28 Is it important to you to have a variety of e-liquid flavors to choose from? Answered: 8,098 Skipped: 429 Very important Somewhat important Neutral Somewhat unimportant Not important at all 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Very important 72.51% 5,872 Somewhat important 18.14% 1,469 Neutral 6.00% 486 Somewhat unimportant 1.38% 112 Not important at all 1.96% 159 Total 8,098 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 28 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q29 What is your favorite type of e-liquid flavor? Please pick your top TWO choices. Answered: 8,098 Skipped: 429 Traditional tobacco Menthol Fruity Cereal Dessert Coffee or tea Savory (complex... Candy Other (please specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Traditional tobacco 9.40% 761 Menthol 9.06% 734 Fruity 64.36% 5,212 Cereal 17.16% 1,390 Dessert 39.58% 3,205 Coffee or tea 8.51% Savory (complex blends, not too sweet) 26.96% 2,183 Candy 19.49% 1,578 Other (please specify) 5.48% Total Respondents: 8,098 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 29 / 32 689 444 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q30 What features (non-health related) of electronic cigarettes make vaping more attractive than using traditional tobacco products? Pick your top TWO choices. Answered: 8,031 Skipped: 496 Variety of flavors Variety of devices Adjustable power settings Battery life Choice of nicotine... Hygiene and cleanliness ... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Variety of flavors 70.17% 5,635 Variety of devices 20.41% 1,639 Adjustable power settings 8.52% 684 Battery life 5.75% 462 Choice of nicotine strength 32.03% 2,572 Hygiene and cleanliness (no stench, or stains) 63.13% 5,070 Total Respondents: 8,031 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 30 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q31 What nicotine strength do you currently use? Answered: 8,031 Skipped: 496 0% Nicotine .1%-.3% Nicotine .4%-.7% Nicotine .8%-1.1% Nicotine 1.2%-1.5% Nicotine 1.6%-1.9% Nicotine 2.0%-2.4% Nicotine 2.5% or higher (not... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses 641 0% Nicotine 7.98% .1%-.3% Nicotine 35.52% 2,853 .4%-.7% Nicotine 26.83% 2,155 .8%-1.1% Nicotine 10.15% 815 1.2%-1.5% Nicotine 9.77% 785 1.6%-1.9% Nicotine 6.50% 522 2.0%-2.4% Nicotine 2.68% 215 2.5% or higher (not recommended) 0.56% 45 Total 8,031 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 31 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q32 Please choose one of the following options to describe your nicotine intake over time with e-cigarettes. Answered: 8,031 Skipped: 496 I began vaping with higher... I vape the same level o... I have increased my... I began vaping with nicotin... I have always vaped 0%... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Answer Choices Responses I began vaping with higher levels of nicotine and gradually decreased my nicotine strength 75.62% 6,073 I vape the same level of nicotine as I did when I started vaping 15.20% 1,221 I have increased my nicotine intake gradually since I started vaping 2.22% 178 I began vaping with nicotine and now I no longer vape e-liquids with nicotine (0%). 3.87% 311 I have always vaped 0% nicotine e-liquids 3.09% 248 Total 8,031 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 32 / 32 Electronic Cigarette Trend Survey Q1 What is your gender? Answered: 8,509 Skipped: 18 Female Male Gender Neutral 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Female 28.68% 2,440 Male 70.91% 6,034 Gender Neutral 0.41% Total 35 8,509 Survey conducted by AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. No duplication without permission. For inquiries, please contact communications@availvapor.com. ©2015 AVAIL VAPOR, LLC. 1 / 32
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