April 2015 Outlook - Bethesda United Church of Christ


April 2015 Outlook - Bethesda United Church of Christ
April, 2015
10010 Fernwood Road, Bethesda, MD 20817
Our church building is back to normal after a lot of work by the Trustee Team and the outside restoration
specialists. It has been an interesting Lenten season this year and we are looking forward to the promise
of Easter. These are the events that lead up to our Easter celebration.
Last Sunday was Palm Sunday. We left a sanctuary that was as empty and unadorned, like the disciples
felt after Jesus was arrested. This Thursday, April 2nd, we will remember the Last Supper. At
7:30 PM we will have communion and an optional service of foot (or hand, if preferred) washing and conclude with a service of Tenebrae.
On Friday we will again have a community Good Friday service at 7:30 PM with about four local churches
participating. This year the service will be held at North Bethesda United Methodist Church, where we
were for worship services a few weeks ago.
Then, all of a sudden, it’s Easter! We will celebrate the Resurrection in our own Sanctuary. In addition to
the special music provided by our choir, we will have both Music Directors contributing their talents.
The next week, April 12th, we will have a guest preacher lead us because Rev. Dee has to be away.
Two weeks after Easter, April 19th, promises to be a little different. This has been designated
“Bright Sunday”. Something is afoot, but Outlook does not know exactly what it is at this writing. We
suggest you come and find out.
At about 10 PM on the 18th of February one of our Trustees, Mike Toman discovered that pipes in our
Church basement had frozen and burst and the basement was over 3 feet deep in water. Another Trustee, Dan Driver, came over to help but they were unable to get to the water shutoff valve in the basement. Mike was able to get WSSC to come and shut off the water at the street and from there the recovery activities began.
The major damages involved the plumbing and the electrical panel in the basement that had been
drowned and rendered useless. Our insurance company was contacted and they took over the recovery
operation including water removal, both electrical and plumbing repairs and clean up in the basement. While the broken pipes were not that difficult to replace, a major hindrance to recovery was the
fact that the electrical panel was unique and no replacement was available off the shelf so a new panel
needed to be built. The solution, it was determined, would be to return the building to partial operation
on generator power for 3-4 weeks via some creative wiring and electrical connections. This would allow the MCCA child care center and Glenbrook nursery school to return to operation while the new electrical panel was built, and allow us to have services in the fellowship hall.
Continued on Page 9
April, 2015
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Learning to Color Outside the Lines
from the Pastor
It is the eye of ignorance that assigns a fixed and unchangeable color to every object; beware of this stumbling block. ~ Paul Gauguin
We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while
others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the
same box. ~ Robert Fulghum
A new coloring book arrived in my mail-slot yesterday. Not just any coloring book—this book was
published in France. It is the perfect size to fit into
my purse for moments when I am stuck waiting,
waiting somewhere for an indeterminable length of time with a bag of colored pencils. I know, I know—Coloring books are for children, right? Not so. Apparently, this coloring book
helps to prove my point. It is designed with an
adult’s tastes in mind. Gone are the cutesy teddy
bears, cartoon-y characters, cheap paper and flimsy
covers known to the under-10 set. Instead, it contains complicated floral motifs, intricate patterns,
durable pages, and a nicely bound hard cover to
hold up against wear and tear. A French publisher
has discovered that coloring beautiful designs is
the perfect de-stressor and they have a whole series of Art Therapy books to prove it. They have
discovered a burgeoning market for those who find
certain satisfaction in completely coloring a bouquet of flowers when life becomes complicated,
household tasks and drama never seem to end, or
there is a 30 minute wait at the local pharmacy. In
these situations, plugging into technology doesn’t
seem quite so satisfying as finding three vibrant
and complimentary colors that blend effortlessly
and stunningly onto the page. Plus, it is a terrific
conversation starter. Your smartphone? Not so
Coloring outside of the lines seems to be one of the
things that God does best when we are more inclined to make futile attempts at controlling our
small seasons of chaos and calamity. Think of a
time when God colored outside the lines in your
life—or when you bravely attempted something
new—by viewing your life through a different lens,
by shading your stories with a different palette
than you may have customarily used, or by choosing to respond in a different manner than you
might have initially, and un-mindfully, responded.
These are Easter moments too.
