Congratulations to William Albert Croucher and Ferdinand Niam


Congratulations to William Albert Croucher and Ferdinand Niam
Lent 2015 Issue 24
Let us pray for our
priests and as they
their birthdays and
Congratulations to
William Albert
Croucher and
Ferdinand Niam
Mukumu on their
ordination to
priesthood on
Saturday 31st
January 2015.
02.02.2014: Fr Shiju Poomaram
They are pictured
here outside Holy
Rosary Cathedral
Dundee, flanked by
Bishop Xolelo
Thaddeus Kumalo
Bishop of Eshowe
(longtime friend of Fr
William) and Bishop
Graham Rose who
ordained both priests.
14.03.1964: Fr Tony Hardiman OFM
06.04.1983: Fr Tom Tshabalala OFM
06.04.2002: Fr Gaspart Anaba SAC
24.04.1960: Fr Benen Fahy OFM
04.02.1980: Fr Marek Mlynarczyk
13.02.1978: Fr Marcel Kazadi CSSp
19.02.1976: Fr Zamva Mlangeni
12.04.1983: Fr Ikemerika Azubuike
21.04.1973: Fr Andrew Moyo
29.04.1975: Fr Nkosinathi Njoko
Introduction to Pope Francis' Lenten Message
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Would you like to advertize in this
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Christians are those who let God
Lent is a time of renewal for the
clothe them with goodness and
whole Church, for each community
mercy, with Christ, so as to become,
and every believer. Above all it is a
like Christ, servants of God and
"time of grace" (2Cor 6:2). God does
others. This is clearly seen in the
not ask of us anything that he himself
liturgy of Holy Thursday, with its rite
to support our publication?
has not first given us. "We love
of the washing of feet. Peter did not
Would you like to submit an
because he first has loved us"
want Jesus to wash his feet, but he
(1Jn 4:19). He is not aloof from us.
came to realize that Jesus does not
Contact us by 1 May 2015, use either
Each one of us has a place in his
wish to be just an example of how we
of the following addresses:
heart. He knows us by name, he
should wash one another’s feet. Only
cares for us and he seeks us out
those who have first allowed Jesus to
whenever we turn away from him. He
wash their own feet can then offer
Mr Dumisani Mbokazi
Dundee Diocesan Indaba
Postnet Suite 95
Private Bag X6603
Newcastle 2940
Tel: 034 312 6591
Fax: 034 312 6592
The Editor
Fr Peter Cullen
Sts Peter and Paul Parish
PO Box 22337
Tel: 034 312 1554
Fax: 034 312 6592
Visit the Diocesan Website:
is interested in each of us; his love
this service to others. Only they have
does not allow him to be indifferent to
"a part" with him (Jn 13:8) and thus
what happens to us. Usually, when
can serve others.
we are healthy and comfortable, we
Lent is a favourable time for letting
forget about others (something God
Christ serve us so that we in turn may
the Father never does): we are
become more like him. This happens
unconcerned with their problems,
whenever we hear the word of God
their sufferings and the injustices they
and receive the sacraments,
endure… Our heart grows cold. As
especially the Eucharist. There we
long as I am relatively healthy and
become what we receive: the Body of
comfortable, I don’t think about those
Christ. In this body there is no room
less well off.
for the indifference which so often
The love of God breaks through that
seems to possess our hearts. For
fatal withdrawal into ourselves which
whoever is of Christ, belongs to one
is indifference. The Church offers us
body, and in him we cannot be
this love of God by her teaching and
indifferent to one another. "If one part
especially by her witness. But we can
suffers, all the parts suffer with it; if
only bear witness to what we
one part is honoured, all the parts
ourselves have experienced.
share its joy" (1 Cor 12:26).
