Page 1 The Bethel Banner Bel i ev e Bel o n g Bec o m e May 2015 Bethel Lutheran Church Christ-Centered Mission-Driven TraditionallyGrounded CongregationallyFocused On May 10th, 2015 OUTDOOR WORKDAY OPERATION: ‘SPRUCE THINGS UP FOR MOTHER’S DAY’ Saturday, May 9th (9-11am) INSIDE T his issue ... Power Points of Life—Outdoor Workday Pastor Doug’s Musings—Listening to God Graduation Sunday—Rummage Sale Thank You SS Teachers All Church Cookout Food & Baby Pantry Prayer & Praise in the Chapel Annual Backpack Supply Drive Bethel Lutheran Preschool Enrolling Summer Activites (Plan Now!) Mission Matters Enough—Stewardship—Finances Circle of Sisters, Book Buddies, Communicants, Euchre, Boundary Waters, Stroke Screening VBS, Bethel Bikers, W.O.W., Men’s Bible Study (Sat. & Mon.) Prayer List Thank You’s—Prayers—Celebrations Church Calendar p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 p. 9 p.10 p.10-11 Can be found online: Happy Spring! All the weeds have/are being sprayed. Please resist the urge to pull them just hard, I know! We are wanting them to brown up a bit before we go after them with the weed eater. Mother’s Day is coming up and we want to get the grounds all dressed up and looking nice for Mom. Mark you calendars and plan to join us. A ‘To-Do’ list will be displayed in the garage and tools provided. Questions? Contact Joe Rudy at The Power Points of Life Prior to Easter, the disciples were defeated, discouraged, and disheartened in every way. All the joy and energy had been taken out of their life. They didn’t know where to go or what to do. But beginning on that first Easter morning, with the empty tomb and then with their risen Lord appearing to them the next 40 days, their lives took on new joy, new hope, and new power. Our Easter Season sermon series continues. Join us as we discover the… • Power to Witness: May 3rd • Power to Do Good: May 10th • Power to Look Up: May 17th Page 2 Pastor Doug’s Musings I was wrapping up a pre-marital counseling session the other night, and the groom to be asked if he could ask a personal question. I said, “Sure.” Then he asked, “Why are you a parish pastor?” I shared with him my sense of God’s call in my life. Then I related how that process all fell together for me. I even recounted how God led me to Bethel with all the unique coincidences that all worked together to make that happen. Then I talked about how I never felt I was qualified for such a vocation because my image of pastor’s was that they walked around with their hands folded all day long and were just a bit better than the average parishioner. But throughout the Bible God had called any number of people with clay feet who were ordinary in every way. God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called. How’s that for an answer? As I thought of the question some more… I would have added to the answer something that is totally off the wall. I have also been asked here recently, “so we see you are going to retire here in the near future, what keeps you from doing it now?” Christ-Centered Mission-Driven TraditionallyGrounded CongregationallyFocused Right now, to both questions, “why are you a parish pastor? And what keeps you in the game?”… the answer would be the same. It is fun. Now fun might seem like a shallow nontheological word and reason, but I assure you it is far deeper and more theologically correct than any other reason I can think of. When I looked up fun in my Webster’s dictionary, fun is defined as a source of enjoyment or pleasure. That is exactly how I feel about being a parish pastor. For me, blessing and baptizing children (and adults for that matter) is fun. It is a true joy when the parents hand their child over to me and I carry that child out into the congregation and introduce this newly adopted child of God to his/her new family. PREPARING FOR BAPTISM ————————— Classes are held regularly for those individuals and families who are planning an upcoming baptism. Our next meeting will be on Tues. May 5th at 7:00 p.m. Sign up on Sunday’s