Continuation Schools - Beyond The Bell Branch


Continuation Schools - Beyond The Bell Branch
High School 2015 Credit Recovery Summer School Program (CRSSP)
Continuation High Schools
May 7, 2015
Changes from 2014
 CORE Waiver Credit Recovery and District Base now one program funded by Title 1 for
core subjects and general funds for Health, PE, and World Languages
 Students may attend any high school that offers the classes they need
 Addition of seven continuation high schools in new geographical district areas
Seven Continuation High School Host Sites (New local district areas)
 Cal Burke HS– Local District Northeast
 Independence HS –Local District Northwest
 Metropolitan HS – Local District East
 Newmark HS – Local District Central
 Duke Ellington HS, Whitman HS – Local District West
 Hope HS – Local District South
Summer Program Dates and Times
 Same as CRSSP comprehensive high schools
 June 15, 2015 – July 17, 2015
 Two periods daily, 8:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
 Nutrition, 10:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. (Food service staff will be assigned to each host site.)
Student Eligibility and Enrollment
 Class norm: 25-1
 Students may attend any continuation or comprehensive CRSSP school
 Priority given to students closest to graduation by December 2015
 Host site principal and counselor collaborate with continuation schools in same geographic
area on number of students from each school, courses to be offered based on student needs
and requests, curriculum and instructional models, etc.
Staffing at Each Host Site
 One administrator
o B-basis administrator - June 15-June 22
o E-basis administrator - June 23-July 17
 Four teachers
o One teacher each per core subject—ELA, math, science, social science/history
 One continuation counselor
 One office manager from designated site
 One school supervision aide
Application Process (Open now through May 18, 2015)
 Online system using Google Docs via Beyond the Bell website,
o Principal -
o Teacher-
o Counselor -
 Summer School Employment Online Application Process at
o School Supervision Aides (SSAs)
 Principal
o Priority 1 to continuation principal at designated site
o Priority 2 to a continuation principal from another continuation school
o Area superintendent makes final decision
 Teachers
o Priority 1 to continuation teachers who taught less than 50% of summer school in
o Priority 2 to all other continuation teachers by seniority
 Counselor
o 60 hours (subject to budget approval)
o Selected by principal
 School Supervision Aide
o 4 hours daily
o Selected by principal
Courses and Curriculum
 Programs
o Traditional credit recovery courses—60 hours, 5 credits
o Point System: Students programmed based on classes needed and points in progress
–points earned for mastery of content over a non-traditional, flexible time span
 Curriculum may be a combination of directed lessons, contract work and individual tutoring
to ensure mastery of course standards and readiness for next level course
 5 credits allotted upon completion of assigned subject material and mastery of course
o No partial credit to be given: students return to their schools with points earned or
work completed during the summer that may be continued in the fall semester
Helpful Links for Updates and Most Current Information
 Beyond the Bell—
 MiSiS—Raul Chagoyan,, 213-241-1824 or Elizabeth Louros,, 213-241-0817
 ESY—Michael Kessler,, 213-241-8088
2015 Memorandums
 MEM-6441.0 High School 2015 Credit Recovery Summer School Program
Beyond the Bell Administrators, High School:
 Betsy Castillo (East & South)
 Janet Kiddoo (West & North)
 Victor Gonzalez