- Calvin Christian School


- Calvin Christian School
Calvin Christian School Courier
547 West 5 St. Hamilton, ON L9C 3P7
905-388-2645 www.ccshamilton.ca
Friday, M ay 8, 2015
Volume 19 #34
From the desk of Mr. Postma:
! We enjoyed a very special assembly on Wednesday during which
Job Opportunities at CCS!
we celebrated Ascension Day and Pentecost. Our grades 1 and 6
a third grade 6 class and invite
students provided us with a lovely program that properly placed
submit their resumes to
emphasis on praising our God for including all nations in His
tpostma@ccshamilton.ca no later than
redeeming love. The assembly was also special in a different way:
May 22. The resume should include a brief
We honoured Mr. Walter. Walter Elgersma, who began
that also touches on faith life.
volunteering at CCS in 2001, has now moved to Grimsby and has
basically retired from volunteering at CCS. Walter helped out in the
special education room, the library, the front office and in some of
the classrooms. He always arrived with a cheery, “Hello, how are you?” The students and the staff loved him and enjoyed his
presence. “Mr. Walter,” as the students called him, showed his love and commitment to CCS all these years and we thank him.
We pray that he will soon reap much fellowship in his new location. We will miss him.
! Recently, Mrs. Linda Sennema Robinson, one of our grade 2 teachers, announced that she will be retiring from teaching at CCS
at this end of this school year. She, along with Mark Robinson, are planning to move into the one of the poorest neighbourhoods
in Hamilton to share God’s love. She hopes to reach out to young children through Sunday school programs and tutoring. There
will be other changes to staffing as well: As I mentioned in the previous Courier, we will be having a 3rd gr. 6 class in order to meet
the increased enrolment for that grade level. The BOD has also accepted the request from Mrs. Goodwin to shift from full time to
part time employment in grade 3. This will mean a job share will occur at that grade level.
Furthermore, the faculty will be given additional prep time. This will be phased in over two years
and it will involve the school providing specialists to teach during the prep time. Beginning this
September, grades 1-3 students will receive the services of a French specialist, the grade 4 classes
will be introduced to an engineering program.
! This Saturday (beginning at 7:30 a.m.) we look forward to meeting you at the Sunrise Fest. Here is
an opportunity to enjoy a pancake breakfast, and purchase flowers among other things, all for the
benefit of the CCS operating budget.
! On Wednesday, May 13, some of our grades 7 and 8 students will be
participating in the Gauss math contest. Christian school students from
across Ontario write this test on the same day and their performances
are accessed by personnel from Toronto District Christian Highschool.
We have participated in this contest for the past several years.
SunRise Fest
Saturday, May 9
Spring Membership Meeting
Wednesday, May 13
Transportation Committee
Thursday, May 14
Victoria Day - No School
Monday, May 18
Field Day at CCS
Wednesday, May 20
CCS Walkathon!
Saturday, May 30
INSTEAD OF TUESDAY, MAY 19 (except for SKB and JKB)
! Our upcoming spring membership meeting is scheduled for
Wednesday, May 13. The budget for the school year 2015-2016 will be
presented along with committee reports. In addition there will be
voting for new BOD members. The nominees are: Rob Ouwehand,
Hennie Schoon, Kim Sytsma-Hill, Susan van der Heiden, Mike
VanHouten and Pauline Zandberg.
The membership meeting will also include a presentation by Mrs. Amanda Breimer on project based learning. The CCS faculty is
beginning to provide PBL among other teaching strategies and so we encourage you to attend to learn more about PBL.
2 Volume 19 #34
May 8 , 2015
The membership documents were forwarded electronically last week to all the families. We do remind you that voting privileges
are based on one vote per family. Separated/divorced parents need to decide who will vote unless each parent is a separate
member of the school society.
If you are not able to make the meeting, we have included a proxy ballot with our e-blast. We will forward a hard copy upon
request. Please complete the form properly or it will be discounted. Please have your proxy holder submit your proxy votes to the
BOD secretary at the membership meeting.
! Looming on the horizon is our annual Field Day, Wed., May 20 (rain date: May 21). More information will come your way in
due course. At this point, we need to obtain volunteers for Field Day. We welcome your assistance! Please contact Mrs. Joanne
Bosveld or the school office if you can help out. We are also hoping parents of younger children will volunteer to tag along with
their child’s team in order to help keep an eye on the younger children.
! One final thing about field day: Our students will be practicing for field day events this coming Monday and Tuesday at 1:30
p.m. Practices help them understand the particulars of each event and also give them an opportunity to create and practice their
team name and team cheer.
! We learned yesterday that Sarah Van Hartingsveldt, one of our parents, was able to walk away from her damaged van involved
in that serious accident on the Red Hill which claimed the lives of two young girls. Sarah writes on Facebook that although she is
grateful to God for sparing her life, she is devastated that the other two people in the accident did not make it. She asks for
prayers for the families who lost their loved ones. Sarah, we also pray for you and thank the Lord for protecting you.
Congratulations to the W oodw ind Choir, Jazz Band,
and Chamber Choir for their excellent m usical
perform ance at the Chartwell Senior Residence. The
students were very well received by the residents and were
encouraged to com e again in the future. The students are
com m ended for their positive spirit and outstanding
behaviour in a public perform ance.
PHOTO REQUEST: If you have photos of the Sounds of
Spring concert, sporting events, field day (looking ahead),
please forward them to Mr. Boer at tboer@ccsham ilton.ca
Thank you!