Welcome Sheet if you will be attending this month’s class.. Preaching is fun. It is hard work for sure, sometimes harder than others. But when a message connects, when people say they remember something from a sermon, when a sermon series really touches where people live and relate, I want to jump up and down and shout, “Yeah God! Thank you for using me as your messenger.” Working with the Bethel staff is fun. For me that would include the regular volunteers that are such an integral part of our life together. I haven’t always been able to say that, but the servant ministers God has brought together to lead and help Bethel grow in mission and ministry is amazing. We are different in many ways, but we are united in love for the Lord and serving to the very best of our abilities. We laugh, share our joys and trials, enjoy time just hanging and talking. We can be real and know we are loved and accepted. It doesn’t get fun-ner than that. Sharing life with you, the people of God, at Bethel is fun. As Pastor I have the distinct honor and privilege of being invited into your lives at important and significant moments. When you get to do and/or be a part of weddings, baptisms, confirmations, graduations… Rejoice with those who rejoice. And on the other side of life, when life goes south, when there is job loss, or illness, or marital problems and even and especially when death interrupts life, and I get a call, the fun of sharing life with one another goes to a whole new level. Then there are countless little fun things… Like the pictures I often receive after church on Sundays. There are many budding artists here at Bethel. When we get together after church on Saturday nights… It sure makes going to church fun. Not always knowing who is going to come up to help for communion, but confident several will feel the call… just brings a smile to my face. Watching our kids lead worship, acolyting, reading, singing, helping with communion and watching the reverence and holiness in which they lead… awesome fun. When I find a six pack of my favorite refreshments stored under my desk, just because my secret friend knows I enjoy hoppy beverages… tasty fun. When someone brings in deviled eggs, cookies, snacks, just because they were thinking of us… that is fun ministry at its best. Now let me reassure you that parish ministry is hard work. In fact, I can’t think of a profession where the demands are greater, the expectations higher or the time commitment more than ministry. There are moments when I am overwhelmed by it all. There are times when it is pretty lonely. There are stretches where you don’t think you can do right for doing wrong. But as the Bible says, “it came to pass.” But overall, • when you feel you are making a difference, • when people go out of their way to express appreciation, • when you touch hearts and lives for Christ, • when people come to faith, grow in faith, and live out their faith in real and significant ways • when you see and feel the Spirit of Christ alive and vibrant in individual lives and our lives together. Wow! Fun of first order. Why am I a parish pastor? I still feel called by God and God is letting me have fun doing it. You can’t tell me it gets any better than that. I’m full in. How about you? Yours in Christ, Pastor Doug Page 3 Living the Marks of Discipleship…. WORSHIP REGULARLY, READ SCRIPTURE DAILY GRADUATION SUNDAY June 7th Congrats made it! Sydney Amstutz, Alex Beale, Hannah Belk, Cori Cain, Emily Christophersen, Rachel Coombs, Max Cuevas, Rachel Fortney, Madeline Glass, Mandy Hasty, Patrick Horton, Stephen Kitko, Izek Leppert, Kristen Marshall, Anika Pearson, Jessica Petty, Nicholas Purvis, Shannon Reid, Grant Schneider, Anna Small, Rachel Stacey, Paige Von Itter, Arie Werner, Jack Wishart Each Senior will be gifted with a blessing blanket during the services that day. Bethel celebrates this milestone with you and we claim you as our own! Sunday School Teachers A HUGE Thank you to all of our Sunday School teachers for their dedication to