Inkathi yokuzila yisikhathi
noKristo, abasebenzela uNkulunkulu
sokuvuseleleka kwebandla lonke,
kanye nabanye. Lokhu
sawo wonke umphakathi knaye
kuyabonakala ezifundweni
nekholwa. Ngaphezu kwakho konke
zangolweSine oluNgcwele, labo
“yisikhathi segrasiya” (2 Cor – 6:2).
kuwashwa izinyawo. UPeter
UNkulunkulu akasiceli lokho
wayengafuni ukuthi uJesu amgeze
angasiphanga kona. “siyathanda
izinyawo zakhe, kodwa washesha
ngoba naye esithanda” (1 Jn 4:19).
wabona ukuthi uJesu akafuni nje
Akaziqhelilasile nathi. Omunye
ukuba yisibonelo sokuthi sigezane
nomunye wethu unendawo
kanjani izinyawo. Labo abavumile
enhliziywebnu yakhe. Usazi
ukuba uJesu abageze izinyawo
ngamagama, uyasinakekela
bangakwazi ukuthi bageze abanye.
uyasifuna noma sidukile. Uthando
Yilabo abahlangene nayo
lwakhe alumvumeli ukuba abe
abazokwazi ukusebenzela abanye.
ngokuhlukile kokwenzeka kithi.
Inkathi yokuzila yisikhathi
Isikhathi esiningi uma ngabe siphila
esithandekayo sokuthi uKristo
futhi sihleli kakhle, siyakhohlwa
asisebenzele khona sizofana naye.
abanye (okuyinto uNkulunkulu
Lokhu kwenzeka njalo uma sizwa
angakaze ayenze): Asibi nandaba
izwi likaNKulunkulu nalapho
nezinkinga zabo, ukuhlupheka
samukela amasakramente,
kwabo. Izinhliziyo zethu ziya
ikakhulukazi umzimba kaKristo.
ngokubanda. Uma nje kuphela
Lapho siba yilokho esikukholwayo:
ngiphilile futhi ngihleli kahle,
uMzimba kaKristo. Kulomzimba
angicabangi ngalabo abaswele.
ayikho indawo yokungahluki lokhu
Uthando lukaNkulunkulu luvala
okugcwele ezinhliziyweni zethu.
nokhu kuzicabangela sodwa
Ngoba yiloyo naloyo okaKristo,
okusenza singahluki. IBandla lisinika
uyingxenye yomzimba, futhi kuye
uthando lukaNKulunkulu
angeke singakwazi ukuzihlukanisa
ngezimfundiso kanye nangofakazi.
kuye. “uma ngabe ingxenye
Kodwa singaba ofakazi balokho
ihlupheka, nezinye izingxenye
esikubonile thina uqobo. AmaKristo
ziyahlupheka; uma ngabe ingxenye
yilawo avumela uNKulunkulu
eyodwa ihlonishwa, nezinye
abambathise ngobuhle, ngomusa
izingxenye ziyabelana ekujabuleni
kanye noKristo, ukuze sifane
Preliminary History of
Maria Ratchitz Mission
Umlando wangaphambili
weMission yase Maria
kwakungukwakha iSt Joseph home,
Besides the Motherhouse of
Ngaphandle nje kwendlu enkulu
ukuba athumele umpriste wakhe
Mariannhill no other Mission Station
yaseMariannhill ayikho enye iMission
wokugcina, owayengumsizi wakhe,
of the Trappist monks had such an
yama-Trappist Monks enomlando
uFr Pious ukuba ezosebenza
interesting preliminary history as
ojulile njengaloyo waseMaria
kulemission entsha.
