May 2015 Newsletter - Hampton First Baptist Church


May 2015 Newsletter - Hampton First Baptist Church
Activities Schedule
8:30 a.m.
9:45 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Worship Service
Sunday School Classes
Worship Service
Kidz 252 Church Service
Hispanic Worship Service
Sanc Praise Band Rhrsl
Evening Worship
6:15 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
AWANA for Kids
Adult Bible Study
Hispanic Bible Study
Sanctuary Choir Rhrsl
Student FUEL
College & Career Bible
Study - Off Site
Preschool care provided for all regularly
scheduled activities.
Assisted Hearing Devices Available
Our Staff
Craig McAdams – Senior Pastor
Josh Faulkner - Student Pastor
Jorge Gonzalez - Hispanic Pastor
Peter Johnston – Children’s Pastor
Mike Murphy – Facilities Manager
Robin Long – Preschool Director
Deborah Carter – Financial Secretary
Lisa Harden – Church Secretary
Terri Nunez - Media Assistant
May 2015
From The Pastor…
My yard is a mess! There are days that I look in my back yard
and wonder, “What am I going to do with this yard”. Have you
ever felt that way? Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful to have a
big flat yard where my kids can run and play. My yard is great
and is very useful, as long as it doesn’t rain. You see, my yard
consists of a little bit of grass and a whole lot of Georgia red clay.
So, when the rains come our back yard becomes one huge mud
pit. Seeds have been thrown and water has been given but it
seems that there is very little growth of the grass.
You can tell a lot about a yard after a good storm. A yard can get
by on little grass and little growth until the rains come. Did you
know that Christians are much the same. We can get by with
little growth. It’s easy to pretend like we are mature and growing
in Christ. As a matter of fact, we can live pretty well and can put
on a pretty good show for others to see. We can even be pretty
functional church members. But, as soon as the storms come,
we become one big mess. Our true spiritual condition comes to
surface when the rains begin to pour in our lives.
Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy,
and slander of every kind. Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual
milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you
have tasted that the Lord is good. 1 Peter 2:1-3
Are you growing in your relationship with Christ? Are you immersing yourself in the richness of His Word? Spiritual growth will not
keep the storms from raging in your life. As a matter of fact, it
is possible that you may experience even more as you grow in
maturity. However, a life that is growing in Christ and is experiencing solid growth, will only get stronger when the rains come.
There are many great things happening at Hampton First. Take
time during this month and get connected in a Sunday School
class or involved in a ministry opportunity.
Here are some ministry highlights for May:
*Wednesday Night Bible Study continues to journey through
God’s Word! Come be a part of this incredible time of study at
6:30 on Wednesday nights.
*Sunday Morning Worship and Bible Study has been exciting!
Come and experience powerful worship and hear the new sermon
series called ‘Reclaiming our Character’! Our Sunday morning
Bible Studies at 9:45 are growing every week. There is a class for
you and your family.
*Vacation Bible School sign ups are starting now!!! Let’s make
this VBS the best ever. VBS will be June 7-11, 6pm-8:30pm.
I am encouraged at God’s mighty work in our Sunday School
Ministry, Music Ministry, Children’s Ministry, Student Ministry,
Missions Ministry, and the Academy. God continues to use our
church and grow our church for His Kingdom! See you at church!
Love, Pastor Craig
Seeking Christ - Serving Others - Sharing Truth
First Family News
JOY Club Bible Study
Tuesday, May 5, 10:00 a.m.
All senior adults are invited to attend the Bible
Study led by Pastor Craig. Then join
the group for lunch at Sakura Buffet.
Calvary Refuge Center Partnership
Sunday, May 10, 6:00 p.m. - HFBC Staff
Our church has agreed to provide an evening meal
on the second Sunday of each month at Calvary
Refuge Center. Sunday School Classes or Ministry
Groups are invited to sign up with the church office.
Director Tawana Tarno invites us to come share
the love of Christ with the families (est 45 people)
utilizing the emergency housing offered at the
center. Evening mealtime is 6:45pm. Prepare the
meal ahead, arrive at Calvary no earlier than 6:15.
Make your own plans regarding devotion, activities
and games with adults and kids, sharing testimony.
Anything to share Christ’s love!
WMU Meeting
Tuesday, May 12, 11:30 a.m.
All ladies are invited. Please meet in Room A118
for lunch and special time of fellowship and prayer.
Nicaragua Mission Trip
June 12-21
Please contact Josh Faulkner if you are interested in
contributing to this mission trip. Team Members:
Pastor Josh, Rachel, Elizabeth & Emma Faulkner
Pastor Jorge & Marlyn Gonzalez Chris Pelham
Chris, Bry & Sammie Simmons
Steve Thomas
Kolton Ingram Gabrielle Stott Caitlin Bowen
Romania Mission Trip
July 2-11
Please contact Jeff Harden if you are interested in
contributing to this mission trip. The team is collecting toiletry items to take. Team Members:
Hampton FBC - Jeff & Lisa Harden, Lindsey Spivey
Mt Olive Baptist - Travis Graham, Candler Caldwell,
Chris Camantigue
FBC Bunnell FL - Ryan Appling, Eric & Noah Trawick,
Nelson Bezanson, Veronica Cunningham, Ivan Kulov
Other International Mission Trips
Please be in prayer for each of the members as they
prepare and while they are gone and for the teams
they will be joining. Please contact the church office
if you would like to contribute to any of these trips.
