Bulletin - Borculo Christian Reformed Church


Bulletin - Borculo Christian Reformed Church
May 24, 2015 - 9:30 A.M.
Prelude – “Come, Holy Spirit”
Welcome and Announcements
Introit – “Come Thou Fount/Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God/ Come Thou Almighty King Medley”
* Call to Worship
* Silent Prayer (concluded with “Spirit of the Living God” -- LUYH #749 - vs. 1 )
M: People of God, from where does our help come?
C: Our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth.
* God’s Greeting
* Hymn “Descend, O Holy Spirit”
CH #395 (1,3,4)
Commissioning of Jamie & Kim Meppelink
* Hymn “Lord, Speak to Me that I May Speak”
LUYH #754
(Three year old’s are dismissed to Children’s Worship)
Prayer for Illumination
Scripture Reading: Genesis 11:1-9; Acts 2:1-12
Sermon: “My Way vs. the Spirit’s Way”
Prayer of Response
* Hymn “Spirit of God, Who Dwells Within My Heart”
LUYH #618 (1,2,3,5)
Congregational Prayer
Offertory – “Spirit of God, Descend upon my Heart”
(Offering received for 1st - General Fund; 2nd – Capital Improvement Fund)
Offertory Prayer
* Hymn “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling”
* Blessing
* Doxology “Spirit Song”
LUYH #351 (1,2,4)
(CH) #384 (vs. 1)
“Oh let the Son of God enfold you with His Spirit and His love;
Let Him fill your heart and satisfy your soul. O let Him have the things that hold you,
and His Spirit like a dove, Will descend upon your life and make you whole.
Jesus, O Jesus, come and fill Your lambs. Jesus, O Jesus, come and fill Your lambs.”
* Postlude - “Come thou Almighty King”
(*If you are able, please stand.)
CCLI #791356
Welcome to Borculo Christian Reformed Church! We are so glad you have chosen to worship with us
today! Please join us for refreshments and fellowship following the service. We would love to meet you! We
hope you find our church to be God-centered, where you hear the good news of the gospel, are challenged to live
according to God’s Word, and may find good Christian friends. You are most welcome to join us in any of the
activities and ministries we offer so that together, we may grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus
If you are visiting, please fill out a green visitor card in the pew rack and place it in the collection plate.
We would like to offer you additional information about Jesus Christ and our church. If you have a spiritual need,
please feel free to speak with Rev. Terpstra or Rev. Petroelje after the service, or send an email to
pastor@borculocrc.org or almarpet@sbcglobal.net . May the Lord bless you!
May 24, 2015
We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Holy Spirit Himself intercedes for us. Romans 8:26
Descend, O Holy Spirit, descend on us we pray; and bless us with Your presence, renewed to us today.
A fervent intercessor before the Father’s throne; Your gentle supplications make our petitions known. C.H.395
Current Prayer Needs:
( *indicates change)
Art K has been diagnosed with cancer. The method of treatment has not been decided.
Remember Art and his family in your prayers.
*Margaret N was able to return home Wednesday. She is continuing to improve.
*Remember our students as they take their final exams and finish their school work.
*Del H is scheduled for back surgery on June 3 unless there's an earlier cancellation. The new
and stronger pain meds have helped a little with the severe pain. Please pray for a cancellation and
strength and patience as he waits for surgery.
Luann W is home. Pray for healing and renewed strength.
Remember the Supreme Court especially as they weigh the future of marriage in our country.
*Remember our Vacation Bible School planning, willing workers, and that many children will come.
Pray for all of the families/individuals that are wrestling with depression, mental conditions, and
personal needs that are unknown to others.
Military Service:
Steve and Kim B – Steve is stationed in Italy with the Navy.
Marc and Jill B will be moving soon. Pray for them as they transition to a new place.
(Letter writing for them will resume at a later date.)
*Missionaries of the month: (ARO Team) Mr. Will and Jan R in Inez, Kentucky and
Bill and Jana Z (Rachel, Johnny, & Isaiah) They may be contacted at their e-mail address:
AROKentucky @gmail.com There are cards in the narthex you may use to send them words of
(For changes, contact Pastor Terpstra, Pastor Petroelje, your district elder or Allan & Hermena
Vanden Berg.)
ANNIVERSARIES THIS WEEK: Paul & Sue De Roo, Jim & Jan Blood, Steve & Bonnie Schrotenboer
This morning, we will have a 10-15 minute Memorial Presentation to remember and honor
those who have served or are serving in the military. All gave some – some gave all. Continue to pray
for those serving in the military and also their families.
We will be commissioning Jamie & Kim Meppelink this morning, as they anticipate their
mission work in Dillon, Montana this summer.
“The cake at this morning coffee is an expression of our appreciation to you, their very special
church family, for your support for our Jamie and Kim as they embark on their journey for Jesus!”
Sincerely, Henry and Annmarie Meppelink
In a post-classis pulpit exchange, we welcome Rev. Tyler Wagenmaker to our pulpit this
evening. Rev. Terpstra is at Coopersville CRC.
