Bulletin - March 29, 2015 - Birchwood Presbyterian Church


Bulletin - March 29, 2015 - Birchwood Presbyterian Church
Worship at Birchwood
We invite you to join with us this morning in a time set aside
to focus our attention on the God who has created us
and restores us as a people of faith, hope and love.
March 29, 2015
Gathering Song:
Greeting and Passing of the Peace
Call to Worship/Opening Prayer
Worship in Song:
“All Glory Laud And Honor”
“Take Us O Lord”
“Lead Me To The Cross”
Confession of Sin/Assurance of Pardon
Response - The Apostles Creed
"Sing Hosanna"
Assisting This Morning
Bus Driver
Praise Team
Prayer Team
Nursery & Toddlers
K-2nd Grade Children’s Church
3-5th Grade Children’s Church
Choral/Technical Director
Choir Accompanist
Assisting in Worship
Sound & Lighting
Video Tech
Jim Zander
Pamela Cushing, Dan Moore, Rich Emerson, Sherri
Mary & Mike Pooleon, Betty & Gayle Craig
Suzanne Rauitola, Jayme Fergoda, Brian MacKay,
Nathan Knudson, Sam Risser, John Risser, Seth Thomas
Nancy Galbraith, Jeannine Olivier
Gail Northey
Jasmine Hubbard
Judy Stahlbush
Fred Stahlbush
Mary Walsh
Kelsey Barnes
Greg Ellis
Tim Unger, Fred Stahlbush
Tim Unger
Juliet Walsh
Celebration of Worship
March 29 2015
10:15 am
Children’s Moment
Prayers of the People
Scripture Reading:
Psalm 118:1-2,19-29 (The Message)
“Anything But A Grand Entrance”
Mark 11:1-11 Pew Bible Page 990
Song of Response:
“Great Is Thy Faithfulness”
Benediction & Sending
Please Note:
 Children, preschool through 5th grade, are dismissed after the Children’s
Moment for Children’s Church.
 If you would like to pray with someone after the service, a prayer team
will be available up front.
Birchwood Staff
Kodi Aubert
Amber Bernardy
Cynthia Boyd
Gwyn Fix
Greg Ellis
Jasmine Hubbard
Tammy Lindhout
Lynne McCutchen
Nathan Shorb
Ward Stark
Seth Thomas
Mary Walsh
Eric Weissenborn
Jean Weissenborn
Birchwood Christian Preschool
Executive Treasurer
Children’s Ministry Director
Birchwood Christian Preschool
Children’s Ministry Assistant
Birchwood Christian Kindergarten
Pastoral Support
Youth Director
Custodial Assistant
Ministry Associate
Choral & Technical Director
Birchwood Elders
Mike Cullum
Rich Emerson
Ken Gasper
Kristie Hubbard
Nathan Knudson
Tom Linvog
Mary Morrison
Dave Ruble
Barbara Sanford
Jackie Schoonover
Tim Unger
Becky Walstad
Joyce Wilson
Nanci Zander
Adult Education
Children’s Ministry
Youth Ministry
Clerk of Session
Small Groups
ruble@bpchurch. org
We offer Hope, Community,
Acceptance and Purpose
in a broken world.
Call to Worship
Blessed is the one who comes
in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest!
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion!
Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem!
Lo, your king comes to you;
triumphant and victorious is he,
humble and riding on a donkey,
on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
The Lord's Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed by thy name.
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power,
And the glory, forever. Amen.
The Apostles Creed
I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit
and born of the virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to hell.
The third day he rose again from the dead.
He ascended to heaven
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty.
From there he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church,
the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
Confession of Sin / Assurance of Pardon
God our Redeemer, we confess that
we are people of ashes and dust.
We join the parade and shout hosanna,
then deny our Lord in his hour of need.
We wave the palms and sing praise,
then hand our Savior over to die.
Forgive us, God of grace.
