2011 Our Journey AB Newsletter - Canadian Baptists of Western


2011 Our Journey AB Newsletter - Canadian Baptists of Western
Assessing Ministry Stress
Stress is a killer. Stress is costly. Stress effects
health. Stress steals joy out of engagement in ministry.
I was speaking to a pastor of another denomination who went through some form of breakdown due to
stress. Looking back he stated that this ultimately cost
him about two years of salary.
How can a pastor do enough when he or she sees
themselves as working for God? Isn’t there always more
to do? What about that person’s unmet need, or that
major unresolved issue on the board, or that individual’s
puzzling theological question? All the possible facets of
our work will never be done … how disappointing is that?
The pastor mentioned above went on to express
to me people work for God, but often it is a ‘god’ they
have created within themselves. This could be a god
who is demanding, never pleased, always expecting
more, unreasonably compliant to every critic.
Our Protestant Work Ethic does not help us. We
unofficially think we are more valuable if we do can do
more and carry more responsibility. Our egos are falsely
puffed up by a self-defined sense of importance and acceptance through our accomplishments and achievements. Failure or a lack of achievement can be fatal
shots into our sense of self-worth.
Spring 2015
6:45 pm. Westview, Calgary - “How to
Have Respectful Dialogue on Hot Button Issues”
ORDINATION EXAMINING COUNCIL Westview, Calgary April 22-23
CBWC 2015 ASSEMBLY -The Gathering April 23-26, Westview, Calgary
SERVE 2015 - July 5-11, High River
This year about 200 youth from across
Western Canada will converge on
High River with the sole purpose of
serving the local community.
VIEW the VIDEO at “https://
Registration and Information For
more information, please contact the
Youth Director, Brent Weick: Email:
Phone/Txt: 604-657-2660
Certainly there are times we need to carry stress.
Jesus sweat red sweat because of stress. He chafed
against the ‘cup’ put before Him. But His words to us
was to offer a burden that was light.
What I experienced years ago was a moment
where I stood back and realized that effort did not always have a direct correlation to results. I noticed hours
spent on a sermon did not always yield the desired result, whereas a sermon prepared with little time due to
circumstances could be blessed by God beyond my ex(Continued on page 2)
Peter Ma during renovations at new
location for McLaurin Grande Prairie
Spring 2015
Our Journey Newsletter
(Assessing Ministry Stress- by Dennis Stone - Continued from
page 1)
News and Notes
pectations. There is a ‘God-factor’ we
can neglect if we carry our own
weights and if we see outcomes as
predictably and chiefly ours to carry.
Rev. Lloyd Kresier, our pastor at Bonnie Doon, Edmonton, and his wife Esther experienced robbers forcing their way through the front door and robbing them
while they were at home. Please pray for them as they
emotionally adjust.
By no means and I suggesting
a laziness or uncaring attitude toward
However we need to be
more like Mary and less like Martha,
being able to let go of many of the details that complicate the picture of
what is important. We need space to
‘come apart and rest’, and to have a
proper view of ourselves within God’s
kingdom … loved, protected, redeemed.
Our Alberta Region Ordination Examination Candidates will appear just before the Biennial CBWC Assembly “The Gathering, Assembly 2015” in April at
Westview Baptist Church, Calgary. The candidates this
year are Kevin Ewaskow (FBC,
Cranbrook), Jane Christensen
(Laurier Heights, Edmonton)
and Bill Christieson (Awaken,
This does not mean we disengage, but there is a proper balance
between being at peace and at rest
with ourselves before God and being
engaged in His mission. May God help
us to enter that space and enjoy the
privilege of where God has placed us!
For further dialogue about this
feel free to email me and start a conversation.
Your co-worker,
Dennis Stone
CBWC Alberta Regional Minister
Follow Dennis on Twitter - www.rockpileca.wordpress.com
The Alberta Region OEC 2015
Examiners for April 22-23 in Calgary are Linda Rochow, Bob
Mathew, Bill Lay, and Donna
Orr. Because of the larger numbers for OEC this year some seven BCY Region candidates will
have appeared March 11th, just
before the March CBWC Board
meeting with Board members
serving as the OEC for them.
Rob and Stacey Klingbeil (FBC
Lacombe) as well as Bob and
Brette Mathew (Shiloh, Edmonton) are expecting their first
newborns any day now.
John Huh (GoodTree,
Calgary) serves also as a
Military Chaplain
McLaurin Baptist Church in Grande Prairie met in their newly purchased building
beginning February 1st, but a grand opening is to be at a later date.