Bethel’s youngest members. Your willingness to share God’s Word with our children is a special gift. You have made an impact on their lives and have been an important part of their Christian education! Thank you for all that you do!! Enjoy your summer! Kris Lingenfelter—Chris-Ed & Preschool Director Rummage Sale Volunteers Needed We are getting ready for the Annual Bethel Rummage Sale June 5-6th. We have leaders for many of the rooms but we still need leaders for the following rooms: Women’s clothing Home Goods Christmas & Crafts Co-chair Children’s Clothing Co-chair Toy’s Co-chair Shoes & Accessories Co-chair Electronics Co-chair ‘Little Bit Better’ What does a Leader do? • Be available sometime during week of 5/26-5/30 to set up rooms by labeling & arranging areas. • Guide volunteers in sorting & arranging areas 6/1-6/3 at various times. • Be in charge of room on days of sale or co-chair with someone else and take shifts. It sounds like a large job but we have many, many volunteers to help. If you are good at lovingly leading others… This is the job for you! Page 4 Annual School Backpack Supply Drive School is not even out for the summer yet, but it is time to start thinking about filling backpacks with supplies for children in need at White River and Hamilton Heights Elementary Schools. You can participate in this wonderful sharing program by taking a tag from the kiosk in the narthex (sometime in June) and returning the items by Sunday, July 19th. It is so gratifying that our congregation cares so much about students and their education! Questions? Call Terri Gast at 776-2389 (If you prefer you can make a donation or buy a Walmart gift card and we’ll shop for you.) Food and Baby Pantry News… Everyone’s Invited! Saturday, June 27th @ 6:30pm Regular Hours * Wed’s—12:00 noon-2:30 pm Sat’s—9:00-11:30 am Though Spring brings on new energies and enjoyment of getting outside to breathe fresh air, there are still some who need more than just “getting out.” Our Food and Baby Pantry is one of several that are busy in Hamilton and Marion Counties; keeping the shelves stocked is of primary importance. The baby side can always use dry formula, and jars of baby food, primarily fruit and vegetables, Stage 2. On the family side, canned fruit is always popular. Lately, we have needed extra volunteers to sign up to help either on Wednesdays or Saturdays. Please check the Pantry Calendar in the hallway near the Pantries and see if there is a Wednesday or a Saturday that you wouldn't mind coming in to help. Another way to help is helping stock shelves. To sign up to help during open hours, Contact Linda Shutte, or Sign up on the calendar in the Pantry hall. Also, online calendar at www.volunteer entr y/342345638628440061 Need training? Let us know… Contact the office. This is a great chance to meet & mingle with people that attend a different service than you. Come join the fun! Games (5pm) Pitch-in (6:30pm) Bonfire/Smores (8pm) • • • BYO: table service & lawn chairs. FYI: Hamburgers, hotdogs, & drinks (tea & lemonade) provided by the church. If bad weather, we will move indoors. ?’s contact: Linda Burdett 770-9242 Sign-up on the Welcome Sheet Prayer & Praise in the Chapel Wednesdays at 11AM There will be PRAISE and PRAYER in Bethel’s Chapel room. As Christians, as members of Bethel, of Noblesville, of Indiana, of America don’t we all have many concerns that we feel the need to pray about? Isn’t it good to lift these prayers to God, as a group, just as Jesus’ earliest disciples did when they gathered in homes to pray? As we pray we also remember with joy the power and love of God, and so we also praise him as we pray. Come to pray and praise, weekly or when you can (you won’t have to pray aloud, we promise) Questions? Call Linda 773-5943 or Trudy 703-7315 Page 5 Living the Marks of Discipleship… RELATE TO OTHERS IN LOVE R It is time to register for 20152015-2016 Preschool and Parent’s Day Out I T ’ S T I M E T Bethel Lutheran Church Preschool & PDO O E G I S T E R It’s Time to Plan Your