[time of silent confession]
Our lives are in your hand —
deliver us from evil. Save us, by your steadfast love;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
What’s Happening at Birchwood
Men of Birchwood You’re invited to the Men’s Retreat, Saturday, April 18,
9a-3p, in the Chapel. Our featured speaker is Tom Patterson, who led our
worship services this past summer. The title of Tom’s presentation is
“Troubled by Today’s World? Follow Jesus. See What Happens”. See Ed
Hoessman in the foyer today for more information and to register.
Progressive Dinner – Birchwood Style! Come and take part Saturday, April
25, 5:30p. We will gather together in groups of about 8 people hosted in
homes of Birchwood families. This is open to couples and singles alike. Free
childcare and dinner will be being offered at the church while you dine with
your group, then the kids join their families for dessert. We need hosts to
provide parts of the meal. See Barb Bauthues in the foyer today to sign-up
and for more information.
Love INC is planning their 8th annual Women’s Luncheon at Birchwood
Saturday, May 2. The featured speaker is Heather Emerson, who with her
husband, recently returned from living and working in Saudi Arabia. Heather
will share her story and will speak on “Bloom Where You Are Planted”. If
you would like to help with the luncheon please see Kae Unrein in the foyer
Easter Candy and Plastic Eggs are needed for our annual Easter egg hunt. If
you would like to donate, please drop off your donations in the Children's
Office. Cynthia Boyd, Children’s Ministry Director
Attention Youth Spring Camp will be BvG style! More details to come soon,
but mark April 18-19 down in your calendar for our first Spring Camp!
Birchwood Confirmation Class! This Spring, Birchwood is excited to offer a
new opportunity for its Youth to grow in their faith and understanding of
the foundations of what it means to be a follower of Christ. Birchwood's
Confirmation Class will offer students the unique experience to pick apart
and examine the essential core of our Christian Faith by learning the
Apostle's Creed one-on-one with a mentor for 8 weeks on Sundays at 9a.
The class starts April 12 and is open to students grades 7-12. Please see Nathan Shorb, Youth Director, for more information. Deadline to sign up is
April 5!
Flowers for Worship Service If you would like to provide a floral bouquet
for worship, in memory of a loved one, a special occasion or to add a touch
of spring, please contact Sue Moore (398-1198) for details. Today’s bouquet
was provided by Barbara Sanford in memory and appreciation of the faith
of her families, Curt and Barbara Sehon, Champ and Olive Sanford.
Love INC Executive Director Vacancy The Love INC Board is accepting applications for Executive Director due to the upcoming retirement of Kae Unrein. The person in this position leads a ministry representing 36 member
churches with a mission of mobilizing the Church to transform lives and
communities in the Name of Christ. To apply: visit the Love INC website at
(www.whatcomloveinc.org or office@whatcomloveinc.org). Deadline is
April 17, 2015.
Today, March 29
Monday, March 30
Tuesday, March 31
Wednesday, April 1
Thursday, April 2
Friday, April 3
Saturday, April 4
Congregational Prayer, Chapel, #3
Education Hour For All Ages
Worship, Worship Center, #1
BCS Kindergarten/9:30am BCS Pre-K
Staff Meeting, Library, #2
Bible Study Fellowship
Early Birds, Almond, #22
BCS Kindergarten/9:30 BCS Preschool
Bible Study, Cedar, #11
Personnel, Library, #2
BCS Kindergarten/9:30am BCS Pre-K
Bible Study, Library, #2
Bible Study, Library, #2
Choir Practice, Chapel, #3
BCS Kindergarten/9:30 BCS Preschool
Maundy Thursday, Worship Center, #1
Good Friday Service, Worship Center, #1
Men’s Basketball
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9a - 4p, Closed Friday
No Youth Group March 31 or April 7 for Spring Break!
In Need of Prayer
Judy Hagan
Corky Olson
Sandy Hiorns
Suzanne Rautiola
Carol VanZanden
Caroline Yaude’s Family
Marlene Spence
Ann Sill
Linda Langey
Family of Betty Wilbee
Ginger Hansey & Don Hansey
Jaden VanZaden & Family
Gene Park
Jean Peterson
Barbara Bacon
Ann Sill
Pearl Kvistad