4th Sunday of Easter 26th April 2015


4th Sunday of Easter 26th April 2015
4th Sunday of Easter
Entrance Antiphon:
The earth is full of the goodness of the
Lord; by the word of the Lord were the
heavens made. Alleluia.
1st Reading: Acts: 4: 8-12
Responsorial Psalm 117
Response: The stone which the builders
rejected has become the corner stone
1. Alleluia!
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good for
his love has no end. It is better to take
refuge in the Lord than to trust in men;
it is better to take refuge in the Lord than
to trust in princes. (R)
2. I will thank you for you have given
answer and you are my saviour.
The stone which the builders rejected has
become the corner stone.
This is the work of the Lord, a marvel in
our eyes.(R)
3. Blessed in the name of the Lord is he
who comes. We bless you from the house
of the Lord; I will thank you for you have
given answer and you are my saviour.
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good;
for his love has no end. (R).
2nd Reading: John 3: 1-2
Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia!
I am the good shepherd says the Lord; I
know my own sheep and my own know
me. Alleluia!
Gospel: John 10: 11-18
Communion Antiphon: The Good
Shepherd is risen! He who laid down his
life for his sheep, who died for his flock,
he is risen. Alleluia.
Please pray for the repose of the souls of:
Joseph Goodwin, Rose Daly, Christian Johansen,
Joan Ann Goodall , Sonia McKenzie, David Bryan
Cecil Hubbard, Margaret Davies. Frances Lavelle
-Jones, Joseph Turrell, Paddy Kerrigan, Mary
Blacoe, George Francis Murphy, Barbara Gaffney, Eileen Jones, Michael Angelo Gizzi, Mary
Humphries, Christopher and Clifford Browne,
John Michael Sharkey. Islwyn Hughes, Sheila
Mary Butler, Elodia Dekmyn, Michael James
Crilly, Donald Garvin, Michael Hassett, George
Parker, John McKillen, James Kerr, Joseph Sherlock, Theresa Golden, Margaret Stott , Mary Harrison, Frank Rozario, Anne Goudie, Christine
Eddlestone, Jimmy Prendergast, June Pinchon,
Pat Loftus, Martin Keane, Janina Majka, Paul
Clarke, Robert Herdman, Margaret McCarroll,
Louie Gizzi , Joan Norris, Margaret Evans, Ian
Yates, Matthew Mark O’Brien, John Hallwood.
Joe Crinigan, Stephen Finnihan, Brenda Grace
Lewis and Brian Newell.
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, may they
rest in peace. AMEN.
For the sick: Barbara and Frank Cottington,
Josephine Brady, James Warburton, Arthur
Jones, Aileen Bull, Marion Roberts, Norrie and
Bill Jones, Lisa Gawn, Brian Harris, Mrs. Whitely,
Thomas Nelson, Sonia and Ronnie McNeill, Edith
Lowe, Val Byrne, Georgina Wright, Rhoda
Gracey, Arthur Underhill, Jack Doyle, Mary Peters, Myra O’Hara, John, Karina Edwards, John
Burke, and all sick parishioners.
(Please let us know if you wish to add a name to
the sick list, or let us know if people no longer
need to be prayed for).
Our Lady of the
Catholic Church
Fourth Sunday of Easter
26th April 2015
Year of Mark (ie Year B of the three year cycle of readings)
5.00 pm - Mary Hall RIP
10.00am - Mass for the People
- no service TUESDAY
9.30 am - Deceased members Fagan and Tierney families
WEDNESDAY 9.30 am - Ian Yates RIP
6.30 pm - Nazarino Franco
9.30 am - Wayne Jefferies RIP
10.30-11.30 am Holy Hour with morning prayer of the Church
plus the Sacrament of Reconciliation
5.00 pm - Teresa Lees RIP
SUNDAY 10.00 am - Mass for the People
Please note:
Thursday’s Mass next week will be at 6.30 pm in
the evening.
Office day will
be Wednesday,
Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays10.30am-11.15am and 4.15-4.45pm
Open Office Day Thursdays 9.00am—4.00pm
For all enquiries or sacraments see as below
For Baptism tel 01745354311
Please let Fr Charles know of anyone who is ill or housebound
Who would like to receive Holy Communion at home or the Anointing of the Sick for healing
Priest: Fr Charles Ramsay
Tel 01745 353395 email chas37free@gmail.com
Parish website: catholicchurchrhyl.co.uk
( webmaster Simon Johnson webmaster@catholicchurchrhyl.co.uk )
Diocese of Wrexham Registered Charity No 700426
Parish Finances: The church
collection for Sunday, 19th April
amounted to £536.24p of which
£296.24p was ‘loose’ and £240.00p
was Gift Aid.