‘The Well’ in Lethbridge is now re-categorized. It is no longer considered a
church plant but a ministry of First Baptist Lethbridge meeting in their building.
Gord Freiter began as Senior Pastor, Laurier Heights,
Edmonton December 1, 2014
Spring 2015
Our Journey Newsletter
News and Notes
New Pastors Orientation this February included ten new
pastors and chaplains from the Alberta Region: Natasha
Ewaskow, Gord Freiter, Nathan Friedt, Evelyn Grieger,
Tyler Hagan, Jodie Kim, Jonathon Shierman, Greg Sterling, Amanda Strain and Nic and Alicia Wright.
The Gull Lake Retreat was well supported with at least
fifty attending. Dr. Randal Rauser was the guest speaker.
Next year’s retreat is scheduled for February 1-3, 2016.
New Pastors Orientation at Carey, Vancouver
Randal Rauser speaks at AB Ministry Retreat, Gull Lake
Floor Hockey at the AB Ministry Retreat, Gull Lake
Both Roy Nickel (Jasper) and Jason Johnson (High River) are ending their terms at
the end of August on the Alberta Regional Advisory Group (ARAG). We are highly
indebted to them for their service on behalf of all of us for the hours and thoughtful
consideration of many various details which serve the good of the whole of the
CBWC. THANKS SO VERY MUCH! Alfred Reschke (Charlie Lake) has agreed to
serve on ARAG beginning in September, 2015. Welcome to the team!
Jeremy Keay on Luge
at Gull Lake
‘ It’s All Your Fault’ by Bill Eddie
This resource for
dealing with difficult personalities
was recommended by
Alan Simpson, Outreach Canada.
Crescent Heights, Calgary combines dinner, Adult
Bible Study and Kids’ Club on Tuesday nights.
Our Journey Newsletter
Spring 2015
will be held in Calgary at WESTVIEW BAPTIST Church
April 23-25 with Speakers Amy Hanson, Rod Wilson and
Lou Leventhal.
Register at www.cbwc.ca or email hthomson@cbwc.ca
Church Planting Up-Date
By Ron Orr, Alberta Regional Church Planting Director
Church planting coincides with what will soon be
spring planting in Alberta crop fields.
Please pray at this season for Evangel Christian Church Haitian of Edmonton. This
fellowship has an attendance of 60+. They have been meeting for 6 or 7 years
Recently they have had some struggles in arranging new pastoral leadership, but
now have called Pastor Elie Pierre. He is an educated, experienced, Haitian ordained pastor whom I believe will give the people spiritual and graceful leadership.
They have also recently relocated to different rented commercial space that is less
expensive than their previous place. They are working on CRA Charitable status
and beginning the affiliation steps with CBWC.
Please pray for these brothers and sisters in Christ.
If you or your church would like to engage the Great Commission with a new church plant, contact Ron Orr at
pastorron@platinum.ca to see how you can get involved.
You can find articles, along with encouraging thoughts, videos,
and church plant updates on our blog:
To get Church Planting updates right to your mailbox, visit
bit.ly/Planting Subscribe
La Wom leads a Kachin
group of believers, and is being mentored and guided in
licensing and future CBWC
affiliation of the group from
Burma by Geri Redekop of
Braemar, Edmonton.
Spring 2015
Our Journey Newsletter
CBWC Pastoral Vacancies
(with active Search Committees)
Alberta Region
FBC Peace River
and Family Minis-
Neighbourhood, Edmonton
Webster Community
Sonrise, Calgary
Senior P/T
McLaurin, Grande Prairie
BC & Yukon Region
FBC Vancouver
Outreach and Evangelism
FBC Vancouver
Riverdale, Whitehorse YT
Pastor of Family Ministries
New Life, Duncan
Associate- Youth and
Young Adults
Recent Moving On in AB Region
James Crosina
FBC Clive
Assoc. -Jan. 31
Stephen Pike
High River
Counselling and Support
Pastor -Feb. 27
Recent Settlements in AB Region
James Crosina FBC Ponoka
Associate- Facilitator of
Community Life Feb. 1
Sam Breakey
The Mustard Seed,
Managing Director,
(Interim)- Mar. 1
Andrew Bird
Associate-Youth Ministries- May 1
Heartland Region
FBC Thompson, MB
Westhill Park
Fairmont, Saskatoon, SK
Announcing building on the land where the walls start
going up for the new High River Baptist Church in
Braemar Edmonton hosted the March 10 th
CBWC Leadership Forum with Bob Webber
Alberta Regional Office
212, 9333 50th Street
Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2L5
Phone 780.462.2176
Toll Free 800.474.6018
Fax 780.465.6078