Maria Ratschitz. I February 1887
Ratschitz. Ngomhlaka 1 February
Mhlaka 16 November 1889 kwavulwa
Abbot Francis Pfanner and Br. Nivard
1887 uAbbot Francis Pfanner kanye
ngokokuqala “ iSt Joseph’s Home”.
undertook in their “Spider”, (a spider-
no Br. Nirvard basuka ngenqola yabo
Kwaba yindlu eyayiqashiswa. Lendlu
like wagon) a trip to the North of Natal
“iscabucabu”, (yayifana
yayingahlalisa abantu abantwana
to survey the area in search of
nesicabucabu) bathatha uhambo
abangu 17. Kwakuba ngabantu
suitable places for erecting new
olwaya eNyakatho Natal ukuyobheka
abangafinyelela emashumini
mission stations. Before reaching
umhlaba ongalungela ukwakha
ayisikhombisa ababethamela iMisa
Ladysmith they stopped at Wasbank
iMission entsha. Ngaphambi kokuthi
eliyingcwele nsukuzonke, futhi
and were kindly accommodated in the
bafike eMnambithi bama eWasbank
ababefunda izifundo zekhathekisima.
hotel “Meran". The hotel-keeper
lapho bamukelwa kahle ehhotela
Ukwamukelwa komnikelo ongu 100
praised his neighbour, Chief
ababezohlala kulo elalibizwa
pounds okwakuvela kowaseMelika
Ngwenya, known by his people as
ngeMeran. Umgcini mafa watusa
akuzange kwanele ukuba kwakhiwe
chief “Wilhelm Afrika”, calling him the
kakhulu umakhelwane wakhe iNkosi
isikole esisha nokusifaka izimpahla.
only true African Christian. He was
uNgwenya, owayaziwa ngabantu
NgoMarch 1890 okuyinyanga kaSt
the farm manager of 4000 acres of
bakhe njengo “Wilhelm Afrika”,
Joseph, isimo sashintsha saba
Wayaziwa njengonguMkristo weqiniso
ngcono. uAbbot wamemezela
This was good news for the two
kuphela kubantu bamaAfrika.
ngokujabula ukuthi khona
zealous missionaries, who had a long
Wayengumnikazi wepulazi elalithatha
owaseEurope ogama lakhe kungu
and dangerous journey behind them.
umhlaba ongu 4000 acre. Lokhu
Maria Diettrich, owayezimisele
iSt Joseph Church, kanye nest
Joseph School. Wezwa ephoqeleka
kwaba yizindaba ezimnandi
ngokunikela ngo 15 000 Gulden
the chief’s place. They were received
the power of intercessory prayer to
Bohemia, had a pilgrimage place by
kumaMissinary amabili,
kanye nangokunye okuningi
very kindly by his daughter, but
St. Josef. His dream ideas were: a St.
that name. “Our Lady of Sorrows”. On
ababenohmabo olude futhi oluyingozi.
okwakuzosiza ekwkheni imission,
disappointed by the absence of the
Joseph’s home, St. Joseph’s church,
the 13 July 1890 the financial plan for
Ngosuku olwalandelabavakashela
eyayizobi ngeMaria Ratschit. Wabe
chief and his wife. Abbot Pfanner was
St. Joseph’s school. He felt urged to
the purchase of a farm was made. In
iNkosi. Bamukelwa ngobubele
esecela ukuba isonto libhekiswe
very much impressed by their orderly
send his only priest, the vicar general,
the absence of Abbot Pfanner, Prior
yindodakazi yeNkosi, kodwa
ku”Mame Wetu weziNsizi”. Idolobha
kept homestead. He left with an
Fr. Pius, to the new mission field.
Fr. Notker reported that Mr. Thattan’s
baphoxeka ngokungafici iNkosi kanye
lakhe eLeitmeritz enyakatho
invitation for Chief Afrika to visit
On the 16 November 1889 the first
farm would be available for 5000
noNkosikazi wayo. UAbbot Pfanner
neBohemia, kunohambo olungcwele
Mariannhill Mission. Mr. Afrika,
“St.Joseph’s Home” opened. It was a
pounds. For the purchase the bank
wahlatshwa umxhwele yindlela umuzi
olwanikezwa lelogama.Mhlaka 13 July
accepting the invitation, travelled from
rented house. The room could only
would make 2000 pounds available
wawuhleleke ngayo. Wabe eseshiya
1890 uhlelo lwezimali yokuthengwa
Escort train-station to
accommodate 17 children. Up to 70
so Br. Nivard reported. He visited the
isimemo sokuba iNkosi izovakasha
kwepulazi lwavezwa. Wathi engekho
Pietermaritzburg and further to
adults attended daily Holy Mass and
place to convene all the Africans and
eMariannhill Mission. UMnumzane
uAbbot Pfanner, uFr Notker wabika
Mariannhill. At his 5 day stay he was
received cathechetical instructions.