There is a second collection this
weekend for the Church Student’s
Parish Retreat for Eucharistic Ministers
and Ministers of the Word
All names for the retreat to be in by 30th
April please.
There are two dates to choose from Either
Saturday 16th May OR Saturday 6th June
The day will be held at St. Augustine’s
Prtiory, Cliff Road, Old Colwyn, LL29
9RW and the cost will be £18 (to be paid
on the day in cash please) to include morning coffee, lunch and afternoon tea. (Please
inform me of any special dietary requirements).
The day will start with coffee at 10.00 am
and finish with tea at 3.00 pm.
The retreat will be led by Ged Johnson.
Preparation for Pentecost
As a preparation for Pentecost there will
be a Seminar in the Holy Spirit at St.
Theresa’s Church, Abergele, beginning
on Thursday, 14th May, for six weeks on
Thursdays from 7.00 to 8.30 pm. A
Seminar in the Holy Spirit is essentially
about prayer and the role that the Holy
Spirit plays in our lives. If anyone is
interested in attending please contact
Canon Bernard Morgan on 01745
Quote Those who stand for nothing fall
Alexander Hamilton
for anything.
TCC Parliamentary Accountability meeting this Monday, 27th
April, from 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm.
Ticket entry only – see Fr Charles
or back of church. Led by Youth
Justice Group. Please support the
new and growing attitude to politics , away from cynicism and nonparticipation and work for good
Quote One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you
end up being governed by your inferiors.
GAP YEAR Would you like to
experience the real Africa, in a Catholic Mission parish?
A group formed by
returned lay missionaries called Network for a Better World has launched
a short term volunteering programme
for people aged 20+. There is no upper
age limit and recent volunteers have
been in their mid fifties. The base is a
rural mission called Sitima in central
Malawi, one of the world’s poorest
countries*. Durations from 3 weeks
to 9months with departures in June,
September and February. Full support
is given from an experienced team- so
if you’ve always considered a ‘gap’
experience in Africa and studying,
family or work commitments have
prevented you in the past, this could be
the time. Please see website www.n4bw.org.uk contact Richard
for an informal chat 01704 335099
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes
If anyone is going on the pilgrimage and wishes to reserve a seat on
the airport bus, please book
through Canon Bernard Morgan at
Weekly Guide to Daily Prayer
It is beautiful that Jesus anticipates that
what we will face in this life, as his believers, will likely be troubling. Each and
every one of us can name a lot of things
that are weighing on our hearts these
days. Small things and really big things
tend to pile up and deeply affect us and
the choices we make. These troubling
challenges can disturb our relationships.
Since all grief is connected, they can
shake loose other griefs and sadnesses in
our lives - some of which had been buried for a long time.
Often these troubling feelings challenge
our faith as well. At the very least, our
sadness can make it difficult for us to
hear the Good News Jesus’ resurrection
brings us. Jesus invites us to have faith in
God and in him He doesn’t say that
lightly. He knows He understands what
we are facing. Because he knows and
understands, he knows that we need what
he has won for us. I might be tempted to
fight it off or to resist it in some way. My
sadness can become my home, and at
times, it can become my identity. We can
even diminish our ability to perceive the
gift by saying, “He’s offering me nothing
in this world, only future happiness. I’m
overwhelmed now!”
Jesus is offering us a peace nothing else
can offer us. One of the Lent prayers says
that God’s graces allow us to live in this
passing world with our hearts set on the
world that will never end.
This can be a powerful week for entering
into how available Jesus is for us. He
promises to be with us, to make us one
with him, even to make his home in us.
He promises to keep us safe and to
bring us to our true home to be with
him forever. The opportunity we have
is to accept this offer of deepening our
relationship with our Lord. We accept
it if we let his availability to us seep
more and more deeply into our consciousness each day.
We do this by simple recognition that
we are not alone: “Thank you for this
day, Lord, I know you want to stay
close to me, to guide me and support
me today. I need some real strength
and courage to face some of the challenges of this day. Help me to keep
connecting with you throughout this
day, remembering your presence and
At times when we approach a particularly challenging responsibility, or an
occasion or situation in which we habitually lose our peace or give in to
temptation, we can be renewed by
prayer. Each time we turn to the Lord
we will quickly return to a sense that
Jesus knows us, understands us, and
wants to be with us in whatever troubles our hearts.
Taken from the “Weekly Guide to Daily
Prayer” on the Creighton University’s Online
Ministries web site. Used with permission.
St. Vincent de Paul Shop ’Open Day’
The St. Vincent de Paul Society would like to
welcome you to our St. Vincent’s Charity Shop,
Vale Road, Rhyl, (opposite the Little Theatre)
on Thursday, 30th April. Come along and have
a look round and enjoy a cup of tea and a cake.
All welcome.