MAY 2015 - Calvary Lutheran Church
MAY 2015 - Calvary Lutheran Church
CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH 6817 ANTRIM ROAD, EDINA 55439-1704 MAY 2015 Issue 5/1 MAY 2015 WELCOME! WORSHIP! WITNESS! Pastor’s Page by Pastor Jon Yarger Happy Easter to all of you! We continue with the Easter Season for most of May. We continue to learn about what it means to be a People of the Empty Tomb when our God is on the loose in the world. Here are a few dates you should know. May 3 – our multi-generational education event. Come and learn and have fun. May 10 – don’t forget your mother today. May 15 and 16 – the Synod Assembly. May 17 – Big Day. We have our last day of Sunday School, our semi-annual meeting, and our picnic. May 24 – Pentecost Sunday (right in the middle of Memorial Day Weekend). May 31 – Trinity Sunday. Hang on tight y’all because this is a wonderful and wild month. The following is a stewardship letter that is being sent to all those who pledge to Calvary. Many who do not pledge are valuable contributors to our mission together so I wanted to share this letter with all of you. Greetings to all of Calvary, This is a stewardship letter but I want you to keep reading anyway. This year we will have a sharper focus on giving than we have in the past. You will learn about a program we are calling “Ask, Thank, Tell.” I am encouraged and excited about our work together at Calvary these four months I have been your pastor. When asked to support the youth as they served us the Spaghetti Dinner you gave more than $900. This was about 150% more than last year’s record. When asked to support our local food shelf, VEAP, you gathered well over 900 pounds of food. This was 150% more than your previous best. This congregation is filled with compassionate and generous people. You heard at the annual meeting in January that Calvary runs most of the year in the red and then there are a few donors who bring us over the top by December. This is not unusual. Many congregations have a similar pattern. I think it is wonderful and worrisome. It is not a healthy pattern to continue for the decade to come. So I want to emphasize stewardship this year. It is the goal of the council to increase the giving of our members. I am asking this for two reasons. First we are given biblical encouragement to give. The concept of “First Fruits” shows us that a good and natural response to all of God’s gifts in creation is a gift in return. We respond to our being blessed with offering blessings to others. Jesus knew this. He talked about money more than he talked about faith, hope, and love combined. Stewardship is not a once a year topic. It is a front and center issue and is a part of what it means to be a Christian. The second reason has to do with how we do our mission and ministry. I have already said that I am so encouraged and excited by our ministry together. Pick your favorites: our youth program, our music program, our social ministry programs such as VEAP. I could go on and list about 30 ministries that Calvary funds. We are vital to this community. Your giving supports our mission. So. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Many of you have been generous to Calvary and these ministries for years or decades. Thank you. We could not be church without you. May the Lord bless you and keep you, Pastor Jon IN THIS ISSUE Pastor’s Page Page 1 Children, Youth & Family Education Page 2 Adult Forum Page 2 Worship & Activities Page 3 Social Outreach Page 4 Church Council Page 5 Bread for the World Page 5 Music: Thank you & Volunteer Page 5 Gift of Generosity & Fundraiser Page 6 Birthdays Page 6 Calendar Page 7 CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH PHONE 952-941-1251 WEBSITE Pastor Jonathan D. Yarger Christian Education Director Rebekah Moir Director of Music Daryl Erickson Organist Patti Arntz Administrative Assistant Susan Burman Bookkeeper Kristin Hueg Custodian Robin Radosevich pg. 1 MAY 2015 | Issue 5/1 Vacation Bible School (VBS) Spread the word: registration forms are online! Children, Youth & Family Education by Rebekah Moir, Christian Education Director So Many People to Thank! Believe it or not, we are coming to the end of another fantastic year of Sunday School. It has truly been a joy for me in my first year as Director of Education, but I could not have done ANY OF IT without the dedication and support of a whole bunch of amazing people including: Dottie Fergus, Jennifer Nelson, Traci Strittmater and Sandy Nelson who served as