Bulletin - Borculo Christian Reformed Church


Bulletin - Borculo Christian Reformed Church
April 12, 2015 - 9:30 A.M.
Minister: Rev. Stephen Terpstra
Organist: Mrs. Phyllis Alferink
Prelude - “Alleluia, Alleluia!”
Welcome and Announcements
Silent Prayer & organ response
* Call to Worship
M: People of God, from where does our help come?
C: Our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth.
* God’s Greeting
* Hymn “Low in the Grave He Lay”
LUYH #186
Call to Confession
Prayer of Confession
Assurance of Pardon
Hymn “This Joyful Eastertide”
LUYH #202 (1,2)
(Three year old’s are dismissed for Children’s Worship)
Prayer for Illumination
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 8:25-40; Isaiah 56:1-5
Sermon: “Single in Christ”
Prayer of Response
* Hymn “Take My Life and Let It Be”
LUYH #863 (1,2,5,6)
Congregational Prayer
Offertory – “There is a Redeemer”
(Offering received for 1st - General Fund; 2nd – Borculo Chr. School)
Offertory Prayer
* Hymn “Because He Lives”
* Blessing
* Doxology “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”
* Postlude – “Wonderful Grace of Jesus”
*If you are able, please stand.
CH #358
LUYH #965
(CCLI # 791356)
Welcome to Borculo Christian Reformed Church! We are so glad you have chosen to worship with us
today! Please join us for refreshments and fellowship following the service. We would love to meet you! We
hope you find our church to be God-centered, where you hear the good news of the gospel, are challenged to live
according to God’s Word, and may find good Christian friends. You are most welcome to join us in any of the
activities and ministries we offer so that together, we may grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus
If you are visiting, please fill out a green visitor card in the pew rack and place it in the collection plate.
We would like to offer you additional information about Jesus Christ and our church. If you have a spiritual need,
please feel free to speak with Rev. Terpstra or Rev. Petroelje after the service, or send an email to
pastor@borculocrc.org or almarpet@sbcglobal.net . May the Lord bless you!
April 12, 2015
Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian, lift up your voice and sing Eternal Hallelujahs to Jesus Christ, the King!
The hope of all who seek Him, the Help of all who find, None other is so loving, so good and kind.
He lives! He lives! Christ Jesus lives today! He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow
He lives! He lives! Salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart!
(*indicates change/update)
*Art VO suffered a compression fracture of his spine this week. He is receiving therapy at home.
Pray for relief from pain and healing.
*Bud B was able to go to Freedom Inn this week and is receiving therapy. Pray for renewed
*Duetta O is receiving therapy at Freedom Inn. Pray for renewed strength.
Marian H is living at American House (formerly Oakcrest) – Room #9 at Lighthouse Bldg. Pray for
the Huyser’s as they make this transition in their lives.
Geneva H is home and is making good progress.
Henry A is home and is doing much better.
*Luann W was able to return to her home last weekend. Pray for healing and renewed strength.
Pray for all of the families/individuals that are wrestling with depression, mental conditions, and personal
needs that are unknown to others.
Military Service:
Steve and Kim B – Steve is stationed in Italy with the Navy.
Marc and Jill B – are stationed in Tennessee.
*Missionary of the month: Miss Evy S who is working in Mali, West Africa
She may be contacted at this e-mail address: tenenkou@swissmail.org and there are cards in the
narthex you may use to send her words of encouragement.
**Please continue to pray for Mali. The peace accord, which everyone thought the rebels and the
government was ready to sign, has not happened. Evy writes “The rebels have backed out and we've heard of
more violence up north. The situation is being monitored and I am safe, but unsettling for the people in my area.
It is so sad that there are people who want to destabilize Mali. The Fulani believers are growing in their faith, but
it's not an easy thing.”
(For changes, contact Pastor Terpstra, Pastor Petroelje, your district elder or Allan & Hermena
Vanden Berg.)
IN APPRECIATION: “I would like to thank the congregation for their prayers and cards in my recent
stay in the hospital.” Si E
CONGRATULATIONS! Mr. Gerald H will celebrate his 88th birthday on Wed., April 15!
May God richly bless you on your special day and in the coming year!
We welcome Rev. Roger Kleinheksel to our pulpit this evening.
Pastor Terpstra is leaving this afternoon to attend the Gospel Coalition Conference in Orlando,
FL. There is a live stream of the speakers on their website if you would like to listen. Pray for safety in
travel and that he will be blessed and refreshed through this conference and the speakers.
