File - Burnside Presbyterian Church
File - Burnside Presbyterian Church 31.05.15 Burnside We welcome you to our Church Family today in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We come to worship God and ask Him to be in control of our lives. If you are visiting please sign our Visitor’s Book or fill in the Welcome Card in your pew and return it on the offering plate. A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:34-35 TODAY 10:40 am Prayer Meeting in Room 3 11:00 am 7 Steps To An Abundant Life 1 Samuel - Seek Fellowship Creche, Sunday School & JAM TOAST 7:00 pm Israel The Servant In Isaiah Deaf & Blind WEDNESDAY 9:30 am Prayer Meeting in Room 1 SUNDAY 07.06.15 10:40 am Prayer Meeting in Room 3 11:00 am All Age Family Service Children’s Day 7:00 pm Review Of General Assembly New Ceiling in Main Hall Work has started on replacing the ceiling, the lighting, and the audio wiring in the Main Hall and will last for 4 weeks. The cost will be approx £13,000 which includes new insulation and painting. If you would like to contribute please use a Gift Aid Envelope, found in the Pews and mark it for The Building Fund, or use a Building Fund Envelope Portstewart CSSM 6th – 17th July 2015 Keswick @ Portstewart Sat 11th - Fri 17th July, 11:00am Bible Readings, 7:30pm Evening Meetings With Scotty Smith, Dominic Smart & Andy Prime New Horizon 1st-7th August 2015, Details in leaflets in vestibule Guest Speakers: Ben Kwashi, Harold Miller & Iain Provan Nepal Earthquake The Moderator Rt. Rev. Dr. Michael Barry has launched a special Moderator’s Appeal for the relief effort in Nepal. £60,000 has already been released to Christian Aid, Tearfund and United Mission To Nepal. You can contribute to the Appeal in the Retiring Offering and if you are a tax payer please use the Gift Aid Envelopes. Christian Aid Week If you wish to give directly to Christian Aid, envelopes are available in the vestibule The Portstewart Inter-Church Community Project is organising a "Men’s Shed” for men in Portstewart to get together and work on practical projects. If you are interested see Richard for more details. Details of the PICCP are in a leaflet in the vestibule, please take one. General Assembly Of The Presbyterian Church In Ireland Monday 1st - Thursday 4th June. Meetings are open to the public. Opening Night Of Assembly 7:00pm Monday 1st June (Broadcast on Radio Ulster MW) Sacrament of The Lord’s Supper 11:45am Tuesday 2nd June Worship 12:15pm Wednesday 3rd & Thursday 4th June Evening Celebration 7:45pm Wednesday 3rd June Most Debates are streamed Live on the Website Follow on Twitter @PCIAssembly Gift Aid If you are a tax-payer, please use the Gift Aid Envelopes in the pew. Points For Prayer Updates Available On Vestibule Table Minister: Richard Gregg STEWARDS THIS MONTH Jason Craig Francis Kerr Sam Nevin Ronnie Taylor Tel. 028 7083 6984