BoxgrovePC Minutes April 13th 2015
BoxgrovePC Minutes April 13th 2015
Imogen Whitaker - Clerk & RFO to the Council 2 McAdam Close, Hambrook, PO18 8FG Tel: 01243 575094 Email: Website: _______________________________________________________________________ BOXGROVE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting, Monday 13th April 2015 at 7.00PM Present: Cllr H Potter – Chairman, Cllr L Tooze - Vice-Chairman, Cllr M Bish, Cllr Moyler, Cllr Raikes, Cllr Tynan, Cllr Tukker Apologies: In attendance: Cllr. J. Hunt - WSCC, Clerk - Imogen Whitaker, 8 members of the public 1. Apologies None 2. Declarations of interest None 3. Minutes – to agree and sign the minutes of the previous meeting The minutes, with the following amendments, were agreed to be a true and accurate record: addition of Cllr Hunt’s report 4. Matters arising from the minutes None 5. County Councillor, District Councillor and Chairman’s report Cllr Jeremy Hunt thanked Cllr Tooze for all his hard work in getting the works going in Crouchcross Lane. Concerning the VAS sign in The Street WSCC are adamant that only contractors designated by WSCC can do the work. Cllr Tooze said that his contractor (Swarco) are to apply to be contracted by WSCC. Quarry report: Tansy Bristow from the Quarry Liaison group had sent in the following report: a. The advanced tree planting works as required by the Section 106 agreement have been completed; b. All outstanding information relating to the pre-commencement Planning Conditions has now been submitted to West Sussex County Council. These Conditions include the Surface Water Drainage Scheme and the Restoration and Aftercare Scheme. All Conditions are expected to be formally discharged by the end of May; c. WYG (on behalf of the operator) has commenced preparation of the Environmental Permit application and will be making submissions to the Environment Agency; and d. A date and time have been agreed for the first Liaison Group as 2:30pm on Wednesday 6th May 2014 at Boxgrove Village Hall. Jeremy Hunt, Jane Moseley, Art Tukker and Mike Harding are amongst those attending. Traffic Regulation Order: there have been less than five objections so Cllr Hunt has approved this TRO. It still has to go before a meeting of CLC for members’ approval, but at the moment there are no hitches. The clerk asked Cllr Hunt for some further information concerning the beginning stages of the TRO so that she could make a report back to the New Homes’ Bonus committee in order to get the funding. Cllr Hunt said that WSCC had covered the legal work and the advertising costs – there was no design involved as this was about replacing signs, not installing new ones. There were three objections – the police, a resident of North Mundham and a local resident. There were twelve letters of support. Cllr Hunt had persuaded WSCC to bear the cost of this first stage and now the council must fund the cost of the signs (£8193.34). The clerk to meet with Dave Hyland to discuss. Action: The Clerk Boxgrove Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting 13 th April 2015 Page 1 Cllr Potter at the Police Commissioner’s meeting last week, had asked the Police why they systematically object to the TROs. Their response was that the Police do not have the staffing and cannot enforce it. Cllr Potter was aware of this but felt that it was better to have the signs than to do nothing at all. Windmill: Cllr Hunt said that the fencing around the windmill had been put up after some alleged vandalism and the beam had fallen down in the windmill. A structural survey followed and more recently Health and Safety noted that there was a problem with the hub/stock even though the sails were replaced a few years ago. The problem with the stock was identified then, but they made the decision to do a “temporary” repair, which would last three to four years. There is now a plan to remove the sails and store them to keep them safe, but he doesn’t know how long this job will take. He has asked for the fencing to be moved nearer to the windmill (it has to be there because of the tile slippage). Sussex Mills and CDC met and they have proposed work on the tile-hung façade and beams. CDC will be approaching Historic England on the Parish Council’s behalf. The sort of costs being discussed are about £100,000. This is not a quick fix and it might be an idea to start a Windmill Support group to try and raise funds. Cllr Tooze questioned the length of time that this had been going on and Cllr Hunt said that he was only aware of it when David Leah flagged it up about six months ago. Cllr Tooze asked why they hadn’t done the full and proper job at the time. Cllr Hunt pointed out that it was very expensive and that there was no doubt a lack of funds. He said it was challenging for the Council to save another £68 million in the near future and some things had to be restricted. He also said that if they had put the sails back a few years ago they clearly thought that that was a satisfactory job at the time. Cllr Tukker