Honduras - June 6-13
Judy Johnston joining Strong Rock Christian School
Guatemala - June 21-July 4
Mildred Casasnovas joining GA State Hispanic
WMU. Mildred is collecting toiletry items to take.
Japan - July 21-August 21
David DeRuvo joining Reformed Presb Missions
Israel - October 4-13
Kenny Dease & Eddy Thomason joining Georgia
Baptist Sons of Jubal
Pam Arney - On Mission in Albania
Please continue to remember Pam in your prayers as
she continues to serve the Lord so far from home.
Please drop off cards for her in the church office.
Pam has been On Mission since September 2012.
Ordination Service and Reception
for Peter Johnston
Sunday, May 3, 6:00 p.m.
Peter has accepted a fulltime position as
Children’s Pastor at Zoar Baptist Church in Baton
Rouge, Louisiana. Please join us to celebrate Peter’s
ordination into full time ministry and help us celebrate his time with us and God’s calling on his life.
Letter from Peter - I would like to thank the
countless children’s ministry leaders and volunteers
that serve here at HFBC. Whether you have faithfully
served for many years or have just served one time
when I frantically called for your help, THANK YOU.
Over these past five years I have been humbled by
the amazing energy, passion and creativity in our
leaders and volunteers. Thank you for pouring out
your lives into kids at HFBC and our community.
I would like to humbly ask that you pray for me as I
make this move across the country, and please pray
for my parents. Please know I will be praying for
this church as well. I know God has amazing plans
for HFBC and the city of Hampton.
National Day of Prayer Service
Wednesday, May 6, 7:30 p.m.
Adults and students are invited to come together
in the sanctuary at the end of the evening for
a special prayer service.
National Day of Prayer - May 7
Wedding Shower for
Katie Steger and Kole Floyd
Sunday, May 3, 12:30 p.m.
Katie and Kole are getting married in May.
Please join us for this shower in their honor. They
are registered at Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond.
Men’s Worship Service
Sunday, May 17, 6:00 p.m.
All men are invited to attend. Small Groups will be
formed and will meet once a month.
JOY Club Day Trip - Anniston Museum
Thursday, May 21, 9:00 a.m.
All senior adults are invited to join the group for
a trip to Anniston Natural History Museum. The
group will enjoy lunch before the return trip.
RPMI Training Day
Saturday, May 23, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Anyone interested in working with Relentless Pursuit
Ministries International is invited to attend. Please
see Josh Faulkner for more information.
Church Family Picnic at the Church
Sunday, May 24, 6:00 p.m.
Everyone is invited to attend. Please bring enough
food for your family and some to share.
Student Pastor Search Team
Please be in prayer for the members of
the new Student Pastor Search Team.
Chad Barnett Becky Dean Judy Johnston
Kayleigh Ferguson Dave Hemphill Erin Studstill
Steve Thompson Elliott Yancey
All students must have a signed
**2015 Medical Release Form
to attend off-site activities.
Available in church office & website.
## Parent Messages ##
text @hfbc123 to 404-620-2348
or email
Family Groups Meal
Wed, May 6, 5:00 p.m.
Sign up outside Josh’s office if you wanna eat!
Student Parent Meeting in the Café
Sunday, May 17, 12:30 p.m.
Please make your plans to attend the meeting.
Student Leader Meeting
Sunday, May 17, 4:30 p.m.
Please make your plans to attend the meeting.
DNOW Weekend
May 15-17 Cost $45
Register TODAY! Open to all students.
Invite your friends!
FAITH in Action
Wednesday, May 20, 6:00 p.m.
Family group site assignments will be on
the monitor in the main foyer.
Student Daytona Beach Retreat
June 29 - July 3
Cost $275
Open to
Final payment due May 17
all students.
Graduate Recognition Service
Sunday, May 24, 11:00 a.m.
Please make your plans to join us.
Old School VBS
June 7—11, 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Open to students completed 5th-12th grade
Invite your friends!
Summer Daze
Mondays, 10am-1:30pm - Bowling
Tuesdays, 6-8pm - HOME Family Groups
Wednesdays at Church, 6:30-7:30pm
6:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Open to kids 2 years - 5th grade
(as of Sept. 1) Parents of 2-4yr
olds must remain in building.
Please see Danielle Smith if you would like to be
a leader or listener in AWANA next school year.
May 6 - Birthday Night-April Fool’s Day
May 13 - Big Store Night
May 20 - AWARDS Ceremony
Parents & Family are invited!
May 27 - Outdoor Games Night
Hampton First Baptist
Children’s Ministries
Kids Summer Camp
July 20 - July 24
Cost $230
Balance due June 14
Open to kids completed 1st-5th grade. Please contact
the church office if you have not already registered.