Bill Watterson, the creator of Calvin and Hobbes
once wrote, “A box of new crayons! Now they’re all
pointy, lined up in order, bright and perfect. Soon
they’ll be a bunch of ground down, rounded, indistinguishable stumps, missing their wrappers and
smudged with other colors. Sometimes life seems
unbearably tragic.” Yes, and into this tragedy, and
into our ground-down, waxy, unwrapped and
smudgy, crayon lives, comes this Christ asking us to
let go of a few things, to trust that grace will prevail, and to believe that Resurrection can and does
happen in all the spaces that we have forgotten or
resigned to chaos. And in all the spaces outside the
lines we, or someone else, has decided to draw for
This Easter Season, may we notice all the ways that
God is coloring outside the lines here and beyond.
Maybe we will want to color a bit too. I know a
good publisher in France.
The point of these endeavors is to spend meditative time coloring within the lines, which brings
order to one’s chaotic day—and life. However, the
reverse is true for our Easter lives. With the Resur- In Christ,
rection, God purposely colored OUTSIDE the
Rev Dee
lines—outside of predictability, outside our notions of proper behavior for the living and dead
(corpses are supposed to stay dead, right?) and
outside grey shadows, sad valleys, and the discouragement of disheartened disciples.
April, 2015
Page 2
Bible Reading … at Home
(Adapted from SeasonsFUSION - Seasons of the Spirit™Wood Lake Publishing)
April 5 - Easter Sunday
Acts 10:34–43 or Isaiah 25:6–9
Psalm 118:1–2, 14–24
1 Corinthians 15:1–11 or Acts 10:34–43
John 20:1–18
Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! This ancient
Easter greeting heralds the defining story of our
faith.In the texts, God’s loving action on our behalf
is evident. The gospels point us to the risen Christ.
The psalm speaks of God’s promises. Acts and 1 Corinthians proclaim the good news available to all.
The astonishing news of the Resurrection transformed Jesus’ followers into courageous preachers
of the good news of Jesus Christ. How do you understand the message of Easter? What is the challenge for you in responding to this message?
keep our minds open toward faith. Strengthen us as
we seek to know you, and help us to grow in love
for you and for each other. Amen.
April 19 - No Need to Apologize for Wonder
Acts 3:12–19
1 John 3:1–7
Psalm 4
Luke 24:36b–48
Jesus’ first followers responded in awe to the risen
Christ. “In their joy they were disbelieving and still
wondering,” but their awareness of God’s presence
and purpose grew. They were transformed to go in
new directions, telling the good news to all. Modern
disciples are also called to embrace Christ – alive in
our midst and empowering us for learning, serving,
and witnessing as a community of God’s children.
The texts this week encourage a broader understanding of God’s reign in our midst, and also illustrate our human limitations in perceiving it. We are
called to live as God’s children. What does it mean
to be open to the transformation that Christ brings,
and then move in new ways and directions with the
REFLECTION: Alleluia! We praise you, O God, for
Christ has conquered death! Make all things new in
our lives this day. Dwell in us, that we may proclaim to the world the good news of Easter Day.
REFLECTION: Amazing Creator, send your Spirit to
create us anew this day. Transform our hearts and
April 12 - No Need to Lock Ourselves Away
minds to follow more closely in the way of Christ,
and tell the good news of your reign of love. Amen.
Acts 4:32–35
Psalm 133
1 John 1:1—2:2
John 20:19–31
April 26 - No Need to Harden Our Hearts
With Thomas we long to see for ourselves, that we
may believe in Jesus the Christ. Thomas’ story reminds us that people come to belief in different
ways, that there is room for question and doubt. To
disciples, then and now, Jesus gives peace, Spirit,
forgiveness, faith, and power to witness. Fellowship
and joy are marks of this believing community.
Jesus breathes the Spirit into his followers to enliven and transform for mission. We rejoice in these
gifts. Like Thomas, we continue to seek God even
when we do not fully understand. What do you
need in order to believe, for your confession of
Christ to be your own?
Acts 4:5–12
1 John 3:16–24
Psalm 23
John 10:11–18
For contemporary empires built on greed and individualism, which equate abundant life with the accumulation of wealth at the expense of other humans and other species, the good news of Easter is
subversive. Christ’s resurrection means the beginning of the liberation of Creation manifested in the
abundant life of Christian communities and characterized by diversity and sacrificial love.