Senior Boys’ Baseball: Our next practice is slated for
Thursday after school (weather
perm itting) from 3:30 to 4:40 TB
Senior Girls' Baseball: It's that tim e
of year again! Tim e to dust off the
baseball gloves and throw the ball
around! Senior Girls' baseball tryouts began today. Our
next tryout will be on Tuesday, May 12 from 3:30 - 5:00.
Ladies, please be prepared with your own gloves (please
borrow if necessary), running shoes, and appropriate
clothing to play ball. Our practices will be each Tuesday
after school and Fridays at 12:25. The tournam ent will be
on June 8 - m ore details will follow once the team has
been selected.
The SUNRISE FEST is here! Come on out Saturday
morning from 7:30 - 11:00 to enjoy a warm pancake
breakfast and shop the many vendors. A great way to
spend time with your mothers for Mother's Day or even
find something for her there!
Calvin Christian School Golf Tournament
50% sold out! CCS presents the 21st annual For All God’s
Children golf tournam ent planned for Saturday, June 6,
2015, at the W illow Valley Golf Course in Ham ilton.
Proceeds provide m uch needed assistance for the Special
Education Departm ent at CCS. For sponsorship, donation,
and golfing opportunities, visit the CCS hom e page at
www.ccsham ilton.ca/golf.
re-Source Thrift Shop is MOVING
We are excited to announce that we are moving to
1050 Upper Gage ( at the linc)
Our last day on Greenhill will be Thursday May 14th
How can you help?
-- Friday May 15th 9-5 we will be packing the store
(we need boxes and packers)
-- Saturday May 16th we will be moving. Trucks are
rented and we need YOU to help load and unload
-- Monday May 18th we are unpacking and
organizing the new store.
If you can give us a day, 1/2 a day or a couple of
hours we need you!
Please call or email Melinda 905-912-2941 or
The Walk-a-thon is coming up at the end of the month.
Forms were sent home today with the students. This
years CCS Walk-a-thon will be held on Saturday May
30th. Many of the details can be found on the form.
What a great way to be active with your family for a
great cause! We look forward to seeing you out!
3 Volume 19 #34
May 8 , 2015
CCS Field Day News!
Thank you to the m any volunteers that have already signed
up. W e are still looking for volunteers for both the actual
Field Day date of W ednesday, May 20th and the possible
rain dates of May 21st and 22nd.
This is what we still need:
On the 20th3 volunteers
On the 21st4 volunteers
6 volunteers
On the 22nd6 volunteers
9 volunteers
to fill the 12 pm to 3 pm tim e slot.
to fill the 9 am to 12 pm tim e slot.
to fill the 12 pm to 3 pm tim e slot.
to fill the 9 am to 12 pm tim e slot.
to fill the 12 pm to 3 pm tim e slot.
If you are able to help out on any of these days please let
us know by filling out the online form on the CCS website,
or send an em ail to jbosveld@ccsham ilton.ca with the
dates and tim es you are available. Thank
you for being willing to help us have an
exciting and successful Field Day for our
Track Day Help: On Friday, May 22,
students will com pete in the 200 m , 800 m
and high jum p events. In order to run these activities
sm oothly, we could use a few m ore parent volunteers.
M aster Field Day Help: CCS hosts Master Field Day and
the event is set for Friday, June 5. W e have a couple of
volunteers who help sell pizza and snacks to the students
who participate in the events. However, they could use
som e m ore help. If you are able to help with either of these
events please contact the office or Mr. Boonstra
(aboonstra@ ccsham ilton.ca).
Dear Parents,
There are a few changes taking place this
year regarding lunch for field day.
We have decided to move hot lunch day
from Tuesday to Wednesday (field day) in
place of our traditional hotdog lunch. Those
who have already placed an order will
receive their food / milk on field day. (SK
and JK students who have ordered for
Tuesday will still receive their pre ordered
pizza, subs and milk on Tuesday.)
Please use the form below to order any
ADDITIONAL subs or pizza for lunch on Field
Day. Be advised that there will be a limited
amount of pizza and milk available for cash
purchase on the day of field day.
Return the form to your child's teacher with
appropriate payment included (correct
amount please!), by Wednesday, May 13.
We will allow for family payment, but
please still send your child’s individual
order to your child’s teacher and also
indicate which sibling with grade has
payment for the family.
Pizza and Subs order form - For ADDITIONAL ORDERS only!
(Please use one order form per homeroom)
Student’s Name
Homeroom - (eg. 7A)
Pizza - Amount
($1.50 per slice)
Sub - Amount ($2.00
per ½ sub)
Payment of $ ________ is included here (U)________ , or sent with sibling in ________(homeroom number)
4 Volume 19 #34
May 8 , 2015
Prayer for the week
Heavenly Father, on a day like Mother’s Day there are so many different emotions that we bring to you.
Some of us bring emotions of deep gratitude and joy for the mothers you have blessed us with, mothers who have
loved us,
cared for us,
walked with us
and taught us how to live well.
We praise you for such love shown to us through our moms and we pray for all those who are moms, that you would give
strength where they are weak,
wisdom where they are unsure,
patience with the many demands placed upon them,
faith in your care for them and their families,
and love—deep love—for those whom you have given them to nurture.
Others of us bring emotions of sadness and pain. Some of us are saddened because our relationship with our mom is not easy,
or was not easy, or perhaps never existed at all.
meet us in our pain,
heal our hearts where they are wounded,
soften our hearts where they are hardened,
and enable us to forgive and to love even those who have hurt us.
We pray these things to you as our Father, who loved us before the world began, and will love us forevermore.
In Jesus’ name, amen!
Quoted from a blog post by Justin Taylor at the Gospel Coalition.