Get Ready for English 4! - BDCHS Office of Student Services


Get Ready for English 4! - BDCHS Office of Student Services
English 4
Summer 2015 Assignments
Mrs. Rinard
Get Ready for English 4!
What should you expect?
Welcome to English 4! I’m really excited about working with you
this year, and these summer assignments will help us get started. In
English 4, we will focus on research, argumentation and analysis.
You will read a wide variety of informational texts as well as drama,
poetry and fiction. The central goal of the class is to prepare you
1. Write me a letter (see box on left).
2. Read What is the What by Dave
with the skills and mindset necessary for success with any reading
and writing task that you may encounter and to equip you with the
strategies you need to become lifelong learners who can use
language arts (reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing) to
accomplish tasks and seek out your own answers to life’s questions.
Letter Assignment:
You are to write a letter to me. It must:
be neatly hand-written on stationery or some other nonnotebook paper;
be in correct letter format
(go to
for help with the format)
tell me four or five specific things about yourself (hobbies,
how you’re spending your summer, what your future goals
are, what sports or organizations you’re involved in, etc.);
since I’m new to BDCHS this year, tell me the ONE thing
you think I need to know about our school and why this
piece of information is crucial.
be postmarked by July 31, 2015;
be addressed to:
Mrs. Andrea Rinard
Brooks DeBartolo Collegiate High School
10948 N. Central Avenue
Tampa, FL 33612
3. Write an essay in which you
explore the meaning of the title.
What is Achak’s “what”? What
does this “what” mean to him,
and how does he discover it? You
will need to refer to a few events
from his story as evidence for
your claim, but this is not to be a
summary. It must be typed and
MLA-formatted and between 500750 words.
4. You will have a reading test on
the text and your essay is due on
the second day that class meets.
5. You may email me at with any
questions or just to say hello.