classroom teachers and rotation leaders; Dan Moir and Kathy Schulz, who served as substitute teachers (and Dan, also, for accompanying us many times on his guitar!); Pastor Jerry Larson and Pastor Jon Yarger; and every one of you who brought breakfast treats, read lessons, accompanied songs, came to opening, embraced the children’s leadership in worship, prayed for us, donated funds, art materials, etc. etc. etc. What a gift to be part of this Calvary community! Thank you, thank you, thank you! This year’s theme: “A Mountaintop Experience: Encountering God.” We’ll dig into five great Bible stories about meeting God on mountaintops. Dates: Monday-Friday, June 22-26 Time: 9:00am-12:00pm Cost: FREE! Ages: GOING INTO Pre-K through 6th grade (extended another year!), with LOTS of opportunities for older youth to serve as leaders and helpers. Register: Mission Project Update As of January 15th, we have taken in more than $760 toward our goal of $800. This year, in keeping with our “On Good Soil” theme, we’re raising funds for the ELCA Global Barnyard 2014-2015 SUNDAY SCHOOL THEME Sunday School Schedule May 17th: Our Last Day until RALLY DAY 9:00 AM BREAKFAST 9:15 AM Intergeneration OPENING 9:30 AM Class, Music, Art & Drama Rotations Third Sunday Worship Led by youth with Song, Art & Drama! Join us! Registration forms are on the Calvary website. Summer Youth Happenings Save the date! Tuesday, July 21: A Day at Valleyfair!!! All kids going into 5th grade next fall through High School are welcome to attend. More details on times, transportation, chaperones and costs to come. Hope you can join us! We are also planning a weekend retreat to the Yarger cabin in August (date TBD) for Calvary’s youth, their families, and then some! Watch for more information here in the Caller. Sunday Morning @ Adult Forum (9:30 a.m. in Library) by Bob Rorke, Adult Forum Coordinator Everyone is welcome in the library for coffee, fellowship and the opportunity to learn something new! Marty will lead a discussion on how federal child nutrition programs are at risk and what we can do to advocate for their protection. May 3rd – No Adult Forum, Please attend ON GOOD SOIL, An Intergenerational Sunday School Event (9:00 AM) May 17th – Jacob Oreso, Director of May 10th– Carol Dubay & Marty Fergus, “BREAD FOR THE WORLD: Advocacy for Domestic Nutrition Programs”- Carol and Church Relations, KENYA CHILDREN’S FUND. Jacob Oreso will share with us the mission work that the Kenya Children’s Fund does by providing life’s basic necessities including nutrition, medical care and education in a Christ centered environment. May 24th – HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY No Adult Forum May 31st – No Adult Forum Ideas for future forums are welcome! Do you have a passion, challenge or experience that you would like to share? Any ideas, including topics or presenters, can be forwarded to Bob Rorke. pg. 2 MAY 2015 | Issue 5/1 MAY WORSHIP & ACTIVITIES PENTECOST DAY (May 24th) is celebrated 50 days after Passover, or 7 weeks after Easter. Pentecost celebrates the day the Holy Spirit was given to the followers of Jesus, so that they had the power and courage to preach the good news. WEAR RED TO CHURCH ON MAY 24th HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY (MAY 31st) is when we remember and honor the eternal God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Trinity Sunday is celebrated the Sunday after Pentecost, and lasts only one day, which is symbolic of the unity of the Trinity. MEN’S BREAKFAST & FELLOWSHIP A great way to start your morning! Join the monthly Men’s Breakfast for great food and conversation. The next Men’s Breakfast is Saturday, MAY 9th at 8:30 AM. Bring a friend and your favorite coffee cup! We’ll see you there. WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY & FELLOWSHIP Welcome to the monthly Women’s Bible Study! We meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 10:00 AM in the church library. The next Bible study is Wednesday, May 6th. We discuss the Bible Study from the Gather Magazine (Women of ELCA). The third Wednesday of each month is the Coffee Fellowship. We meet at 10:00 AM in the church library. The next Coffee Fellowship is Wednesday, May 20th. D DEADLINE FOR JUNE ISSUE: Tuesday, May 19th. VOLUNTEERS FOR ASSEMBLY are needed on Thursday, May 28th at 12:30 PM CALVARY BOOK CLUB In May, our selection is Ordinary Grace, a novel by William Kent Krueger who is an exceptional novelist from Minnesota! The novel takes place in a