asked if Cllr Hunt could send a breakdown of the costs so that donations could be sought. Cllr Hunt said that a full structural survey needed to be done. WSCC has a new website which is worth visiting and its search engine is very good. Cllr Hunt recommended putting “performance dashboard” into the search engine. Click on “Council Performance Data” then “learn our priorities”, which will lead to three further tabs: Giving Children the best start in Life; Championing the economy; Supporting independence in later life. He said it was an interesting site and well worth a visit. District Councillor Henry Potter: There was very little to report this month as there is a great deal of work going on preparing for the Elections on May 7th. There were no other nominees for the Boxgrove Ward and Cllr Potter has been “Elected Unchallenged” for the coming 4 years. There were only six applicants to join the Parish Council which was disappointing. Therefore the only election in Boxgrove will be for the Representative in Parliament for the Chichester District. Cllr Potter implores Boxgrove residents to use their vote on 7th May. Following the Community Infrastructure meeting on 8th and 9th April (which Cllr Potter regretfully was unable to attend), he has received the form which needs to be filled out with details of Infrastructure requirements for the Parish. For example the realignment of the road layout adjacent to the Elmwood development, or the introduction of the 20 mph speed restriction past the school. However they are asking for responses after discussion at Parish level, to be returned by 17 th April. Cllr Potter thought this unreasonable and requested the clerk to request an extension to this date to allow for discussion at the next meeting on 18th May. Action: The Clerk Chairman’s report Cllr Potter was happy to report the good progress of the transfer of the Village Hall to the new Trustees under the Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), and he thanked all the members of the Village Hall Management committee (many of whom have become trustees), and most particularly, Boxgrove Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting 13 th April 2015 Page 2 Emma Austin Diment, the Chair of the Trustees. Also huge thanks to the Clerk, who has achieved so much towards this process especially as it has dragged on for so long now and she joined so recently. Negotiations are moving forward with regard to the Sports’ Pavilion, again with input from the Cricket Club Committee with Mark Hull. There are some plans to be considered from the architects Douglas Briggs. An appeal against the enforcement of the removal of a “pole barn” at Warehead Stud was rejected by the Planning Inspectorate. It was built without planning permission and must now be removed. The development of the Elmwood site continues at quite a speed and an unreasonable amount of disruption for local residents. Cllr Potter has spoken to the site supervisor on more than one occasion, about the indiscriminate parking just about anywhere, but it still continues. Even the PCSO has spoken to them but to no avail. It is to be hoped that there will not be an accident there. Finally the village sign is nearing completion. Cllr Potter has seen the framework being created by Mark Francis, there remains the galvanising and the black powder coating and it will be ready to erect on the corner of Crouchcross Lane and the Street. Cllr Potter has established that as it will be less than 4 metres high and that it is a Parish initiative, it does not require planning permission. 6. Maintenance The clerk confirmed that the Purchase Order number from WSCC was on its way. The high footpath is clear at the moment. 7. Pavilion The architect’s proposed plan was presented to the council. Cllr Potter questioned the extension being on the right. It would apparently cost £20K to £30K less to have it on this side. The architect has said that due to the sight line it would have to go on the other side. However, if it is between the pavilion and the playground it encroaches on the cricket playing area. It would be better for them if it were on the other side between the Village Hall and the pavilion. It needs to be a pitched roof. There are plans to plant more trees. If the extension were to the east it would be more expensive because the architect says that it will need a high roof because of the “line of sight”, and planning requirements. This was felt to be a little “woolly” as a reason, and nobody could quite understand why this should be – perhaps to be able to fit in the disabled toilets? Cllr Potter asked if Cllr Bish could query this with the architects. The fabric of the building is to be the same – twin breeze-block and timber cladding. Action: Cllr Bish The cricket club had asked if they could use labour from within the cricket club but the architect had said that this complicated funding. The Ambassadors football team currently based at Aldwick had also offered their services. Currently the architect’s budget is looking at around £80K. There is some sport and leisure S106 money (about £28k) and possible the New Homes’ Bonus (12K). It was pointed out this sum alone using voluntary labour was feasible. Other funding requires a “youth element” which Boxgrove currently can’t provide because there is nowhere to do it – a chicken and egg situation. 