April 27, 2015 - Bud Rank Elementary School
April 27, 2015 - Bud Rank Elementary School
BUD RANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL THE WEEKLY RAVEN REPORTER http://www.budrank.cusd.com Principal’s Message Water Restrictions As you may know, the Clovis City Council recently voted to restrict residential landscape watering to 2 days a week starting June 1st. Bud Rank will follow these guidelines as well at that time. We are currently having issues with our irrigation booster pump which prevents us from watering more than one our many stations. So in the next few weeks you may see us watering on random days until our pump can be fixed. We will also be canceling our annual Water Day Reward for the students due to the drought and water restrictions. Alternative events will be found for the water day and water events. SART Surveys One of the major concerns on the recent SART Surveys was traffic and congestion during drop off and pick up times. Here are some of the parent questions and answers to those questions: Q: Can left turns be put in the medians on Powers and Leonard? A: Streets are engineered by the City of Clovis. Traffic Engineers have said there are no plans for left turns. Q: Can an employee direct traffic at the four way stop? A: Employees are not allowed to direct traffic due to liability issues. Q: Can start and end times be staggered? A: Staggering times create issues with families with multiple children because one child may come early while the other comes later and bussing issues. Ryan Gettman, Principal PARENT CLUB CORNER NEXT PTC MEETING – Tuesday, May 12th 6:00pm/MPR 2015-16 EXECUTIVE BOARD – Nomination forms have gone home, please consider the effort to make a difference by serving on the PTC Executive Board. Forms due back to the BR office by Wednesday, April 29th FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT – Mark your calendars! Friday, May 29th More info to come. PTC Website: https://budrankptc.shutterfly.com WILD ABOUT READING GRIZZLY GAME Thank you to all the students who participated in the Fresno Grizzlies Wild About Reading program. The Grizzlies game for Bud Rank will be on Saturday, May 9th. Each student who turned in their reading log earned two tickets. Vouchers will be issued to those students soon. April 27, 2015 SBAC TESTING CONTINUES THIS WEEK Link to full testing schedule Week of April 27-May 1 Monday, April 27 ............................ Rooms 24, 25, 26 Tuesday, April 28 ............................ Rooms 24, 25, 26 Wednesday, April 29 .................. Rooms 24, 25, 26, RSP Thursday, April 30 ........................... Rooms 21, 22, 23 Please remember that students need to get good rest during testing time, and eat a healthy, complete breakfast. All appointments should be made for the afternoon or after school on testing days. PASTRIES WITH PARENTS FRIDAY, MAY 1ST 7:00 – 8:20am Bud Rank MPR & Amphitheater This is a great opportunity to share a morning with your child and enjoy some delicious pastries too. All reservations and payments are due no later than Tuesday, April 28th. Remember, NO SALES THE DAY OF THE EVENT. LUNCH ACCOUNTS Students may NOT have a negative balance on their lunch/breakfast accounts. Parents may check their students’ balances on Parent Connect. Positive balances on accounts at the end of the year will roll over to the next school year. Questions? Call the kitchen at 327-4954. Any negative balances may hinder students from participating in the end-of-year activities. 2015-16 PEP & CHEER INFO Any 3rd, 4th, 5th grade students interested in being a part of the Bud Rank Cheer program for 2015-16 MUST attend the Parent Information Night. See important dates below: Upcoming Cheer Dates: Mandatory Parent Meeting .......... 5:30pm/May 20/MPR Cheer Clinic 1 ...................... 4:30-5:30pm/May 26/MPR Cheer Clinic 2 ...................... 3:15-4:15pm/May 27/MPR Try-outs ................................... 