Summer Activities! NOW ENROLLING!!! Register now for classes that start In September! Bethel Lutheran Preschool & Parent’s Day Out is for children ages 18 months through 4 years. Information sheets are available in the Bethel Information Center & online at Contact Kris Lingenfelter, Director Voicemail: 773-4315 ext 33 or Rummage Sale: 6/5-6 Lots of things to do 5/26-6/6 from prep to clean-up. Serve Noblesville: 6/24-27 Plan for you and/or your family to serve the community together. All Church Cookout/Pitch-in: 6/27 We love to work...but we can play too. Let’s have fun together! VBS: Expedition Everest: 6/28-7/2 Plan for your kiddos and friends to attend or sign-up to help out. Summer Church Camp -Kiddos, grades 1-8 check out, lots of different camp styles & dates available. -Bigger kiddos, grades 9-12 check out, ‘As We Are’ 7/4-11 Boundary Waters Canoe Trip: 7/18-25 -Bigger kiddos grades 9-12 Something you don’t want to miss! Bethel philosophy: Money is not the reason that you don’t go. Questions?: Contact Joe Rudy regarding camp or youth activities. SMALL GROUP? Looking for a way to get involved? Contact Jim Herr: 317-439-0911 Page 6 Wednesday, June 24 to Saturday, June 27 SERVE: Noblesville is a par tner ship of neighbor s, chur ches, businesses and or ganizations whose goal is to “Connect Compassionate Neighbors.” They do this by designating a week of service projects to create a sense of pride and ownership in Noblesville. Bethel Lutheran Church is a Planning Partner of SERVE: Noblesville, and chur ch member s ar e encour aged to par ticipate in this mission oppor tunity in the local community! Projects and Events for 2015 include: Home Repairs - Daily 8am-3pm Crafts with a Cause - Wednesday—Thursday 8am-3pm Kids Crafts with a Cause - Wednesday—Thursday 8am-Noon Habitat for Humanity of Hamilton County Apostles Build - Wednesday-Saturday 8am-3pm Teen Serve - Friday 9am-1pm U Call We Haul - Wednesday-Friday 9am-3pm w/ possible evening pickups Community Giveaway - Sat., J une 29th, 8am-1pm Keep Noblesville Beautiful - Satur day Blitz Sat, J une 27, 8am-3pm Day Camp - Monday-Friday Each morning starts at 8 a.m. at the 4H Fairgrounds to hear updates and get assignments and instructions for the day. At 8:45 a.m. everyone heads to their projects. Projects go from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This year they plan to add some evening opportunities which will be publicized as the projects and times are finalized. You can receive more specific instruction and information by registering at What will you need to bring? Work gloves Sunscreen Sunglasses Water Bottle Bag Lunch Camera A Friend If you only have an hour, a morning, or a day to serve, find the time that works best for you and join in! Register at: Contact them at: Talk to Joe Rudy at the church if you have questions. Page 7 Good Stewardship = Rummage Sale! It sounds strange to equate the Bethel Rummage Sale with being good stewards of God’s resources. However, we all have things that we have purchased with the resources God has given us that we no longer need. How wonderful to pay these goods forward by donating them to the rummage sale. Our annual rummage sale is a way to be good stewards with our resources. On top of giving of our used or unneeded resources we also can give of our time as well, by helping in some capacity over the two weeks that we work on the thrummage sale. I am sure that there is some block of time during the two weeks from May 26 to June 5th that you would be able to help by sorting, labeling, baking, selling, cashiering, and bagging to help Bethel. Then when it is all over the money collected will be used for the ministries of our church. It is truly a WIN-WIN situation. Join us in being good stewards in this way. Simply Giving® Program Would you find it helpful to have your offerings taken from your bank account as you do other monthly payments? At no cost, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans sponsors a program called Simply Giving®, which allows you to