RSPCA celebrates 140 years A Choir of Sorts Guiding into the


RSPCA celebrates 140 years A Choir of Sorts Guiding into the
The Community Newsletter
for Burwood & Districts
Issue 121 Winter 2011
A Choir of Sorts
Big Top Memories
Guiding into the Future
RSPCA celebrates 140 years
Festivals, Festivals, Festivals
Local Business Directory Pull-out
6000 copies distributed to Boroondara, Monash & Whitehorse cities
Bank with your local
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Burwood Bulletin June–August 2011
Community Bank ® Branch
Shop 2, 143 Maling Road, Canterbury
Phone: (03) 9836 9466
Manager: Craig Ptt
Surrey Hills
Community Bank® Branch
107 Union Road, Surrey Hills
Phone: (03) 9890 7188
Manager: Fiona Kerr
Community Bank® Branch
241 High Street Ashburton,
Phone: (03) 9885 2666
Manager: Lorelle Richter
Canterbury, Ashburton & Surrey Hills
Community Bank® Branches
Senior Manager: Nick Coker
Mobile: 0438 541 337
Time for tea: Sally,
Phoebe, 2, and
Imogen, 4, go for a
spin at the Burwood
Autumn Festival.
Photo: Natalie Filmer
This Issue
winter 2011
21 26
31 burwood village traders ’ report
business & small business directory
information for advertisers
burwood heights traders
scribe ’ s scribbles
community notices index
issue 121
The Burwood Bulletin is produced by
volunteers who provide a range of talents
freely for the beneit of the community
Bob Stensholt
Vice President
Sue tay
Secretary Anna Filatova 0408 599 051
Editor Sara Peiris
ph 9888 8467
Asst. Editor
eddie Morton
Advertising robert Kay ph 9836 5520
Cheryl Grant
Graphic Designers
laura tynan
Jan Harrison
linda Hii (Kwik Kopy)
natalie Filmer
Kathy Soumprou
BPA Print Group
tom Markovski
ph: 9808 6622
Writing Team
Jean Hadler
Susan webster
Gemma Creegan
Jeff Sargeant
Keith Smith
Margaret warland
natalie Filmer
eddie Morton
nadia Andreeva
Carrie Simmons
Margaret rockow
Charles Hui
rex Condon
Charles Choong
Geoff davies
Fun on Your Local Strip
Choir of Our Community
Anglicare on the Search
Happy Snappers
rSPCA 140 years Strong
the Circus in Ashburton
50 years of Guiding Leaders
Ashburton’s early Years
improvisation and invention
–the Surrey Music Cafe
School Days–Keith Smith
We have welcomed into our midst new volunteers, including
assistant editor Eddie Morton, treasurer Sue Tay and secretary
Anna Filatova. I would like to thank Euan Thomas, our
retiring editor, for his work at the Burwood Bulletin.
This issue appears to be the festival special with an
autumn gala in Burwood, a circus-themed one in
Ashburton and a snow spectacular in July. Also in this
edition, we feature some special community activities
happening in your neighbourhood and bring you plenty
of locally-focused stories.
Our magazine would not reach your hands if it weren’t for
the businesses that advertise with us.
bulletin editorial or production staff and no
endorsement or service is implied by the
Deadline for next issue 1st August
June–August 2011 Burwood Bulletin
St. Thomas
Village gives
you time.
Time to relax, and have ‘me time’. Time to go on outings, plan a holiday
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Everything is at your doorstep – the city, shops, health services and
transport. The low maintenance units and beautiful gardens are
a breath of fresh air. Best of all, this idyllic lifestyle starts at just
St Thomas Community Retirement Village
97 Hawthorn Road, Forest Hill 3131,
Victoria, Australia.
For more information call Andrew Stenhouse on (03) 9802 8118.
Burwood Bulletin June–August 2011
Ashburton’s winter wonderland
igh Street will once again be
transformed this winter into
a snowield as part of Ashburton’s
annual winter festival. he festival
has been running for around ive
years and each year ten tonnes of
snow, fresh from Mount Buller, is
transported and placed on High
Street. A short toboggan run is
moulded allowing for some fun in
the snow.
Hundreds of families are expected to attend this year’s
event held on July 23. Activities will include a short
toboggan run with further events to be advertised
closer to the date. he toboggan run will be open
to the public, free of charge. here will also be a
competition on the day with a major prize up for grabs.
Liz Webb, the event’s organiser says it’s a “great
atmosphere, providing something diferent”.
he event promises to bring the ski ields to the
city. he last time Ashburton and the surrounding
area saw snowfall was 1951, when residents awoke
to a sea of white covering gardens, streets and parks.
Back then, an icy blast coated large parts of Victoria,
and much of Tasmania in snow (see page 15 for more).
Although there’s little chance of a repeat this winter,
the day festival promises to at least provide people,
particularly kids, with a taste of the snow.
High Street will be transformed on Saturday July 23
from 10am–2pm.
Village Trades on its Colourful Charm
A typical autumnal day set the scene
for the inaugural Burwood Village
Autumn Festival.
Sunshine bursts through cloudy skies
competed with the beaming faces enjoying
the fun and entertainment on offer.
the changing green and gold leaves
weren’t the only beautiful shades
on display at the May 1 event. Cakes
and craft, crazy hair and face painting
provided a kaleidoscope of colour
among festivalgoers wandering up and
down toorak road and its surrounds.
the shopping strip’s cafes and
retailers showcased their services and
wares;,children enjoyed the animal farm
and rides, while on-stage entertainment
kept the adult crowd happy.
June–August 2011 Burwood Bulletin
Our Community Sings
Our Community Sings
rehearse with conductor Stefan
Cassomenos while local
Federal Member for Higgins,
Kelly O’Dwyer MP (centre
back), visits the group
Music is the key tool to strengthen the
local communities in culturally diverse
eastern Melbourne, according to an
Australian singer and social entrepreneur.
ania de Jong AM, who in 2008 founded Creativity
Australia’s with one Voice community choirs,
has recently launched its latest incarnation in
Ashburton. it is working off the model established by
the pilot program in the CBd of Melbourne in 2008
called Melbourne Sings. that group brings together
an eclectic mix of executives and local leaders as
well a new migrants, the unemployed and people
with disabilities. in short, anyone who may be feeling
marginalised from society. it has achieved some
incredible outcomes, with members inding a sense of
belonging, building networks, learning language and even
getting a job through the choirs.
“it is not about being a good singer, it is very uplifting
with world music and world songs,” says de Jong. “the
group has higher goals as well. it is about sharing skills
and giving people a pathway to jobs.”
the choir in Ashburton, supported by the Victorian
Government, is called our Community Sings and will
work towards bringing together people from not just
Ashburton but also Ashwood, Chadstone, Burwood,
Glen iris and all the surrounding areas.
despite having only recently started as a group, our
Community Sings already has a strong membership
of around 20 weekly participants. each week, they get
together in the beautiful Ashburton Baptist Church
and work together on creating uplifting, positive music.
Burwood Bulletin June–August 2011
though some members have not sung for many years,
they are quickly brushing up their talents and working
together to strengthen their collective sound. For some
members, it is also a great opportunity to improve their
english skills - both their reading skills and verbal skills.
the group is led by local virtuoso pianist, composer
and conductor Stefan Cassomenos: a winner of
numerous prizes and an up-and-coming talent in his
own right.
After the rehearsal, choir members share a supper
together, kindly donated to the group by Malvern
Valley receptions. this gives the choir members an
opportunity to chat about their week, talk about their
lives and families and to support each other through
dificult times. Everyone leaves on a bright positive
note, typically singing all the way home.
the choir is currently looking for more
people to join in the fun.
So whether you are young or old, have had
no singing experience or are conident, are
new to the community or have lived here
your whole life, this is a great group to join.
our Community Sings rehearses Mondays
at 6.15pm at the Ashburton Baptist Church,
8 Y St Ashburton.
For more details,
or call 8679 6088.
Finding Children a Place to Belong
here are times in our lives when looking after the
most vulnerable, our children, can be a struggle.
Indeed there are many families out there who cannot
manage the welfare of their young ones. With 20 branches
around Melbourne, Anglicare Victoria steps in to help by
inding foster care families for children and young people
aged between 0–18 years old.
Anyone can be a foster carer provided they meet the
criteria to give much needed love, shelter and attention.
Bronwyn Kellett, Media and Promotions Oicer at
Anglicare Victoria Eastern Region, says there are various
reasons why fostering might be required. “Some families
could be struggling inancially, while others may be dealing
with drug, alcohol or mental health issues.”
Anglicare Victoria is looking for secure and nurturing
foster families to join its program in the cities of
Manningham, Whitehorse and Maroondah. here
is a growing need for long-term carers who can give
continuous care to primary school children, where they
can thrive and achieve their dreams.
According to the Centre for Excellence in Child and
Family Welfare, on any given day there are approximately
5000 kids in foster care across Victoria.
Becoming a foster carer can be rewarding as well as
therapeutic. People from all walks of life choose to be a
host family. Young, old, single, married, with or without
children, as long as the child’s needs are fully met.
hose interested in fostering through Anglicare Victoria
can expect plenty of ongoing assistance. here is 24/7 case
worker support through a pager service, playgroups and
support groups where foster carers can meet and chat.
Prior to commencement, full training is provided.
Additionally, the Department of Human Services provides
inancial reimbursements for any out-of-pocket expenses
for children in care.
Foster parents are assessed and screened before being
accredited. Cassie Roylance–Team Leader at Anglicare
Eastern Region–says that foster carers need the right
motivation and enthusiasm before they welcome a child
into their home.
Cassie has had irst-hand experience in fostering,
providing care and support for two adolescents over
a number of years. “Being a foster parent can be truly
amazing,” says Cassie, “as you watch these young people
reach milestones and their lives are transformed in front
of your eyes.”
Anglicare Victoria general foster care teams in the east are
based in Box Hill and Lilydale. Foster carers have the option
of providing emergency, respite, short or long-term care to
children in need. Anglicare welcomes new volunteers.
Anglicare Box Hill Oice, 7-11 Shipley St, ph 9896 6322
Lilydale Oice, 47-51 Castella St, Lilydale, ph 9735 4188
For details of upcoming information sessions,
June–August 2011 Burwood Bulletin
Burwood Bulletin June–August 2011
This is no ordinary story
Saving lives is all in a day’s work for Burwood’s
Arnold Bonnet, as Natalie Filmer discovers.
For those daunted by writing their own story, there
is the option to tell it during a series of interviews by a
Memoirs Foundation historian. Each interview is then
rnold Bonnet has lost count of how many lives
edited into a lowing narrative, which can be turned into
he has saved. Perhaps he should count the many
book form – a personal history recording the stories that
thank you letters from the grateful families of
only the author can tell, in their own words.
those whom he has helped. Yet this unassuming Burwood
“Life stories tie us to other human beings as a vital
local - truthfully - says he’s just doing his job.
connection with those who came before us and those who
It may come as a surprise to learn that Dr Bonnet has
will follow us,” Dr Bonnet said.
never performed CPR, handled a scalpel or administered an
“Your life history, or
injection. hat is because his
memoirs, allows you
tool of trade has always been
to share your unique
a pen and, more recently,
life journey including
a computer keyboard. His
your joyous moments,
PhD is in linguistics.
challenges, achievements,
Dr Bonnet preserves
friendships, life lessons and
lives through his
philosophies. You can bring
publishing business: the
to life the stories behind
Memoirs Foundation. He
the names and dates in a
founded the foundation,
family tree and allow future
an arm of his successful
generations to discover the
Synergy Publishing
personalities, experiences
business, in 2006 to
and wisdom of those who
give ordinary people an
came before them.”
opportunity to put their
Dr Bonnet is also quick to
life stories into print. He
clarify the term “ordinary”
said the advent of digital
people. “Everybody has
printing meant small print
a story to tell,” he said.
runs had become afordable
“And often those you think
to the general public and people could now publish their
ordinary are the most extraordinary tales.”
personal histories as a lasting legacy to their families and
Dr Bonnet should know. His own story is one worth
friends. Book quantities could start at a minimum of 10
publishing … a task he says he is still getting around to.
or run up to several thousand copies.
One of the many success stories in which Dr Bonnet has
He started his marketing career in the motoring trade
played an important role is that of Burwood doctor Pietro
and spent many years living in London while working
Demaio. he Burwood Heights medical centre GP had
in marketing and advertising for an international agency
put together a book about traditional Italian preserving
before returning to Australia to help launch Medibank
methods as a tribute to his parents, who always made their
Private. He set up Synergy Publishing to produce
own food at home, including salami, tomato sauce, bread
education journals after retiring from the Australia
and wine. For almost 20 years he had collected more than
Scholarship Group.
400 recipes and dreamed of sharing them. he Memoirs
He might have spent his retirement dedicating more
Foundation made that dream come true.
time to sculpting - he studied art in Italy but abandoned a
Preserving the Italian Way has sold more than 16,000
fulltime career as an artist for the better-paying advertising
copies since it was irst published in 2008. Dr Demaio
industry – but Dr Bonnet identiied a demand for selfstarted by selling his book at work but now has copies
published memoirs and set about making that possible
stocked in Books for Cooks in Fitzroy and Dymocks stores.
his meant a return to study for the retiree, then in
he book is what Dr Bonnet classes as a “ bestseller”, but his late sixties, who completed a University of California,
he stresses this is a wonderful by-product of self-publishing
Los Angeles course on how to run a self-publishing book
and not the intent of the Memoirs Foundation.
business before creating the Memoirs Foundation.
“We encourage individuals and groups from all walks of
he rest, as they say, is history.
life and diferent cultures to put their stories on record,”
he Memoirs Foundation can be contacted on
Dr Bonnet said. “his is the most precious and lasting
9888 9588 or visit
legacy to the generations that will follow.”
June–August 2011 Burwood Bulletin
Fresh Ideas for Women Living with MS
he well women’s group at Burwood
neighbourhood House provides women with
Multiple Sclerosis a positive and caring environment to
learn and explore natural healing methods.
A group of six to eight women, from different ages
and backgrounds, meet to explore a wide variety of
natural healing methods. All members share a common
drive for more information on wellness, nutrition and
alternative methods of treatment. Meetings take place
on a bi-monthly basis and are described as “empowering
and informative” by founder, Jenni Hargreaves.
“we are a proactive and positive thinking bunch of
women who are interested in discovering and learning
ways of healing. living with a disease like MS can be
a very isolating experience, and this group provides a
space for like-minded women with a common diagnosis
to come together,” says Jenni.
Jenni founded the group after being diagnosed with MS
more than 10 years ago. Searching for more information
and knowledge, Jenni established the group hoping for
a setting that would provide “a safe, understanding,
nurturing and empowering environment where women
can explore different natural approaches to wellness”.
the women discuss, share, read and examine
therapies including, nutrition, mind body spirit, yoga
and meditation. Guest speakers are often invited
to attend and have included a yoga instructor, a
specialist bopath physiotherapist and most recently a
counsellor. describing the group, Jenni said the well
women’s group provides a, safe and nurturing space
for women to come together to be inspired, supported,
empowered and informed”.
the well women’s group provides an opportunity
to meet with other women to reach out, relate and
share thoughts and ideas. Jenni says, “it’s nice to have
somewhere to come together and share and to have
a bit of support. it’s great for people to come along,
share, listen and learn.”
“it is a unique forum that provides something that is
dificult to ind in another place. We share a common
diagnosis and journey, and therefore ‘just know’. there
is a unique empathy and understanding in this space.
“it’s so rewarding to see the exchange of information,
smiles, laughs and tears. we genuinely care about each
other. Every time a meeting inishes, I think, wow, this is
why i do it.”
Meetings take place bi-monthly on a Saturday afternoon.
Contact Jenni Hargreaves on 0425 740 927
Tax Workshop
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Phone: 0405 435 480 or 9888 1435
Burwood Bulletin June–August 2011
The Secrets to a Good Snap
By Gemma Creegan
have also set up a camera club, Friends Of Rotary Camera
Club, which had 165 members last year and is very
active in the photographic community. Jef says that
the club arranges monthly meetings, plus three styles
of photographic outings for its members such as small
excursion groups to weekends away.
“Group excursions may involve members
photographing mist in the early morning at Mornington
Pier. Last year 20 members went trekking in Nepal, and
came back with an amazing set of images. he club is
dedicated to using its newly developed skills as a means of
fundraising for Rotary Community Service Projects.”
ef Mills, Treasurer of the Monash Rotary Digital
Photography course, came up with the course concept
in 2001 with the intention of creating a valuable public
relations tool for Monash Rotary to interact with
the community it serves and create more scope for
As Jef says, “Rotary is such an enormous
organisation, with members having skills in just about
every sphere, it seemed natural to sell those skills and
beneit the community.”
With 30 years behind him as a professional
photographer, Jef runs the course full-time with Malcolm
Brownlee, a leading professional photographer at the helm
to help students unlock the secrets of their digital camera. Colin Read (Rotary Digital Photo Course) took these
photographs at the old Box Hill Brickworks.
Jef recognised the need for the public to increase their
skills with digital cameras, “which were still fairly new (in
Workshop Details
2001) and becoming more afordable”.
he Rotary Digital Photography Course comprises 15
Since Jef and Malcolm began the course, more than
hours tuition over 5 nights, with a supervised location
2000 students have completed it in Melbourne and
shoot, light suppers and transport provided. Courses are
Geelong including special work-related courses for Real
run over ive consecutive Tuesday nights, at the Black Flat
Estate Agents and Victorian Police Members.
Community Hall, Cnr Waverley and Springvale Roads,
Classes consist of 24 students divided into four
Glen Waverley (Melway 71, C4) starting at 7pm (except
syndicates. Each syndicate has an experienced
for the Location Shoot which starts at 6pm.)
photographer as their team leader and a team mentor,
he course is designed for keen amateurs who wish
who has completed the course. Classes consist of ten
to improve their techniques and photographic results. It
1hour instructional sessions, plus one evening
consists of two nights’ theory–covering lens, aperture and
photographic excursion to the Melbourne CBD. hese
shutter use, depth of ield, dynamic range; two nights of
are run over six evenings. here are supervised home
data transfer and storage systems; computer enhancement
assignments to complement the sessions taught, which
with an introduction to Photoshop retouching techniques;
amounts to a further 30 hours photographic experience.
revision and one full night on location.
“he ages and backgrounds of our students vary
A follow-up course of 15 hours tuition on advanced
enormously, from a 15 year old to a retired Engineering
Photoshop Techniques is also available.
professor who was 85 years old, although most students
Course Requirements
are between 30 to 50.”
Access to a computer is a basic requirement, and while
“here are varied skill levels from absolute beginners, to
having a digital camera is an advantage, a 35mm SLR will
professional photographers who want to pick up technical
suice. Students considering the purchase of a camera
skills. We get the best results from beginners who have a
would be well advised to wait as valuable advice on basic
great desire to learn.”
camera requirements will be provided and will probably
he course would be unable to run without its
inluence such a decision. Students gain most if home study
dedicated team of volunteers made up of 38 team leaders
of the theory components is undertaken between sessions.
and mentors who help run the program. Former students
See page 46 for contact details.
June–August 2011 Burwood Bulletin
All Creatures Great and Small for 140 Years!
In July, RSPCA Victoria will be breaking
out the birthday cake to celebrate
140 years of caring and protecting
all creatures great and small.
to discuss the plight of animals at the Assembly
Hall in Collins St, Melbourne with between 30 to
40 members of the public attending, including
Thomas McPherson, who later became Mayor
of Melbourne. Crimes against animals and ways
to prevent them were discussed, and the animal
welfare movement in Australia had oficially
The Society’s irst Annual General Meeting
was held in 1872 at the Mechanics Institute
in Melbourne, followed by the opening of its
ofices at No. 1 Collins Street, East Melbourne.
Complaints could be lodged every day from
12noon–2pm and Saturdays 10am–noon. Animal
cruelty cases were brought to the Society’s notice
and the Secretary and Honorary Inspector
attended to these accordingly. In the irst three
months of the Society’s operation, convictions
• Gross cruelty to a horse by a wood carter (ine 25
shillings - decimal equivalent $2.50).
• Three cases of stocking cows (ine 40 shillings
each - decimal equivalent $4.00).
• Cruelty to a dog (ine 20 shillings with 21 shillings
costs - decimal equivalent $2.00 & $2.10).
s one of the irst animal welfare
organisations to be established in
Australia, from its humble beginnings
to this very day, the RSPCA remains
the leading voice for animals across the country,
driving positive change for animals through
community education programs, welfare
campaigns and enforcing animal cruelty laws.
Originally known as the Victorian Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the RSPCA
as it is known today was born in Melbourne in
1871, driven by the concern for the welfare of
horses in colonial Victoria. A meeting was called
Burwood Bulletin June–August 2011
During the early years, the Society faced many
challenges.The irst was to discern what qualiied
as cruelty to animals. A quote from the Society’s
3rd annual report deined this as “The causes
of cruelty to animals were mainly these three:
deliberate wickedness, thoughtlessness, and
ignorance”. The main challenge faced during those
early years was changing perceptions and attitudes
of animal welfare amongst the community, until
then, who had never heard of animal welfare.
A signiicant development in the RSPCA’s
history occurred in 1926, when the irst ‘animal
shelter’ was established, taking the form of a rest
home for horses, located at High Street Road,
Ashburton. This development made way for a new
era for the RSPCA, creating the way for greater
animal protection and care.
Today the RSPCA Victoria operates 10 shelters,
two veterinary clinics and a presence in all
areas of the state. Community education to this
day remains a primary focus for the RSPCA,
and continues to drive positive change through
awareness and advocacy for all animals at local,
state and federal levels.
An Elephant Never Forgets
think the game was great fun so he continued. However,
the elephant was not so amused. Next time that Robert
The theme for the Ashburton Community
ofered the hay to the elephant and withdrew it, the
Festival, held earlier this year, was ‘The
elephant wrapped its trunk around the boy and lifted him
Circus Comes To Town’. There was
up of the ground!
‘big top’ fun in High Street complete
Fortunately the elephant keeper was nearby and saw
with circus, bands and sideshows.
what happened. he keeper used his pike to get the
elephant to release Robert. He was
too have vague recollections of
very shaken but luckily not hurt. he
a big circus tent on the oval at
keeper growled at Robert for teasing
Ashburton Park in Fakenham
the elephant.
Road from when I was growing up
When Mrs Cowens found out, she
in Ashburton in the 1950s.
him and sent him straight
Robert (Bob) Cowens, who
was grounded for two
turned 70 in December last year,
weeks and forbidden to listen to the
has some vivid memories from his
radio after school––no Dad and Dave,
childhood. In the 1950s, Robert
no Superman.
remembers the circus coming to
following year when the
Ashburton every year and staying
circus came to Ashburton again,
for a fortnight. his was one of the
Robert’s parents took him to a
highlights of his youth.
matinee at the weekend. hey saw
One Saturday, when Robert
monkeys doing tricks and riding
was about 12 years old, word went
small ponies, other animal acts,
around that the circus had arrived
ladies in sequinned dresses, clowns…
in Ashburton. Robert remembers
Next time Robert went to the zoo he
it being in Ashburn Grove. His
was very wary of the elephants just
mother suggested they go and see
in case one of them was the elephant
the circus animals which were always
from the circus. After all, they say
on display. At that time, the Cowens
‘elephants never forget’.
lived in Baker Parade. Robert decided to ride his bicycle.
On the way, they stopped at a relative’s home in Welfare
hanks to Robert (Bob) Cowens for letting us share your story
Parade and Robert’s cousin, David, joined them.
and for the use of your photograph.
When they arrived at the circus, they watched the
elephants for a while. Presently, Mrs Cowens decided
to walk around to see more animals, including ponies,
monkeys and lions. Robert decided to stay and feed the
elephants; they were chained by one leg so they could
not escape. He picked up a large handful of hay lying
on the ground and ofered it to one of the elephants.
When the elephant stretched its trunk to take the hay,
Robert quickly hid it behind his back. He began to
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June–August 2011 Burwood Bulletin
Burwood Bulletin June–August 2011
From one mystery, comes the next…
ounded in 1973, he Australian Institute for
Genealogical Studies Inc. (AIGS) has helped many
individuals turn investigators to track down their
family origins. Based in Blackburn, this volunteer-led
organisation ofers invaluable abundance of resources to
those who are looking to unravel the mysteries of the past.
With one of the most comprehensive collections of
English Parish Records in Australia, the AIGS database also
holds Births, Deaths, Marriages and Will indexes covering
Australia, New Zealand and he United Kingdom.
With a truly multimedia approach to genealogy, AIGS
boasts a large collection of magazines, journals, microilm/
microiche, CD and DVDs, giving members access to
original records not presently found online.
However, with 14 computer stations running
subscriptions to some of the largest online genealogy
databases, AIGS appreciates the internet as being a major
source of its data.
With interest groups covering many counties of the
UK to Bayside Melbourne, AIGS forms an alliance of
dedicated groups focused on maintaining an unbeatable
database of records for the Australian public.
AIGS provides monthly seminars on a range of topics
on Sunday afternoons. Additionally, new members can
take Starting Out classes twice a month as well as take a
tour of the library
Users of AIGS resources are fascinated with what they
uncover; consequently many people ind it diicult to
ind a true end point to their search. From the beginning
of one distant relative, comes the end of another and vice
versa, the journey never really ends.
he Australian Institute for Genealogical Studies Inc.
1/41 Railway Road Blackburn.
Ph: 9877 3789, Fax:9877 9066, E:
For more details, opening hours and membership rates
please visit
The day it snowed in Burwood
on the 9th of August 1951 the temperature
dipped so low that it snowed in Burwood and
surrounding areas. our photo supplied by Alan
tanner shows two of his children with two
other local children rugged up for the snow on
the corner of Baker Parade and dunscombe
Avenue, Ashburton.
June–August 2011 Burwood Bulletin
More than just Water Under the Bridge
urwood’s cyclists are growing in number. Whether
for commuting or recreation, more of us are taking
to our local bike paths like never before. Since March
2010, the number of people cycling to work increased by
over 50 per cent. hat number is expected to grow thanks
to the completion of one of the longest missing links in
Melbourne’s east.
Scheduled for completion in the next few months,
workers are constructing a bike path under Warrigal Road
in Ashwood. Running under the existing road bridge
over Gardiners Creek, the new track will be raised above
the creek and provide a dedicated route for cyclists and
pedestrians. No longer will pedestrians, runners or cyclists
have to take the crossing near Holmesglen Station, or
worse, dart across unpredictable traic. here will also
be an upgraded trail through Markham Reserve which
connects with a new path running along Markham Avenue
to join the existing Anniversary Trail at Alamein Station.
he upgrade has been lobbied for since at least 2003
when calls were made for a connection linking Gardiners
Creek Trail between East Malvern and Ashwood. In 2008,
the Rudd Government announced funding of
$2.5 million for the 1.5 kilometre works.
It’s the latest in a series of works along the Gardiners
Creek Trail corridor in recent time. Over the past few
years, the path has been widened and resealed providing
Burwood Bulletin June–August 2011
a more amicable setting for pedestrians and cyclists. Solar
lights were also installed along a section of path to provide
a safer route in winter months. Local riders couldn’t be
happier with the upgrade, with many hoping for a safer,
quicker and friendlier route.
“I think it means I don’t have to go down to traic lights,
risk being hit by a car. I’m on the footpath or bike path the
whole way. he traic lights are a long way from the path,
so it’ll deinitely be quicker,” said cyclist Josh Callaghan.
Families also beneit as the underpass removes the need
to stop and wait at Warrigal Road traic lights, allowing
the kids to enjoy their bikes, scooters and walks more.
Bennettswood Girl Guides Turns 50!
ctober 20, 1960 marked the birth of the
Bennettswood Girl Guides Association at
the irst meeting of some dedicated Guiding
people and parents as the new Bennettswood
Local Association. The early years of Guiding
in Bennettswood saw many dedicated hours of
hardworking parents, leaders and girls working
towards building a happy and purposeful Guiding
environment for the years to come.
Bennettswood District Guides and Brownies
at Britannia Park, Yarra Junction, July 27 1964.
fter much organisation, training of leaders,
recruiting of girls and fundraising, the 1st
Guide Company and the 1st Brownie Pack were
registered in September, 1961 and held weekly
meetings at the Presbyterian Church Hall in
Tennyson Street, Bennettswood. Throughout the
early years, the number of companies and packs
grew, occupying several other venues including
the Independent Church Hall in Havelock St,
Burwood, the Burwood Methodist Church Hall,
and the Burwood Primary School.
uring this time, the Local Association of parents
worked tirelessly to raise funds for their very
own hall, to be built on council land behind the
Bennettswood Scout Hall in Station St. The Log
Cabin was constructed at a cost of $20,000 by
a band of volunteer fathers, supervised by Tom
Woods during 1976. Finally, after seventeen years,
Bennettswood’s new home was oficially opened by
Cr. Alwyn Charlesworth on February 20, 1977.
Now after 50 years, the Bennettswood Girl Guides
are still running great programs for local girls based
on fun, friendship and adventure.
Currently there are programs for Fairy Guides (5-7),
Sparkly Guides (7-10) and Kosmic Guides (10+).
To mark their 50th Anniversary, Bennettswood
Girl Guides are holding a 50th Anniversary
Dinner on Saturday, September 17, and a ‘Back
To Bennettswood’ Family Day from 1–5pm on
Sunday, September 18.
They encourage everyone to spread the word
and invite people who have been connected to
Bennettswood to join in the celebrations.
Please register your details at:,
email Anne Macleish,
phone 9539 2428, or write to Bennettswood 50,
P.O Box 8138, Burwood Heights 3151.
More details will be sent in July.
If you would like to share any photos, items of
memorabilia, or write a short anecdotal story for
a book about the history of the Bennettswood Girl
Guides, please contact the organisers as above.
June–August 2011 Burwood Bulletin
Sharing the Fruits of the Community
A new fresh fruit and vegetable market!
For groups looking for a place to meet, the centre
also offers rooms for hire or for larger groups the
Jordanville Community Centre.
Since the 1980s, Amaroo Community Centre has
devoted efforts toward provided support for the
surrounding community. located within a low-income
public housing estate, its mission is simply to provide
a place of community wellness through the sharing of
experience and knowledge.
As a purely volunteer-led organisation, the centre
encourages all members of the community to get
involved, and enjoy the smorgasbord of services
it provides.
For more information call 9807 2625 or 9807 0570
or visit org.
ocated just off waverley road in Chadstone lies
a little gold mine for the opportunity minded. the
Amaroo neighbourhood Centre is not only an
interesting op shop, but also a hub of activity and sharing.
Since April, the centre has hosted the Ashwood/
Chadstone Community Fruit & Veg Market each Monday
afternoon from 2–4pm. Here you will ind a vibrant
variety of fresh produce straight from the markets and
available to you below supermarket prices.
in addition, the centre provides an array of courses
available to the public at minimal fees, ranging from Kids
Karate, Cooking, Book
Clubs and Beading
Classes. The garden, illed
with stunning plant life
and award-winning fruit
and vegetable trees, is
always needing outdoor
enthusiasts to help
maintain and improve its
The Ashwood/Chadstone Community Fruit & Veg Market
horticultural oasis.
Burwood Bulletin June–August 2011
Wilf Jones remembers: the Early Years in Ashburton
Miss Ryland
Ashburton Station
Railway Siding
Steam Train
1 Carriage
Railway Not in Use
Dairy Farm
also walking along, waving and talking to people as
he went on his way to his oice at Victoria Barracks.
Eventually, Wilf decided to leave and work for
himself at home, which he says proved to be very
successful. here was always plenty of work to do
during the day and sometimes even at night.
his very busy man even found time to return
to night school at Swinburne Tech and further his
knowledge of engineering, He then moved on to a
motor school to learn how to repair motor cars until
he eventually retired.
Other precious memories Wilf likes to share is of
going with his father, who owned a horse and cart,
to Oakleigh Auction Rooms. Wilf would sit outside
in the cart with his Collie dog to keep him company.
Once an intoxicated man tried to get into the cart
and the dog went to Will’s aid to protect him.
he land south of High Street included the
Ashburton Cricket Ground. One day when a ilm
was being made of the cricket team playing there,
a random dog joined in, caught the ball and ran
away with it.
he irst block of land at Warrigal Road, and on
the other side of High Street, belonged to the Vears
family; their land was used mainly as an orchard.
he next block belonged to the Billings family
and the following land belonged to the Stocks
family. Wilf ’s elder sister Irene married Walter
Stocks. Walter Stocks and his brother William
started the Ashburton Dairy. he Stocks also owned
land in the Dandenongs where they kept cattle.
Wilf has always felt sorry to see the Ashburton
Forest give way to a large Housing Estate. Families
came, some by train, to enjoy a picnic there.
he irst bus that ran from Warrigal Road to Glen Iris
was owned by Mr Meeks. he bus looked to Wilf rather
like a furniture van in shape and size. He also remembers
the Steam Train which ran from Ashburton to Deepdene,
on part of the Outer Circle Railway which earlier ran
from East Brighton around to Northcote. People loved to
walk along the old railway line from Ashburton to Black
Bridge. he track is still there today for those people who
would like to use it.
hen just six years old, Wilfred, who likes to
be called Wilf, arrived with his family to live
in Ashburton. his was in the year 1921. His
father, a builder and plasterer by trade, built the house in
Carool Rd, Ashburton, where Wilf is still living today.
Wilf, with one of his brothers, went to school in Glen
Iris. Very few people owned a motor car in those days.
hey usually managed by putting their best foot forward
and walk or even ride a push bike.
When Wilf completed his education at that school
he moved on to Swinburne Technical School to learn
about engineering before starting an apprenticeship in an
engineering shop in South Melbourne. During WWII,
Wilf was kept at the shop to train men in engineering.
Wilf began working from 8am till 5pm, ive-and-ahalf days a week. Starting at the age of 16, he received 10
shillings a week to start with which eventually increased to photo:victorianrailways
the grand sum of 33 shillings a week. He spent 18 years at
the shop employed by Mr L S Ready, the owner.