8. Neighbourhood Plan The next meeting for the NP is on May 13th. Several weeks ago they had a discussion where people divided into groups and covered the various interested parties, and also how to encourage more people to help. Maureen Chaffe is very good at bringing everyone together and coordinating. Emma Austin Diment said that she had given each group a series of prompts plus the mapping tool. They are evidence gathering and putting together a current profile of the parish today and then looking for the gaps. How to engage the community is an ongoing question. There needed to be more people-to-people contact with individual topics that could be discussed – perhaps with drop-in meetings at the coffee shop. Each month there would be a different topic and different event. Malcolm was happy to put posters in the window of the shop a week before each meeting. 9. Playground Committee The clerk is to determine whether Louise Shaw has made any progress and respond to Komplan’s letter to come and talk to the parish council. Action: Clerk Boxgrove Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting 13 th April 2015 Page 3 10. Planning applications BX/15/01056/FUL relaxation of conditions: the Elmwood Planning application is causing confusion. Appeals are refused and similar replacement applications accepted. This application applies to extensions which have already been completed. It was generally agreed that it seemed pointless to make comments when they are already built. At the time the architects Genesis were invited to talk to the council about the Neighbourhood Plan and having a better quality of house. They withdrew and they are no longer the architects at Elmwood. The architects have now changed but the plans are the same. The clerk to make a comment to the effect that the extensions are already built but that the council objects – these are family homes and the houses and gardens are already too small. Furthermore the issue of sewerage hasn’t yet been addressed – apparently the site is waiting on permission from Southern Water. Action: Clerk SDNP/15/01134/HOUS: Mr Maltby, Mossat House, Mill Lane. This has been well-drawn and there is no objection. BX/15/00603/DOM: Mr Leah, Crockfords, Halnaker. No objection Delegated decisions to be noted: Planning number BX/15/00027/DOM BX/14/03572/LBC BX/15/00127/FUL Address Mr Cottrell, Rusper House, The St Nightingale Cottage, The St Mr Murray, Old Flint The St Detail Extension to garage Decision PERMIT Internal rearrangement + staircase Erection 2 bed dwelling/garage PERMIT WITHDRAWN 11. Highways No report 12. Village Hall a. Easement document: With regard to the Village Hall Transfer the council looked through the “easement” document supplied by Jonathan Dawson. This will give the Village Hall access and designated parking rights over the car park. It was agreed by the council that the Village Hall will have a key to the barrier and access at all times to the car park. The Council agreed to the easement document on the proviso that a clause was entered requiring the Village Hall to make good (at their own expense) should they dig up the car park for drains for example. The clerk to notify Jonathan Dawson. b. Council Resolution document. It was unanimously agreed by the council (and signed by all councillors) as sole trustee of the Village Hall and Community Centre charity that the governance document of 1932 be amended by the addition of a new clause requiring a public meeting should the trustees wish to sell the village hall. c. The council is obliged under Charity law to appoint a qualified surveyor to write a report and advise on the council’s proposal to offer an easement to the Village Hall. It was unanimously agreed by the council to appoint a surveyor. (Bob Hull of Henry Adams or Richard Stevens of Craines). Action: Clerk 13. Clerk’s report i. Correspondence received - Mobile library services notice to be put up on Noticeboards - Understanding autism posters – Malcolm to put in shop and clerk to send details to Geert for website - The village hall has a wedding booked for first weekend in September. The hirers would like to install two 9m x 3m gazebos and one bouncy castle on the recreation ground. The council has no objection. - The clerk notified the meeting of the police operation “allegro” which aims to stop rave parties. Signs to look out for are: removal of locks from secured access points; panel vans or larger driving Boxgrove Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting 13 th April 2015 Page 4 - - off road; groups of vehicles congregating in rural areas; convoys of vehicles; loud music from remote woodland. The number to call is 101 – operation allegro The clerk notified the meeting of her proposed meeting with Dave Hyland and Shona Turner re the New Homes Bonus programme Lavant House stables has asked whether Boxgrove would be happy to put a link on the website. It was agreed by the council. Clerk to send to Geert The clerk had received the statement of persons nominated, and the notice of uncontested election which must be pinned up on noticeboards. Cllrs Bish, Tynan,Tooze and Raikes to pin up notices. The council must co-opt the remaining vacancies within 7 weeks of the 11 th May but normally at first council meeting. 