Praise Team (B) will meet this Wed. May 27, and June 3 and will sing on June 7.
LOCAL EVANGELISM will meet on Wednesday, May 27 at 7 pm.
The ELDERS will meet this Thursday, May 28 at 7:00 pm.
EDUCATION COMMITTEE will meet on Tuesday, June 2 at 7:00 pm.
PUBLIC WORSHIP Committee and Bldg. & Grounds Committee will meet THURSDAY, June 4
at 7:00 pm.
CAN YOU HELP? The Local Evangelism Committee would like your help in walking in your
neighborhood to help bring VBS information around. If anyone is willing to help, find Luanne Busscher
or Bev Machiela in the narthex after either service today. Any help is appreciated.
Borculo CRC's Kids Softball Team (co-ed, ages 8-13 - no experience necessary) will practice
Wed., May 27 and Wed., June 3, 6:30 - 8 pm @ Borculo Christian School's ball field. Come when you
are able. Our first game is Wed., June 10 (time and location to be announced). Any questions, please
contact Tim and Teresa Vander Zwaag, 616-875-8298; 616-218-1050 or tntvanderzwaag@netzero.net.
It's not too late to sign up to play! We welcome you to sign up/let us know if you would like to be a part
of the team.
Bike Riders – dust off your bike and check the tires! We will be biking Saturday, June 6 at 9:30
a.m. Meet behind church and we will go from there. Lunch will be provided, if you'd like to take a
small dish to pass, you may, but you are not expected to. Please sign up on the sheet in the narthex so
we know how much food to prepare.
Mark your calendars for a fun night at the WHITECAPS BALLGAME. On July 25th - Price $13.00
a person. RSVP to btwalters@hotmail.com or sign up in the narthex by June 27th.
THANK YOU to all those who participated in photography for the new church directory this
week! Thank you for being on time, and for being patient if you had to wait. For those submitting a
photo, please turn in to Carla, Bev or Deb by June 3! Thanks for everyone’s cooperation in this project!
CHURCH PANTRY - FOR MAY we are collecting canned meats – tuna, chicken, spam, corned
beef hash, beef stew…..
We also need your COUPONS, so please put them on the table in the pantry. Thanks for your
help with keeping the shelves stocked, and for the opportunity to help those in need! If you have any
questions about the pantry, please see Deb Machiela or Lu Busscher.
SON SPARK LABS! Discovering God’s Plan for U!
**VBS REMINDER: VBS will be June 15-18 & 21 from 9:00 to noon. SIGN UP TODAY if you
can help us in any way – we need crew leaders and helpers, snack servers, nursery helpers,
emergency fill in’s, etc…. please sign up! We need many helpers! It is always a rich blessing to
everyone who is involved!
***PRE REGISTER FOR VBS!!! We only have 30 children signed up for VBS, and that is not
accurate based on the past many years! PLEASE sign up your child online at our website –
www.borculocrc.org – click on link on the homepage. You will find an online registration form there!
PLEASE SIGN UP and encourage your friends and neighbors to pre-register also so we can plan
Borculo Christian School is currently accepting applications for a 1st-8th grade Spanish
teacher for the 2015-2016 academic school year. The position is a 2 day/week position and equates to
approximately 40% full time employment. A qualified candidate must possess a current teaching
license and a Spanish endorsement. Interested candidates should possess an ability to instruct from a
Reformed perspective and have a love for students and learning, as well as a personal relationship with
Jesus Christ. If you have questions about the position please call Nolan Wiersma at 616-875-8152. If
interested in applying for this position, please submit a resume and an email/letter of interest to Nolan
Wiersma at nwiersma@borculochrschool.org.
There will be a Hymn Sing on Sunday, May 24 at 8:00 p.m. at South Olive CRC (corner of Port
Sheldon & 120th Ave.) Jack TenCate will be the song leader and "Down Home" will provide special
music. The Veterans from all branches of the service will be honored. An offering will be taken for
Right to Life.
There will be a Memorial Day Breakfast at South Olive Christian School (6230 - 120th Ave.)
from 7:00 to 10:30 a.m. The proceeds will be for the mission team that will be going to Guatemala in
January. At noon the mission team will be serving lunch at the Olive Township Historic Museum on
Polk Street.
MEMORIAL DAY Service at Blendon Township Cemetery tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. Beaverdam
CRC is hosting this event with Rev. Tyler Wagenmaker officiating. In case of rain, the ceremony will be
in the Tyler St. Fire Station located ¼ mile west of the cemetery. Please bring lawn chairs.
All area residents are invited to the Community Memorial Day Service at 10:30 a.m. on
Monday, May 25 at the Olive Township Cemetery on the corner of Taylor and 116 th Avenue. Please
bring your own lawn chairs. A brief service of remembrance will be held to honor those who have given
their lives in service to our country. Ike Rusticus will speak briefly on his childhood in occupied Holland
during World War II. A community walk from the cemetery to the museum will be held immediately
following the service. The Olive Township Museum (11768 Polk) will be open free of charge from 11:30
am – 2:00 pm, with lunch available for purchase. Come out and honor Olive Township’s veterans and
learn about the area’s history. In case of rain, the service will be held at the Grace Center of Ottawa
Church at 11390 Stanton.