Wilf would catch the train to Flinders Street and walk
across Princes Bridge to South Melbourne. On the way he
hank you Wilf for sharing all these wonderful memories
often saw Billy Hughes, the Prime Minister at the time,
with Burwood Bulletin readers.
June–August 2011 Burwood Bulletin
Jeremy Wolhouse and Al hat Jazz
he Boite and he Surrey Music Café at the Box
Hill Arts Centre is dedicated to encouraging
a diverse range of international music and
artistic expression, and as someone who is dedicated to
challenging the norms of musical discipline, he Jeremy
Woolhouse Trio deinitely its in nicely with the vibe.
With his group he Jeremy Woolhouse Trio performing
tracks from their irst album, Ascent, he Surrey Music
Café enjoyed the atmospheric, all-genres-fused jazz sounds
of one of Melbourne’s most innovative pianists for the irst
time on May 29.
With no drums, the trio is made up of Jeremy,
Georgia Webber (bass) and Dan Nilsson (guitar),
culminating in what Woolhouse describes as “a freer
form of true improvisation… which is really at the core
of good jazz music”.
After the release of Ascent, the response has been
uniformly positive, consequently inspiring Woolhouse to
venture on to a second solo album.
Admitting that he is not a “dictating bandleader”,
Woolhouse has endeavoured to encourage band members
and students to embrace their natural ability to imagine
and improvise new sounds, new compositions and new
arrangements, without the restrictions of written music.
Dental Prosthetist
(Advanced Dental Technician
239 Burwood Hwy
East Burwood
For complete Denture Services
VDentures VRepairs
Established 25 years
9803 6420
Member Dental Pros. Assoc. Vic.
Vietnam Vet’s Assoc.
Burwood Bulletin June–August 2011
As a result, the process is simpliied. He supplies the
other members with a lead sheet and a theme and lets the
harmonies and melodies evolve from there.
“It can vary a lot, sometimes it comes out with some
really unexpected things, but it takes the music beyond
what I’d ever be able to imagine on my own.”
Starting of as a trombone player, then inding his
passion in piano at he Victorian College of the Arts,
Woolhouse understands the importance of experimentation
and diversiication with music and art in general.
Woolhouse’s endeavour to explore new realms of
composition and communication between his internal
inspirations and the inished product is self-admittedly,
“a lengthy process”. Layer upon layer, tweak after tweak,
a inished piece is only really inished when he can say, “I
just can’t do any more to it”.
he Boite and Jeremy Woolhouse share a common
appreciation for the ongoing exploration of music
and culture. his relationship is sure to continue with
continually surprising and pleasurable results. Until then,
you can ind many more interesting and inspirational acts
on their website,
Some of their upcoming shows include Klezmania on
Saturday June 4 and he Shannon-Goodrich Ensemble on
Friday July 8.
Breadmaking & Baking
Supplies & Cooking Classes
Classes include bread loaves, French sticks,
rolls, scrolls, pullaparts, plus lots of other baking treats.
We stock high quality bread flours, bread
mixes, seeds, yeast, grains, bread tins
& accessories.
Gluten free bread mix & Spelt floursr
Timetable available by post or on net
Tel 9809 4327 1387 Toorak Rd, Burwood Village
Alitalia Pizza & Pasta (1/2)
9808 0000
All People Chinese Restaurant (12/2)
9889 8182
Baker’s Delight (8/2)
9808 0440
Body & Bronze Beauty Salon (2/2)
9888 9122
Burwood East Newsagency (16)
9808 7284
Burwood Heights Dry Cleaners (13/2)
9808 0232
Burwood Heights Medical Centre (12)
9808 7900
Burwood Heights Podiatry Clinic (14/2)
9808 4162
Centre Management (6/2)
9808 1177
Chookstar Charcoal Chicken (14/40)
9808 1858
Commonwealth Bank (40)
9808 9988
Creature Comforts (9/2)
9808 2641
Burwood Highway Asian Grocery (36)
9808 9570
East Burwood Fruit Market (32)
9808 5300
East Burwood Quality Butchers (22)
9808 5095
East Burwood Travel (6/2)
9808 1177
Elite Laser & Skin Clinic(11/40)
9808 0666
Flower Trends Cafe (3/2)
9808 7599
Happy House (7/2)
9808 6888
Pulse Pharmacy (26)
9808 9962
RSPCA Op Shop (10/2)
9808 2641
Senator Helen Kroger (14)
9888 0091
Spectacles Plus (10)
9808 2691
Spizzico (11/2)
9808 9943
Ultimate Hairworks & Beauty (4/2)
9808 3334
Woolworths (42)
9808 0200
Hawthorn Grove, before it became the
Burwood Public Hospital.
waverley Historical Society is looking for
anything at all about Burwood Hospital.
Situated on the north corner of warrigal and
Highbury roads, it has been the old Burwood
Public Hospital, and is now an aged care facility.
Anything else?
what can you tell us about your memories of
that building? did you have a baby there, work
there or visit? do you have photos of it, eg. of
your baby in a crib there? do you remember
when the hospital closed?
A wonderful public facility like this hospital must
be remembered.Your help would be greatly
Please email the Research Oficer, MarJo at or phone 9544 8792
(email preferred).
Upstairs (Cnr Burwood Hwy & Middleborough Rd)
AMR Accounting (Suite 4)
8831 3333
Arthur Kyriacou & Co Accountants (Suite 1)
9808 7377
Fong & Co, Barristers & Solicitors (Suite 3)
9808 1211
Mian Phillips & Co, Lawyers (Suite 5)
9808 9133
Rejoice Chinese Christian Centre (Suite 7)
9888 7422
Unibase Group (Suite 6)
9943 0974
June–August 2011 Burwood Bulletin
Burwood is the place to be.
United as one community.
Really nice folks.
Wonderful shops.
Ours to keep safe and clean.
Old but new.
Delightful home for me and you!
Written By Brooke Getley
Travel Agents Licence No: 30257
Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Funk, Contemporary,
Musical Theatre, Creative Drama
Adult classes in Pilates, Ballet, Jazz and Tap
& Creative Kids Integrated Arts
(catering for special educational needs)
13-15 Yertchuk Avenue, Ashwood
(next to Parkhill Primary and Ashwood
Memorial Kindergarten)
Email: Ph 9888 3354
Principal since 1994 Joanne Watt
BA Dance, GradDipMovement&Dance,
DipDanceTeaching & Management
Burwood Bulletin June–August 2011
Telephone: (03) 9808 1177
Largest Independent Travel Agent in Victoria
Proudly Serving the Community for 25 Years
Holiday Packages
Car Hire
Reliable friendly service with knowledgeable staff
providing personal attention and competitive travel.
East Burwood Travel Pty Ltd
Shop 6, Cnr Burwood Highway and Middleborough Rd
East Burwood VIC 3125
Winter wonderland in Burwood Village
Embrace the wonders of winter in the Burwood Village.
ather than holeing up indoors, come out and
experience all that the shopping village has to
ofer, from bustling restaurants and cafes, to
trendy boutiques and homeware retailers.
he Burwood Village has seen a real inlux of visitors
lately and had great success with the recent Autumn
Festival. We would like to thank the City of Boroondara,
Bendigo Bank and Yarra Trams for all their support with
the event. he Festival went of with a bang and saw both
new and regular visitors enjoying the festivities.
he excitement hasn’t stopped there with traders
preparing to cater for all of your needs this winter,
whether that be lunch with friends or shopping for that
special something.
For a hot meal with a Mediterranean inluence, visit
Zous, Burwood’s newest cafe. With a modern, urban
atmosphere, cafe-goers can expect anything from the classic
cafe favourites to more exotic cuisines. he restaurant is
fully licensed and is open 7 days a week for breakfast and
lunch and Wed–Sat for dinner. he venue is available for
functions, bookings are essential, call 9889 0998.
Burwood Village also welcomes several new traders to
the strip. Pretty Nails, owned by Trang Vo, in the Arcade,
ofers a wide range of beauty services including manicures
and pedicures, nail art, waxing, eyelash and eyebrow tinting.
Azubel Dental is also new to the village, owned
and operated by Rodrigo Azubel. he business ofers
family and general dentistry with cosmetic, implant and
HICAPS facilities.
To help you rug up for the cold season, Karmic
Treasures ofers quality pre-owned designer goods. hey
also stock Levante and Ambra tights: perfect for the winter.
Match your new wardrobe with a new look. Burwood
Village ofers several hair salons. D’Alton Hairdressing
provides a fantastic service with experienced hairdressers
and is a favourite with locals.
For kitchen and homewares he Peppermill is one of
Toorak Road’s most beautiful buildings and stocks all your
kitchen and cooking needs as well as food and wine from
the Yarra Valley.
Fireplaces and other furnishings are available at
Australian Mantelpiece, ofering everything from modern
ireplaces to more traditional ittings and a special ofer of
10% of ireplaces and accessories for the month of June.
If it’s a holiday you’re planning, visit Flight Centre.
Whether you want to embrace the weather and visit the
snow, or escape to somewhere hot and tropical, Flight
Centre will help you plan that perfect holiday.
Burwood Village has everything you need to enjoy
the upcoming season so head down to Toorak Road this
winter and enjoy one of Melbourne’s most up and coming
shopping strips.
Paul, Gus, Dave, Dylan, Gully, James, Dec & Graham
We open 7 days a week:
Mon - Thurs: 10am - 9pm
Friday - Sat: 10am - 10pm
Sun: 10am - 9pm
June–August 2011 Burwood Bulletin
BUSineSS DireCtOrY
Burwood Village & District
G H o’Brien & Assoc.
tax on trak
4 Burwood Hwy
rear 1423 toorak rd
9808 4245
9889 6680
9889 6777
ACe leadlight Studio
Joseph Ferraro B.nat, d.Acu.
1337 toorak rd
oates, rennick & Assoc
Highway Gallery
14 the Highway, Mt waverley 9807 7261
Shelron Bathroom Centre
Adco Ofice Furniture
23-25 Burwood Hwy
9830 6111
18 Burwood Hwy
9888 8286
1387 toorak rd
9809 4327
1398 toorak road
9889 1010
Shop 8, 1405 toorak rd.
9809 1243
1350 toorak rd
9889 1111
1360 toorak rd
9889 9633
Camberwell Sports & Spinal Medicine 1431 toorak rd
9889 7889
Burwood neighbourhood House
1 Church St
9808 6292
13-15 Yertchuk Ave
9888 3354
dr Susan Schlicht
303 warrigal rd
9808 3988
1408 toorak rd
9889 4129
1380 toorak road
9889 0500
Care Fresh
A&C Fish‘n Chippery
Burwood Fuel & Fodder
315 warrigal rd
9808 2130
w d rose Funerals
339 warrigal rd
9808 8888
1396 toorak rd
9889 4763
1423 toorak rd
9889 5152
d’Alton Hairdressing
Anthony J Von Moger B.Hlth Sc. 20 trent St
9889 9835
rick watkins P/l
4 Burwood Hwy
9880 8300
designer laminates
74 Highbury rd
9888 7400
decor Pebble (Aust) P/l
1414 toorak rd
9889 9859
Ashburton Mowers
397 High St
9885 3199
84-90 Highbury rd
Pack & Send
1374 toorak rd
9809 4333
BdC dance
dr damien Smith Assoc. eyecare Plus
9808 4404
Cash Converters
119 Burwood Hwy
Jagers Carpets
9889 4643
the Cake Cafe
1340 toorak rd
9809 4138
9889 7157
Carl’s Culinary Cuts
9808 6922
1376 toorak rd
Shop 3, 1405 toorak rd
Mixing Bowl
4 Burwood Hwy
Barry waddell
9808 4760
9888 8797
9808 5370
2 Sixth Ave
3 Alexander dr
Jurgens Swiss Bakery
Burwood Bakery
33 Burwood Hwy
Burwood Cellars
Kryton Automotive
Burwood Hwy Mowers
9888 9888
new and used Sales, Service & Parts
130 Burwood Hwy
9268 1555
new and used Sales
142 Burwood Hwy
9268 1333
21 Mc intyre St
11-17 Mc intyre St
1300 858 084
new and used Sales59-63 Burwood Hwy
9268 1222
Service & Parts
2 Somers St Burwood
new and used
71 Burwood Hwy
Service & Parts
7 evans Street Burwood
9268 1488
national Pharmacy
1429 toorak rd
9889 0800
250 warrigal rd
9808 9827
115 Highbury rd
250 warrigal rd
9888 8225
9808 9827
9 tudor St
9808 7211
6 Burwood Hwy
9888 7906
1373 toorak rd
65 Station St
1156 toorak rd
1388 toorak rd
9889 1666
9888 8883
9805 2900
9889 2266
Shot, Framed & Hung
Creative Framing
Framed & Hung
Burwood Plumbing
Kwik Kopy Printing Centre
exceland Camberwell
exceland Burwood
J A Cain First national
Mackintosh First national
Solazone Solar Specialists
242 warrigal rd
9808 7337
1379 toorak rd
1/1395 toorak rd
4 Burwood Hwy
9889 0061
9809 1555
9808 6922
1424 toorak rd
9889 5120
Frank Bertucci
Klooger Forbes Hassett
oates rennick Associates
iGA Plus liquor
Burwood Yoga
1-3 Bardolph St
9889 0684
burwood Village & District Directory
As a service to the Burwood Community, the Burwood Bulletin has established this traders and Business directory so
that local residents can easily contact their local traders and to inform residents of the variety of shops and services
located in the Burwood area. the cost is $55 per annum, inc.GSt. Any business that is located within the Burwood area
and would like to be included in the directory should contact robert Kay on 9836 5520., email
Burwood Bulletin June–August 2011
BUSineSS DireCtOrY
Small & Home Business
The Gourmet Guardian Pty Ltd
321 warrigal road, Burwood
Phone 1800 Food SAFetY (1800 366 372)
Mobile 0422 922 883
ian Grant FCA FCPA
13 edwards Street, Burwood 3125
Ph: . . . . . . . 9813 3599
Fax: . . . . . . 9813 2732
Mob: . . . . . 0418 317 818
Bank recs, Accounts payable/receivable,
Payroll, BAS prep, Super/PAYG,
Ofice admin, Liaison with Accountants and
end of year taxation preparation.
Contact lucy . . . . 0409 561 723
Sylvia Harris,BA, dip Cvl Cer
Modern, romantic weddings
no obligation meeting
Ph . . . . . . . 9889 8272
Mob . . . . . 0403 406429
Frank bertucci
1379 toorak road, Burwood 3125
Ph: . . . . . . . 9889 0061/68
Fax: . . . . . . 9889 0407
Jacob Waverley Glass
2 Sixth Avenue, Burwood 3125
Ph: . . . . . . . 9808 4722
Fax . . . . . . 9808 3816
Broken windows, Mirrors etc.
klooger Forbes Hassett
P.o. Box 97 Burwood 3125
Ph: . . . . . . . 9809 1555
Fax: . . . . . . 9809 2373
man Around the House
Carpentry repairs/replacements
weatherboards, fascias, decks,
pergolas, fences, lattice, etc. Free quotes
Ph: Martyn 0407 477 740
AH/Fax:. . . 9885 1150 Glen iris
Tax Workshop
registered tax Agents
All types of taxation returns
6 tooronga Court, Ashwood 3147
Ph: . . . . . . . 9885 1435 or 0405 435 480
Fax: . . . . . . 9888 2224
Ace Leadlight Studio
Student Supplies
2 Sixth Avenue, Burwood 3125
Ph: . . . . . . . 9808 4760
Fax: . . . . . . 9808 4736
Lindy Hop Swing
At Ashburton & Mitcham
Phone . . . 0412 016 780
Hartwell Post Ofice
1166 toorak road, Hartwell 3124
Ph: . . . . . . . 9889 1132
open Saturday 9–12 noon
indrans residential Services
A local business specialising in handyman work,
painting and plastering. For an obligation-free
quote, phone Jan on 0422 168 228
From the Chapel, uniting Church Camberwell,
314 Camberwell road.Vic 3125.
Ph: Vrinda. . .0411 177 937
AdVertiSinG inForMAtion
Full Page w18.5 x h26cm
$253 b/w, $380 colour
Special Full Pages POA
Half Page
–Horizontal w18.5 x h13cm
–Vertical w9 x h26cm
$160 b/w, $240 colour
quarter Page w9 x h13cm
$96 b/w, $145 colour
quarter Column w9 x h6cm
$76 b/w, $114 colour
Small / Home based business Directory
this directory has been established by the Burwood Bulletin
to assist small and home based businesses to promote
themselves in the local community. the cost for a business
listing as per this page is $22 for four lines plus $5.50 per line
to a maximum advertisement of six lines. Prices include GSt.
robert Kay ph. 9836 5520,
Artwork must be ready for print.
Please ask about speciications
or visit
Cost of any necessary alterations to artwork or copy
will be an additional charge to the advertiser.
All copy to be forwarded to:
Burwood Bulletin Association, Po Box 87, Burwood 3125
or email
deadline for next issue advertising & copy 1st August
June–August 2011 Burwood Bulletin
elcome to 2011, the international year for
chemistry. It will be interesting to see how much we
learn about chemistry in our lives.