their chief negotiators. On 14 August
Afrika wamukela isimemo wabe
ukuthi ipulazi likaMnumzane Thattan
equally impressed, especially by the
Receiving a donation of 100 pound
1890 the farm Thelaphi, which was
esesukela esiteshini samaphoyisa
lingathengwa ngo 5 000 pounds.
high-school education that was
from an American donor failed to be
close to Mr. Afrika’s homestead, was
Mtshezi waya ePietermaritzburg lapho
Ukuze lithengwe ibhange lizokwenza
offered at the mission and made
enough to build a new school and
bought for 5000 pounds. 2000 pounds
abe esedlulela eMariannhill.
ukuba u 2000 pounds utholakale
plans right away to send his elder
furnish it. In March 1890 the month of
had to be paid immediately, 3000
Ekuhlaleni kwakhe izinsuku ezinhlanu
kubika uBr Nivard. Wavakashela
sons to attend Mariannhill High
St. Joseph, a turning for the better
pounds could be held in mortage.
wahlabeka umxhwele, ikakhulukazi
indawo ukuhlanganisa wonke
School as soon as possible. Abbot
came. The abbot announced joyfully
This proved to cause great problems
ngezinga lemfundo eyayinikwa
amaAfrika kanye neNkosi ukuze
Pfanner found the area arounf
that a benefactress from Europe, by
between the government and the
emission, kwaba laphoke enza khona
kuxoxiswane. Mhlaka 14 August 1890
Ladysmith suitable for a new mission
the name Maria Diettrich, intended to
church later on. After financial help
izinhlelo zokuthumela amadodana
ipulazi lakwaThelaphi elalisondelene
station. Hoping for Mr Afrika’s
donate 15000 gulden and more to
from a Trappist community in France
akhe amadala ukuba ayofunda
nomuzi kaMnumzane Afrika
assistance, which he gave for his own
establish a mission station, named
the mortage was accepted for
eMariannhill High School masishane.
lathengwa ngo 5000 pounds.
chief – area. Pfanner had great plans
Maria Ratchitz. She requested that
purchase of the farm and the transfer
U-Abbot Pfanner wathola indawo
Kwadingeka ukuba u 2000 pounds
as a keen missionary but no
the church would be dedicated to
and the occupation of the new
eseduze kwaseMnambithi eyayifanele
ukhokhwe masishane, u 3000
competent helpers and no money. He
“Our Lady of Sorrows”. He own
mission Maria Ratschitz could begin.
ukuba yimission entsha. Ethembele
wasetshenziselwa ukubolekisa. Lokhu
set out with unlimited faith, trusting in
hometown Leitmeritz in northern
Sr Mary Konelma
ekusizweni nguMnumzane Afrika,
kwakhombisa ukuba yinkinga
owamnika indawo okungeyakhe
phakathi kukaHulumeni kanye
Simukela uBaba
eMhlumayo Parish
yobukhosi. uPfanner wabe
neBandla emva kweminyaka.Emva
enezinhlelo ezinkulu, kodwa
kokutholakala kosizo olwaluvela
babengekho abamsizayo ngolwazi
kumphakathi wamaTrappist eFramce
futhi nemali yayingekho. Waqhubeka
imali youkbolekisa yamukelwa ukuba
Ngasebenza unyaka owodwa
kepha enokholo olungapheliyo,
ithenge ipulazi kanye nokushintsha
ethembele futhi enxusa ngemikhuleko
nokuhlala emission entsha
kuSt Josef. Imibono
yaseMariannhill kwaqala.
The following day they set out to visit
ngelekelela e-Our Lady of Good HelpVerulam- Archdiocese of Durban.
Ngase ngisebenza e- Oetting Mission
-Hlokozi- Diocese of Mariannhill
unyaka owodwa ngelekelela nengu-8
ngingu-Parish Priest. Ngadlula e- St.
Joseph's- Mbongolwane- Diocese of
Eshowe okwesikhashana lapho
ngabamba izinyanga ezimbili ).
Rev. Fr. Buhlebenkosi Johannes
eyayingamaphupho akhe
Intsha yePerishi yaseZakheni ibe (2014) nonyaka omangalisayo ... nakhu okwakwenzeka ..
Yintsha yaseZakheni ePark yakwa -A section lapho yayibambe igathering ngonyaka odlule 2014
Siyikomidi leperish lenhlangano
yethu ngendlela esifisa ngayo ezoba
yethu babe ngamaKhatholika
yabantu abasha ngaphansi kwe-
impumelelo. Siyikomidi sifisa
akwaziyo ukusiza abanye abantu.
Ezakheni Perish sifisa
ukuzibophezela ekutheni okufiswa i-
Esikucela kakhulu ukuba amagatsha
ukugqugquzela emagatsheni ethu
Perish yethu kwenzeke konke kube
ethu asebenze ngokukhulu
wonke ukubambisana okuhle. ukuze
impumelelo futhi kube ikona okuzo
ukuzinikela ukuze sizoba
sizokwazi ukuthuthukisa i-Perish
kwenza abantu abasha kwiPerish
namagatsha aqinile futhi nazokhanda
Bekuheleza umoya wenjabulo
labapriste abakhiqizwe I Denary yase
ngokumkhulisa ngokokholo aze afike
nentokozo eDrifontein Perish,
Mnambithi, nathe uNdumiso kumele
kulelizinga asekulo. Uphinde
egatsheni laseMbambabantu
anyathele ezithendeni zabapriste
wabonga iperish, yase Blessed
mhlaka 11 Jan 2015, lapho uFr.
”abangogalagala”, abalandela abanye
Josephe Nardini, e Ndlangubo
Ndumiso Khumalo OFM enze khona
”ogalagala” babapriste
ngaseMpangeni ngokumnika ithuba
imisa lokubonga kulandela
abakulesiFunda-Bhishobhi sase
njengoba enza khona internship
ukugcotshwa kwakhe ePretoria
Dundee. uFr. Moyo ongumpriste we
yezinyanga eziyisithupha ethwasela
mhlaka 03 Jan 2015. Lolusuku
Driefontein Perish udlulise amazwi
ukuba umpriste. Ube esebonga
beluluhle ludelile, kunezihambeli
okukhuthaza uFr. Ndumiso
namapherishi ngokumsekela,
ezivela ezindaweni ezihlukahluke,
ngohambo nezimo
ikakhulukazi i Besters Parish lapho
nezindela, kanti noMndeni
asozohlangabezana nazo ohambeni
enza khona i novitiate. Waphinde
wakwaKhumalo ubuphume
lwakhe lobuPriste, wamhalalisela
wabonga uFr Bheki Ntombela
ngobuningi bawo ukuzothokoza
ngempumelelo yakhe
owaqguqguzela ibizelo lakhelo
iPerish eqinile. Sicela kakhulu
abasha sithi kubo bengapheli
emakomidini amagatsha
amandla ngathi. Kuningi esikubheke
ukusebenzisana okuhle futhi
emagatsheni ethu ngonyaka ka 2015
okuhloniphekile. Ukusebenza
and wonke lamagatsha kumele
nabantu abasha akuyona into elula
akwazi ukuzimela futhi akwazi
kodwa kuzoba into ezosicija ukuze
ukuzithuthukisa njenge nhlangano.
sikwazi ukubhekana nempilo
Kunamagatsha okumele aqinise
ngaphandle noma emsebenzini.
kakhulu 2015 futhi angahlali kakhulu
Sicela kakhulu emalangeni abantu
ezinkingeni kodwa ahlale kakhulu
abasha kwi Perish yethu
ekuthuthukiseni ibandla
ukusebenzisana, ukubekezelelana,
Elikhatholikha kwi Perish yethu. Kwi
ukuhloniphana futhi sibe munye
Perish yethu sinamagatsh amahlanu
enkosini kwiPerish yethu.