small town in Minnesota in 1961. The book is part mystery and part meditation. I think several members of our congregation have already read this book. Please join us! We meet in the Library on Tuesday, May 19th at 5:30 PM. Comcast Channel #15 . SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE BROADCASTS Our Sunday Worship Service is broadcast through Comcast Cable TV (#15) on Mondays @ 8:30 PM, Thursdays @ 9:30 PM and Sundays @ 3:00 PM. CALVARY’s SENIOR INIATIATIVE Join us at the Bloomington Theatre to enjoy Roger & Hammerstein’s “Carousel” on Saturday, May 16th at 2:00 PM. Watch for more exciting events: Arboretum Tour, Science Museum, Lake Minnetonka Cruise and Plymouth Theatre. MARK YOUR CALENDARS for June 6th from 1:00 -3:00 PM. Marty and Dottie Fergus are celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary with a reception on June 6th in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone is invited to celebrate their Golden Anniversary. pg. 3 MAY 2015 | Issue 5/1 SOCIAL OUTREACH by Bonnie Rust, Social Outreach Coordinator ...............Calvary Lutheran in the World & Community SPRING CLEAN UP AT CALVARY on May 16th: Join us for Spring Cleaning at 9:30 AM. All help is welcome as we will be working indoors and outdoors, weather permitting. If you can bring your own cleaning supplies that would be greatly appreciated. There is a "Volunteer Update" poster on the bulletin board in the narthex to thank ALL the volunteers who have supported this ministry during the past year. Thanks to the Mesna family for providing the meal at Our Saviour's on May 17th. DONATIONS NEEDS THIS MONTH: Washable spoons and forks, breakfast cereal, men's razors and deodorant, laundry detergent, dish soap and locks for resident lockers. Many thanks to those who have already brought some of the needs listed last month. You are awesome! Be the Hero. Fight Hunger. You did a tremendous job of bringing in 932.6 pounds of food! It took 3 cars and 7 people to unload the cars at VEAP. We also had the privilege to get a tour of the VEAP facility, which only confirmed the great work they do for those in need. Many thanks to Pastor Jon Yarger, Bonnie Rust, Joyce Groth, Marty Fergus, Dottie Fergus, Heather Dick and Mary Dick. LENT OFFERINGS: Thank you for your generous donations to the designated ministries during Lent. You can see a poster of the results in the church narthex. Calvary will be sending your offerings to the following: $362 for Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota, $228 for Tree House, $360 for Global Health Ministries, $383 for Lutheran World Relief, and $283 for Meals on Wheels. The offering for Our Saviour's amounted to $562, however, these monies will be added to the existing negative account balance leaving us some money for the future meals. The offering for St. Catherine's on Easter amounted to $531. We anticipate sending a donation to them in early July to coincide with our 22nd partnering anniversary. Please put September 17-19 on your calendars!. A Calvary church directory is a necessity, especially with a new Pastor and many new members since the last directory was published. One of the things that needs to be done now is to be sure we have your accurate address, telephone numbers and email address in the church office. Be sure the church office has the accurate information for you on record. Calvary has been a member of the local chapter of the Church Network for several years. It offers us education, networking and a wealth of resources for church administrators and office personnel. They send out a weekly newsletter and have monthly meetings during the school year on a wealth of informative topics, many of which Carol Dubay and I have attended. They just hosted a "Day of Celebration" for church administrative support staff and I was happy to take Susan Burman as a guest. It was an opportunity to network, to hear a keynote speaker, talk to many vendors, get lots of free stuff, participate in breakout sessions, participate in a service project and to eat. In addition, there were lots of door prizes awarded. This is a valued organization and the day was not only fun but informative for both of us! [Bonnie Rust] We will be setting up a meeting very soon for members who are willing to be a part of our Visitation Ministry program at Calvary. This may include visiting, sending notes, telephone calls or in general just be a friend to our members and friends who are home bound, in a care facility, in need of special encouragement