have your offerings transferred electronically to your church account. Authorization Forms & Information available on the Information Wall in the Narthex. Questions? Call the church office 773-4315. WANTED! The stewardship committee is looking for people who have expertise in fundraising, grant writing, and funding campaigns. If this is a way that you feel called to use your talents in God’s work, Please contact Mary Jo Mikulski, Stewardship Chairperson (260) 403-5525 or the church office 773-4315. Bethel Stewardship Report Stewardship Bethel Giving Church Expenses Surplus (Shortfall) Feb. 2015 $40,097 $60,383 ($20,285) March 2015 Year To Date $57,917 $150,270 $52,788 +$5,129 $153,493 ($17,944) Please Note: Giving designated for Special Projects or Needs is reallocated to the general fund when needs are exceeded. (Remember the needs of the Church continue each week even while you may be away from time to time.) Page 8 Bethel Book Buddies Congratulations & Blessings to our First Communicants! Still to come: May: Mrs. Buncle's Book by D. E.Stevenson Jun: The City by Dean Koontz Jul: Defending Jacob by William Landay Contact Linda Crist, Amelia Graham Anders Graham Sam Garvey Logan Gustafson Abigail Pittman Jacob Martin Brandon Clark Emma Luce Kendall Crowe Adalynne Robbins Tyler Schultz Travis Schultz Circle of Sisters… “What’s that?”, you ask? We are a circle of Christian friends who enjoy using our hands and hearts to create baptismal & sanctuary banners, send cards to shut-ins, and much more. We love doing Heaven’s Handiwork! We meet at Bethel—6:30 p.m. 1st THUR May 7th We are happy & excited to see you take this important step in your faith journey! Contact: Suzy—patter. s u z @ g m a i l . c o m Youth Boundary Waters Canoe Trip A Stroke Screening is Coming to Your Neighborhood Date: July 18-25th For High School grades 9-12 with adult leaders. This is a special adventure for our High-schoolers here at Bethel. For more information contact Joe Rudy— or 773-4315 ext.12 or Sign up on the Welcome Sheet Where: Bethel Luther an Chur ch When: Wednesday, J une 17th Pre-registration is required. Call: 1-888-653-6450 Early detection is key to prevention. To register for your appointment and to receive a special $10 discount, please call or visit BANNER DEADLINE: May 15 for June Issue... Page 9 Monday Night Men’s Group We are studying the New Testament. See you: Mondays, 7:30pm in the Library located on the 1st floor in Christian Ed building. Men’s Sat. Sausage & Scripture Morning Bible Study 7:30-9:00 a.m. (Fellowship Hall) We are studying The Gospel of Mark. Come join us for breakfast and a very interesting Bible study. SCRAPBOOKING First Saturday of each month—6:30 p.m. Bring a munchie to share and your scrap booking supplies. We will share ideas, tools and fellowship. For more information call Marcia Lienemann at 877-6105. MARK YOUR Calendars June 28th - July 2 VBS is the most fun you’ll have all summer. Adults & kiddos alike all agree… Bethel VBS Rocks!!! Make plans to join us now. Contact Kris Lingenfelter 317-773-4315 Page 10 Living the Marks of Discipleship… PRAY DAILY Please keep these family members, friends, and loved ones in your prayers: Hear my prayer, O LORD, Give ear to my supplications! Answer me in Your faithfulness, in Your righteousness! Ps 143:1 Member Hospitalized?? If a Bethel family member becomes hospitalized, please contact the church office and let us know. HIPPA regulations prohibit hospitals from contacting us directly so it is up to you to keep us informed. Please help us to care for our family with visits, prayers, cards, meals etc….but we can only do this if we are notified in a timely manner. Thank you!!!! MEMBERS Tammy Middleton—strength & healing. Jacob Bolling—continued healing. Mary McFarland—healing & peace. Kyle Smith—continued strength. Pastor E. Dean & Joyce & his caregivers—his healing @ Kindred, rm #3003. He loves cards & visits. Please sign his visitor book with each visit. Pam Rector—continuing prayers, has started dialysis—waiting list