Looking for a safe, fun place to camp this summer with your family and friends? The
Conference Grounds is a family orientated campground on Lake Michigan! We have all the amenities
needed for camping, including a heated pool, and lots of activities for all ages! Check us out at
www.crcg.org. If you are looking for a quieter, slower paced week, think about coming for X-Week:
May 30-June 6, or Orientation Week: June 6-13. You can see all of our availability on the web site. Call
us at 616-842-4478 to make your reservations or email ministry@crcg.org
Graafschap CRC is sponsoring a bus trip to Shipsy on Tuesday, June 9 to raise funds for a group
to go to Beautiful Gate. Cost is $100 which includes bus, snack, dinner at Blue Gate and Josiah for
President Show. Call Church office this Monday to reserve your spot -- 616-396-5008.
Pannonia Christian Educational Exchange program, a non-profit CRC World Mission group, is
seeking a family who has a daughter attending Holland Christian High School, to host a female
student from Hungary who will be attending Holland Christian for the 2015-2016 school year. Please
prayerfully consider if your family is being called to participate in this ministry. If you have any
questions or would like to accept this invitation to host a student, please contact Julia (Koscondy)
Nagy (616) 455-3139, Lois Craven (616) 724-6399, or Sandy DeVries (616) 531-4427
Position Opening - The Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA), has a full-time
40 hrs/wk opening for an Accountant I in Grand Rapids, Michigan. This position requires moderate
supervision and oversight by the agency finance manager and consults finance manager about nonroutine issues. A Bachelor’s degree, with college level course work in accounting and at least one year
accounting experience required. For a detailed description or to apply, visit www.crcna.org/jobs. For
consideration, complete an on-line application, attaching a current cover letter and resume by May 29.
Back to God Ministries International - From Rev. Kurt Selles, BTGMI Director: We are so
grateful for your faithful support of Back to God Ministries International. Your gifts make it possible to
proclaim the Gospel, disciple believers and strengthen the church worldwide through media
ministries. May I bring you thanks from Kumsar, a former Hindu who lives in central India: “I grew up
worshipping idols. Then I started listening to your Christian programs where I learned about the living
God. My family and I thank you for such soulful programs which enlighten us.”
Wednesday 9:30 AM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Thursday 7:00 PM
Weekly Play Date
Praise Team (B) Practice
Local Evangelism Committee Meeting
Elders Meeting
HOSTS TODAY: Jim & Mary Ann De Jonge Next Sunday: Doug & Ter Sterk
Next Sunday: Rob & Deb Herrud
USHERS TODAY: Harv De Roo, Joe Krol, Ron Grassmid, Jerry Bergsma
Next Sunday: Rob Herrud, John Tolsma, Travis Tolsma, Steve Schrotenboer
NURSERY TODAY: AM: Sandy Geurink, Erin Weaver, Emma Hertgers PM: Bev Machiela, Matt Timmer
Next Sunday: AM: Von Driesenga, Sue Weaver, Ethan Hertgers
PM: Kaitlyn Meppelink, Nicole Broekhuizen
CHILDREN’S WORSHIP TODAY: Jill & Amber Schutte. Lesson 4
Next Sunday: Molly & Morgan Engelsman. Lesson 5
OFFERINGS TODAY: AM: General Fund & Capital Imprmt. Fund PM: Family Life Center of W. Mich.
May 31: General Fund & His Harvest Stand. PM: Wedgewood Chr. Youth and fam. Services
June 7: General Fund & Faith Promise Mission Support PM: Luke Society
June 14: General Fund & Borculo Chr. School PM: Barnabas Ministries
Pastor’s Prayer Partner: This week: Don & Brenda Woodwyk Next week: Mark & Sue Wynia
**Letter Writer to Steve Bloem: Jim & Jo Van Huis
May 24, 2015 - 6:30 P.M.
Guest Minister: Rev. Tyler Wagenmaker
Pianist: Mrs. Jody Broekhuizen
Welcome and Announcements
* Call to Worship
* Silent Prayer of Invocation
* Greeting
* Hymn – “Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven”
(CH) #1 vs.1-4
Psalm 14
Prayer of Illumination
Scripture Reading: Hebrews 2:10-18 (HC - Lord's Day #11)
Sermon: "Our Great Author, Founder, and Pioneer"
Prayer of Response
* Hymn – “Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee”
(CH) #89 vs.1-5
Congregational Prayer
(Offering received for the Family Life Center of W. Mich.)
Offertory Hymn – “More Precious Than Silver” (CH) # 88
*Apostles Creed
*Hymn “Sing Praise To God Who Reigns Above!”
*Doxology – “Sing Praise To God Who Reigns Above!”
(*If you are able, please stand.)
(CH)#97 vs.1-3
(CH)#97 vs.4