St Maria Magdalena, Maria
Ngithanda ukubonga wonke
Sangolezulu, Kwa Nina Womsindisi,
amagatsha ethu onyakeni ka 2014
St Francis Kanye no St Martin
ngendlela asebenze ngayo ngoba
Ocwebileyo. 2015 sifisa
akwazile ukwenza lokhu
ukuthuthukisa iPerish yethu ikwazi
ayekuthembisile kuma year plan awo.
nayo ukuba sezingeni njengamanye
Sifisa ukubonga kakhulu nama
Animators ethu akwazile ukusilekela
Sifisa ukuthi kubantu abasha
sagcina sikwazile ukuthuthukisa
asimthembe unkulunkulu kuzo zonke
amagatsha ethu. Sisazimisele futhi
izingqinamba esibhekana nazo
ukusebenza Kanye nawo. Sibonga
asibekeni yena phambili umdali
futhi no Fr Benen Fahy ongu baba
wethu. Konke kusebenzelane ukube
wethu okwaziyo kusilalela njalo uma
ngokuhle kwabamthandayo. Romans
kukhona esifisa ukukwenza
8:28. Ngokukhulu ukuzithoba
emagatsheni ethu. Sithi nje kuwe
sinifisela IPHASIKA elihle
baba wethu unwele ulude. Sibonge
nelibusisekile. SIMUNYE
kakhulu nabazali bethu ngendima
abayidlalayo enhlanganweni yabantu
Sr Bongekile Madikizela made her final vows as a
Franciscan Missionary of Mary on 28th December 2014 at Dutyini, Bizana. Her
nendodana yawo. Bekukhona
nangokuzinikela . uFr Ndumiso
bupriste. Emva kweMisa, ibandla
nezimenywa zasebuKhosini
uzwakalise injabulo enkulu ngendlela
nezinhlangano ziphe u Fr Ndumiso
bakwaKhumalo kwazise iPerish yase
ibandla elimamukele ngayo nendlela
izipho emva kwalokho izihambeli
joyful celebration of the Mass. The main celebrant was Bishop Zolile Mpambani
Driefontein yakhe khona endaweni
umcimbi obuhleleke ngayo. Ube
namalungu ebandla bezihlelelwe
SCJ, and among the priests gathered were Frs Piotr and Marek, who’d been in
yesizwe saBentungwa-Kholwa Tribal
esedlulisa amazwi okubonga
okuya ngasethunjini, bekusindwe
the parish at Mpuluzi at the time Sr Bongekile was there as a young religious.
Authority. Intshumayelo yethulwe uFr.
ebandleni ikakhulukazi
ngobethole, kufinywa ngendololwane.
Tom Shabalala OFM, nobonakalise
eMbambabantu kanye nakothisha
ukuzigqaja okukhulu ngenani
bakhe bekhathekizima
vows were received by Sr Judith Lynch FMM, provincial superior, during a
Franciscan Missionaries of Mary came from afar communities to join Sr
Bongekile’s family and home parish for the celebration.
lack of openness to life. Every threat
to the family is a threat to society
Umlando kaReverend Fr Dumisani Gugulethu
itself. The future of humanity, as St.
zeTheology ngo 1998-2002, St John
John Paul II often said, passes
Vianney Seminary, ePitoli.
through the family. So protect your
Ugcotshelwe ubuDikoni ngo 7 July
families! See in them your country’s
2002, eKevealar Mission. Ngo July ka
greatest treasure and nourish them
2002 ube umsizi womPriste
always by prayer and the grace of the
eKevelaer Mission, njengoMdikoni.
sacraments. Families will always
Ubese esegcotshwelwa ubuPriste
have their trials, but may you never
ngo 16 December 2002, eSt Joseph’s
add to them! Instead, be living
Cathedral. Ngonyaka ka 2003
examples of love, forgiveness and
usebenze njengomisizi woMpriste
care. Be sanctuaries of respect for
eMhlabashana Mission. Ngawo futhi
life, proclaiming the sacredness of
lowonyaka ka 2003 ukhethelwe
every human life from conception to
natural death. What a gift this would
be to society, if every Christian family
lived fully its noble vocation! So rise
with Jesus and Mary, and set out on
the path the Lord traces for each of
Pope Francis speaks to families in the Philipines
(and to our families as well)
you. Joseph listened to the angel of
the Lord and responded to God’s call
to care for Jesus and Mary. In this
“Dear families, dear friends in Christ,
families. It is in the family that we first
learn how to pray. There we come to
“The Scriptures seldom speak of St.
know God, to grow into men and
Joseph, but when they do, we often
women of faith, to see ourselves as
find him resting, as an angel reveals
members of God’s greater family, the
God’s will to him in his dreams. I
would like to rest in the Lord with all
In the family we learn how to love, to
of you, and to reflect with you on the
forgive, to be generous and open, not
gift of the family. “Joseph’s rest
closed and selfish. We learn to move
revealed God’s will to him. In this
beyond our own needs, to encounter
moment of rest in the Lord, as we
others and share our lives with them.
pause from our many daily
That is why it is so important to pray
obligations and activities, God is also
as a family! That is why families are
speaking to us. He speaks to us in
so important in God’s plan for the
the reading we have just heard, in our
Church! Those precious moments of
prayer and witness, and in the quiet
repose, of resting with the Lord in
of our hearts. Let us reflect on what
prayer, are moments we might wish
the Lord is saying to us.
to prolong. But like St. Joseph, once
“Resting in the Lord. Rest is so
we have heard God’s voice, we must
necessary for the health of our minds
rise from our slumber; we must get up
and bodies, and often so difficult to
and act. Faith does not remove us
achieve due to the many demands
from the world, but draws us more
placed on us. But rest is also
deeply into it. Each of us, in fact, has
essential for our spiritual health, so
a special role in preparing for the
that we can hear God’s voice and
coming of God’s kingdom in our
understand what he asks of us.
world. “Just as the gift of the Holy
Joseph was chosen by God to be the
Family was entrusted to Saint
foster father of Jesus and the
Joseph, so the gift of the family and
husband of Mary. As Christians, you
its place in God’s plan is entrusted to
too are called, like Joseph, to make a
us. The angel of the Lord revealed to
home for Jesus. You make a home
Joseph the dangers which threatened
for him in your hearts, your families,
Jesus and Mary, forcing them to flee
your parishes and your communities.
to Egypt and then to settle in
“To hear and accept God’s call, to
Nazareth. So too, in our time, God
make a home for Jesus, you must be
calls upon us to recognize the
able to rest in the Lord. You must
dangers threatening our own families
make time each day for prayer. But
and to protect them from harm.