for kidney, now dealing with breast cancer. Carl Behrendt—back surgery 4/16. Mike Rector—had surgery 4/13 to remove rt foot & partial leg due to foot infections, moved to Kindred 4/16 for rehab. Vicki Cooper—healing of her broken rt foot, recovery 4-6 wks. Annoymous—prayers to help me lead my family the right way and to be less cynical. The Irbe Family—as they mourn the passing (4/21) of P. Martins uncle. Family of Delores Garretson—mother of Pastor Joe Freeman—as they mourn her passing. FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF MEMBERS Archie MacDonald—father of Karin Pearson—eye surgery 4/15. Larry—brother of Linda Beach—not helping himself w/ diabetes, diabetic ulcer on foot not healing. Help Linda persuade him to be more compliant. Policeman—son of Linda Beach—keep him safe from harm. Susan Jandes—sister of Joanne Hogle—breast cancer that has gone to bones. Karen Sample—sister of Dave Duncan—praise for improvements of health, continued strength of mind & body in rehab. Rachael & Josh Collins—friend of Ashley Mandery—19 wks pregnant; found out baby has heterotaxy syndrome w/hypoplasia on left side, baby will need surgery shortly after birth. Mike Lett—good friend of Janet & Denny Weber—strength, faith, & healing. Rachel—friend who is struggling through hard times. Jase Alvey—newborn needing healing, facing heart & skull surgery soon. Everett Moon—newborn needing healing, facing intestinal surgery 4/15/15. Dr. Jen Kersey—family friend of Keck’s—pediatrician at Riley, had stroke on 4/14, 45 yr old w/3 children & husband, stroke was in center of her brain. Olivia DeHennis—age 5, granddaughter of dear friend of Lynda Jennings—cyst on her neck interfering w/breathing, bronchial testing 5/5, surgery the next week. MaryAnn Dishon—thyroid cancer, thyroid surgery, radiation starts in 8 wks. Steve—brother-in-law of Michelle Whitehead—diagnosis of cancer (stage 4), awaiting treatment plans. Greg—Michelle Whitehead’s father—infection in both legs, possible amputations ahead. Ed Satchwill—son of Jenny & Gary Turnage—having additional tests w/cardiologist on Wednesday (4/22). Friends & Family of George Nantelle—as they mourn his passing. Jim Smith—cousin of Bill Clark—moved to hospice care, peace & comfort. Billie Brinker—heart & faith renewal. Diana—cancer. Karen—cancer. Jim Fischer—cancer. Logan Doseck—cousin of Kris Byerley—was in critical need of liver transplant, RECEIVED NEW LIVER!!, continued prayers for healing & that his body continues to accept it. Shannon G.—on going cancer treatment, surgery on liver 5/17. Dear friend of Bethel member—going thru hard personal time. Bethel member—asks to have more patience w/certain family members. Cori Glaze—cousin of Laura Houser—PRAISE GOD!! Received a cancer-free checkup & will have reconstructive surgery in June once school gets out. Desna Espy—friend of Houser Crew—finished treatment for Hodgkin’s, will start treatment for thyroid cancer soon, prayers for strength & healing. The Leeman family & friends—mourning the loss of Bob Leeman from cancer, their father, husband, & friend. Great Grandfather—of Adalynne & Miles Robbins—fell down and broke hip, has to go to nursing home. Jenny Lochtefeld—battling cancer (stage 4) w/complications. Steve Brown—cancer (stage 4). Joe Kubel—friend of the Gilberts—comfort & healing dealing w/chemo for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. The Aker’s family—comfort & peace in the passing of their daughter. Abby Caswell—friend of Houser crew—awaiting info possible stem cell treatment, be w/doctors as they make best choices for her. ADULT LIVING—HEALTHCARE CENTERS—HOME CARE Jean Geren Ruth Albro Bert & Maria Haisma Bill Klein Pr. E. Dean Windhorn MISSIONS PARTNERS EECMY Senbete Congregation, Ethiopia; Iglesia Luterana San Pedro, Miami, FL; Living Faith Lutheran Church, Wabash, IN; Trinity Lutheran, Gothenburg, NE; Iglesia Evangelical Luterana Reconciliacion, Kissimmee, FL. CALLED TO ACTIVE DUTY Please continue to pray for all who are in the Military and Public Service. Page 