This Week - Calvary Baptist Church
This Week - Calvary Baptist Church
August 9, 2015 FAMILY MATTERS (USPS 555-800) published weekly for free distribution by Calvary Baptist Church, 5700 Cantrell Road, Little Rock, AR 72207-4494. Periodicals postage paid at Little Rock, AR. Postmaster: Send address changes to: FAMILY MATTERS, 5700 Cantrell Rd., Little Rock, AR 72207-4494 Volume 60 No. 30 MINISTRY STAFF Dr. Ed Simpson Rev. Jonathan Kelley Rev. Rick Couch Rev. Matt Duran Julie Forrest Cliff Hutchison Body Renewal - Gymnasium Pastor Associate Pastor Minister of Music Student/Recreation Minister Children’s Minister Associate Minister of Music 10:00 am Jenell Richards Monday, August 10 SUPPORT STAFF Deacon’s Meeting Bible Study/Sunday School Traditional Service Contemporary Service PreTeen Lunch Choir Favorites, Shrimp Boil & Pie Social CSM Small Group - The Berry’s Sarah LeMaster Mari Flemmons Leah Jo Wilson Rev. Chue Xiong 8:00 am 9:30 10:30 10:30 11:30 5:00 pm 5:00 Business Administrator Assistant to Pastor Assistant to Associate Pastor Mother’s Day Out Director Preschool Coordinator Laotian Pastor Sunday, August 9 All CBC Staff e-mail addresses are This Week Tuesday, August 11 Wednesday, August 12 Body Renewal Merry Music Makers Evening Meal Begins Church Conference Adult Choir Rehearsal Thursday, August 13 9:15 12:30 pm 5:30 6:35 Mother’s Day Out Zumba Body Sculpting Jazz Movement Calvary Baptist Church 10:00 am 4:00 pm 4:40 5:50 6:30 5700 Cantrell Road Little Rock, AR 72207 501-663-8303 | Zumba - Aerobics Room Body Sculpting - Aerobics Room Jazz Movement - Aerobics Room @CBCLR 12:30 pm 5:30 6:35 August 9, 2015 Traditional Service The Holy Spirit Our Helper: Our Faithful Companion The Well Contemporary Service 10:30 am Friday, August 14 Body Renewal Zumba Deacons of the Week: August 9-15 Mary Howell, Aaron Jensen, Rudy Jolley PAID Staff Member on Call: August 9-15 Jonathan - 501.952.2495 Periodical U.S. Postage Meal for Wednesday, August 12 Penne pasta with chicken, garlic & mushrooms Rolls, salad bar & dessert Little Rock, AR Permit No. USPS 555-800 Extended Teaching Care for Sunday, August 9 Jeri McMullan, Joe & Viki Keaton, Meredith Hickerson, Tyler & Faye Husser 10:00 am 12:30 pm Family Matters From: PASTOR ED A new church year begins this month. August is the time when children’s classes promote, and in some cases adult class members promote, but in the big picture, it’s an exciting transition period. Summer will soon pass, making way for the fall emphasis of the year. The kids head back to school. Labor Day is just around the corner, which symbolically finishes the vacation season. Upward basketball cranks up with registration getting underway. The deacon selection process starts this month. Budget planning begins. The Nominating Committee will soon start filling positions for the New Year recommendations. It’s a busy time in church life. With everything going on, its a good time to start the new church year with new, fresh commitments. How about a commitment to be in Bible Study and worship as often as you can? How about asking God to wipe the slate clean, and start the new church year with a desire to keep him first in all you do? He is ready. See ya this Sunday! Connection Service & Playground Dedication August 30 Join us on Sunday, August 30, as we worship as one family at our next Connection Service. We will meet in the Sanctuary at 10:30 am. Following the service, everyone is invited to a picnic fellowship and the dedication of our brand new, state of the art playground. Parenting Is a Choice September 18 Calvary is excited to announce we will be hosting a parenting seminar with special guest Mark Jones! Plus we will have a SUPER FUN NIGHT planned for kids. Parents, this is an opportunity you do not want to miss! Stay tuned for more information. THANK YOU! VBS Volunteers A HUGE thank you to all the wonderful VBS volunteers that worked all week to make this year’s “Journey Off the Map” a success! A lot of time and effort went in to decorating the facilities, feeding all of our volunteers, providing snacks, and teaching our VBS kids about Christ. We cannot say thank you enough! It was a fabulous week! VBS Worship Rally SUNDAY REPORT August 2, 2015 See next week’s Family Matters for August 2 Report Budget needs each week $27,306.00 Budget & E-giving LTV offering during Worship Worship attendance Sunday School attendance Preteens August 9, 11:30 am This Sunday, we have a special lunch outing planned for our preteens. Contact Julie ( for more information. Choir Favorites, Shrimp Boil & Pie Social August 9, 5:00 pm This Sunday night, be sure to come and hear our choir sing some of their favorite choral pieces. Following the concert, everyone is invited to the FLC for a shrimp boil and pie social. The cost for the shrimp boil is $5.00 for adults and $2.00 for children. Oh and don’t forget to bring your favorite pie to share! Promotion Sunday Pancake Breakfast August 16, 9:20 am Next Sunday, August 16, at 9:20 am, we will celebrate our Calvary children as they transition to their new classes. Pancakes will be served in the Children Pavilion. During the worship service, we will have our 1st grade Bible presentation. We look forward to this special time! CSM Convergence August 16, 6:00 pm Join us for our parent/student meeting held next Sunday, at 6:00 pm in The Hangar. Convergence is what we are branding as the time when students and parents come together as part of CSM for worship, meeting, food and anything else. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the vision and plan of CSM, calendar, and pray over the Student Ministry. This meeting is especially important for parents who have students entering CSM for the first time. Please make plans to attend. You’re Invited! August 16, 2:00 pm Please join the family of Tom and Julie Boyd in the Hospitality Room from 2:00-4:00 pm on Sunday, August 16, for a Drop-in Reception honoring Tom and Julie’s 50th Anniversary. No gifts please. “Changing Hearts, Renewing Minds, Joining Hands.”