REFLECTION: O, God, our shepherd,
restore our souls, lead us on right paths. Even
though we walk through the deepest valley, we fear
REFLECTION: Risen Christ, breathe upon us your no evil; for you are with us; your rod and your staff
spirit of new life. Where we cannot see, help us to – they comfort us. Amen.
April, 2015
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Summer is coming, so as promised last year, we are revisiting the question of whether we should move
our worship services up to 9:30 AM, as we had done in previous years. Sean is collecting the votes of
people who will be around this summer to see if there is a preference for one time over another (9:30
AM vs.10:30 AM.) Please email your preference at spfcasey@uw.edu if you want to have a say on when
we start our services.
Dear Church Family
Although I have not been a candidate for a perfect attendance button, you folks have demonstrated extraordinary caring and awareness of
your second team. I am especially grateful for
your reaching out to me and our family.
My health has improved sufficiently to be discharged from rehab on April 1 and continue
my healing at our Pennsylvania home. Phyllis
will split her time to be with our daughter, Carrie, as she continues Breast cancer treatments.
With best wishes for your health and that of
your family.
The boys and I send many
thanks to all the church for
their prayers, cards and support that we have been given to
us since Bruce~s death.
It has meant so much to all of
us and we do appreciate it.
Chuck Rumbarger
Would you like to donate flowers for the communion table some Sunday? Flowers help remind us of the beauty of God’s world and enhance our worship environment.
Please sign-up on the FLOWER DONATION calendar in the Narthex.
Flowers may be given in honor or memory of
someone or to mark a special occasion.
Complete a donation slip noting special reason
for donation and place in offering plate or
church office.
Thank You,
Worship Team
The BUCC Book Group will meet on Tuesday, April
14 at 3:30pm in the parlor. The book we will discuss is “Angle of Repose” by Wallace Stegner.
"Wallace Stegner~s Pultizer Prizewinning novel is a story of discovery—personal, historical, and geographical. Confined to a wheelchair,
retired historian Lyman Ward sets
out to write his grandparents~ remarkable story, chronicling their days
spent carving civilization into the surface of America~s western frontier.
But his research reveals even more
about his own life than he~s willing to admit. What
emerges is an enthralling portrait of four generations in the life of an American family.”
All are welcome to join us for the book discussion
and fellowship.
April, 2015
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Risus paschalis is the Latin phrase that describes this theological understanding; it means, “Easter laughter.” Many churches on the first Sunday following Easter celebrate and observe a “Bright Sunday” or
“Holy Humor Sunday.” This tradition is connected to the Easter Monday picnics and festivities that
many countries still celebrate. The service of worship is a time to celebrate what God did in the Resurrection by sharing humorous stories and reminding each other that Death did not and does not win.
“Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting? The sting of
death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us victory through our Lord
Jesus Christ.” --1 Corinthians 15:55-57.
On April 19th, the second Sunday following Easter Sunday, our church will celebrate our own
“Bright Sunday/Holy Humor Sunday.” Come, prepared to have a laugh at our mortality and the devil,
and to engage in a bit of holy joy. During worship, the liturgy, prayers, hymns, and sermon message will
all have a joyful theme, and together we will chase away the Devil of Despair with our light-hearted humor.
Remember, Easter is not a day, but a way of looking at life. If you aren’t in the mood to celebrate this
year, please still come to church with your heartache and let your spirit be refreshed by those who will
carry the joy and the truth of resurrection for you until you can carry it again too.
Seekers will next meet on Thursday, April 16,
2015 at 7:15 PM in the BUCC parlor.
We will discuss the book Iscariot: A Novel of
Judas by Tosca Lee.
Celebrate the completion of your income tax
returns by joining us. All are invited.
Mark your calendars for the BUCC
Breakfast scheduled for Sunday, April
19th at 9:00 am.
Following a busy Lenten and Easter season, please
plan to join fellow BUCCers’ for this opportunity for
good food and fellowship.
A smoothly run worship service is what one expects when they come to church.