3:15pm/May 28/MPR For questions, please email rachelcampbell@cusd.com WALK FOR SAMMIE EVENT JOIN US FOR THIS GREAT CAUSE! Saturday, May 16th 7:30am Check In Early registration is available until May 5th. Each participant gets a Samantha Strong t-shirt and raffle ticket for prizes. See website or flyer in the office for details. Don’t miss out! SEE FLYER HERE CUSD SPORTS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT NURSE’S NOTES T-BALL (Deadline to register-April 24) April 27 – June 6, 2015 Boys & Girls: 3-6 years old (Divisions: 3-4 yrs & 5-6 yrs) Cost: $90.00/per participant FIRST AID, ILLNESS, & INJURIES If a student becomes ill or injured at school he/she will receive every care and consideration. Parents will be contacted for injuries of a serious nature Registration: 8:00am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Call 327-9225 or visit www.clovisrec.com BUD RANK ATHLETICS SPRING SPORTS & CHEER AWARDS Thursday, April 30 ................................. 4:30pm/MPR TRACK PICTURES May 1 ...................................... 11:00/Amphitheater TRACK MEETS May 1 ........................ 1:00/BR (vs. Woods & Freedom) May 8 .....................1:00/BR (vs. Jefferson & Mt. View) May 15 ..................................... 10:00/Area Meet/CN May 22 .............. 10:00/Area Champ/CN (qualifiers only) May 29 ........... 10:00/District Champ/CE (qualifiers only) 6TH GRADERS GOING TO GRANITE RIDGE CNEC SPORTS PHYSICAL NIGHT * For any 6th grade students going to Granite Ridge * Starting at 6:30-8:30pm on Tuesday, June 2nd * Clovis North Small Gym, Cost is $25.00 (cash only) or if a student is too ill to remain at school or has a rash of unknown origin. Injuries which occur at home should be cared for at home. The nurse is always happy to consult with parents regarding health problems. After an extended illness, or injury, the student should follow up with the school nurse. If your child has ONE of the following, he/she should be kept at home: Illness affects your child’s ability to participate in class. Vomiting/diarrhea Fever of 100.0 or greater within the last 24 hours Initiation of antibiotics within the past 24 hours A sore throat, particularly if accompanied by headache and/or upset stomach In an emergency a parent will be contacted, so it is very important that the Health Office has up-to-date phone numbers of parents/guardians. SUMMER ARTS & SPORTS CAMP 6TH GRADERS TDAP IMMUNIZATION REQUIRED California State Law now requires that all students entering the 7th grade must have the Tdap - Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (whooping cough). Please try to get documentation to the Bud Rank Health Office at your earliest convenience. For questions, please call the health office at 327-4947. Also, if you would like to use our CUSD clinics, please call Sierra Vista Health Center ........................... 327-7976 Pinedale Health Center .............................. 327-7793 What: A fun-filled five week summer program, consisting of games, sports, physical activities, performing and visual arts, weekly field trips and a lot of FUN. Sessions are taught by credentialed teachers and qualified specialists. Who: Kindergarten-6th Graders (current grade) Where: Buchanan High, Clovis North, and Clovis High When: June 22-July 24 Cost: $400.00/child (weekly registration also available at $125.00/week) Deadline to register is June 12th Registration: 8am-5pm Monday-Friday at the Clovis Community Sports & Recreation Dept or download forms from our website at www.clovisrec.com 2015-16 CUSD PRE-SCHOOL CUSD Preschool Registration appointments for 2015-2016 are already in full swing. CALL NOW at 327-9180. Children 4 years old on or before December 2, 2015, OR 5 years old between September 2 – December 2, 2015, are eligible for either CA State Preschool Programs or private pay. For complete details, log on to cusd.com, go to Quick Links, and select Preschool. MON – 27 TUES – 28 SUMMER FUN Don't miss the fun this summer! Summer Fun is a fantastic way for your kids to spend the summer! We offer a variety of classes like adventure, arts, crafts, computer, cooking, foreign language, math, music, drama, reading, writing, science, sports, dance, and much more! www.clovisadultschool.com click on Summer Fun Call 559-327-2880 or informationsummmerfun@cusd.com WED – 29 THUR – 30 FRI – 1 SBAC Testing Day SBAC Testing Day SBAC Testing Day SBAC Testing Day 7:00/Pastries w/Parents 15-16 K Pre-Screen Day Bus Driver Day! Wear Character Shirts! 3:20/Track Practice 15-16 K Pre-Screen Day 3:20/Track Practice 7:30/GATE Mtg/Rm. 9 2:00/ASL Club Mtg/LMC 4:30/Spring Sports & Cheer Awards 11:00/Track Pictures 3:20/Track Practice Early Release Day K-AM 11:00 K-PM 1:45 1-6 1:45 1:00/Track Meet/BR (vs. Freedom & Woods) 1:30/Snack Shack
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