Belinda Jane’s gift shop and cafe will be celebrating 16
years in Ashburton so look out for a special display and
promotion during June. It should be great fun and a very
happy time. Make sure you visit the shop and support this
local business.
Bedtime Bugs. Remember you can buy all your night
gear at this colourful shop. You can get lannelette PJs and
nightgowns for all ages. You can buy of the rack, or order
in something special just for you. Also you can buy toe
socks that come in an array of fabulous colours just right
to stimulate one in mid-winter.
Two Seeds recently opened in the former paras shop
and is run by a young couple named Chris and Jess. hey
are friendly and very helpful; their cofee is great and
always comes with a smile. Drop in and see for yourselves
if their oferings meet your liking.
Remember to use our shopping strip - otherwise it will
fade away; our shops rely on us to thrive and lourish.
Sales, Service, Repairs & Spares
฀ ฀
33 Burwood Hwy, Burwood
Call Brendan or Jason
9808 5370
Burwood Bulletin June–August 2011
he last Sunday in February was the appointed day of
this year’s Ashburton Festival.
he theme this year was the circus and a range of skills
such as juggling, hula hoop and dancing were displayed
and the audience could take part. his was fun for young
and old alike.
here were several schools selling goodies such as cakes,
muins and biscuits.
Many people clearly enjoyed face painting, the music,
the sideshows and rides brought in for the day.
Riding the Rails of History
Sunday June 26.
Join SteamRail and Waverley Historical Society in its
7th annual steam train shuttles. he push-pull steam
train, featuring locomotives K153 and K190 (one at
each end) and W-type wooden carriages, will operate
between Darling and Glen Waverley, picking up
passengers at Darling, Mt Waverley and Glen Waverley.
Adults $10; Child u/16, $5; Family, $25 (2A+2C or 1A+3C)
Departure times (may change)
To Glen Waverley:
From Darling, 10.15, 11.20, 12.20, 2, 3.
From Mt Waverley, 10.27, 11.32, 12.32, 2.12, 3.12
To Darling:
From Glen Waverley, 10.54, 11.54, 1.34, 2.34, 3.34*
From Mt Waverley 11.01, 12.01, 1.41, 2.41, 3.41*
*he last train from Glen Waverley, departing 3.34pm,
will not return to Glen Waverley. It will terminate at
Darling then run empty back to Newport Workshops.
Tickets will be available on the day, or from Matilda’s
Books, Hamilton Place, Mt Waverley, after June 8.
here will be photographic displays, historic cars,
bookshop specials, devonshire teas and other attractions
on the day. Grab your children and have a delightful
day of memories together.
Box Hill Ballet Turns 60!
his was the notice displayed in the Box Hill Junior Library
by Mr C. P. Billot, the City Librarian and Co-ordinator
of Community Activities. Forms were available for those
interested, to be returned to the Junior Library.
In April 1951, at a meeting in the
West Hall of the Box Hill Town Hall,
Cr Ken McIntyre outlined the plans
for a ballet school for Box Hill. he
irst meeting of the Box Hill City Ballet
Group was held on May 11 with over
100 people in attendance. Ninety-six
members enrolled that night. One month
later classes commenced in the Box Hill
Tennis Clubrooms in Irving Avenue, Miss Margaret
Swan being appointed Principal. By 1952 students
numbered 200, with a waiting list for those who couldn’t
be accommodated. Eventually classes moved to a larger
venue, the West Hall of the Box Hill Town Hall. he
Junior Library (on Bank Street at the rear of the Town
Hall) was also used. Mrs Alma Wikman was engaged as
the pianiste, a role she held for 20 years.
he Box Hill City Council paid the irst week’s salary to
Miss Earl & Mrs Wikman, thereafter it was to be run by a
Cnr. Highield Rd & Milverton St
9889 6622
Hartwell Childcare is a caring and welcoming
environment where children can explore and play
in small groups run by qualiied co-ordinators.
Occasional care provides fantastic opportunities
for social and creative stimulation, whilst giving
Mum and Dad a well-earned break.
voluntary committee as a non-proit organisation, which
it continues to be to this day. he City of Whitehorse
must be acknowledged for the continued support of the
Ballet School, assisting with the provision of various
venues for classes throughout the Box Hill area; and the
Whitehorse Centre for its Annual Performance.
he irst ballet show was held in the Box Hill Town
Hall on November 14, 1952. Highlights of
the evening were “Woodland Frolics” and “A
London Street”, with the tiny students nearly
stealing the show. Other items included a
demonstration of the “Cecchetti Method of
Classical Ballet”, a classical item to the music
of Chopin, “Trio”, and three divertissements
– “Russian Dance”, “Tarantelle” and a very
vivacious “Can-Can”.
An extensive wardrobe has been built up over the years,
and for a minimal fee, costumes are hired out to students
each year for our annual performance. New costumes are
purchased or made, and existing ones altered, restyled and
redecorated, with funds raised from the costume levy. his
system greatly reduces the inancial burden on parents,
which could otherwise be enormous.
In 1985, the Box Hill City Ballet Group became the
Box Hill Ballet Association Inc., however, the aims remain
as envisaged by Mr Billot, Cr McIntyre and the Council
60 years ago: “to practice, appreciate and extend the Art of
Ballet in Box Hill”.
Were you a student, teacher, parent, committee
member, or associated with the Ballet School in some
other way, any time during the past 60 years?
A Gala Night & reunion is planned on Saturday
July 23. A free exhibition of photographs, costumes
and other memorabilia will be held at the Box Hill
Community Arts Centre, cnr Station & Combarton
streets, Box Hill, Monday July 18–Saturday July 30. If
you would like to join the celebrations, please register
your interest: email or leave a
message on 9723 4097.
We offer morning occasional care sessions
for 1-3 year olds
9AM – 12PM
and a 3 year old kindy group
1PM – 4PM
on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays
during the school term.
Applications for 2011 are now open.
or call Gemma on 9809 1928
June–August 2011 Burwood Bulletin
State School Number 773
his is a broad brush of the past as seen
through my eyes starting as a 5-yearold. I remember the Bubbs clearly. here
was a cupboard in the corner of the class
room set aside to put our lunches. It
had that smell of long-times-ago and
I hated it. I did not like the teacher
either. She used to draw beautiful
pictures on the board. My mother
was often late picking me up
after school so I was to wait in
the Bubbs. For some reason I
got hold of the chalk duster
and cleaned of the drawings. Well, next day there was big
trouble and Mum got a serve from the Principal. At least she
was never late again. Loneliness came into it and the walk to
school from Park Street was a lot for a little chap of ive.
hings improved in the next year. We had slates, slate
pencils and colouring books. Slates came with a wooden
frame to prevent them from breaking and the pencils
had a paper wrapping. A moist rag was also needed. We
started to learn to write. he slates had deep scratches as
guide lines. Everyone drew a banana in their Pastel Book
using Reeves Pastels as well and a bunch of lowers.
I had Miss Platt as a teacher in year 4 and we started
using pens and ink.We had an exercise book to write in
and a little well of ink that itted into our desk top. It was
the time of fancy pencil cases. I had a three decker one of
which I was very proud. Miss Pratt had my measure and
I started getting top marks. She said to me ‘Freckles are
windows to your soul’- what more could I want with my
crop of them?
In Grade 5 Miss Butler had the idea of a class play. It was
based around Pocahontas, an Indian Girl in the early days
of settlement in America. Captain John Smith was to be
killed by her father and this was my part, when in rushed
Jill Jones as Pocahontas and threw herself across me. I was
not up with girls and it came as a shock I still remember.
he State Savings Bank staf came around the school
in those days and issued out bank books and we started
to save and I am still saving. It was time to go to the Big
School, Grades 5 and 6. I had a bicycle by this time and
the freedom that goes with it.
he girls played ‘Puss-in-the-Corner’ in the shelter shed
and the boys the dangerous game of ‘Saddle-me-Nag’. Also
‘Big Ring’ and ‘Little Ring’ with marbles. Hopscotch and
rope skipping were popular with the girls. Fast skipping
was called ‘pepper’. Spinning tops were a fashion for boys
and girls. Collection cards of all sorts including cricket,
football and picture cards were swapped to complete sets.
Cards were included in packets of chewing gum.
Burwood Bulletin June–August 2011
Display your
medals with
rotect and
repair your
valuable history
while creating a
striking display.
Mounted swing
or court style,
medals can be cleaned and reribboned and
lost medals replaced with replicas. Cabinet
frames are available so medals can be worn
as well as displayed.
Every framing order over $100 receives
two beautiful greeting cards free.
Mention this ad.
When it matters, bring it to
Abacus Art for expert advice
on mounting and framing.
Member of
489 Warrigal Rd Ashwood 9885 8742
Local Churches
Anglican Churches
St Peter’s: 1038 Whitehorse Rd, Box Hill
Services: Sunday: 8am Eucharist, 9.30am Choral Eucharist,
Sudanese service 1pm. Wednesday: 11am, Friday: 7.30pm.
St Aidan’s: Surrey St, Box Hill South
Sunday service: 10.30am Eucharist. 3rd Sunday Family &
children’s service: 10.30am. Vicar: Rev Derek Jones.9890 2721
Hall for hire. Oice: hurs 9.30am - 2.30pm . . 9899 5122
AnglicAn PArish of Box hill
4-8 Charles St, Glen Iris
Vicar: Rev. Stephen Pash 0403 273 486, 9889 2761
Church Oice: Tues & Fri 9am -12 noon . . . . 9889 5086
Sunday services 8am and 10am. Labyrinth open daily for
individuals to walk. Group walks by booking.
st fAith’s
Bennettswood Centre: 44 Station St, Burwood
Sunday services: 8.15am, 9.45am, 11.30am (Cantonese), 6pm (ESL).
Vicar: Rev Chris Appleby . . . . .9808 3250, 0422 187 127
st thoMAs’ BUrWooD
st MAttheW’s
334 High St, Ashburton (cnr Warrigal & High St roads)
Services: 9.30am Sunday, Holy Communion.
Locum Vicar Rev. Len Greenhall, enquiries.. .. .. 0413 874 281
Cnr Blackburn Rd & Witchwood Cres, East Burwood.
Vicar: Rev. Robyn Boyd
Services: Sunday 8am and 9.30am, with children’s activities.
Wednesday 10am followed by study group.
Playgroup Friday 9.30am. Phone . . . . . . . . . .9802 4863
the chUrch of the Ascension
st osWAlD’s
96 High St, Glen Iris
Rev. Ken Hewlett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9885 1125
Sunday 8am Eucharist & Breakfast 10am Sung Eucharist
Wednesday 10am Holy Communion
Australian Christian Churches
eDge chUrch MelBoUrne
17 Evans St, (cnr Evans & Dufy streets) Burwood
Pastor: Danny Guglielmucci
Service Times: Sunday 10am . . . . . . . . . . . .9888 7466
Baptist Churches
8 Y St, Ashburton. Senior Pastor: Rev Ken Luscombe
Sunday morning service: 10am (includes Kids’ Club)
hursday evening service: 7.15pm.
Phone . . . . 9885 8210 or E:
AshBUrton BAPtist chUrch
Box hill BAPtist chUrch
Cnr Station St & Ellingworth Pde, Box Hill
Revs Anne & Richard Mallaby
Service:10am Sunday. Or pop into the Chapel on Station
Gallery at the front of the church - open every day, 9890 1275
BAlWyn BAPtist chUrch
Cnr Whitehorse & Parring Rds, Surrey Hills., 9836 9455
Sunday service at 10am, followed by morning tea.
inDonesiAn BAPtist felloWshiP
We meet on the corner of Whitehorse and Parring roads each
Sunday at 4.30pm.
2 Vision Dve, East Burwood, E:
Senior Pastor: Mr Dale Stephenson . . . . . . . . .9886 3700
Sunday morning service & kids church 8.45am, 10.15 &
11.45am. Sunday evening: 6pm.
Mandarin Service 9am, Cantonese Service 11am
Korean service 1.15pm, Indonesian service 4pm
crossWAy BAPtist chUrch
eAst cAMBerWell BAPtist chUrch
Cnr Highield & Hunter roads, East Camberwell
Pastor: Murray Hogg . . . . . . 9836 6063, Oice 9830 4842
When you lose someone close, having sensitive and
understanding support is vital.
339 Warrigal Road, Burwood
Phone: 9808 8888
June–August 2011 Burwood Bulletin
Local Churches
Catholic Churches
The Salvation Army
299 Warrigal Rd, Burwood
Priest: Fr. David Tremble
Mass 6pm Saturday; 10 am & 5pm Sunday.
Daily services at 9am and many parish activities. Information
on foyer notice boards or phone . . . . . . . . . . .9808 2492
7 Bowen St, Camberwell
Oicers: Majors Brian and Jenny Pratt
9889 2468
Services: 9.30am, 11am & 6pm every Sunday.
Sunday School 11am—12.15pm school terms only.
st BeneDict’s
st scholAsticA’s
348 Burwood Hwy, Bennettswood
Morning service daily, Sunday 9am, 11am & 5.30pm
Vietnamese Mass 7.15pm the third Saturday of each month
Phone for further details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9808 1006
Christian Science Church
Church & Reading Room, 41 Cookson St, Camberwell
Services: Sunday 10.15am, Wednesday 8pm
Church & Reading Room, 256 Stephensons Rd, Mt Waverley
Services: Sunday 9.30am, Wednesday 12.30pm and 8pm
All welcome. Further information. . . . . . . . . .9882 6209
Church of Christ
Cnr Milverton St & Highield Rd
Service: Sunday at 10am. Pastor: Anthony Risson. 9889 3484
Mt WAverley
280 Highbury Rd
We are a friendly, family centred Church. All age worship on
Sundays at 10.30am. For infants: playgroups, creche. For Preps
and primary aged children: weekly activity groups including
Bible-based stories, gymnastics and craft. Men’s and women’s
fellowship groups. Bible study groups for all ages.
Interim Pastor: Andrew Boutros. . . . . . . . . . .9808 1613
The New Christian Church
426-434 High St Rd, Mount Waverley,
We welcome people looking for a new look at the Bible and
spirituality. Sunday Service 10.30am
Spiritual Growth and discussion groups held regularly.
Minister: Rev Chris Skinner . . . . . . . . . . . . .9888 2850
Presbyterian Churches
AshBUrton PresByteriAn chUrch
Junction of High Street & High Street Road,
(near Warrigal Rd), Ashburton.
Sunday service at 10.15am, Sunday school & creche 10.30am.
BUrWooD chinese PresByteriAn chUrch
Cnr Greenwood & Tennyson streets, Burwood
Sunday service at 11am.
Rev Dr John Elnatan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9801 7645
Hua En Tang Southern Church
christiAn chinese chUrch
1 Electra Ave, Ashwood
English Youth Service: Saturday 7pm, Chinese Service: Sunday
10am, Children Sunday School: Sunday 10am
Contact homas. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0438-588-308
Burwood Bulletin June–August 2011
Uniting Churches
AshBUrton Uniting chUrch
3 Ashburn Grove, Ashburton
Minister: Rev David Fotheringham . . . . . . . . .9809 1795
10am Sunday Worship Service and Sunday School.
For youth activities and small group programs, contact David.
BUrWooD Uniting chUrch
Cnr Warrigal Rd & Hyslop St, Glen Iris
Oice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9808 2284
Services: 10am Worship and children’s program
10am Worship in the Round 1st & 3rd Sunday every month
2pm Korean language service. 8pm Taize service (4th Wed)
Hall/rooms available for hire. Contact: Pam . . . .9809 2917
BUrWooD heights
Cnr Burwood Hwy & Blackburn Rd, Burwood East
Minister: Rev. Ojitha Goonetilleke . . . . . . . . .9803 7631
Sunday services: 9.30am and 6pm (informal service)
glen iris roAD Uniting chUrch & coMMUnity centre
200 Glen Iris Rd, Glen Iris.
Minister: Rev David Carter
10am Sunday services. Communion and BBQ irst Sunday of
the month. Oice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9885 8219
E: or
st JAMes Uniting chUrch
1201 Riversdale Rd, Box Hill South
Minister: Rev Paul Voumard
10am Sunday service, Communion the irst Sunday each month
st lUke’s Uniting chUrch MoUnt WAverley
94 Essex Rd, Mount Waverley
Rev Judith Watkins. Oice 9807 2656 or 0408 580 880
Worship and Sunday School 9.30am every Sunday
Fun at Five: 5pm third Sunday of every month
Craft, song and light meal for children, families and people
of all ages. Young people (15-30 years) meet informally
fortnightly Sunday evenings for discussion and sharing.
For details contact David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9807 3630
Unity of Melbourne (Unity School of Christianity Melbourne Inc.)
4 Renown St, Burwood.
Unity welcomes all spiritual seekers to our Sunday Service,
10.30am every Sunday. Personal and Spiritual Development
classes. Spiritual leader: Cynthia Wilson . .. .. .. .. .. ..9889 8503 or
Wattle Park Chapel
234 Elgar Rd, Box Hill South, email:
Pastor: John Reeder. Services: Sunday morning at 10am
Sunday at 2pm bilingual service in English and Chinese.
Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9808 2728
Community Notices
locAl chUrches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29-30
Art & crAft, hoBBies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31-32
BoWling clUBs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
chilDren’s Activities AnD chilDcAre . . . . . . . 32
coMMUnity & sPeciAl interest groUPs . . . . .33-34
DAnce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
eDUcAtion / self iMProveMent . . . . . . . . . . 35
florAl Art/ gArDening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
The Abbey Girls of Victoria
Bennettswood Neighbourhood House, 7 Greenwood St, Burwood.
A club based around the books of Elsie J. Oxenham, most
famously the Abbey series. Like-minded book-a-holics with
a love of old school girl novels who enjoy a bit of a chat are
invited to meet for lunch, afternoon tea, an interesting activity
and some occasional English dancing.
Enquiries: Margaret on 9898 4369 or Mandy on 9337 3212
frienDshiP AnD Activity groUPs . . . . . . . .37-38
heAlth AnD sUPPort groUPs . . . . . . . . . .38-40
history groUPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
MUsic groUPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
coMMUnity centres & Activities . . . . . . . .41-43
volUnteering oPPortUnities . . . . . . . . . . . 43
MArkets fetes & festivAls . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
coMMUnity shoPPing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Arts & entertAinMent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
• Art & Craft, Hobbies
The Box Hill Community Arts Centre
470 Station St, Box Hill
Art: Painting, Drawing and Ceramic classes ofer an afordable
way of tapping into your creativity. Day, evening and weekend
classes available.
he Centre also has a beautiful art gallery showcasing the work
of our many regular users as well as the City of Whitehorse
collection and special exhibitions throughout the year.
Call 9895 8888 or visit for information.
Wordsmiths of Melbourne Poetry Group
his is a group of poets with a Christian ethos which meets on
the second Saturday of every month from 2–5pm.
Members meet to airm each other as poets and to critique
each other’s work. Well-known guest poets are often invited to
lead poetry workshops with the group. New members always
welcome Enquiries: Jean Sietzema-Dickson . . . .9890 5885
Australian Philatelic Society
Meets bi-monthly at Memorial Homes Hall
152 Canterbury Rd, Canterbury.
Interesting displays at all meetings.
Visitors and new members welcome.
For more information call John Young . . . . . . .9889 1385
Society of Folk & Decorative Artists of Victoria
(SFDAV) he society meets at the Craig Centre, Samarinda
Ave, Ashburton on the 4th Sunday of the month and caters to
the needs of folk and decorative artists.
Visit for more information.
Box Hill Handweavers & Spinners
Box Hill Community Arts Centre, 470 Station St, Box Hill
We are a non-proit group of women and men who meet
weekly to share our knowledge in spinning, weaving and allied
crafts. We meet Wednesdays and hursdays 10am to 2pm, and
Wednesday nights. If you would like to learn more about the
group contact Margaret Dimelow . . . . . . . . . .9898 1474
The Travelogue Club at Camberwell
Meets 2pm last Friday of the month at Chambly Community
Centre, 405 Camberwell Rd, Camberwell.
Seniors and retirees interested in travel and photography.
Our guest speakers will take you to various parts of the world,
visually relating their travel experiences for about one hour.
Phone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9889 7509
Camberwell Camera Club
RSL Hall, 403 Camberwell Rd, Camberwell (Melway 59 K2)
Meets 8pm on the fourth Monday of the month.
We have interesting speakers, competitions and outings.
For more information contact our Publicity Oicer
Gaynore Robson on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9818 6601
or visit
Waverley Gem Club
We are a local club with members from the eastern suburbs,
with activities covering a wide range of lapidary interests. We
teach gem cutting and silversmithing and a mineral group for
those intrigued by the details of crystals and their structure.
Our clubrooms in Mt Waverley have facilities for training in
our activities, and are open three days and at least one evening
each week. Phone Gwen, 9808 7510 or 9830 8046
or visit
Craftworkers Social Club
Burwood Neighbourhood House, 1 Church St, Burwood
Bring a craft project, share ideas, techniques and resources and
chat over a cup of tea. All skill levels and ages are welcome.
Cost: $2.50 a session plus a $7 annual fee.
Every 1st, 3rd & 5th (if there is one) Wednesday of the month.
Time: 10am–1pm or just come for an hour or two.
Enquiries: Burwood Neighbourhood House . . . .9808 6292
or Cathy Weaver (group leader): . . . . . . . . . .9808 4069
The Needlework Tapestry Guild of Victoria Inc.
Meets at he Box Hill Community Arts Centre.
A warm welcome to all who are interested in stitching to attend
one of our meetings. Saturdays 10am–3pm, Wednesday (2nd
each month) 11am–3pm, Wednesday (3rd each month)
7pm–10pm. Please contact . . . . . . . . . Anne 97283256.
June–August 2011 Burwood Bulletin
Community Notices
Waverley Arts Society
Mt Waverley Community Centre, 47 Miller Cres, Mt Waverley
(opposite Mt Waverley Railway Station).
Meets 7.30pm, 3rd Wednesday of the month (except Dec and Jan).
his year we are celebrating our 40th anniversary.
At each meeting we have a professional artist demonstrate.
We ofer Tuition in Life Drawing, Portraiture, Watercolour,
Drawing Fundamentals, Pottery and Decorative Art. Classes
also available for children during school term.
We also have a Contemporary Art Group (DARE) within the
Society. We conduct Outdoor Workshops and have an evening
Open Studio where you can ‘do your own thing’.
• Bowling Clubs
Burwood District Bowls Club
Men AnD WoMen WelcoMe
Two sites: grass and synthetic. Coaching available by
experienced coaches. Ladies and men’s pennant sides, social
bowls, indoor carpet bowls in winter
Phone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9889 5931
Camberwell Central Bowls Club
Cnr Bowen and Trumper streets, Camberwell
We have both regular & occasional bowls activities
Saturday & Tuesday pennant sides. Free coaching available!
We bowl all year round on our two grass greens.
Facilities for hire: barefoot bowls & other social functions.
We are a small friendly club.
Phone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9889 4456
Ashburton Bowls Club
neW & exPerienceD BoWlers inviteD to Join
• Children’s Activities and Childcare
Camberwell Childcare Association
Cnr Aird St & Riversdale Rd, Camberwell
Activity groUP
Wednesday 12.45pm – 3.15pm
Camberwell Childcare Association Inc. is now ofering a
supervised Activity Group for toddlers and pre-schoolers.
All sessions are run by experienced staf. For enquiries or
enrolments phone Anne Marie . . . . . . . . . . .9889 6002
Uniting Care Connections
St James Uniting Church Wattle Park, Forsyth Hall
1201 Riversdale Rd, Box Hill South (Melway 61 C3)
10–11.45am Mondays. Contact Margaret Ashby .. ..9808 5657
3-year-old - hursday, Friday
4-year-old – Monday, Tuesday Wednesday
Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9808 4495
Hartwell Occasional Care
Cnr Milverton and Highield roads, Camberwell
Sessions: Tues, Wed, hurs, Friday mornings
3-year-old: Tue, Friday afternoons
Phone Ros or Jenny on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9889 6622
St Matt’s Cats
A christiAn PlAygroUP for cArers AnD tots
St Matthew’s Anglican Church, 334 High St Rd, Ashburton
hursday during school terms from 10.30am–12.30pm
Enquiries . . . . . . . . . Leonie 9802 6406 or 0414 547 952
Children’s Activities
the Box hill coMMUnity Arts centre
1-3 Samarinda Ave, Ashburton
Phone Peter . . . . . . . . . 9802 1660 or David 9560 9598
We ofer a wide range of children’s after school programs
including drama, pottery, drawing and painting.
Phone 9895 8888 or visit
Bennettswood Bowling Club
Kids Club at St Thomas’
coMe AnD Join Us
179 Station St, Burwood.
Regular Open Days. Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . .9808 4373
Box Hill Ballet Association
60th Birthday Celebrations
Are you a past student, parent or friend of
Box Hill Ballet? (Formerly Box Hill City Ballet Group)
Register your interest to attend our
60th year reunion celebrations in July.
Send your name and address, and your link with
Box Hill Ballet to
Burwood Bulletin June–August 2011
St homas’ Anglican Church, 44 Station St, Burwood
Every hursday, 3.30–6.30pm, $5 per session, dinner included.
Suitable for primary school aged children up to Year 6.
For more information, contact Heather. . . . . 0416256485.
St Luke’s
St Luke’s Uniting Church,94 Essex Road, Mount Waverley
St Luke’s Pre School . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..9807 9710
Playgroups at St Luke’s: Melissa . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0409 330 347
Box Hill South Neighbourhood House
47 Kitchener St, Box Hill South, Phone . . . . . .9898 8270
Childcare and hree-year-old Activity groups
· Sessions in a well established Community House,
· Small groups (max 12) encouraging individual participation,
· Support for gradual separation,
· Qualiied local community staf members,
hree-year-old activity group: Mondays 9.15–12.15pm
Childcare: Tuesday & Wednesday mornings 9.15–12.15pm
Community Notices
• Community & Special Interest Groups
Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies Inc.
1/41 Railway Rd, Blackburn.
AIGS is a family history research centre open 5 days a week to
both members and visitors. Mon–Wed & Sat 10am-4pm,
Tue 7-10pm, Fri 1-4pm. Enquiries . . . . . . . . 9877 3789
or email or visit
Lions Club of Boroondara Central
Club Hawthorn, 627 Glenferrie Rd, Hawthorn. A group of
men and women of varying ages meet over a friendly dinner
the third Wednesday of the month at 7pm. Enjoy fellowship
and discussion of community projects. For further information
contact Pauline 98360541 or Margaret 0409 389 927.
Camberwell & District National Seniors
neW MeMBers WelcoMe.
Phyllis Hore Room, Kew Library, cnr Cotham Rd & Civic
Dve, Kew. Meet at 10am on the 3rd hursday of each month.
Meet new friends and enjoy our interesting guest speakers with
refreshments. Cost $4. Enquiries: Don . . . . . . .9833 4514
Camberwell City RSL Sub Branch
Club rooms are at 403 Camberwell Rd, Camberwell
We meet the 1st Monday of each month at 1.30pm. with very
good guest speakers. From May to November, soup and a
sausage sizzle available at noon, prior to the meeting.
Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9882 5580
Crossroads Victoria
BUrWooD heights BrAnch
(Christian Fellowship with Disabled Persons)
An interdenominational church-based organisation providing
leisure activities for people with disabilities meets at Burwood
Heights Uniting Church 3rd Saturday of each month.
Enquiries: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9239 2500
Golden Days Radio 3GDR 95.7 FM
If you enjoy the nostalgic sound of music from the ’30s to the
’60s, then tune in 7.30am–11pm daily. Check the program
guide online at or in he Age Green Guide.
Blackburn Lake Ladies Probus Club
Manchester Unity Hall, 8 Main Street, Blackburn. (Melway 47
K12) Meets 1st hursday of the month, 10am–12noon.
New members always welcome at our very friendly club
for ladies semi or full retirees. We have interesting speakers,
theatre mornings, ilm/luncheon mornings, outings, monthly
luncheons and cofee mornings. Give our friendly club a try.
Phone President Yvonne Roy . . . . . . . . . . . .9890 4316
Men’s Probus Club of Box Hill South Inc.
St James Uniting Church Hall, 1201 Riversdale Rd, Box Hill Sth.
Meets 10am–12noon on the 1st Friday of the month.
We have entertaining and informative guest speakers at each
meeting. We also go on group day-tours, to “ilm and lunch” at
the Balwyn Palace Cinema, to shows at the Whitehorse Centre,
and to the Box Hill RSL for bistro lunches.
If you are retired or semi-retired and would like new
opportunities to broaden your horizons and make new friends
then we would be very pleased to welcome you.
For further information phone: Eamonn Ryan .. .. ..9898 5647
Combined Probus Club of Burwood Inc.
he Whitehorse Club, 298-336 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East
(Melway 62 B7).
Meets 1st Wednesday of the month, 9.45am–12noon.
New members always welcome. A very friendly club for male or
female semi or full retirees. We enjoy monthly speakers, theatre
trips, outings, dine-outs and many special interest groups. Easy
parking, or catch the 75 tram. Lots of fun, so give us a try! Phone
president Beverley Grigg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9889 7137.
Combined Probus Club of Inala, Blackburn South
Rotary Club of Mont Albert and Surrey Hills
(afectionately known as MASH) A group of like-minded
people “like you and me” serving our local community. Regular
Tuesday evening meetings held at the Box Hill Institute.
For more details contact Jenny . . . . . . . . . 0407 689 777
3WBC: 94.1 FM
Whitehorse Boroondara FM Community Radio Inc.
Tune in to 94.1FM 3WBC for the best locally based
information and music programs. Free publicity for local
non-profit organisations. Contact us for an on-air interview
or to promote your meetings, functions and activities.
Become a sponsor/member/presenter/volunteer.
Contact. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9285 4846, Fax 9285 4849
Email or visit
Inala Village Auditorium, 220 Middleborough Rd, Blackburn Sth.
Meets 4thWednesday of each month from 1.15–3pm
Our club provides opportunity for social contact and
friendship, catering for retirees, men and women.
We have a guest speaker at each meeting followed by afternoon
tea. We also arrange lunches, trips and tours.
New members and guests are always welcome.
For further information phone Barry Cairns . . . 9803 3130.
Combined Probus Of Whitehorse Inc.
Horticultural Hall, Jolimont Rd, Forest Hill
Meets 1st Monday of each month, 10am–12noon. Easy access
parking. We are a small and very friendly club and welcome
new members. We have interesting and informative speakers at
meetings, a range of social activities which include day outings,
theatre trips, dine-outs, card afternoons for Solo and 500 and
also enjoy fun illed get-aways to interesting places.
If you would like to come along to see us for yourself, please
contact either president, Margaret Edgington . . 9884-8482
or membership secretary, Evelyn O’Keefe . . . . 9762-2468
June–August 2011 Burwood Bulletin
Community Notices
Probus Club of Chatham (cAMBerWell AnD Districts)
Women Freemasons
Meets the 1st Wednesday of the month at 10am at the
Salvation Army Citadel, Bowen Street, Camberwell.
Our mixed club ofers a range of interesting speakers and a
variety of activities and outings. We pride ourselves on being a
very welcoming club and very supportive to new members.
here is no joining fee, the annual subscription is $40.
Contact Secretary, Judith Clarke on . . . . . . . .9885 1444
Have you ever wondered what Freemasons do or what
Freemasonry is about? Freemasonry is an honorable, charitable
organisation, supporting the community and ofering personal
development to men and women members. To belong does
not require a prior association only a willingness to contribute.
If you would like to ind out more on how you can become
part of an equal fraternity, contact Mrs Philippa Bailey, Public
Relations Oicer, Australian Federation, International Order of
Co-Freemasonry “Le Droit Humain”.
Phone Philippa, 9876 3592 or email:
Men’s Probus Club of Glenferrie
Meets at 10am–noon on the 3rd Friday of the month at the
Kew Heights Sports Club, 397 Barkers Rd Kew.
Each month there are interesting speakers and many activities
to choose from, plus lots of social events with like-minded
members. Joining fee $40.
New members are welcome. Come and visit us this month.
Enquires Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0417554841
Probus Club of Ashburton Inc.
Meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the Ashburton
Bowling Club, 1-3 Samarinda Ave, Ashburton. Easy parking.
A warm, friendly, club of 17 years with an emphasis on fellowship.
Enquiries from recently retired or semi-retired men & women
are welcome. We have excellent guest speakers, lunches, social
events, holidays, day trips and special interest groups. Enquiries
Bob Flanagan, membership oicer . . . . . . . . .9822 2064
Waverley Kiwanis Club
A coMMUnity service clUB
Meets 7pm at Le Gaulois Restaurant, 260 Blackburn Rd Syndal
he Club meets for dinner on the 2nd and last Wednesdays of
the month. Enquires to Stephen Greene . . . . 0408 357 050
Association of Independent Retirees
MelBoUrne eAstern BrAnch
he Association of Independent Retirees is an Australia-wide
voluntary not-for-proit advocacy group for people who are
fully or partially self-funded in retirement.
he Melbourne Eastern Branch meets at 10am on the 1st
Friday of the month (except January) in the Senior Citizens
Centre, Silver Grove, Nunawading. here is a guest speaker at
each meeting. Visitors are welcome.
For details phone . . . . . . . . . . 9874 3143 or 9894 1989.
Association of Independent Retirees
MelBoUrne soUth eAst BrAnch
Meets 2nd Monday each month at 2pm. Odd months Mt
Waverley Youth Centre, Miller Cres (Mel 61E2); even months
Alvie Hall, cnr High Street Rd & Alvie Rd, Mt Waverley
(Mel 61D11). Membership is open to any retired person who
is self-funded or receives a partial government pension. he
Association is non-party political and is stafed by volunteers.
Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9803 4563 or 9807 7663
Burwood Bulletin June–August 2011
The Australian Shareholders Association
Wheelers Hill Library, cnr Jells & Ferntree Gully roads,
Wheelers Hill. Monash Group meets Feb–Nov, 3rd Tuesday of
the month, 10am.
he Australian Shareholders’ Association (ASA), a not-forproit organisation, has been protecting and advancing the
rights of shareholders in Australian listed companies since
1960. With a focus on good company performance and
governance, the ASA has been successful in raising the standard
of corporate behaviour in Australia.
he ASA is also a strong campaigner for improving the
inancial knowledge of members and shareholders generally.
We provide access to value for money, independent education
seminars and workshops. Most meetings we have a guest
speaker, speaking on investment topics.
Visitors welcome. Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . .9885 7166
Community Notices
• Dance
Education / Self Improvement
Scottish Country Dancing
Computer Savvy Seniors
Box hill AnD District scottish society
Are yoU interesteD in leArning coMPUter BAsics?
Hartwell Church of Christ, cnr Highield Rd & Milverton St,
Hartwell. (Melway 60 E5) No. 75 Tram, Stop 53
We meet every Tuesday evening March–November
Beginners, 7pm–7.45pm. Mixed 8pm–10pm.
Social dance night every 4th Tuesday.
Admission by donation, $7. People can come alone, with a
partner or in a group and of any nationality with no, little or
much dancing background. Wear a pair of lat, soft shoes.
Please ring Susie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9459 8503
Scottish Country Dancing
DeePDene scottish coUntry DAncers
Paton Memorial Hall, 958 Burke Rd, Deepdene
(Melway 45 K7, parking of Dale St)
Classes every Monday 8pm to 10pm,
Learn dances in class and then enjoy our Social Dances held
on 2nd Saturday of each month from March to December
inclusive. Come along and see what we do and have a go
at an inexpensive, fun, social activity that is good for you
Please ring Julia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9890 2546
A peer training program for seniors- no experience required.
You will be matched with a peer trainer who will start with
absolute basics, teach you about word processing and about
using the internet and email. Training is free and can be held at
a Boroondara library, in an aged care facility or your home.
For information contact Ellen Caswell . . . . . . .9278 4674
or email
Broadband For Seniors
Samarinda Aged Services, Ashburton, hosts a Broadband
for Seniors Kiosk – a joint initiative between the Federal
Government and NEC – for anyone over 50 years who is
interested in learning new technology to stay in touch with
friends and family. he kiosk is free of charge with volunteers
providing initial tutoring and then assistance as users become
more conident. he kiosk operates Tuesdays 10am to noon,
Wednesdays 10.30am to 12.30pm and Saturdays 10am to
noon. Bookings are essential.
Call to make an appointment . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..9885 0062
Welsh Dance Classes
Baha’i Community Of Booroondara
Christ Church Hall, 1 he Ave, Surrey Hills (Melway 46 H11)
2pm–4.30pm on Sunday afternoons once a month.
Admission by donation, $5.
For information on the forthcoming sessions
contact Ian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9878 2414
PO Box 32 East Kew, 3102
Dance for Fitness
Box Hill Community Arts Centre, 470 Station St, Box Hill
Mondays, 1.30pm – 2.30pm
Have fun and get it at the same time! A low impact dance class
for those who are looking for an informal dance class or simply
don’t like the gym. Enrolments essential.
Please phone . . . . . . 9895 8888 or visit
Round Dancing
Learn to dance individual steps, then put them together to
dance round the room. 7.30pm every Friday at Forest Hill.
Singles, couples and seniors welcome. Phone Fiona, 9802 5087
or visit
Box Hill Ballet Association Inc.
A non-proit, community based organisation providing classes
in Classical ballet (Cecchetti), Jazz, Tap, Folk and Wu Tao.
Classes are held in the Box Hill Community Arts Centre, and
“he Studio” (he Median Strip, Whitehorse Rd, opposite Box
Hill Town Hall). Students accepted from 4 years. Adult classes
also available. A happy, friendly and welcoming school, proudly
supported by the City of Whitehorse.
Enquiries . . . . . . 94343368 or visit
trAnQUility Zone:
Every Sunday at 11am.
Venue: Hidden Words Bookshop, 351 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn.
Spend some time to let go of the activities and demands of the
week and regain focus and strength for the new week to come.
Relect on inspirational and uplifting words accompanied with
beautiful and soothing music to relax the body, centre the mind
and refresh the spirit.
Admission is free and all are welcome. . . . . . . .9815 2020
1st Sunday of each month at 10.30am.
Village Roadshow heatrette, Melbourne State Library,
Entry 3, LaTrobe St, (Parking available on LaTrobe St)
An opportunity to relax in a tranquil environment and
relect on diferent themes. Soul Food features music, audiovisual pieces and inspirational readings from various faiths:
indigenous, ancient and modern from the north, south, east
and west. Soul Food is a free community event open to all. We
invite you to take some time out and join us.
inforMAtion night - introDUction to the BAhA’i fAith
Hidden Words Bookshop, 351 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn
Come along for a relaxing Friday evening. Learn more about
various aspects of the Baha’i Faith, an opportunity to ask
questions and browse the selection of books and gifts.
Admission is free and all are welcome . . . . . . . .9815 2020
June–August 2011 Burwood Bulletin
Community Notices
Power Talk International
PersonAl DeveloPMent
POWERtalk International (formerly Toastmistresses) can help
you increase your self conidence in speaking efectively in
public, giving presentations as well as developing leadership
skills. Our club ofers a supportive and stimulating atmosphere
in which to grow. We meet at 7.30pm every 2nd and 4th
Wednesday in Balwyn. Visitors will be welcomed at our
friendly club. Enquiries to Margaret . . . . . . . .9857 7813
Glen Iris Toastmasters
A new local Toastmasters club meets at the Glen Iris Uniting
Church Community Centre, 200 Glen Iris Rd, Glen Iris.
Improve your communication and leadership skills, whether
for work or social. More info: Anna Vandenberg, 9839 4195
or Mike McNamara. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0407 509048
• Floral Art / Gardening
Ashburton Floral Art Group
DeMonstrAtions, helPfUl hints AnD frienDshiP
Uniting Church Hall, Ashburn Grove, Ashburton
Meets 3rd Monday of the month at 12.30pm until November.
Fees: $15 annually, plus $2 per session.
Contact Hazel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9802 4462
Box Hill Floral Art Group
Pavilion Room, Box Hill Hawks Football Club (cnr
Middleborough & Whitehorse roads)
Meets 1st hursday of the month at 11am, demonstrations at 1pm.
We welcome everyone to come and join us at our regular
workshops and enjoy free demonstrations by leading
loral artists.
Garden Group 3rd Tuesday at 10am. Enquiries, 9808 6080
Boroondara Toastmasters
Boroondara Toastmasters Club promotes conidence and
self-development through the medium of public speaking.
Meets at Burwood Neighbourhood House,
1 Church St, Burwood (Melway 60 H6)
1st and 3rd hursdays of each month at 7.45pm
Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9888 8061
University of the Third Age
(U3A) hAWthorn, A coMMUnity self-helP orgAnisAtion
26 Sinclair Ave, Glen Iris (formerly Glen Iris Bowling Club)
he University of hird Age (U3A) Hawthorn is a community
self-help organisation, which provides a range of educational
and creative courses based in Boroondara for retired and semiretired people. here are no entry qualiication requirements,
no exams and no formal certiicates. Currently there are
approximately 90 courses and activities ofered over a broad
range of topics such as history, current afairs, modern
languages and science or practical skills such as jewellery
making, painting and Tai Chi. Courses are conducted during
the daytime, Monday to Friday. U3A Hawthorn supports itself
mainly through a low annual membership fee that entitles
members to attend as many activities as practical.
For more information on courses and enrolment,
phone . . . . . . . 9821 0282, 10.30am–1.30pm weekdays,
or visit
Camellia Victoria
East Burwood Uniting Church Hall, cnr Burwood Hwy and
Blackburn Rd, East Burwood.
Meets 2nd Wednesday of the month (March–November) at 8pm
Chrysanthemum Society of Victoria Inc.
Knoxield Church of Christ Hall, Scoresby Road
2nd Saturday of the month (except Jan. & Jul.) at 2.30pm
A specialist society in the cultivation =of Chrysanthemums,
primarily to exhibition standards, but also for table decoration
and cut garden lowers. Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . 9898 5458
Waverley Garden Club Floral Art Group
Mt Waverley Youth Centre, 45 Miller Cres, Mt Waverley
Meets 3rd Tuesday at 7.45pm
Floral Workshops- Come and enjoy a free demonstration by a
leading loral art designer. Join us at our regular workshop and
gain experience to make your own arrangements. Prospective
new members are always welcome. For further information
please contact Elizabeth, 9560 4804 or Maree, 9887 2074
Waverley Garden Club
Waverley Community Centre, Miller Cres, Mt Waverley
Come to our meetings and enjoy guest speakers, trading table
and a friendly atmosphere. We meet at 8pm on the 1st Friday
of the month. For further details . . . . . . . . . .9807 3507
Centre for Child and Family Development
Director: Ruth Schmidt Neven
formerly Chief Psychotherapist Royal Children's Hospital
The Clinic offers:
•Under Fives Counselling
•Adolescent Counselling
•Parent/Family Consultation
•Experienced child and adolescent psychotherapist for
emotional, social and behavioural problems
Medicare Rebates and Private Health Insurance Rebates
Appointments and Informal Inquiries: Phone 9830-0422
Burwood Bulletin June–August 2011
Barinna Garden Club, South Blackburn
he club meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 1.30pm
Call Margaret . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9890 6448
Camberwell Morning Garden Club
‘Chambly’, 405 Camberwell Rd, Camberwell
Meets 2nd hursday of every month Feb–Nov at 9.45am for
to 12noon to hear expert speakers on a range of topics about
gardening, morning tea and meet like minds.
Membership is open to all; an annual subscription is $10. he
Club also organises interesting day trips during the year.
For further details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9890 7878
Community Notices
• Friendship and Activity Groups
Fitness and Fun
296 High St, Ashburton
greAt WAys for over 50s to enJoy their DAy
Ashburton Support Services ofers activities to keep it while
having fun. hese activities are for seniors, 55 years and over.
So if you have made a New Year’s resolution to improve your
itness level come along, join in, have fun and make new
friends in a welcoming environment.
Early Bird Exercises, Monday, 9.30am–10.30am
Gentle Exercises to music, Monday 11am–12noon
Line Dancing, Tuesday sessions, 9am–10am & 10am–11am
Ballroom Dancing, Tuesday, 11am–12noon
Steady on Your Feet (falls prevention exercise program)
Wednesdays 10.30–12noon
Tai Chi, Friday, 2 sessions, 1.30pm–2.30pm & 2.30pm–3.30pm
Phone Fay on 9885 3815 to book for an activity or enquire
about other programs/activities at Ashburton Support Services.
Camberwell Senior Citizens
405 Camberwell Rd, Camberwell.
For information phone the club Mon & hurs on 9882 6947
or Debbie Kay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9808 3019
Life Activities Club, Balwyn
General meetings are held at 7.30pm on the 2nd Tuesday of
June, August, October and December at the Baptist Church
Hall, 136 Doncaster Rd, North Balwyn.
A social club and meeting place for active people in retirement
that ofers opportunities to participate in a wide variety of
interesting and enjoyable activities. Phone . . . . .9857 7128
Burwood Community Centre
Burwood Uniting Church, cnr Warrigal Rd & Hyslop St, Burwood
We are open from 1.30pm–3.30pm every Wednesday.
Company and entertainment in a caring atmosphere. All
Welcome. For information call Dorothy horpe on 9808 2200
Golden Wattle Day Club
East Malvern RSL Club, Stanley Grose Dve, East Malvern
Every hursday at 10am. Golden Wattle Day Club attracts
about 40 regular members from Ashburton, Ashwood,
Burwood, and Glen Iris, as well as East Malvern. New
members are very welcome. Contact Pat . . . . . .9807 4994
Monash Croquet Club
Electra Community Centre, Electra Ave, Ashwood
Social and competitive play in a friendly atmosphere.
Lessons for beginners. Please phone Jean, 9803 3433 or
E: or visit
Burwood RSL
11 Hyslop St, Burwood
Mondays & hursdays from 12noon – 4pm for social snooker
games. Competition Billiards and snooker on Tuesdays.
Visitors and new members welcome. Club phone: 9889 6283
Club secretary Damian Willcox, 9809 5502 or 0403 920 790
Burwood Country Women’s Association
Presbyterian Church Hall, cnr High St & High Street Rd,
Ashburton. Ph. Amanda Williams 9568 1682 (not Mon or Wed)
War Widows & Widowed Mothers’ Association
Burwood branch. Meets RSL Hall, cnr Myrniong & Hyslop Sts,
Burwood, 4th Wednesday of each month at 1pm.
We have a variety of speakers, demonstrations and outings.
Contact helma Dalrymple . . . . . . . . . . . . .9808 5568
or Noni Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9889 7458
Boroondara Life Activities Club
Salvation Army Citadel, Bowen St, Camberwell.
Monday: table tennis, swimming, card games (Solo), billiards
Tuesday: card games (Bolivia)
Wednesday: golf, luncheon (1st of the month)
hursday: table tennis, scrabble (1st and 3rd of the month)
Friday: dancing, day trips
Every six weeks: Dine Out.
Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9889 7458 or 9836 8027
Golden Age Senior Citizens Centre
47 Miller Cres, Mt Waverley. Monday–hursday, 9.30am–3pm
Open to senior citizens over the age of 55. Activities include
carpet bowls, cards (Solo and 500), craft, table tennis, snooker
and scrabble. Monthly outings. Phone . . . . . . .9807 7003
Box Hill Senior Citizens’ Club Inc.
Carrington Centre, 79 Carrington Rd, Box Hill
Monday: Gentle exercise, cards, snooker, bingo 1.45pm, ($3
per book)
Tuesday: Chinese MahJong
Wednesday: snooker, Chinese MahJong
hursday: snooker
Friday: cards, snooker, concert or speakers (cost $3)
Lunch in the dining room Monday – Friday at 12noon
Annual Subscription: $8
Enquiries: Hon. Sec. Shirley Crossley. . . . . . . .9890 4979
Nieuw Holland Social Club
for DUtch sPeAking Persons AnD their PArtners
A group for 50+ meets every hursday morning in the
Blackburn Senior Citizens Club, “he Pines”, at Central Rd,
Blackburn (A few minutes from the station.)
Weekly meetings 9.30am-1.15pm
For more information phone Inge Van Hoek . . .9877 1523
Burwood Evening VIEW Club
voice, interests AnD eDUcAtion of WoMen
Meets at 7pm on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the Box
Hill Golf Club, 202 Station St, Box Hill South, for dinner and
a guest speaker. Come along and meet new friends and enjoy
our interesting speakers. Visitors welcome.
For more information call heresa 0403 992 569 or 9836 1867
June–August 2011 Burwood Bulletin
Community Notices
St Scholastica’s Community Centre 348 Burwood Hwy,
Bennettswood. Every Tuesday. Open 6pm eyes down 7pm–
9.30 pm. $3 books all night, 3 sessions. Min $30 games prize.
Jackpot $500 - $2000. BYO nibbles, or hot snacks available.
Ph 9808 1006 or 0410 141 209. Proceeds to the parish.
Home League (Women’s Group)
PAnic & Anxiety DisorDers AssociAtion victoriA
PADA in Victoria operates the Panic and Anxiety Disorders
Treatment Centre. Individual and group counselling for
all anxiety disorders is provided by experienced and caring
psychologists. Specialist child psychologists are available for
children and young people. For a free information brochure or
for further information, please ring PADA on 9889 7355
the sAlvAtion ArMy cAMBerWell corPs
7-11 Bowen St, Camberwell (Melway 59 K3)
We invite you to Home League, an oasis for women of all ages.
Our group ofers enlightenment, encouragement and teaches
us to search for the deeper meaning of life. Meetings are varied
with speakers, bus trips, brunches and musical mornings. We
ofer faith and hope in a practical way. hursday: morning tea
from 10am, meeting at 10.30am. Cost: $1 a week.
Contact Jane 0414 451 228 or he Corps 9889 2468.
• Health and Support Groups
OverEaters Anonymous
Do yoU hAve A ProBleM With fooD?
Rowville Uniting Church, cnr Fulham Rd and Bridgewater
Way (Melway 82 A1)
Overeaters Anonymous meets each Saturday, 8.30am–10am
Meetings are free and there are no weigh-ins.
For more information . . . . . . . 5986 2768 or 9874 5527
Parkinson’s Victoria Inc.
cAMBerWell sUPPort groUP
Meets at 10am on the last Monday of each month at St Mark’s
Church Hall, corner Burke & Canterbury roads, Camberwell.
For information contact Ruth Harrop . . . . . . .9889 3499
Require Adult Day Care?
DAy cAre centre for DeMentiA sUfferers
Elsie Salter House, 11 Marquis St, Ashburton
Dementia is a term used to describe an illness which can
afect a person’s memory, intellect and personality. We ofer
professional care and encouragement and an interesting variety
of activities. Enquiries to the manager . . . . . . .9885 6426
sUPPort groUP for fAMily AnD frienDs of Alcoholics
Meets every Monday at 10.30am in the hall at the rear of
Wesley Uniting Church cnr Station & Oxford Sts, Box Hill.
