
Coaching Strategies and Techniques: Building Empowered and Collaborative Teams by Applying Principles
of Chamber Music Pedagogy
Join the Cavani String Quartet for an 'Outside the Box' presentation about creating and
maintaining a collaborative and productive work environment. This interactive session will
feature masterpieces of music from the 18th m through the 20th century, from Mozart to
The Beach Boys!
The Quartet will be giving an interactive presentation using classical music as a tool to
discuss topics such as generative team building , the ability to listen, react, how to alternate
between leadership and supportive roles, elements of conflict resolution and group cohesion.
See residency examples below:
Directors: Dean of the Business School , as well as the directors of the "Global Leadership Scholars"
The GLS program is the undergraduate honors program in the business school. It is highly competitive
to be accepted and has a strong focus on preparing "Internationalized" students. The students are
required to spend at least two semesters abroad in internships, including a mandatory semester their
sophomore year in London. Many of the students will apparently serve internships in Parliament while
there. They are also required to be proficient in 2 foreign languages. As the sophomore class is in
London this semester, there will be a total of 50 students to participate in your presentation. This group
of students will be given a business simulation project at some point soon alongside the MBA students
where they will work in teams to build a company from the ground up, advertise and run their fake
company in a competition style project. GLS students regularly "win" this competition. CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY , CLEVELAND, OHIO
John Paul Stephens, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Organizational Behavior Weatherhead School of Management
Case Western Reserve University
(216) 368-1710
“Introduction to Managing People and Organizations"
This is a core class for the sophomores at the Weatherhead School of Management and for many of them
it is the first time that they will begin to seriously study how to work well with others, manage their own
performance, and prepare for the world of work. Major topics in the course is on “Groups in
Peter Salaff ,Head of String and Piano Chamber Music
Rehearsal Techniques Seminar for Conservatory and Preparatory Students
A comprehensive demonstration of chamber music rehearsal techniques stressing a team work
approach and through positive reinforcement. creating a creative and inspiring atmosphere . Specific
topics include organization, rhythmic problem solvers , rehearsal pacing, tuning and intonation,
movement and cueing , score study, interpretation and creative listening .
Elizabeth Oakes, Coordinator, University of Iowa String Quartet Residency Program
Advisory Board Member , The UI Digital Studio for Public Arts and Humanities
As quartet-in-residence at the renowned Cleveland Institute of Music since 1988, and winner of numerous
accolades, including the prestigious Naumburg Award, the Cavani Quartet has been described by the Washington
Post as “completely engrossing, powerful and elegant.” Hailed as passionate and inspiring performers, as well as
ambassadors for chamber music, the Cavani String Quartet succeeds like few others in communicating the sheer joy
of music making. The only ensemble to be selected twice, in both 2005 and 2011, The Cavani String Quartet is the
recipient of the Guarneri String Quartet Award for Artistic Excellence, from Chamber Music America. Appearances
include Carnegie Hall and Alice Tully Hall in New York, the Corcoran Gallery of Art and Kennedy Center in
Washington D.C., the Ambassador Series in Los Angeles, Muziekcentrum De Ijsbreker in Amsterdam, Festival de
L'Epau in France, and the Honolulu Chamber Music Society. The Cavani Quartet has the honor of being a winner
of The Cleveland Quartet Award at The Eastman School, well as numerous competitions including Fischoff, Banff
and Coleman. The Quartet is committed to innovative and compelling programming which combines standard
repertoire with contemporary music, especially the music of living composers. The Cavani Quartet has
commissioned, performed, premiered and recorded the music of more than 30 living composers, including Ellen
Taaffe Zwilich, Dan Welcher, Joan Tower, Donald Erb, James Primosch, and Margaret Brouwer and is a recipient of
an ASCAP-Chamber Music America Award for Adventurous Programming of Contemporary Music. In 2014, they
will give the World Premiere of a Piano Quintet by Berklee School of Music professor Eric Gould, a joint project
with Chamber Music Wilmington, NC, and will also participate in The New Quartet Project with composer
Geoffrey Hudson, promoting new music for young chamber players. In 1988, the Cavani String Quartet was
appointed as Artists- in -Residence at the Cleveland Institute of Music. In addition to their concert series performed
at CIM, they have been featured performers on The Cleveland Composer’s Guild, The Cleveland Ingenuity
Festival, University Of Southern Illinois "Outside The Box" New Music Festival, and inaugurated programs such as
Breaking Barriers with Bartok, COLLAGE: Music & Poetry, The New Quartet Competition, CONFLUENCE: New
Music by Women Composers, and The Art of Listening. The Quartet has been featured on National Public Radio's
Performance Today and St. Paul Sunday, NBC, CBS, ABC, and PBS television. Cavani Quartet recordings of
Bartók, Dvořák, Schumann, Brahms, Erb, Chausson, Brouwer and Primosch are available on the Azica, Gasparo,
New World, Albany, and Pantheon labels. Collaborations with distinguished artists include Denyce Graves,
Stephanie Blythe, Nathan Gunn, Alisa Weilerstein, Itzhak Perlman, and members of the Juilliard, Emerson, Takacs,
Ying, St. Lawrence and Cleveland Quartets. The Cavani Quartet has established itself as a dynamic leader in the
field of Arts in Education, and has received no less than ten Chamber Music America Residency Partnership Grants.
Nationally acclaimed for their inspiring and innovative teaching and proactive approach to residencies, the Quartet
has developed creative programs for audiences of all ages, including a series of children’s concerts for the Chamber
Music of Lincoln Center. The Cavani Quartet has also collaborated with artists across disciplines to create programs
that unite poetry, well as painting, theatre and dance with the string quartet medium, including the award-winning
M.A.P. (Music, Art and Poetry) Program, and COLLAGE, Music & Poetry, with Poet Mwatabu Okantah. As result
of their extensive experience in chamber music education, the Cavani Quartet was invited to participate as a
leadership ensemble in the first national Chamber Music Educator/Ensemble Seminar sponsored by Chamber
Music America. Formed in 1984, the Quartet’s summer music festival appearances and residencies include The
Aspen Music Festival, The New World Symphony, Norfolk Chamber Music Festival, Kniesel Hall Chamber Music
Festival, Interlochen Center for the Arts and The Perlman Music Program. At the Cleveland Institute of Music, the
Cavani Quartet has developed The Intensive Quartet Seminar, the Apprentice Quartet Program, and The Art of
Engagement for student ensembles devoted to the serious study of chamber music. The Quartet has served as
Visiting Artists- in -Residence at The University of Texas, Austin, The University of Southern Illinois, Carbondale,
and The University of California, Riverside and most recently the inaugural year of The University of Iowa String
Quartet Residency Program. The Quartet has been on the Advisory Board of Amateur Chamber Music Players and
currently serves on the Honorary Board of the Suzuki Association of the Americas. The Cavani Quartet was
awarded a Cuyahoga Arts and Culture Project Support Grant for their innovative Beethoven & Brotherhood Projectperforming the complete quartets of Ludwig van Beethoven in sixteen neighborhood libraries throughout
Cleveland. The Quartet ‘s acclaimed 2010-2012 series Breaking Barriers with Bartok, featured the complete
quartets of Bela Bartok, in a lecture-demonstration format, illuminating Bartok’s work as an ethnomusicologist and
humanitarian. During the 2013-2015 seasons The Cavani Quartet will serve as Master Quartet in Residence for The
Chamber Music Society of Detroit for which they have been awarded their 10th Chamber Music America
Residency Partnership grant. For more information: please visit