Mayor of Biddulph 2015


Mayor of Biddulph 2015
The Mayoral Year of Office runs from the AGM of the Town Council on 12 May 2015
until the next AGM on 10 May 2016
Mayor’s Charities:
each year the Mayor raises money for charities of
his/her choice. For the 2015-16 year, the Mayor has chosen the following charities:
Cancer Research and Biddulph in Bloom
in writing please ~
either by email to: or to the Town Hall, High Street,
Biddulph ST8 6AR. This is to ensure the Mayor has all of the correct information. It
is up to you if you want to invite the local press for a photo or not. The Biddulph
Chronicle’s phone number is: 01260 273737
Please let us know if the Mayor will need to make a speech and if there is any other
special information the Mayor and Consort will need (eg laying a wreath, if food is to
be laid on, etc)
If the Mayor and Consort are unable to attend your event (they may already be
at another engagement), the Deputy Mayor and Consort – Councillor Jillian Salt
and Mr James Salt – will be very happy to attend instead