Free Meditation
Burwood Neighbourhood House, 1 Church St, Burwood.
Meditation is a simple & efective process. Monday 10–11am,
Tuesday 7.30–8.30pm, during school terms.
Burwood Ladies Social Group.
Looking for something to do? Come and meet new people and
plan outings over tea or cofee.
Fortnightly Tuesday at 1pm.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..9808 6292
Burwood Bulletin June–August 2011
Tai Chi Classes
At Ashburton Support Services. Tai Chi for Osteoporosis,
Advanced Group, Intermediate Group, Beginners Group for
Arthritis. $4 per session. For details call Jenni . . .9885 3815
Anxiety Recovery Centre Victoria (ARCVic)
oBsessive coMPUlsive & Anxiety DisorDer sUPPort groUP
Boroondara Community Health Centre,
378 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn (old Post Oice Building next to
the Town Hall).Enter of Kent St. (Melway 45 D10)
Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm.
Support Group for suferers of Obsessive Compulsive,
Panic, Social Anxiety & Generalised Anxiety Disorders.
Also Agoraphobia, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Hoarding,
Trichotillomania, Phobias and related stress and depression.
Family members & carers are welcome. Support groups also in
other areas & a social group and pen pal service available.
Further details phone oice: 9886 9233, Helpline: 9886 9377
or email:
Warm Water Exercise Classes
MUlgrAve–MonAsh self helP groUP
Peter James Centre, Mahoneys Rd, Burwood East.
Mulgrave-Monash Self Help Group holds warm water exercise
classes under the strict supervision of a physiotherapist.
Presently there are three classes each Monday and hursday
evening. For further information phone . . . . . .9801 4758
Personal Helpers and Mentors Program
Level 1 / 12 Hamilton Place, Mt Waverley
PHAMS Monash provides community-based outreach support
for people who are living with a mental illness and reside in the
City of Monash. he program is delivered by Prahran Mission
and aims to build on people’s existing strengths and increase
personal capacity and self reliance, in areas such as:
maintaining or acquiring independent living skills
help with accessing transport
support to access other local services
support to access community activities and courses.
Agencies and GPs or other services are welcome to refer
people and interested people are also encouraged to self refer.
he program is free, open-ended and sets goals to measure
aspirations with outcomes. Phone . . . . . . . . . .9807 1846
Community Notices
Kara House Outreach Service
Health for Life Courses
Kara House is a Domestic Violence Support Agency
providing support to women and women with children,
experiencing domestic violence. Kara House also provides
specialised support to women from diverse cultural and
linguistic backgrounds. For assistance please phone 9877 9711
All courses are conducted by qualiied professionals. Over the
coming year courses commencing include: Massage, Sleeping
Solutions, Anxiety Management, Anger Management, Gentle
Exercise for Seniors (ongoing through the year), Yoga (through
the school term), Walking Group (ongoing through the year),
Reducing Road Rage. Costs vary. Our quality courses are
afordable and aim to support people in managing their health
and well being.
Blackburn Take Off Weight Naturally
(T.O.W.N.) Club
Eley Park Community Centre, Eley Rd, Burwood (Melway 61 H5)
Friendly Weight Loss Support. Over 300 clubs Victoria wide
for over 40 years, our not-for-proit weight loss club can help
you. Encouragement in the form of monetary and button
rewards for weight loss.We meet Mondays, 9.30am–11.30am.
For information phone Rene Gale. . . . . . . . . .9874 4043
Boroondara Lupus Support Group
Balwyn Library meeting room.
Meets 2nd Wednesday each month at 1.30pm.
his group is for people living with Lupus and associated
auto-immune conditions.It also welcomes their family support
members and friends into the group. here are regular guest
speakers and the group provides information support and
seminars for our members. Arthritis Victoria (which is the oicial
organisation for Lupus Victoria) also provides ongoing advice,
support and speakers. he meetings are free and afternoon tea is
provided. For further information please contact:
Maggie Kandi on 9817 2316 or
or Clare Hopkins on 9809 4998 or
MAssAge service At Box hill hosPitAl.
Health Promotion ofer Massage herapists at reduced costs: 1
hour $50, $45 Conc., ½ hour $35, $30 conc.
Work cover: $44.80 initial consultation, $30.10 standard
give UP sMoking
Eastern Health has established Tobacco-free clinics at Box Hill
and Maroondah Hospitals to help assist give up smoking. hey
are run by specially trained staf who will work with you to
speciically tailor a program to meet your needs.
For further information about the courses go to the website at:
Or contact the Health Promotions Unit . . . . . .9895 4947
Men’s Group
Meets fortnightly on Monday evenings at Camcare in
Camberwell. Men’s Groups encourage men of all kinds and
ages to discuss issues such as relationships, fathering, personal
growth, work stress and health in supportive, conidential and
friendly surroundings. Gold coin donation.
Contact Des 0402 522 261 or email
Seniors Register
MonAsh volUnteer resoUrce centre
A Seniors Register, which is a joint initiative between Monash
Volunteer Resource Centre, the City of Monash and the
Mt Waverley and Glen Waverley police, has commenced in the
Mt Waverley and Glen Waverley areas.
Contact Monash Volunteer Resource Centre. . . 9562 0414
MS Support Group
the Well WoMen’s groUP
Burwood Neighbourhood House.
Meets monthly on a Saturday afternoon.
We provide a safe, understanding, nurturing and empowering
environment where women diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis
can explore diferent natural approaches to wellness. If you
would like to join us, phone Jenni . . . . . . . 0425 740 927
Healthy Bones Group
the soUth eAst MelBoUrne osteoPorosis sUPPort groUP
We ofer information and support through newsletters and
meetings every second month.
If you can’t attend meetings (held at Mt Waverley Youth
Centre) you can be involved by registering for the newsletter.
For information on this friendly and informative group,
ring Carole on 95688727 or email:
Meals on Wheels
Ashburton Support Services delivers
Meals On Wheels to the area of
Boroondara bounded by Warrigal Rd,
Gardiners Creek, Burke Rd,
Camberwell Rd and Toorak Rd—
each day Monday to Friday.
Hot fresh soup, a hot main course and
a dessert al-ways provides a delightful
repast. Frozen meals are provided for
weekends and holiday periods.
If such a service would make your life
easier and more enjoyable, please
telephone 9885 6443 to learn more.
Ashburton Support Services
Ph: 9885 6443
296 High St
Ashburton, 3147
June–August 2011 Burwood Bulletin
Community Notices
Here2Help Pets
Power Neighbourhood House on Tuesday and Wednesday.
A free pet support program for older people and people with
a disability in Ashwood and Chadstone. Get help with dog
walking, pet grooming and cage cleaning.
Call Leonie on 9807 8789 email
Betting On A Better Life!
New MonashLink Community Health project
Do you live in the Ashburton-Ashwood-Chadstone
Neighbourhood Renewal area? Are you concerned about yours
or someone else’s gambling? Like to participate in this project
in any way? Activities include community education forums,
storytelling and digital stories project, world dance sessions,
games afternoons…and more! Contact Judy Avisar on 0426
245 897 or 1300 552 509 or
• History Groups
Burwood History Group
Meets at the former Burwood State School, 172 Burwood
Hwy, Burwood. First Wednesday of each month at 1.30 pm
A book on the history of the Burwood State School is
available for $10 from the Group.
For more information contact Valma Fell . . . . .9808 5482
Box Hill Historical Society Inc.
Strabane Chapel, 29 Strabane Ave, Mont Albert North.
Meets 3rd hursday of each month (from Feb–Nov) at 8pm
Archives open at rear of Box Hill Town Hall each Tuesday
11am - 4pm & 1st Saturday of the month 10am–12noon.
Further details/enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9285 4808
Waverley Historical Society Incorporated
If you have a question about the history of the Waverley area,
you are welcome to visit our rooms in Mt Waverley on a
Wednesday afternoon. For information about meetings and
membership, phone the secretary . . . . . . . . . .9544 8792
Email: or visit
Whitehorse Historical Society
Local History Room, Schwerkolt Cottage and Museum,
Deep Creek Rd, Mitcham. Mel 49 D7.
General meeting 1.30pm, June 11. Launch of Pat Richardson’s
book ‘Spiders in the Loo’. AGM 1.30pm, Saturday August 13.
Enquiries to local history room .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .9873 4946.
Music & Theatre Groups
Treble Tones
estABlisheD lADies choir seeks neW MeMBers
Join a friendly group of ladies who enjoy singing and bringing
the pleasure of music to others. Rehearsals Wednesday
mornings, Burwood area. Come and see what we do.
Contact musical director Lorraine Pollard. . . . 9807 5936
Bentleigh Organ Club
Coatesville Bowling Club, 62 Mackie Rd, East Bentleigh
Monday June 6th, 8pm–10.30pm, includes supper.
Guest artist: Ken Laybourne, renowned keyboard player, noted
as an all-round entertainer. Ken plays all types of music for
sing-a-longs as well as tips for amateur performers. Admission
$5 members, $10 non-members. Visitors always welcome.
Contact Jenny and Clif Restarick . . . . . . . . . .9528 2539
Sing Australia Choir
Camberwell Baptist Church, cnr Riversdale Rd & Wills St,
Camberwell Junction. Sing Australia Choir is a communitybased choir. Rehearsals are on Tuesday mornings from 10amnoon. Cost: $6, plus membership. No auditions, just singing
fun. Contact Wendy 9886 9405 or
Oakleigh City Band
A brass band in the City of Monash. Players of all ages and
experience welcome. Instruments and tuition available.
Phone Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9807 9624
Box Hill Community Arts Centre Community Choir
470 Station St, Box Hill
Our choir meets on Sundays, 2 – 4pm in Arbour Hall.
No experience needed– just a desire to sing as part of a
community choir. Enjoy the casual atmosphere, variety of
songs and a cup of tea! Enrolments essential: $54 per term.
Please phone 9895 8888 or visit
Scotsglen Singers Inc.
We are an all-female community choir who entertain shut-in
folk and raise money for a charity. We rehearse every hursday
afternoon in Glen Waverley and perform regularly in the local
area. he ability to read music is useful but not essential. We
sing in two/three parts and currently are particularly seeking
singers in the lower parts.
For information contact Elizabeth Adnams . . . .9807 6472
Hartwell Players Inc. Community Theatre
Burwood Bulletin June–August 2011
New members always welcome.We are a genuine community
theatre, anyone may join. here is much more to us than
performing! As a community-focussed theatre company, we
also encourage involvement from people with an interest in the
technical aspects (lighting, stage management, sound), frontof-house component (hospitality, ticket box and ushering)
and production (programme design, poster art, sets, props and
costumes). Please contact the Secretary Joanne Watt on 9888
0198 or 0408 366 481 or email
808 So much under one roof-something for all
1 Church Street Burwood 1
Short Courses/Activities
June/July 2011
PLAYGROUP & MOTHER’S GROUPS - VACANCIES 2/3 hour sessions am or pm Mon
– Friday
Large backyard with large shade trees, lots of equipment, cubby and covered sandpit
area. Lots of toys.
GROOMING for SUCCESS Learn all the techniques for presenting yourself when
applying for your job. For women who are looking at returning to work. Do you want to
learn the tips to update yourself? Come along! Tues 1 June 1.00 – .0pm
Free tastings & product samples.
1.0pm – .0pm
Bring your friends or neighbours !
Take home lots of samples!
*Please ring for more details and to book.
Community Talks with Afternoon Tea 1.0 am We offer the community Information & Support
Tues 28 June Stroke - What a stroke is? What to do if someone has a stroke?
How to recognise the early warning signs of stroke ?
How to prevent a stroke !
Learn more over a cuppa
Bookings essential
*Qualified Instructors.
Pilates pm Yoga am/pm
New Beginners Class, YOGA- Friday 9.30am
Strength Training – Tue/Thurs
Tai Chi - Thurs Balance for Seniors - Tues
Zumba Gold for Seniors Friday
MASSAGE - Shiatsu Massage, Reflexology appt required.
Book a Crystal Relaxation Session to relieve your stress Tue /Thurs
The Happiness Club Guest Speaker – “Postive Ageing” with Health Aspects 7.00pm Wed 3rd Aug
Enjoy social outings to different venues. 1 Jun – Stonehouse Galley, Warrandyte
3rd Thurs in month.
1 July – Monbulk Winery, Monbulk/Silvan
Please book to ensure your seat on the bus! . *Volunteer licence Driver required, Can you help?
Burwood Girls Social Group - go on outings to movies, coffee trips or lunch at “the house”
Craft Group - 1st & 3rd Wed of the month 10:00am
Bring your craft project, sew laugh & coffee
SCRABBLE Wed 10.00am
Boroondara TOASTMASTERS, 1ST & 3RD Thurs in the Month 7:30 pm
Ongoing Classes
Small lab of 5
Internet for Seniors
Beginners, Word, Excel, Intro to MYOB, QUICKBOOKS, MYOB payroll, Power Point, Internet/e-mail
Workshops in: Mobile phone, Twitter, Facebook, Defragging, Digital Cameras
How to Buy and Sell on eBay, Budgeting
Day & Evening classes available only $10 hour
Other ACTIVITIES Armchair Movies, Book Club. Community Roast Lunches, Ikebana, Mandala,
Cooking classes. Lone parents Grp, Women’s Wellness Group(MS), Breast Cancer Support Group
Info & Bookings PH: 808 Office Hrs 10.00 am – 3.00pm or leave us a message
June–August 2011 Burwood Bulletin
Community Centres & Activities
Alamein Neighbourhood and Learning Centre
Bowen Street Community Centre
49 Ashburn Grove, Ashburton
English As A Second Language: Improve your conidence and
skills in the English Language.
Computer Training: A range of fee-for-service classes ofered.
Horticulture Course: Sustainable gardening and developing
your own herb and vegetable garden (qualiied horticulturalist).
Certiicate III Aged Care, Certiicate III Home and
Community Care: Nationally recognised qualiication.
Leisure Classes: Yoga, mosaics, pilates, zumba, mandala
workshops, French and Italian for travellers.
Mens Do It Yourself Group: Meets every hursday 10.30am2.30pm. A supportive group for men to work on woodworking
projects, DIY jobs and creative hobbies. Call Sue on 9885 9401.
Community Support Services For Over 55’s
Shopping Service to Chadstone every Friday and he Glen
or Forest Hill on Monday, Tuesday. Dinner Dates every 4th
Tuesday – visit local restaurants in our Community Bus.
For a details of our activities, email:
or phone 9885 9401
102 Bowen St, Camberwell
We ofer day and evening courses for adults and children
For details and enrolments please ring the oice on 9889 0791,
email us at
or check out our website
Amaroo Neighbourhood Centre
34 Amaroo St, Chadstone
Our centre has a wide range of programs on ofer that include
Kids Karate, Art, Basic Computers, Basic Cooking for 1 or
2, Community Lunch, Family Violence Support Group,
Occasional Child Care, Garden Club, Tai Chi, Walking Group,
ESL, Ballroom Dancing, Creative Writing, Homework Support
Group and much more. Programs will be mailed out on
request. Our premises are wheelchair friendly and we welcome
all people, with no exceptions.
We also ofer the services of a Justice of the Peace.
Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9807 2625 or 9807 0570
Bao Lin Chan (Zen) Monastery
94A High St, Glen Iris, near Ashburton & Glen Iris train stations.
Classes: Chinese calligraphy, Tai Chi, Mandarin, lower
arrangement, vegetarian cooking and children’s meditation.
Call 9813 8922 or email:
For more information please go to
Box Hill Community Arts Centre
470 Station St, Box Hill
We ofer a range of art and lifestyle courses for adults and
children at low cost. Classes include: Introduction to Drawing,
Acrylics and Oils for Beginners, Fun and Functional Ceramics,
Pot Luck Pottery, Dance for Fitness, Hatha Yoga, Community
Choir and more. Call 9895 8888 for information.
Box Hill South Neighbourhood House
47 Kitchener St, Box Hill South
Exercises with weights, watercolour painting, individual
computer classes, EBay workshops, gardening, slow walkers
group, community lunches, cryptic crosswords for beginners,
what to do with your digital camera photos, English as a
second language, aerobic classes, mobile phone training for
seniors, craft, morning childcare, Friday morning playgroup,
mums and babies and three year old kinder group.
Pilates, Spanish, watercolour painting, book club, yoga, yoga
for over 50s, French , self help folk art and oil painting group
Pilates, Japanese children’s activity group, writers group, and
Sunday excursions. Room hire available. New programs each
term. Contact us for your copy today! Oice hours 9am–2pm
school terms. Visit
Phone . . . . . 9898 8270 or email:
Venue for hire
St Scholastica’s community centre, a great venue in a great
location venue for hire. Jenny Williams, . .. .. .. .. 0448 040 111
Over 50?
BreastScreen Victoria.
It’s important. It’s free.
And it’s close to you.
Convenient appointment times now available.