VBS - Journey Off the Map
Sunday, June 7 - Thursday, June 11
6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Open to all kids completed K-4th grade.
Invite your friends! Kids will learn to
follow Jesus as their Guide. The journey
UNKNOWN to us, but it is KNOWN to
HIM. Please see Robin Long to help!
VBS Leader Meetings
Sunday May 3, 5:00 p.m.
or Sunday, May 17, 12:15 p.m.
If you’re interested in helping anywhere in VBS
please attend ONE of these short meetings.
Summertime - WOW and M&M’s
Wild Out Wednesdays begin June 3, 6:30-7:30
Marvelous Mondays begin June 15, 10-1:30
Summertime is going to be a blast! All kids
completed K-5th grade are invited to join us!
Hampton First Baptist Academy
Spirit Night at Truett’s - May 7
Spring Program & Graduation
May 14, 6:30 p.m.
Now Accepting Applications for 2015-16 770-946-4802
Praise Report
Welcome to HFBC!
4. Brook Gaouette
5. Emily Dean
Stewardship Report for April
Budget Receipts Received
Budget Receipts Required
Budget Receipts Received YTD
Budget Receipts Required YTD
UNDER Budget
Debt Retirement to Date
March for Missions Pledge $20,026
to Date
Attendance Averages for April
Total Sunday School
Worship (all activities during Worship svcs)
Hispanic Worship
Regular Sunday & Wednesday
Schedule is not listed.
May 2015
3 12:15 Steger/Floyd
Wedding Shower
4 Deacon/Ord Council
5 VBS Meeting
6 Ordination Svc
10:00 HFBC Snack
Cart-Main Stay
11:30 WMU Mtg
6:30 Girl Scout Prg
6:30 THM Group
Maria’s 2nd Anv
12:15 Student Parent Mtg
12:15 VBS Meeting
4:30 Student Leader Mtg
6 Men’s Worship Svc
No School
Graduate Recognition
5 Church Picnic
10:00 JOY Club
Happy Mother’s Day
9:30 Muffins w/ Mom
6 Calvary Meal - NO PM
Acad Spirit Night
5 Student Family Groups 6 Girl Scout Pro Rhrsl
7:30 Natl Day of Prayer
7 Hisp Music Rhrsl
5:30 Hisp Mother’s Day
7 Hisp Music Rhrsl
6:30 Acad Spring Prg
6 Student DNOW
6 Student DNOW
6 FAITH in Action
6:15 AWANA
Awards Night
7 Hisp Music Rhrsl
9 JOY Club Trip
Acad Last Day
AWANA Fun Night
7 Hisp Music Rhrsl
9-4 RPMI Training
Last Day
of School
7 Hisp Missions Night
12:30 Nic Team Mtg
No Evening Service
Upcoming Events
Seeking… Serving… Sharing…
June 3: Wednesday Summer Hours Begin 6:30-7:30pm
June 6-13: Judy Johnston - Honduras Mission Trip
June 7-11: VBS Week, Student Old School VBS, 6-8:30pm
June 12: Church Office Closed
June 12-21: Nicaragua Mission Trip
June 12: Church Office Closed
June 14: Calvary Refuge Center Meal - Faithful Beginnings
Kids Camp Balance Due, No PM Services
June 15-17: Southern Baptist Convention - Columbus OH
June 15, 22 & 29: Kids Marvelous Mondays 10am-1:30pm
June 21: Father’s Day, No Evening Services
June 21-July 4: Mildred Casasnovas-Guatemala Mission Trip
June 23: Student Home Groups 6pm-8pm
June 24: Students at the Park
June 27: Hisp Youth Night
June 28: No Evening Services
June 29-July 3: Student Beach Retreat, $275 due 5/17
July 2-11: Romania Mission Trip
July 3: Church Office Closed
Hampton First Baptist Church
85 McDonough Street
Hampton, GA 30228
(770) 946-4804
Address Service Requested
July 4: City of Hampton July 4th Parade
July 6, 13 & 27: Kids Marvelous Mondays 10am-1:30pm
July 6, 13, 20, 27: Students Bowling & Lunch 10am-1:30pm
July 7, 14, 21, 28: Students HOME Family Groups 6pm-8pm
July 12: Calvary Refuge Center Meal - Hisp Ministry
July 24: Student Stone Mountain Laser Show 4pm-11:30pm
July 26: Student Leader Meeting
July 31: Student Pool Party 6pm-9pm
Aug 1: Kids Back to School Bash
Aug 2: Student Parent Meeting, No Evening Service
Aug 4: JOY Club Bible Study, Lunch at Cravings
Aug 8: Saturday Serve Kick Off
Hisp GA State WMU Training Day
Aug 9: Calvary Refuge Center Meal - Lost & Found Class
Aug 12: AWANA Kickoff
Aug 19: Student GLOW Service
Aug 20: JOY Club Trip - Warner Robins
Aug 21: Hisp Missions Night
Aug 26: Student FAITH in Action
Non-Profit Organization
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Hampton, GA 30228