Reminder -- If you have not yet paid for your Easter plant, please put your payment in the
coffee can in the narthex. If you pay in cash, be sure your name is on the envelope.
Youth Group will NOT meet tonight – our last meeting will be on April 26.
**ALL CHURCH POTUCK NEXT SUNDAY, April 19 at noon. Bring a hot or cold to pass. !
Please join us!
Local Evangelism meeting tomorrow evening, April 13 at 7:00 p.m.
Home & World Missions will meet THIS Tuesday, April 14 at 7:00 p.m.
Fellowship Committee will meet on Tuesday, April 28th.
GEMS will meet this Wed., April 15 and on April 29.
GEMS sleep over is this Friday evening.
REMINDER: Matt Maher concert this Saturday evening for Middle School.
KEENAGERS: This coming Wednesday, the 15th -- we will have lunch at church at noon. Jerry
and Sherill Bergsma will have pictures of the time they spent in Haiti last year. Please sign the sheet in
the narthex that you plan to be there.
UPDATES TO BATHROOMS: The upstairs restrooms in the hall by the elevator are being
updated. The privacy dividers have been removed, the door handles now have locks, and the
bathroom is a one person occupancy. Please remember this when you use them, and perhaps assist
children under the age of 6, who may have difficulty opening the heavy door from the inside.
NEW CHURCH DIRECTORY NOTES: The new church pictorial is being planned. Photography
will be done by LIFETOUCH the week of May 18-21. There is information in your mailbox TODAY
with information on registering online for your time slot, or at the table in the narthex beginning next
Sunday AM. If you give your e-mail address for an appointment confirmation, you will receive a $10
off coupon to use if you choose to buy any portraits. Also, if you bring in any non-perishable item for
the church pantry, you will receive a $5 coupon off your portrait order.
CHURCH App/Digital DIRECTORY: This year we will be trying something different in addition
to our Church Directory book. It will be through My Instant Church Directory, which will be available
as an app for cell phones as well. It will have convenient access to address, phone numbers and emails.
We will need to add your info. to this digital directory, so please fill out the form in your mailbox, and
put it in the box in the narthex.
CARE PACKAGES: We will be sending out a care package to our college students soon! Please
use a card in the narthex to send them an encouraging note for their finals week!
Reminder: Lu Busscher is walking for the RIGHT TO LIFE walk-a-thon. If you would like to
support her in this, please put your check in her mailbox.
COFFEE SERVERS: PLEASE check your calendar for the summer months, to see if you could
take one Sunday to help out with the outdoor coffee & cookies fellowship time. Please do this soon,
so we can have the schedules in place for the summer months! Sign up sheet is in the narthex.
**VBS REMINDER: Planning has already begun! VBS will be June 15-18 & 20 from 9:00 to
noon. (Crew leaders arrive at 8:30 a.m.). We ask you to prayerfully consider helping out this year! It is
always a rich blessing to everyone who is involved! Sign-up sheets will be out in May!
The Agenda for Synod 2015 is now available on the Synod Resources page of the Christian
Reformed Church in North America website. To access the online Agenda and sign up for Synodrelated news, visit www.crcna.org/Synod.
**REMINDER: Dandelion Festival is a few short weeks away! There are many
opportunities to help serve God’s Kingdom through this festival. PLEASE sign up in the narthex
today! Many hands are needed to make this day a success! Prayerfully consider if you can help and
pray that we will have good weather and a good response to the activities.
BODY & SOUL: 6-week Spring Session begins the week of April 13.
Mondays & Thursdays, 9:15 - 10:15 am @ Third CRC in Zeeland (corner of State & Central).
START DATE: Monday, April 13; CHILDCARE OFFERED. Please contact Sue Gras if you need childcare
for your little ones: suegrasaloette@yahoo.com.
Tuesdays, 7:30 pm & Saturdays, 7:30 am @ Borculo CRC -- START DATE: Tuesday, April 14
offer a make-up class for this missed date.
1 class/week (or 6 classes) = $25.50 + $5 Registration Fee = $30.50; 2 classes/week (or 12 classes) = $51
3 classes/week (or 18 classes) = $76.50; 4 classes/week (or 24 classes) = $102.
Please register (sign up) for class on line @ www.bodyandsoul.org. Payment options: Pay online or
you may write a check to Body and Soul Fitness, and I will send it in for you...or you may pay cash and I
will write a check on your behalf and send it in for you.
CHURCH PANTRY - We are collecting personal hygiene products –
shampoo, deodorant, feminine products, tooth paste, tooth brushes, razors, band aids, hand lotion,
bar soap, shower gel, etc…..