Call today for your free breast x-ray
13 20 50
hmaBlaze 076849
Burwood Bulletin June–August 2011
Community Centres
Bennettswood Neighbourhood House
7 Greenwood St, Burwood
Come along anytime Monday to Friday, 9am–3pm, and take a
look at what is happening at your Neighbourhood House.
Low cost courses and activities: Library Day (read & borrow),
Lunch ‘n’ More, Mah-jong, Parent/Child Groups, Solo, Social
Events, heatre Outings.
Art & Craft: Balloonology Workshops, Beaded Jewellery,
Community Craft Group, Craft Group for Uninished
Projects, Drawing & Watercolour Painting, Felting Workshops,
Leadlight, Stamping & Card Making
Music & Dance: English Country Dancing, Harp Group &
Tuition, Music for Tinies, Singing Tuition in Group or Individual
Health & Wellbeing: Gentle Exercises to Music, Massage,
Seniors on the Move, Strength Training, Walking, Yoga
Skills: Asian Cooking Demonstrations, Computer & Internet.
Phone: 9888 0234 or email:
Canterbury Neighbourhood Centre
171 Canterbury Rd, Canterbury
Contact us for a detailed program guide and further
information between 9.30am–3.30pm, Mon, Tue, hur,
and 9.30am–12.30pm Wed and Fri or visit our website.
We welcome all your enquiries and interest.
Phone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9830 4214
Surrey Hills Neighbourhood Centre Inc
157 Union Rd, Surrey Hills
Call us for our program, Ph 9890 2467 or fax 9890 8906
Waverley Community Learning Centre
5 Fleet St, Mt Waverley
Classes include: Art, Creative Writing, CPR and First Aid,
English for migrants, Introduction to Computers, Spanish,
French and German, Pottery, Latin Limba, Literature Studies,
Digital Photography, Dressmaking, Crochet, Mosaics,
Calligraphy, Gentle Exercise, Strength training, Pilates, Hatha
Yoga. Groups - Walking, Cycling, Craft, Laughter, Community
Singing and lots more. Interested in a new hursday Latin
Limba? Oice Hours 9am–4pm, phone
9807 6011
Lanyon Partners
Chartered Accountants
Level 1, 971 Burke Road
Camberwell Vic 3124
P 03 9861 6100
F 03 8678 3997
PO Box 8161
Camberwell North Vic 3124
Salvos’ Ashburton Store
ately we have been
reminded by media
reports of the rising cost of
living in Australia. Utility
and grocery bills, petrol; the
list goes on. One fact doesn’t
change and that is the variety,
great bargains and friendly
service at your local Salvos
opportunity store.
theashburtonsalvos’store hank God for the Salvos, as
they say; they are always there to help those who need them
the most. Five years ago this noble charity organisation
traded as the Salvation Army Family Store, now they are
simply called Salvos’ Stores with more than 200 stores
Australia-wide. Proceeds from the sale of new and pre-loved
goods directly beneit the needy.
We welcome the new Salvo’s shop at 203 High Street,
Ashburton. Situated in a busy shopping precinct, close to
Ashburton Community Centre, with ample car parking,
it is a handy shopping destination. he camaraderie which
exists among the employees is truly infectious. Jef greets
customers with a warm, welcoming smile and takes an
intense interest in his frontline position as cashier.
I couldn’t help but feel reinvigorated and positive
when I met store manager Sam Nicholls. He supervises
and directs the sorting of new and second-hand goods
arriving at the shop daily. “here is always demand for new
volunteers,” Sam says, “our shop relies on people from all
walks of life donating some of their time. We don’t accept
furniture, but anyone wanting to buy furniture can drop
in at our Oakleigh branch (50 Atherton Rd). You never
know what you will ind at one of our stores,” concludes the
Ashburton Salvos team leader.
he shop is open Mon–Fri 9.30am–5.30pm and Sat
9am–5pm. Every Tuesday is pensioner discount day.
Welfare recipients receive 20 percent of their purchases
with a Healthcare card. Diferent coloured price tags are
50 percent of. Catch those while you can! After all, your
purchases will help the less fortunate.
I recently interviewed Allen Dewhirst, CEO of Salvos’
stores in Victoria who delivered the welcome news that 12
new shops will open in the next year throughout Melbourne.
he Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal is up and running
throughout the year. hose willing to help destitute
Australians can donate money, homewares, clothing,
furniture, books and blankets.
For home collections or to leave a bequest to the Salvation
Army call 13 Salvos (13 73 58).
Currently funds are required to help the people afected by the
Christchurch and Japanese natural disasters.
Visit or phone 9885 6279.
June–August 2011 Burwood Bulletin
Volunteers–The Vital Link
Seniors Register Volunteers
volUnteering enhAnces yoUr life AnD it’s fUn
Assisting senior MeMBers of the coMMUnity to feel sAfe
You meet new people, you’re doing an important job and you
are making a diference. To ind out more about volunteering,
contact Monash Volunteer Resource Centre Inc.
5 Myrtle St, Glen Waverley. Phone . . . . . . . . .9562 0414
Safety House Association of Victoria
BecoMe A sAfety hoUse volUnteer
Wattle Park, St Benedict’s Safety House Committee
To become a Safety House Volunteer you’ll need to have an
adult at home (over 17) between the hours of 8am and 9am
and 3pm and 4pm on most school days. You will also need
a telephone. Every time a Safety House is used the police are
called. All Safety House applications are vetted by the Victoria
Police. If you would like further information please phone
Senior Sergeant Alan Badrock, committee secretary 9888 8377
Alzheimer’s Australia
thinking of volUnteering?
Alzheimer’s Australia Vic. Hawthorn.
Join our team of volunteers who provide telephone support and
information about memory loss and dementia.
Training provided. For further information phone
Judith Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9815 7847
Hartwell Players – good with sewing?
Based at Ashwood College, Hartwell Players Inc would love
to hear from people with sewing skill or an interest in fashion
or design to assist with the fun task of costuming plays for our
community theatre. We ofer a varied program, with costume
production required sometimes, or sourcing something suitable
or adapting an existing garment. We are a friendly bunch with a
broad theatre interest and would love to hear from you and we
have a decent costume resource to kick us of to a great start!
Joanne Watt, Secretary . . . . . 9888 0198 or 0408 366 481
Would you like to volunteer with the Seniors Register?
he Seniors Register has commenced in the Mount Waverley
and Glen Waverley areas of the City of Monash.
Further details can be obtained by phoning
Monash Volunteer Resource Centre . . . . . . . .9562 0414
Volunteer Alliance
Volunteer Alliance Ashburton recruits local volunteers for
community services in the Ashburton area. We have these
terriic volunteering opportunities available now:
A pianist or other musician to play at fortnightly singalongs
for dementia patients at Elsie Salter House Ashburton, an art
tutor to lead our Friday art class, a group leader for our weekly
itness class, a management committee position with Alamein
Neighbourhood Learning Centre, emergency drivers for Meals
on Wheels and social support and a bingo caller and group
leader at Samarinda Lodge Fridays 2-3.30pm. Do your bit,
make a diference, and have some fun too! If you can volunteer
for just a few hours a week, phone Margaret . . . .9885 3815
Eastern Volunteer Resource Centre
Drivers, Drivers AnD More Drivers neeDeD
We are a non-proit agency that has several programs, one
which is a transport service for people who are no longer
able to drive themselves but still live independently at home.
Volunteer drivers take people to various appointments such
as doctor’s, social outings and even shopping. Each driver is
reimbursed for petrol costs if they want to drive their own
vehicle. However oice cars are also available for use. It could
be half a day or a full day–any help is very much appreciated.
Please call to discuss this opportunity and other options that
may be available to you.
You can phone Mary or Margaret on . . . . . . . .9870 7822
Melbourne City Mission
the coMMUnity frienD ProgrAM
Are you ABLE to lend a hand?
ABle AUstrAliA services is seeking volUnteers
Activities include:
• Art, craft, cooking, gardening and music therapy programs.
• Recreation programs, fun days and social outings into the
• Assisting people with sensory impairments and other
disabilities with daily chores, reading newspapers, exercising or
accessing local shops or amenities.
• Support in fundraising, administration and events.
If you are willing and able to help support people with
deafblindness and other combined disabilities, Able Australia
ofers volunteer positions in many areas of creative and
professional interest.
Contact: Emely McCord . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1300 225 369
Burwood Bulletin June–August 2011
Volunteers are needed to donate a couple of hours a week to
spend with a person who has a disability and really needs a friend.
If this interests you, call the program coordinators,
Shane or Tracie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9488 1203
Burwood Bulletin distribution volunteers
Have you a few hours to spare every quarter?
You can either assist the packing team in Burwood or
hit the road.
We currently need help delivering the Burwood Bulletin
to pre-determined locations in the Burwood, Camberwell
and Box hill South areas. You will need a car to collect
the magazines and complete the delivery. It is a great
opportunity to meet new people and get to know your local
business owners. It’s also fun to do with a friend - a great
way to catch up and perform a community service at the
same time!
Please email your interest to
or call Anna on 0408 599 051 if you can help.
Fetes &Notices
Treasures @ Trinity
hird Saturday of the month 10am–1pm.
Holy Trinity Anglican Church,
177 Union Rd (Cnr Montrose St), Surrey Hills
An indoor boutique craft market and sausage sizzle. Handmade
(or home grown) items: home accessories, embroidered and
smocked craft, jewellery, baby goods, cards, cakes, wine and
lots more. Treasure’s Tearoom features Ivor on piano.
Friendly atmosphere. Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . 9808 0323.
Hawthorn Craft Market
First Sunday of the month 10am–3pm.
Hawthorn Town Hall, 360 Burwood Rd (parking at rear)
100 stalls of hand crafted original goods. he Market ofers
a unique selection of original handcrafted wares including
quality jewellery, designer clothes, children’s and baby wear,
toys, fresh produce and more! Entry is free.
• Farmers’ Markets
Boroondara Farmers’ Market
hird Saturday of the month, 8am–1pm
Patterson Reserve, Auburn Rd, Hawthorn
Taste and purchase fresh pasta, organic fruit and vegetables,
and more. he produce comes fresh from all over Victoria and
is sold from 60 stalls.
Entry: $2 donation. Phone Elisa Grassa. . . . . . .9278 4814
Whitehorse Farmers’ Market
Second Sunday of the month 8am–1pm
Whitehorse Civic Centre, 379 Whitehorse Rd, Nunawading.
Fresh produce from farms straight to you. Proceeds from the
market are used by the Rotary clubs for community projects in
the City of Whitehorse. Phone . . . . . . . . . . .9539 2443
Ashwood Farmers’ Market
hird Sunday of every month
Ashwood College, Vannam Dve, Ashwood.
$2, children free. Animal farm, jumping castle & live music
throughout the day. Fresh vegetable, cheese,
meat, deli foods, plants and much more.
Ashwood/Chadstone Community Fruit & Veg Market
Amaroo Neighbourhood Centre, 34 Amaroo St, Chadstone.
Every Monday afternoon from 2–4pm
Become a Citizen Advocate
• Community Shopping
Lions Club of Boroondara Central – Op Shop
1350C Toorak Rd, Camberwell (500m west of Warrigal Rd)
We have a large range of bric-a-brac, clothes, furniture,
electrical goods etc. he Op Shop is stafed entirely by
volunteers and all net proceeds are donated to help people in
our community. M–F 10.30am–4.30pm, Sat 9.30–12.30pm.
Golden Opportunity Shop
Just by Ashburton Station. he Ashy Op Shop Garage Sale
is an exciting new initiative for the male shopper on the
irst Friday of the month 10am–1pm. Special emphasis on
electrical goods, tools, outdoor equipment, gardening tools, at
ridiculously low prices for all the blokes who love a bargain. All
proits support Ashburton Support Services and our elderly
local residents. Contact Sybella Sullivan . . . . . 9885 6426!
Friends of Same
the sAMe coffee ProJect (eAst tiMor)
Friends of Same (pronounced sah-may) is a community based
group which funds vital development work in East Timor. We
sell delicious Timorese blended cofee, the main fundraising
source for our development projects. Friends of Same cofee is
available at a number of outlets in Boroondara and at Council
customer service outlets in Camberwell, Hawthorn and Kew.
We are based at Hawthorn Community House and welcome
new members, volunteers and mailing list subscribers.
For more information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9819 2629, email
The House Of Books
508 Whitehorse Rd, Mitcham (Next to St John’s School/Church)
he House is not-for-proit & stafed by volunteers with all
books donated. Funds raised are returned to local community
services. Average prices $1–2.. Enquiries . . . . . .9874 2389
Open Mon–Fri 10am–4pm, Saturday 10am–1pm.
The Salvation Army Thrift Shop
401-403 High St, Ashburton. Melways 60, G10.
Donations are the life-blood of our shop. We accept electrical
equipment, (no TVs or monitors). Please leave donations
between 8.30am–4.30pm weekdays, or 9am–1pm Saturday
behind the shop (enter from Poulter St). We always welcome
enquiries about volunteering. If you have spare time, there are
many jobs we can ofer. Ring Helen or Chris on 9885 4965.
Check on our Facebook page, he hrift Shop Ashburton,
become a shop friend and get the latest sale details. For us to
email you, contact
Amaroo Op-Shop
Amaroo Neighbourhood Centre, 34 Amaroo St, Chadstone
For information contact, Joan Garde . . . . . . . .9807 0570
June–August 2011 Burwood Bulletin
Arts & Entertainment
• Art
The Camberwell Film Society
60 years of Box Hill Ballet
Box Hill Community Arts Centre, opens Monday 18th July
An exhibition celebrating the past 60 years of Box Hill Ballet.
‘Winter Delights’ Exhibition
Alcove Art Shop, Box Hill Community Arts Centre
470 Station St Box Hill.
June 27–July 9.
Unique handcrafted gifts. Proudly sponsored by BHCAC and
City of Whitehorse. Details:
• Theatre & Film
Camberwell Community Centre, 33 Fairholm Grove,
Camberwell. Mel 59 J1.
Invitation to new members. he Camberwell Film Society
meets on the third Wednesday of each month, February to
November. Screenings at 7.30pm. Phone Bill Kerr 9347 6969
• Music
Australian Boys Choir Auditions
Auburn Uniting Church Hall, 3 Hepburn St, Hawthorn.
12noon–3pm Saturday June 25th.
Boys aged 7–10 are invited to audition for entry into the
prestigious and internationally acclaimed Australian Boys Choir.
To make an appointment visit
The Hartwell Players Inc.
Melbourne’s Oldest Community heatre, est. 1938
Ashwood College Performing Arts Centre, Vannam Drive,
Ashwood. (Of High St) Mel 60 J10.
MUrDer & Mirth
A season of One Act Plays this July:
8pm, Fri 8 & 15, Sat 9 & 16, 2pm Sat 9 and 16.
Mrs. hally F: Writer John Romeril, director Michaela Smith.
Committed: Writer Alison Knight, director Ann-Marie
O’Neill. Running Battle: Writer Phil Freeman, director Laura
Bradley. Fur Better or Worse: Writer Colin Donald, director
Laura Bradley.
Bookings: or 9513 9581
JUne 26, 10am–4pm
trading tables
Members Art competition
Art Display
Make And take Workshops
Memory Box Painting
Food & Drinks Available
$2 Entry
Society of Folk and Decorative Artists
of Victoria Inc.
Craig Family Centre
Samarinda Ave, Ashburton.
Information: Glenda King 9753 6720
Burwood Bulletin June–August 2011
Camberwell Music Society
concerts At the JUnction
Camberwell Uniting Church, 314 Camberwell Rd, Camberwell
he Camberwell Music Society Inc. is a non-proit organization.
Our aim is to provide a community service by presenting
quality music at a reasonable cost in a friendly atmosphere.
Morning Concerts: Tuesdays at 10.30am
For more information.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9889 2363 or 9882 4560
E: or
Surrey Hills Music Cafe
Box Hill Community Arts Centre, 470 Station St, Box Hill
Still the last Friday in the month.
June 24 Margie Lou Dyer & Allan Browne’s New Orleans Trio
Legends of Melbourne’s Trad Jazz for over 50 years.
July 29 Alan Lee & Jo Abbott: Alan Lee & Jo Abbott Quartet
presenting the music of the Modern Jazz Quartet
August 26 Bob Sedergreen & Friends: Featuring vocalists Jacki
Gaudion & Bridgette Allen
Admission is $16, with tickets available through Whitehorse
Ticket Oice, 10am–4pm . . . . . . . .9262 6555 or online.
The Boite
Box Hill Community Arts Centre, 470 Station St, Box Hill
Friday July 8 at 8pm. he Shannon-Goodrich Ensemble,
a critically acclaimed world jazz outit, recent APRA award
nominees. Bookings 9417 1983 or
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June–August 2011 Burwood Bulletin
Winter Warmth in Burwood Village
If winter means a cosy hot chocolate with friends, fine food and wine, or even a new look,
Burwood Village has it all catered for. From comfy cafes and hearty restaurants to designer
boutiques, furniture stores, professional salons and even a fireplace shop, the Burwood Village
Traders invite you to indulge in their winter wonderland. So for the upcoming season, head
down to Toorak Road and warm up in one of Melbourne’s most up and coming shopping strips.