This does not just happen automatically, there are several people involved. The
ushers have a major part to play in arranging a smooth running service. They make
sure the Communion Table has candlesticks with candles, that hymnals are distributed, the sound system turned on, lectern out and other items that need to be taken
care of. Then these things need to be put away or turned off after the service. There is more to being an
usher than just handing out bulletins and passing the collection plate. It is an important job, and one
that you can do. The Worship Team is looking for some people who would like to see our services continue to run smoothly to fill out the usher teams. The system we have now uses teams of two. Ideally
there would be four teams, each ushering once a month. If you want to help out, contact Martha Knouss
who is making up the schedule. Your help would really be appreciated.
April, 2015
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Annual Rock Creek Stream Cleanup
Saturday, April 11, 2015
What: 7th Annual Rock Creek Extreme Cleanup
(In conjunction with the Alice Ferguson Foundation)
When: Saturday, April 11, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 PM.
Where: Along Rock Creek
How do I signup? Go to www.rockcreekconservancy.org and click on Rock Creek
Extreme Cleanup
Why Participate? This Cleanup has become a decisive catalyst for progress that ignites
people throughout the watershed with the Alice Ferguson Foundation~s community spirit.
And ultimately, there is always a great sense of accomplishment when the morning is over
and one looks at the amount of trash that has been collected. It is a great morning of work
and fellowship.
What you can do? You can commit 3 hours of your time on Saturday Morning, April 11.
Even though BUCC will not be organizing a group this year, you can
join forces with hundreds of other volunteers to cleanup the Potomac watershed in Rock Creek
Park. Members of BUCC have done this for several years.
What Else Can I Do?
What You Can Do Now
Adopt your local section of Rock Creek Park through the Stream Team Program
Pick up any trash you see in or near street gutters and in the parks throughout the year.
Don’t create trash--use refillable stainless steel
containers instead of bottled water.
Lead a group cleanup in your neighborhood or a
park near you.
If you have questions or would like to meet up with
others from BUCC contact Jim Burks ™
April, 2015
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April 26- May 1, 2015
Faith Without Works Is Dead
James 2:14-17
What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith
save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to
them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what
good is that?
So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
Please mark your calendars for CBS week. BUCC is responsible for providing
all of the meals, kitchen supplies, and for serving dinner to the 35 homeless
residents at the Community Based Shelter. Our participation with the CBS is
one of the ways of honoring the BUCC covenant to be of service to all in
Christ’s name.
What is The Community Based Shelter? The CBS provides transitional housing in a shelter environment for single adult women already committed to
changing their lives with the support of mental health, medical, and therapeutic programs. This 30-bed facility serves close to 300 women annually.
Volunteers provide all the meals every day and night of the year.
The CBS could not operate without the involvement of the 60 plus congregations and community
groups who provide all of the meals, serving supplies, kitchen volunteers, and miscellaneous
items requested.
How can you help?
BUCC volunteers are needed to help in a variety of ways:
Providing dinner- entrees, salads, vegetables, side dishes
Serving dinner- at least 3 people each evening are needed.
Preparing lunch bags
Making sandwiches
Donating money for much needed supplies--Make check payable to BUCC-with the
memo: “Community Based Shelter (CBS)”
Please take a look at the sign up sheet in the narthex and try to select some way that you can
help. We need your support. Thanks for helping
If you have any questions, contact Bette Pappas at 301-231-7144 or jimbetzoe@aol.com
April, 2015
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It’s time to gear up for the 2015 version of Rebuilding Together
in Montgomery County. Rebuilding Together is a local nonprofit that identifies home owners needing help making their properties safe, comfortable and
efficient. Every year one day is selected (this year it is April 25th) when BUCC comes together
with St. Mark Presbyterian Church and Holy Cross Catholic Church to help a person in need make
their home a safe and comfortable place. Our home owner for this year is Ms. Barbara MacMichael who lives in Silver Spring.
Trent Ross will be coordinating volunteers from BUCC. Trent has been volunteering for Rebuilding Together for 17 years and can answer any question you might have about what to expect on
the work day.
What kind of volunteers do we need? Just about any skill level will be useful. Our project this
year is a town home. BUCC has been tasked with replacing a dilapidated fence at the rear of the
property. We~ll have a pre-work day on April 18 to dig post holes and set posts. You can come
for as much or as little of the day as you would like.