We also need your COUPONS, so please put them on the table in the pantry. Thanks for your
help with keeping the shelves stocked, and for the opportunity to help those in need! If you have
any questions about the pantry, please see Deb Machiela or Lu Busscher.
Borculo Christian School annual Spring Banquet is scheduled for Thursday, April 16. This year's
featured speaker is Mr. Dale Cooper, chaplain (emeritus) of Calvin College. The title of Mr. Cooper's
presentation is "A Thousand Waves and Two Thousand Smiles: Adventures of Two Old Men on their
(slightly) older John Deere's." The event will take place at the Ottawa Reformed Church Grace Center
in West Olive. The evening will begin at 6:00 p.m., an RSVP is required to the BCS school office by
April 13. A freewill donation will be taken for the BCS general fund. Contact the school (875-8152) if
you have any questions.
South Olive CRC invites you to a hymn sing on Sunday, April 19 at 7:45 p.m. Marcia Seinen, Art
& Alma Bouwkamp on accordion and electric guitar, plus piano and organ. Special music by Gordon
Beukema on the Musical Saw Roger Brandsen will be the song leader. Free will offering will be taken
for Crossroad Bible institute.
Borculo Christian School will be sponsoring its 9th annual Sporting Clay Shoot at Blendon
Pines. The date for the event is April 25 @ 9:00 AM. Cost for the event is $75 for adults, $30 for
students ages 10-16 and $150 for station sponsors. Early registration will receive one free raffle ticket.
Early registration closes on March 31. Registration forms can be picked up in the school office or on our
7:00 PM
9:00 AM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
Wednesday 9:30 AM
12:00 NOON
7:00 PM
7:30 AM
Local Evangelism Committee Meeting
Quilting for Missions
Home & World Missions Committee Meeting
Body & Soul
Weekly Play Date
Keenager’s Lunch and program
Body & Soul
Middle School – Matt Maher Concert!
HOSTS TODAY: Steve & Kim Gruppen Next Sunday: Alv & Geneva Huizenga
COFFEE SERVERS TODAY: Ken & Deb Austhof Next Sunday: Howard & Von Driesenga
USHERS TODAY: Rick Haak, Jason Meppelink, Dennis Aukema, David Aukema
Next Sunday: Dan Woodwyk, Ken Austhof, Matt Geurink, Art Van Order
NURSERY TODAY: AM: Deb Gruppen, Robin Overway, Nicole Broekhuizen
PM: Elizabeth Herrud, Abigail Kloosterman
Next Sunday: AM: Morgan Engelsman, Bonnie Schrotenboer, Emily Broekhuizen
PM: Deb Herrud, Jason Meppelink
CHILDREN’S WORSHIP TODAY: Lila Brunink, Jessica Meppelink. Lesson 45
Next Sunday: Rita Austhof, Katie Hansen. Lesson 1
OFFERINGS TODAY: General Fund & Borculo Chr. School. PM: Compassionate Heart Ministry
April 19: General Fund & Tuition Asst. PM: Mission for India
April 26: General Fund & the church food pantry PM: Christian Schools Intl.
Pastor’s Prayer Partner: This week: Bev Boeve Next week: Jane Overway
**Letter Writer to Marc & Jill: Steve & Bonnie Schrotenboer
**Letter Writer to Steve Bloem: Kevin & Carla Schutte
April 12, 2015 - 6:30 P.M.
Guest Minister: Rev. Roger Kleinheksel
Organist: Mrs. Phyllis Alferink
Prelude - “Hallelujah, What a Savior!”
Welcome and Announcements
* Call to Worship
* Silent Prayer of Invocation
* Greeting
* Hymn: “Victory in Jesus”
(CH) #353
Psalm 9
Hymn: “Change my heart, O God” (CH #654 – one time)
Prayer of Illumination
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, 14, 17-23. 50-58
Sermon: "Living in the Resurrection Power"
Prayer of Response
* Hymn: “He Lives!”
(CH) #368
Congregational Prayer
Offertory – “O Love that will not let me go”
(Offering received for Compassionate Heart Ministries)
Offertory Hymn – “In My life, Lord, be Glorified” (CH # 186)
*Apostles Creed
*Hymn: “There Is A Redeemer”
*Doxology: “I Live!” (CH) # 366
(CH) # 308
“I live, I live because He is risen! I live, I live with pow’r over sin. I live, I live because He is risen;
I live, I live to worship Him.
Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus; Because You’re alive, because You’re alive, Because You’re alive, I live”
Postlude – “Joyful, Joyful, we adore You!”
*If you are able, please stand.
(CCLI # 791356)