International Mass - St Joseph`s Catholic Church


International Mass - St Joseph`s Catholic Church
Parish Newsletter
St. Joseph’s Church
Conway Road, Colwyn Bay Tel: 01492 532670
Parish Priest: Fr Mike Ryan OMI
Assistant Priest: Fr Frank Gormley OMI
Mass Times: Saturday (vigil) 5.30pm Sunday: 9.30am and 11.00am
Weekdays: Convent: 10am. Church 12.00pm
Reconciliation: Saturday 11-11.30am and 5-5.30pm
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Saturdays: 11.00-12pm,
Baptisms and Marriages by appointment.
Parish Safe-Guarding Representative: Sr Clare Morley.
Hospital Chaplains on call:
Glan Clwyd: Mrs Sheila Johnson: 07717182557.
Llandudno Hospital: Fr James Fealey: 01492 877353 Ysbyty Gwynedd: Fr Adrian
Morrin (01248 370421). Colwyn Bay Hospital: Fr Mike and Fr Frank: 01492 532670
Welcome to our parish Masses on this feast of the Ascension of the Lord.
Collections: Church collection last weekend: £755.33p (Gift Aid: £285 Loose: £470.33 )
International Mass
Next Sunday, 24th May (feast of Pentecost) in St Joseph’s at 9.30pm.
Come in your national dress and bring a dish of food typical of your
country of origin to share in the parish centre afterwards.
Any ideas you may have, speak to Nellie or Fr Mike….e.g. the Phillipino
community are planning an offertory hymn in their own language.
Those who go to the 11am Mass, come earlier and join in the social.
Please remember our sick and housebound: Terry Dillon, Rosemary Butcher, Basil Sanders,
Elsie Allsup, Edward Burke, Neil Hogan, Fr Colm O’Riain OMI, Stacey Usher, Peter Smith,
William Richardson, Josie Canning, Eddie Hosker, Annie O’Neill, Rose Bostock, Heather Maxwell,
John Lyon, Frank Shaw, Patrick Murtagh, Ruth Quinton, Joe Henshaw, Kathleen Sweeney,
Maurice Doyle, Molly Coney, Teresa Morgan, Pat Godfrey, Paddy Kelly, Ellis Holland,
Hilary Ojuri, Paul Braid, Agnes Wright, Jim Griffith, Eve Jones and Kenzy Njoku
Anniversaries: Ted Fitzsimons, Kathleen Cronin, Antonio Portoles, Norman Butcher , Bruno
Chiesa and Betty Hyde
May they rest in peace.
Wedding Bells: Our congratulations to Martin Peter Eland and Anna Catherine Moloney
who were married yesterday (Saturday 16th May) at St Joseph’s.
for your diaries
SVP Meeting meeting this Monday, 18th May at 7pm.
Prayer Group meets on Tuesday at 7.30pm in the presbytery.
Holy Communion Preparation: In the parish centre: 3.30-4.15pm.
Parents meeting with Fr Mike and Sr Joy in the school at 3.30pm till 4.15pm
Bright Lights Youth group meets on Friday next in the parish centre at 6.30pm The groups
making a “Creation Garden” at the parish centre and organising a Family Day at the beach on 11th
Indian Community Mass next Sunday 24th May at 5.30pm in St Joseph’s.
The ROS Savoyards will perform “Trial by Jury” and H.M.S. Pinaforte” in St Joseph’s
Church on 10th July 2015.
S.P.U.C. April winner of £50 is Bridget Coffe.
Pick it up at the repository.
Parish Council Elections will be held on the weekend of 27/28th June 2015.
Nominations for 9 new members will be made on the weekend of 30th/31st May 2015.
We hope to have a good “mix’ of parishioners on the new council reflecting the age range and
ethnic diversity of our parish community.
Also we need fresh ideas to take forward the suggestions that came from our Parish Assembly.
The Finance Committee At their meeting last Monday, the committee heard that 20
parishioners have signed up to gift aid their weekly offerings. When the forms have been processed
by the diocesan accountant, you will receive your new box of envelopes to use for your weekly
contribution. The Parish Centre: The committee has again proposed turning the centre into 5/6
luxury flats to be sold or leased. Dermot Ryan asked to undertake a two month feasibility study
and report back to the committee. Two concerns made by Fr Mike: 1) the parish should not have to
borrow a large amount of money to finance this project and 2) the parish should not lose the
community centre facilities for meetings, social event etc.
The parish will be invited to a consultation before any action is taken.
It was noted that Fr Mike is in need of some help in doing the parish finances and gift aid, and the
cooking and cleaning!!
Holes in the tarmac in front of the church entrance have been filled in to minimise any accidents.
We are looking at the possibility of sanding and varnishing the lovely parquet floor in the sanctuary.s
Smile: Did you hear about our 83-year-old parishioner who was speeding on her way to Mass last
week, and tried to talk herself out of a speeding fine by saying to the police officer that she had to
get to St. Joseph’s quickly before she forgot where she was going!
Prayer: Father of all, give your Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, to all those who make and administer our
laws, so that they may be guided by the wisdom and teachings of your Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen