Florence Biophotonics Workshop


Florence Biophotonics Workshop
Florence Biophotonics Workshop
The Florence OASIS workshop will take place during the 3rd International Conference on
BioPhotonics 2015, in the CNR Florence Area, 20th-22nd May 2015.
The International BioPhotonics Conference has been established in the last few years as a
high-level meeting in the area of light-based techniques for medicine, life science,
agriculture, environmental science and many other areas of application.
An exhibition with the participation of well-established international companies, working in
the field of biophotonics will be organized.
Objectives of the workshop
10 companies from the OASIS clusters will have a free registration to the conference and the
opportunity to:
- participate as an exhibitor in the OASIS Booth;
- give a talk during the exhibitor showcase;
- meet Tuscany SMEs and facilities
Workshop Venue
The CNR Area, the same location of the 3rd International Conference on Biophotonics.
You can find the information about topics of the conference, venues and accommodation at
the conference website: http:// biophotonics2015.ifac.cnr.it
For any questions please contact your local OASIS representative:
Or the BioPhotonics2015 Organizing Committee
Project partners:
The International BioPhotonics2015 Conference
Florence Biophotonics Workshop
08:30 – 09:00
10:15 – 13:30
12:30– 13:30
Wednesday 20th May
Exhibition Opening.
Horiba, Crisel, CSO, Leica, ELI Beamlines & HiLASE,
OASIS project companies (Alpao, Avantes BV, Fraunhofer
Institute, Ledmotive, Luz Wavelabs, Messe Berlin,
Oxxius, Perfos, USC)
Getting to know the SMEs
14:00 – 17:00
14:00-16:00 Selex Galileo (http://www.selexgalileo.com/)
16:00- 17:00 ElEn S.p.a. (http://www.elengroup.com/it/)
Thursday 21st May
08:30 – 17:00
Getting to know the Bio-facilities
09:00– 12:00
Bio-facilities presentation/tour (30 minutes each lab):
Optical Biosensors- F. Baldini, IFAC CNR
Biophotonics and Nanomedicine lab- R. Pini, IFAC CNR,
CeME (Electron Microscopy Center)- C. Giordano, CEME CNR,
LENS (European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy)- R.
Cicchi, INO CNR
Biosensors Lab- M. Minunni, University of Florence
12:30– 13:30
Detailed program on social event here:
Preliminary Agenda
Thursday 21st May
Getting to know the SMEs and Biofacilities (1st part)
14:00 – 15:30 Exhibitor Showcase
R. Pini, Welcome to CNR Area, IFAC CNR
M. Louthellier, OASIS project presentation, Optitec, France
Scholzová Lenka, Extreme Light Infrastructure (Eli-Beam Lines), Czech Republic
Francesco M. Vitucci, Raman THz® Spectrocospy: Volume Holografic Gratings (VHGs) application for easy access
to low frequency region (~5-200 cm-1-- ~ 0.3–6 THz) , Crisel Instruments
Riccardo Nicoletti, Latest "made in Italy" ophthalmic innovations, CSO (Costruzione Strumenti Oftalmici), Ialy
Annamaria Cucinotta, DNAPhone: Smart Optical Devices for food analysis, DNAphone, Italy
Giovanni Masotti, ElEn Group, Italy
Lorenzo Targetti, Photons to market, Light4Tech, Italy
Ferruccio Pisanello, Optogenix: new technologies for optogenetics, Optogenix, Italy
Alessandro Cometta, Airyscan in confocal microscopy, a super-resolution and
highly sensitive detection, Carl Zeiss, Microscopy
Francesco Mazzini, Tuscany Life Sciences Cluster, Italy
Marco Perrone, Invest in Tuscany, Italy
15:30– 16:00
Coffee Break- Networking
Getting to know the SMEs and facilities (2nd part)
16:00 – 17:15 Exhibitor Showcase:
M. Flores-Arias, Devices on glass substrates by laser techniques for biological applications,
USC (SecPho), Spain
M.J. Garcia, THz Photonics for Bio Applications, Luz Wavelabs (SecPho), Spain
K. Kube-Erkens, Focusing on applications for the future: micro photonics – International
congress and exhibition in Berlin, Messe Berlin (OptecBB), Germany
W. Schlaack, Micro Rings - a New Way of Optical Sensing, Fraunhofer (OptecBB), Germany
V. Babu, Influence of absorption induced thermal initiation pathway on irradiance
threshold for laser induced breakdown, Philips, The Netherlands
D. Tregoat, Microstructured Fibers for Biophotonics, Perfos (Ph Bretagne), France
Noël-Arnaud Maguis, Oxxius laser for Biophotonics, Oxxius, (Ph Bretagne), France
K. Otten, Life sciences & spectroscopy, Avantes BV (PNL ), The Netherlands
J. Carreras Molins, LEDMOTIVE (SecPho), Spain
B. Charlet, Alpao (Pole Optitec), France
08:30 – 09:00
08:30 – 17:00
12:30– 13:30
Friday 22nd May*