Premium/Entry - Camelot Equestrian Park


Premium/Entry - Camelot Equestrian Park
1985 Clark Road, Butte Valley, CA 95965
Pre-entries must be received 7 days prior to Show.
$15/Class Pre-Entry
$20/Class Day of show or Entry posted less than 7 days prior to Show.
For Information Contact:
Kendra Anderson 530-826-6778
Download Entries:
May 10th Mother’s Day Spring Show- Judge Peggy Fackrell
June 21st Father’s Day Summer Show- Judge Nicole Fowler
August 30th Finale Show - Judge Amy Young
Estimated start time 8:00 AM
Estimated start time 9:30 AM
Hunter Classes
Jumper Classes
Walk-Trot Hunter U/S Open
Walk-Trot Pleasure Open
Walk-Trot Equitation Jr/Am *
Walk-Trot HUS Jr/Am *
Walk-Trot Pleasure Jr/Am *
Future Hunter U/S Open
Cross-Bars 18” (Trotting Allowed) Open
Future Hunter 2’ Open *
Future Hunter 2’ Jr/Am *
Beginning Hunter U/S Open *
Beginning Hunter 2’3” Open *
Beginning Hunter 2’3” Jr/Am *
Equitation On The Flat Jr/Am *
Equitation Over Fences 2’3” Jr/Am *
Camelot Equitation Medal 2’3”-2’6” Jr/Am
Low Hunter U/S Open *
Low Hunter 2’6” Open *
Low Hunter 2’6” Jr/Am *
$100 Camelot Hunter Derby 2’6” (2’9” Options)
Open ($10 Add Back)
Beginning Jumpers II2C Argentine 2’
Pony Jumpers II2C 2’
Hopeful Jumpers II2C .70M (2’3”) *
Hopeful Jumpers II2C .75-.80M (2’5”-2’7”) *
Kindergarten Jumpers II2C .85 (2’9”) *
Kindergarten Jumpers II2C .90-.95 (2’11”-3’1”) *
$100 Camelot Jumper Classic II2B 1.00M (3’3”)
$10/Add Back
*Classes accrue points for year-end divisions
Year End Divisions
(must attend 2 out of 3 shows)
Hopeful Jumper .70M-80M
Kindergarten Jumper .85M-.95M
Junior/Amateur Equitation
Pre-School Hunters 2’
Future Hunters 2’3”
Low Hunters 2’6”
Walk-Trot Junior/Amateur
Save These Dates!
May 10, 2015
June 21, 2015
August 30,2015
Rain Date: September 20th
October 11th (back up if needed)
Ribbons awarded for 1st–6th place.
Prizes for 1st place. Year end points
are given to horse and rider combinations. Points are awarded based
on number of total entries in class.
At least two entries needed to accrue points in class. Must attend 2
out of 3 shows for year end award.
6 or more entries: 7-5-4-3-2-1
5 in class: 6-4-3-2-1
4 in class: 5-3-2-1
3 in class: 4-2-1
2 in class: 3-1
Camp in Camelot’s
shaded campground
for an early start.
If less than 3 riders are entered CEPF reserves the right to cancel the class.
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Class Specification:
Hunter Classes: Open to ponies and horses. To be judged on performance, soundness, way of going and when indication, manners
and suitability. Extreme speed will be penalized. Hunter classes will be run over a course of at least eight fences with at least one
change of direction. Clothing should be neat and conservative. The judge may penalize an entry for unconventional types of bits,
nosebands and martingales. Martingales are NOT permitted in hunter under saddle classes. The use of boots and bandages are
prohibited in hunter classes.
Walk-Trot Classes: Walk-Trot Open classes are open to all riders and horses/ponies; no cross entry restrictions. Walk-Trot Jr/Am
classes are for beginner riders only. Rider/horse/pony combo may not cross enter into any other division at the same show.
Equitation Classes: To be judged on the rider’s hands, seat and control of their mount over fences and/or on the flat. Open to
junior or adult amateur riders and horses or ponies. USEF Tests 1-9 may be asked in equitation classes.
Jumper Classes: USEF rules apply. Open to all riders on any pony or horse, unless otherwise noted. Course will be run over a
course of at least eight numbered jumper type fences. To be scored, unless otherwise noted, Table II, Section 2 C. Spreads not to
exceed fence height.
Class #15 Camelot Equitation Medal: Open to all junior and adult amateur riders. To be shown over an equitation type course
of not less than eight fences at 2’3”-2’6” in height, including at lease two change of direction. Work-off at judge’s discretion. USEF
Tests 1-9 may be asked in course or work off. Special prize and ribbon to 1st place.
Class #19 $100 Camelot Hunter Derby: Open to all riders and horses. The class combines a hunter classic with a handy hunter
class in a one round format. Minimum of eight fences set at 2’6” with a minimum of three option fences at 2’9”. An additional point
will be awarded for each option successfully jumped. The course will be built to encourage and reward brilliance and daring from
the rider and true athletic ability from the horses. Add back money paid to top three places. 50%, 30%, 20%. Special ribbon to 1st
Class #26 $100 Camelot Jumper Classic: Open to all riders and horses. Fences set at Level 2 1.00M (3’3”) Table II, Sec. 2 (B). Add
back money paid to top three places. 50%, 30%, 20%. Special ribbon to 1st place.