14. Finance i. Payments made since last meeting ii. Payments for consideration – the council unanimously agreed the payments. The clerk informed the council that she had contacted Rachel Hall concerning the internal audit. The council unanimously agreed to sending the end of year accounts to her. 15. Councillors’ reports and Parish Matters Cllr Potter has met with Jeremy Hill from Goodwood concerning the 4 allotment spaces. They agreed to the council administering the allotments for a fixed annual charge, but when the confirmation letter came it is Goodwood who will let the spaces for an annual fee of £85. Interested parties are to contact the estate office directly on A member of the public queried the parking issue by the allotments. Cllr Potter said that they could drive straight through the gates and should park there during their visit. There are a few people interested already. Cllr Tooze reported back from the Goodwood Aerodrome Consultative Committee. The Aerodrome report by Mark Gibb Operation Director contained the following: - A simplified website was being built and will soon be operational and interested parties can make comments online - The police and ambulance services will be able to use the refuelling facilities at night after the new helipad lighting (aircraft activated) becomes operational and the routing in/away from Goodwood will be away from the most sensitive areas/directions. - The new Aero Club opening has been delayed until the 13 th August 2015 which is approximately one month prior to Revival, and a cost of circa £1.25 million There are eight planned fly-ins in this year’s programme however it is thought this might only be three. Balty Aviation are very busy with two Spitfires, one two-seater Mustang and three Harvard T6’s. The work on runway 24 flight path/deviation trial was in response to the issues of complaints by residents to the west of the airfield, but concluded that despite extensive work around, it did not have a positive result and therefore would not at this point be considered for implementation. Aircraft movement has been well within the section 52 agreement attached to the existing planning permission for operations at the Airfield. Over the last year the number of fixed and rotor movements were 32,000 out of a maximum of 70,000. The ongoing work with runway drainage and consolidation is proceeding and when completed will enhance its use. The next meeting of the Aerodrome Committee is scheduled for 15 th July 2015. Boxgrove Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting 13 th April 2015 Page 5 Cllr Potter told the meeting that the Duke had said that the proposed planning site around Goodwood would be its “death knell” and that Goodwood is strongly objecting. Goodwood events bring millions into the local communities. Crouchcross : works are to start on 5th May. Martin Donahue has asked for a purchase order – the clerk said that she was still waiting on WSCC but it was “underway”. Cllr Tooze queried whether the bus-stop should be done at the same time but Cllr Potter said that he had never received any complaints about the step. The hedge is not part of the original quote so Cllr Tooze to do. VAS in the street – the quote from WSCC was £13K. Cllr Tooze has further information on sign design: either a 600mm red warning triangle with staggered junction signal (£3.5K) or one with flashing amber lights above and below (£3.9K). A member of the public questioned the justification of such a sign. Crouchcross is a blind exit on to The Street and there was a serious accident there. It was queried whether reducing the height of the hedge on the end house would alleviate this problem. The clerk is to write to the house-owner and ask permission and ask the owner to meet with Cllr Potter. Action: Clerk 16. Agenda Items for next meeting to include Annual Meeting Co-option Playground Community Infrastructure Levy - discuss 17. Date of next meeting The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 18th May. The Annual Meeting will be held at 7pm and the Full Council meeting will follow on from that. There being no further business to be discussed the meeting was declared closed at 9.05pm. Signed:_______________________________________ Cllr Henry Potter - Chairman Dated:________________________________ Boxgrove Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting 13 th April 2015 Page 6