you may say to me: Holy Father, I
“The pressures on family life today
want to pray, but there is so much
are many. While all too many people
work to do! I must care for my
live in dire poverty, others are caught
children; I have chores in the home; I
up in materialism and lifestyles which
am too tired even to sleep well. This
are destructive of family life and the
may be true, but if we do not pray, we
most basic demands of Christian
will not know the most important thing
morality. The family is also
of all: God’s will for us. And for all our
threatened by growing efforts on the
activity, our busy-ness, without prayer
part of some to redefine the very
we will accomplish very little. “Resting
institution of marriage, by relativism,
in prayer is especially important for
by the culture of the ephemeral, by a
way he played his part in God’s plan,
and became a blessing not only for
the Holy Family, but a blessing for all
of humanity. With Mary, Joseph
served as a model for the boy Jesus
as he grew in wisdom, age and
grace. When families bring children
into the world, train them in faith and
sound values, and teach them to
contribute to society, they become a
blessing in our world. God’s love
becomes present and active by the
way we love and by the good works
that we do. We extend Christ’s
kingdom in this world. And in doing
this, we prove faithful to the prophetic
ukuba abe uMelukeki we Legion of
U Reverend Father Dumsani
Mary. Uphinde wakhethwa waba
Gugulethu Mhlongo uzalwe ngo 19
iRepresentative yeSchool Governing
May 1970, eSwazini ezalwa
Body eButhathubunye School
nguSamuel Mbongwa Mhlongo beno
eMhlabashana. Ngonyaka ka 2004
Amy Nomantaliyane Dlamini.
kuya ku-2010 usebenze njengeParish
Bebeyisithupha kwabo abafana
Priest eSt Catherine’s Mission,
ababili namantombazane amane.
eBulwer. Ngo 2010 kuya ku-2011
Ufunde amabanga aphansi eSwazini,
usebenze njengeParish Priest
Peak Piggs Nazarene (grade 1 and
eLotheni,eStepmore Ngonyaka ka-
2), St Francis Primary School
2011 uthunyelwe ukuba ayosebenza
Standard 1), Springvale Combined
kuSifundabhishobhi saseDundee.
School (Standard 2- Standard 5),
Usebenze oPhongolo Parish kusuka
Siyakhula Secondary School ( Form
ku-2011 kuya ku-2013 njengoMpriste
1 - Form 3), Mqhakama High School
ophethe. Ngonyaka ka 2013 kuya
(Form 4 - Form 5). Ngenxa yempilo
ku-2014 usebenze eDannhauser eSt
ubuye waya eSt Mary’s Seminary,
Paul Parish. Udlule emhlabeni emva
eXopo ukuyoqedela khona.
kokugula isikhashana esincane mhla
Ngonyaka ka 1995 uqale izifundo
zingu 10 December 2014. Ushiye
zakhe zobuPriste eSt Francis Xavier
emhlabeni unina Nomantaliyane
Seminary, eCape Town. Ube
Dlamini no Samuel Mbongwa
eseqala iPhilosophy Programme eSt
Mhlongo, nodadewabo abathathu
Peter’s Seminary ngonyaka 1996-
nomfowabo oyedwa.
1997, ePitoli. Uqale izifundo
mission which we have received in
baptism. I would ask you, as families,
to be especially mindful of our call to
be missionary disciples of Jesus. This
means being ready to go beyond
your homes and to care for our
brothers and sisters who are most in
need. I ask you especially to show
concern for those who do not have a
family of their own, in particular those
Bishop’s Calender
who are elderly and children without
parents. Never let them feel isolated,
alone and abandoned, but help them
to know that God has not forgotten
them. You may be poor yourselves in
material ways, but you have an
abundance of gifts to offer when you
offer Christ and the community of his
Church. Do not hide your faith; do not
07 Pomeroy – Augustinian Sisters Superior General visit
11/12 Maria Ratschitz – re Development of Pilgrimage
14 Newcastle – Year of Consecrated Life
16 Volksrust – Diocesan Priests
17 Newcastle - Arrival of Tyburn Nuns
19 Johannesburg – Little Eden Foundation
25 Dundee – MSFS Superior General Visit
hide Jesus, but carryhim into the
world and offer the witness of your
family life!
03 Newcastle – Consultors
07 Newcastle – Catechuments Fr Rocco
11 Newcastle – Sisizakele Blessing of School Hall
12 Pietermaritzburg – RC/Anglicans ARCIC
19 Vryheid – Catholic Schools Office
26 -27 Johannesburg – Wedding
14 Durban – Glenmore Metropolitan Bishops
19 Kriel – Confirmation
27 Pretoria – Archbishop George Daniel Celebration