11 BIRTHDAYS BRAGG, Braxton 05/01 NEE, David 05/01 VESSELS, Kathleen 05/01 REISING, Jeff 05/02 STURDEVANT, Stephen 05/02 HOLLEB, Jonathan 05/03 LIST, Becky 05/03 NIELSEN, Rob 05/03 TURNAGE, Gary 05/03 BACON, JusDn 05/04 BURROW, Alex 05/04 BURROW, Ivy 05/05 DARK, Brenda 05/05 CHRISTOPHERSEN, Emily 05/06 SHELTON, Maddie 05/06 BACON, Aaron 05/07 UPP, Ryan 05/07 CLARK, Donna 05/08 DIAMOND, Joy 05/08 MANDERY, Ma>hew 05/08 BEACH, Linda 05/09 GERBSCH, Jessica 05/10 GILBERT, Terri 05/10 PATTERSON, John 05/10 RADANT, Kim 05/10 TANK, Kelly 05/10 LANG, Hillary 05/11 ANNIVERSARIES SCHNEIDER, Lincoln & (Lori) WISHART, Andy & Shelly LANDWEHR, Mark & Michelle MOFFITT, Jim & Karen FORSTER, Kim & Rachel JOHNSON, Roy & Judi MULLIN, Karen & (Bill) REZSONYA, David & Denise SORENSEN, Kurt & Chris KIEFER, Mike & Sue CROSLEY, Brian & Cathy GRAHAM, Anders 05/12 LANGE, Dennis 05/12 RUTHERFORD, Lesley 05/12 SHOEMAKER, Dick 05/12 SMITH, Conner 05/12 CROSLEY, Brian 05/13 JOHNSON, Dawn 05/13 POLAND (Shaul), Gavin 05/13 POLAND (Shaul), Landon 05/13 GRAHAM, Amelia 05/14 JACOBUS, Nelson 05/14 MCHENRY, Sasha 05/14 REID, Shannon 05/16 CAIN, Cassidy 05/17 HELSTROM, Joe 05/17 LIENEMANN, Marcia 05/17 SWART, Alyssa 05/17 GARVEY, Craig 05/18 DIAMOND, Jim 05/19 DUNCAN, Connor 05/19 FORBES, Glenda 05/19 KUSSOW, Frederic 05/19 KUHN, Carole 05/20 RUTHERFORD, Ken 05/20 SCHULTZ, Danielle 05/20 BACON, Elizabeth 05/21 KROM, Liz 05/21 LIENEMANN, Grace 05/21 ROBERTS, Nicholas 05/21 05/05 05/06 05/13 05/15 05/17 05/19 05/20 05/20 05/23 05/27 05/29 STOVER, Marie 05/21 ROBERTS, Val 05/22 WEYER, Shaun 05/22 BLACK ll, Ben 05/23 DUNCAN, Jill 05/24 MELOTT, Marissa 05/24 MLYNARIK, John 05/25 NAVTA, Joseph 05/25 WISMAN, Jill 05/25 COOPER, Zachary 05/26 SYMPATHY PETTY, Julie 05/26 Our Christian sympathy is CROWE, Kendall 05/27 extended to those HILL, Kathie 05/27 who have lost loved KAISER, Marge 05/27 ones recently. PEARSON, Trevor 05/27 Funerals Jack Musick QUAKENBUSH, Anthony 05/27 Delores Garretson RUSHFORTH, DeeDee 05/27 STAEBLER, Luke 05/27 TURNAGE, Jenny 05/27 CELEBRATION We rejoice with those BOUTWELL, (Josh) 05/28 who find new joy. O'CONNOR, Greg 05/28 ROTH, Nathan 05/28 Weddings Tom & Jessica (Haugen) ELDER, Be>y 05/29 Foreman LANDWEHR, Denise 05/29 REYNOLDS, Linda 05/29 Births WRIGHT, Bill 05/30 Bronson Lee Burrow 4/9/2015 LUCE, Emma 05/31 RATCLIFF, Darren 05/31 Baptism Jacob Martin HUGE THANK YOU TO THE CONGREGATION! As the school year comes to a close, the Preschool Staff and Committee want to recognize and express our extreme gratitude for the amazing outpouring of support from the congregation this year. We truly appreciate you! Extra Special Thank You To: Women On Wednesday (W.O.W.) for purchasing a digital camera for the preschool. Jill Dietz for donating an enormous amount of teaching materials, aids to the preschool. Bob & Diana Heiskell for volunteering their time and elbow grease to help with deep cleaning the preschool bathrooms. Everyone that supported the preschool with prayer and/or donated of their time, effort, and resources. Page 12 Stamp Place mailing label here BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 20650 Cumberland Road Noblesville, IN 46062-8823 Phone: (317) 773-4315 [ S t a f f N a m e ] @ Visit our website: Senior Pastor Rev. Douglas Gast Associate to Pastor Rev. Martins Irbe Pastor Emeritus Rev. E. Dean Windhorn Youth & Property Joe Rudy Music Director Julie Sprung Manager Office/AV-Tech. John Patterson Chris-Ed & Preschool Kris Lingenfelter Church Council President Jason Pearson COME WORSHIP WITH US! Saturday: 5:30 p.m. Praise Worship Sunday: 8:00 a.m. Traditional Worship 9:30 a.m. Blended Worship 11:00 a.m. Praise Worship Sunday School: 9:30 am (During school months) Midweek opportunities for all ages! Bethel Office Hours Visit our website to view Sermon Videos! Tuesday-Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. (Office Closed Monday) Please call the church office anytime to access emergency numbers or to leave voice mail message for our staff. (317) 773-4315