or just in need of a church connection. Please let me know if you wish to participate and I'll let you know a meeting date as soon as possible. pg. 4 MAY 2015 | Issue 5/1 CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH COUNCIL MINUTES Highlights: APRIL 2015 SUMMER MUSIC VOLUNTEERS By Becky Rorke, Vice-President/Secretary Reviewed minutes of last meeting & Finance report – motions made to approve as submitted, seconded, all in favor. Passed. MacBook was purchased for Education Director Cleanup – scheduled for May 16th. Last Sunday of Sunday School is May 17. Mission Project -More than $725 ( Goal: $800). Summer Coffee – volunteers are needed May through August. Pastor will announce in church. MN Foodshare/ “Pack The Pews” - held on March 22nd. 932 pounds of food items were delivered to VEAP Lent/Easter offerings $362 for Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota. $228 for Tree House. $360 for Global Health Ministries. $383 for Lutheran World Relief. $283 for Meals on Wheels. $562 for Our Saviour's Ministries. $531 for St. Catherine's Lutheran Church. A Stewardship Committee of Cindy Awes, Greg Coon, Brian Strittmater, Pastor Yarger, and Marty Fergus has met. Heather Dick’s Good Friday meditation on the Cross was moving. THANK YOU MUSICIANS Throughout the year our faithful choir members participate in the church service and weekly rehearsals. This is a big commitment and we truly appreciate it. In our year of transition, they have been a steady spiritual presence. Thank you voice and bell choir! CHOIR Mary Dick Dorothy Truman Wendy Bokovoy Bev Burman Lynnette Johnson Becky Rorke Diane Bomsta Bonnie Rust Linda Keesling Alison Graber Sharyn Larson Lynn Peterson Joyce Groth Marcia Coon Alethe Schlaefer Susan Burman BELLS______ Shelley Little Debbie Scott Carol Dubay Diane Bomsta Wendy Bokovoy Bev Burman Alethe Schlaefer Becky Rorke Summer is coming and with it our summer music schedule. Please look at your schedule and volunteer to provide the gift of music through the summer months at Calvary. Soloists, instrumentalists and ensembles are welcome and we encourage you to speak with our organist, Patti Arntz, to volunteer on a Sunday this summer. If you need accompaniment, please be sure to provide the music to Patti in advance. Volunteer as soon as possible by contacting Patti at . Your participation is appreciated. Thank you. BREAD for the WORLD (BFW) 2015 Offering of Letters By Marty Fergus & Carol Dubay Nearly 16 million children in the United States – onein-five – live in households that struggle to put food on the table. Many of their parents hold a job and work hard, but earn too little to cover all their daily expenses, including food. Millions of these children are served each year by our federal government’s nutrition programs, including school lunch, school breakfast, summer food service, child care food, and WIC. This year Congress will be reauthorizing these programs and has an opportunity to give more children at risk of hunger access to the healthy food they need. This will be the focus of BFW’s 2015 Offering of Letters Campaign. Here at Calvary we will have an opportunity to participate in this campaign by writing letters to our own representatives in Congress. Information will be provided at coffee hour on May 3 and 10, and at the Adult Forum on May 10. Completed letters can be brought to Calvary on May 17, where they will be collected and sent on to Washington, D.C. Special thanks also to Director of Music Daryl Erickson and Organist Patti Arntz. We are grateful for their professional talents and devotion to Calvary Lutheran Church. pg. 5 MAY 2015 | Issue 5/1 GIFT OF GENEROSITY Update on Tithes & Pledges By Brian Strittmater, Treasurer & Kristin Hueg, Bookkeeper Thank you for your financial gifts & generosity in March. FOR THE MONTH ENDING 3/31/2015 US Dollars with Cents Omitted INCOME: Offerings Extra giving Building Usage Other Contribution Cornerstone Fund 11,616 0 5,004 130 243 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ INCOME TOTAL 16,993 EXPENSES PRE-PAID PLEDGES Total CORNERSTONE FUND 21,578 842 29,995 May 17 Church Picnic “Close the Gap” Fundraiser Honor the Lord with…the first fruits of all your produce (Proverbs 3:9) The good news for Calvary’s finances is that income for the first quarter is almost exactly what was projected when we passed a budget at our annual congregational meeting in January. That budget also projected that our expenditures for the first quarter would exceed our income by