You do not need to have any experience or expertise to volunteer - just a willingness to
help. Please sign up online at: http://rebuildingtogethermc.org/join-us-for-national-rebuildingday-2015/
There will also be a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway for those who cannot sign
up online.
Trent Ross
Outlook Submission Deadline:
Friday, April 24, 2015 at 12:00 Noon
OUTLOOK is published monthly. Please place items for publication in the mailbox in the church office or
Email to dotjerliddel@gamil.com with a copy to admin@BethesdaUCC.org
April, 2015
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For a week and a half intensive work on all aspects of the project got us back to this state of partial functioning with a dry basement, an intact water system, and a workable source of electricity. During this
time, BUCC was blessed to share worship with Rockville United Church and to use space in North Bethesda United Methodist Church for our services.
Finally on Friday, March 20 the new panel arrived and installation and testing were completed. On Monday morning the 23rd we all had our prayers answered as the County inspector approved the electrical
repairs and the PEPCO inspector concurred that we were ready for their power to be turned back
on. The building was emptied at 1 PM as the power was restored successfully and normality returned to
the functioning of the building.
We learned much from this event, including an appreciation of the good will and cooperative spirit of
our congregation in adapting to the difficult circumstances and of the shared user groups -- especially
the staff and parents in the programs for the children, who had to make alternative accommodations on
very short notice. And we learned that we need to bring more heat to the basement in the winter time
so this never happens again!
Dan Driver
April, 2015
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BUCC — APRIL, 2015
10:30 AM Worship
Service, Sunday School
and Youth Class
10:30 AM Worship
Service, Sunday School
and Youth Class
9:00 AM BUCC
10:30 AM Worship
Service, Sunday School
and Youth Class
Community Based Shel- Community Based
ter Week
Shelter Week
10:30 AM Worship
Service, Sunday School
and Youth Class
April, 2015
5:30 PM Maundy
7:30 PM Maundy
Thursday Practice/Set Thursday Service
7:30 PM Faith In Action Meeting
12:30 PM Islamic
Center of Maryland
3:30 PM Worship
12:30 PM Islamic
Center of Maryland
9:00 AM Rock Creek
Stream Clean-Up
3:30 PM BUCC
Book Group
1:00 PM Pastoral Care 7:15 PM
Team Meeting
12:30 PM Islamic
Center of Maryland
12:00 PM
OUTLOOK articles
12:30 PM Islamic
Center of Maryland
8:00 AM Rebuilding
Together Work Day
10:00 AM Choir Practice
7:30 PM
Community Good
Friday Service -- N
Bethesda UMC
7:30 PM Trustees
7:30 PM
Education Team
7:30 PM Glenbrook
Membership Meeting
Community Based
Shelter Week
Community Based
Shelter Week
Community Based Community Based
Shelter Week
Shelter Week
12:30 PM Islamic
Center of Maryland
Page 10
The directory is updated and ready for distribution. This year’s directory is
available in either print or pdf format. If you are unable to get by the church to
pick up a copy or would like to have a pdf copy sent to you, contact Colleen at
the BUCC office either by phone (301)365-3387 or e-mail at
admin@BethesdaUCC.org to receive a copy.
If you would like to receive the Outlook as an electronic copy,
simply e-mail Colleen at admin@bethesdaucc.org and
request it. Please include the e-mail address where you
would like to receive Outlook when you send the request.
That way we get a correct address to put on the mailing list. The Outlook will come as a PDF
file which you can open, and print if you wish.
Order a lily to help decorate the church on Easter.
Following service, take yours home. Cost $8.00.
Make check payable to BUCC and note Easter Lily.
Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone _____________________________________________________________________________________________
I/We would like to order ________ Easter Lily (Lilies) @ $8.00 each. Total ______________
*In memory / honor of (circle one):
April, 2015
Page 11
Wishing you and yours the very best
during the Easter season.
The staff of BUCC —
Dee, James, Kathleen,
Colleen, Doris, Julia & Lan
Your chance to help our environment and the community
Stream Clean-up April 11th, 9:00 AM to Noon
Rebuilding Together April 25th,
8:00 Am to Noon and 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
(details inside)
Bethesda United Church of Christ
10010 Fernwood Road
Bethesda, Maryland 20817
Rev. Darla Dee Ledger
Phone: (301) 365-3387
Fax: (301) 365-3388
April, 2015
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