Staff Assistant Application


Staff Assistant Application
Staff Assistant Application 2014-2015
Howdy! Thank you for your interest in applying to be a Staff Assistant for The Big Event 2015! Your desire to be more
involved in this organization’s mission of saying “Thank You” to the Bryan/College Station community is a direct reflection of
the Aggie core value of selfless service. A leadership position of this type can be demanding of your time, so please consider
other previous commitments before applying. Listed below are mandatory dates for staff. Dues of $50 for the spring will also
be required in order to cover general expenses.
Staff Assistant Mandatory Dates •
Application Instructions 1. Go online to and fill out the form with your information. You must submit this form in order to apply. 2. Complete this application with responses and turn in to The Big Event cube in the SGA wing of the Koldus Building (Koldus 146). th
Due by Friday, November 7 at 5:00 p.m. 3. Check to see if you received an interview via email Monday, Nov. 10th. Interview sign-­‐ups will be available from 8am-­‐4pm via a Google Doc attached to the email. Weekly Meetings: 7:00 PM every Tuesday th
Staff Retreat Saturday, January 24 , 2015 th
Big Event Conference January 30 and 31 , 2015 nd
Mock Big Event February 22 , 2015 Job Recruitment Saturdays in the Spring 1 Hour Weekly Office Hours in the Spring 6-­‐7 Table Hours in February 20 Job Checks rd
Staff Matching March 23 , 2015 TH
THE BIG EVENT MARCH 28 , 2015 If you have any questions, please contact me at Kevin Brooks – Director
Each applicant is encouraged to attend one of three informationals. Each informational will last approximately 45 minutes. Please circle which informational you attended: rd
Monday, Nov. 3 -­‐ 5:30 pm MSC 1400 th
Tuesday, Nov. 4 -­‐ 5:30 pm MSC 1400 Wednesday, Nov. 5 -­‐ 5:30pm MSC 1400 th
Applications are due on Friday, November 7 between 8am-­‐5pm to Koldus Room 146. Results and interview sign-­‐ups will be sent via th email at 8 am on Monday, November 10 .
*Please do not put your name on any other pages of your application* Name: ______________________________________________ UIN: __________________________________________ Official TAMU Email: ___________________________________ Preferred Email: _______________________________ Preferred Phone Number: ______________________________ Birthday: __________________________________ GPR > 2.0 (y/n) ______ Last Semester GPR> 2.0? (y/n) _______ Graduation Date: ____________ T-­‐Shirt Size: ________ Please respond to the following questions on no more than 1 piece of single-­‐spaced, one sided paper. Turn in three copies of your responses with your UIN only at the top of each page, and paper clip this page as a cover sheet to your responses. 1. Why would you like to be a Big Event Staff Assistant for 2015, and what strengths do you possess for the position? 2. If you could compare yourself to any tool, what would it be and why? 3. Why is the relationship between the A&M student body and the Bryan/College Station community important? The Student Government shall not discriminate against, nor give preferential treatment to, any person on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, sex, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Big Event’s admissions process can be found in Chapter 104, Article 2, Section 2 of the SGA Code. You have the right to appeal any committee decision to The Judicial Court. I understand that as an applicant for a committee, commission, or other position in SGA my grades will be checked prior to selection. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ___________________ Signed Printed Name Date