close to $18,000 and, unfortunately, that is also on target. MAY HAPPY BIRTHDAYS: God bless you on your day! If you do not see your name on one of the monthly birthday lists, please call the church office so we can recognize you on your birthday. Also, let us know if you would like your name removed from the list. 5/1 Gavin Moir , Mali Siverhus 5/4 Don Schultz 5/5 Michael Salyards 5/6 Carol Dubay, Anders Peterson 5/7 Christopher Page 5/11 Josephina Nelson, Tanya Snyder 5/13 Diane Bomsta 5/15 Jeremy Keesling 5/18 Lynnette Johnson 5/19 Joyce Groth, Dorothy Truman & Sean Gallant 5/31 Cindy Morris SUMMER To help close this gap, our May 17 Church Picnic will be a fundraiser for Calvary’s general fund, which covers our dayto-day expenses. All money collected above and beyond the costs of the picnic will be designated for this purpose. When you put your contribution in the basket at the church picnic (or place a check with “church picnic” on the memo line in the collection plate during a church service), you will not just be paying for the picnic. You will be making a contribution to close the gap between Calvary’s income and expenditures. Please be generous! Please remember to sign up to provide treats for the summer coffee hour. Volunteers are needed from May through August. Information and instructions will be provided. Thank you to all the council members who have provided coffee hour every month from September through April. Your assistance is very much appreciated!! [Alison Graber] pg. 6 MAY 2015 CALENDAR SUNDAY 31 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Holy Trinity Sunday 9:30 AM Choir Practice 10:30 AM Worship 11:30 AM Coffee Hour & Crafters Fifth Sunday of Easter 9:00 AM ON GOOD SOIL (Intergenerational Sunday School) No Adult Forum 10:30 AM Worship (Comm. by Distrib.) 11:30 AM Coffee Hour & Crafters 3:00 PM Cable Broadcast #15 4 OFFICE CLOSED 5 ELECTION 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 10:00 AM Devotions 6 10:00 AM Devotions 10:00 AM Women’s Fellowship 8:30 PM Cable Broadcast #15 12 10:00 AM Devotions 17 Seventh Sunday of Easter 9:30 AM Sunday School Adult Forum 9:30 AM Choir Practice 10:30 AM Third Sunday Worship 11:30 AM Semi-Annual Meeting 12NOON CHURCH PICNIC 18 OFFICE CLOSED 19 10:00 AM Devotions 20 10:00 AM Devotions 8:00 EMPIRA CALLER Deadline 10:00 AM Women's Coffee 3:00 PM Cable Broadcast #1 3:00 PM Cable Broadcast #15 24 Day of Pentecost 9:00 AM Breakfast Treats & Opening NO Sunday School NO Adult Forum 9:30 AM Choir Practice 10:30 AM Worship 11:30 AM Coffee Hour & Crafters SATURDAY 1 10:00 AM Devotions 2 13 10:00 AM Devotions 8 10:00 AM Devotions 9 25 MEMORIAL DAY 6:30 PM Cub Scouts 6:15 PM Cub Scout Lead. 14 10:00 AM Devotions 15 10:00 AM Devotions 11:30 AM Meals on Wheels ELCA Synod 7:00 PM Cub Scouts 9:30 PM Cable Broadcast #15 6:15 PM Cub Pack 21 10:00 AM Devotions 8:30 AM Men’s Monthly Breakfast 12N: Girl Scout Workshop 6:30 Executives Meeting 7:00 PM Church Council Assembly 16 9:30 AM SPRING Clean-Up ELCA Synod Assembly 2:00 PM CSI: Carousel 22 10:00 AM Devotions 23 29 10:00 AM Devotions 30 9:30 PM Cable Broadcast #15 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 5:30 PM Calvary Book 8:30 PM Cable Broadcast #15 7 10:00 AM Devotions 9:30 PM Cable Broadcast #15 10 Sixth Sunday of Easter 11 9:00 AM Breakfast Treats & Opening OFFICE CLOSED 9:30 AM Sunday School &Adult Forum 8:30 PM Cable 9:30 AM Choir Practice Broadcast #15 10:30 AM Worship 11:30 AM Coffee Hour & Crafters SERVING AT OUR SAVIOURS FRIDAY Average Attendance in APRIL was 94. 3:00 PM Cable Broadcast #15 3 THURSDAY Club 26 10:00 AM Devotions OFFICE CLOSED 8:30 PM Cable 4:45 PM Robotics Team Broadcast #15 Year-end Celebration 27 10:00 AM Devotions 28 10:00 AM Devotions 12:30 PM CALLER ASSEMBLY 9:30 PM Cable Broadcast #15 3:00 PM Cable Broadcast #15 pg. 7 Calvary Lutheran Church Non-Profit Org. RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED U.S. Postage 6817 Antrim Road PAID Edina, MN 55439-1704 Twin Cities MN MAY 2015 Permit No. 2819 [Addressee] [Street Address] [City, ST ZIP Code] Our MISSION STATEMENT CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH welcomes all FUNRAISER & PICNIC JOIN US ON MAY 17th (following the short congregational meeting) SEMI-ANNUAL who desire to grow in the love and compassion of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, worship the triune God, and witness in service to our community and the world MAY 17, 2015 Immediately following the Worship Service and Before the PICNIC!! pg. 8