Other Show Information
All classes entered on day of show shall pay a post entry fee.
Classes will be guided by current USEF rules. The age of the exhibitor on Jan. 1 shall be maintained throughout the competition
calendar year.
Management reserves the right to cancel or combine classes.
All riders, whether showing or not, shall wear hard hats and boots. Approved protective headgear must be worn when riding anywhere on the grounds. Junior riders must have chinstraps fastened whenever mounted.
Every person riding on show grounds must sign or have a parent or guardian sign a release form.
No refunds without veterinarian or doctor’s certificate.
Any rider showing more than one horse must tell the gate person if there is a tack change.
If you need to add or scratch a class, please go to the office.
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Check Show Entered:
# _______________________
May 10, 2015
June 21, 2015
August 30, 2015
1985 Clark Road, Butte Valley, CA 95965
Rider Name
Date of Birth
Phone #
Phone #
Barn Name
Phone #
Classes Entered
Please stable my horses with:
Pre-Entries Receive a Discount!
Shows with low pre-entry count risk cancellation.
Please help ensure that the show goes on by entering
early. You can still add classes day of the show.
One horse and rider per entry.
Reservations for overnight stabling must be made and
paid 1 week in advance. Make checks out to CEPF.
Mail Entries: CEPF c/o Kendra Anderson
PO Box 7804
Chico, CA 95927
Pre-entries must be received 7 days prior to show.
_________ Pre-Entry Classes @ $15 each (7 days prior to show)
$10 Competing horse office fee
CDFA Drug Fee
_________ Added Day of Show Classes @ $20 each
_________ nights @ $15/night per horse (pipe pen)
_________ nights @ $25/night per horse (box stall)
_________ non-competing horses day use fee @ $15 per day
Tax Deductible Donation toward Covered Arena
$ 5.00
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Participant Hold Harmless Agreement
Name _______________________________________________________________________________________
Phone____________________________ Email___________________________
(A parent or legal guardian must sign if the participant is under the age of 18.)
I, The Participant, Parent or Legal Guardian of the participant acknowledge that competitive equine events contain inherent risks of
personal injury, injury to supplies, and to equipment. Knowing these facts, I nevertheless, in consideration of your acceptance of this
form, hereby for myself, my family members and/or legal wards, heirs, executors, and administrators in any way connected with the
event, property, boarding, lessons, sales, or any other activity described herein, their representatives, heirs, executors, administrators, and assignees release, indemnify, and hold harmless Camelot Equestrian Park from any liability for damages or for any and all
injuries that might be sustained by me, my family members and/or legal wards, including injuries to my employees and/or personal
property or from any and all claims of any kind or nature that I, my family members and/or legal wards might have as a result of, or
arising out of participation in any activity on the premises. Further, I hold harmless Camelot Equestrian Park for any sales, services,
or representations for the duration of my stay upon the premises.
Further, I do hereby acknowledge that this release will extend to any accidents, damages, or claims arising out of my participation,
caused by my own act, or anyone, or any animal within my control. I further agree that I will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless
Camelot Equestrian Park, its owners, officers, directors, members and agents any and all of them against all claims, demands and
causes of action including court costs and attorney fees directly or indirectly arising from any action or other proceeding brought by
or prosecuted for my benefit contrary to this release extended to all claims of every kind and nature whatsoever, whether known or
unknown, and expressly waive any benefits I may have, Section 1542 of the California Civil Code relating to the release of
unknown claims.
_______ I acknowledge that I, The Participant, Parent or Legal Guardian, will be responsible for any and all costs incurred by the
participant or the participant's family members for injuries or property damage that I or my family may incur, and that I,
the Participant, Parent or Legal Guardian, have accident medical insurance coverage in force for injuries that I or my
family may incur.
_______ I acknowledge that I, The Participant, Parent or Legal Guardian, should purchase and wear ASTM-standard/SEI-certified
equestrian helmets while participating in equine activities. I understand that the wearing of such headgear while
participating in equine activities may reduce the severity of some of the participants head injuries in the event of a fall
or other related accident.
_______ I acknowledge that I, The Participant, Parent or Legal Guardian, participate in this event totally at my own risk for injuries
or property damage I or my family may incur and, I acknowledge that I, the Participant, Parent or Legal Guardian, et al,
hereby release and hold harmless the sponsor, co-sponsors, their owners, their officers, directors, members, affiliated organizations and others acting on its behalf, from any claim, legal liability, legal action, or right of damages, for any accident
which may occur to me or my equine animal. I also assume and accept full responsibility for any damages done by me or
my equine animal.
I do acknowledge that I have read the foregoing Agreement, and know, and understand, and agree to the content thereof.
Participant’s Signature_________________________________________ Print name_____________________________________
I, the parent or legal guardian of __________________________________, for and in consideration of my child or ward’s participation
at Camelot Equestrian Park, state that I have read, and understand, and agree to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
I further warrant that I have health and accident insurance on said minor.
Signature_______________________________________________ Print name__________________________________________
Executed on this ________ day of ____________, 20___.
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