Most Im ortant Circular CflI~~(>I~:"{1ffi" ~ W1~ilCfl(R) Controller of Defence Accounts (Army) :JJ'R'(1 mcJiR ,"{Iffi" cRill(>I~, Govt. Of India, Ministy of Defence Gl(>tlR;~{~, ~ trn, mo rncrcft- 250001, Belveder Complex, Ayudh Path, Meerut Cantt- 250001 CflI~~(>I~~ ~: EPBX NO.0121-2644273, ~ NO: AN/VI/3205/SAS-I/MAY ~ ~ :FAX NO.0121-646216/2646254, Email: SPEEDPOST!FAX /2015 Dated: 16.03.2015 To, All offices in Main Office All sub-offices Sub: SAS Part-I Examination scheduled to be held in MAY,2015, Ref: HOr's Office Most Important Circular No.AN/SAS/16101lSAS-I/MAY/2015, dated 11thMarch,2015 It hasbeen decided by the HQr's Office letter cited under reference to hold SAS Part-I Examination as per under-mentioned programme below: DAY/DATE PAPER TIME SUBJECT ORGANIZATION TUESDAY Paper-I 10.00 AM TO 1.00 PM MARKS & FUNDAMENTALS OF 100 AUDIT & ACCOUNTS 05.05.2015 (THEORY - WITHOUT BOOKS) ORGANIZATION WEDNESDAY Paper-II 10.00 AM TO 1.00 PM & FUNDAMENT ALS OF 100 AUDIT & ACCOUNTS 06.05.2015 (PRACTICAL- WITH BOOKS) THURSDAY Paper-Ill 10.00 AM TO 1.00 PM ACCOUNTANCY 150 07.05.2015 - FRIDAY Paper-IV 10.00 AM TO 1.00 PM SERVICE REGULATIONS (PRACTICAL- WITH BOOKS) 08.05.2015 Page 1117 100 2. The case of each intending candidate (including those who are on deputation) shall be carefully screened by a Board of Officers comprising Principal Controller/Controller/Add\. CDA/Jt. CDA, another IDAS officer and one Senior Accounts Officer/Accounts recommended on the basis of the following criteria:- Officer. The candidature shall be NORMAL CHANCES (a) those who qualified Preliminary Examination(Test) held in June 2014 and appeared in all papers in immediate SAS Part-I Examination, Sept.2014. In case of scoring exemption marks in one or more Papers (Paper-I or II or III or IV) they shall not required to appear in such paper(s). (b) those who qualified Preliminary Examination(Test) held in August 2012 and failed in subsequent SAS Par-I Exam held in April 2013, December 2013 and September 2014 provided the candidate had appeared in all Papers in SAS Part-I Examination, April 2013 which was immediate SAS Part-I Examinatiuon.In case of scoring exemption marks in one or more Papers (Paper-I or 11or III or IV) they shall not required to appear in such paper(s). (c) those candidates who were granted permission of withdrawal from appearing in SAS Part-I Examination November 2007/April 2009/ April 2013/ December 2013 and September 2014 provided their number of chances is within the stipulated four chances. (d) SAS Apprentice who has not yet availed normal two chances. Candidates scoring exemption marks in one or more Papers (Paper-I or 11 or III or IV) they shall not be required to appear in such paper(s). (B) (a) SPECIAL CHANCES those candidates who qualified Preliminary Examination in subsequent September (Test) held in Sept.2008 and failed SAS Par-I Exam held in April 2009, April 2013, 2014 provided the candidate had appeared December in all Papers 2013 and in SAS Part-I Examination, April 2009 which was immediate SAS Par-I Examination. In case of scoring exemption marks in one or more Papers (Paper-I or 11or III or IV) they shall not required to appear in such paper(s). (b) those candidates subsequent who passed Preliminary Examination SAS Par-I Exam held in November (Test) in June 2007 and failed in 2007, April 2009, April 2013, December 2013 and September 2014 provided the candidate had appeared in all Papers in SAS Part-I Examination, November 2007 which was immediate SAS Par-I Examination. Further candidates scoring exemption marks in one or more Papers (Paper-I or Il or III or IV) shall not required to appear in such paper(s). (c) SAS Apprentice who has appeared in SAS Part-I Examination, December 2013 and September 2014 provided the first examination was held within ten months of the date of his appointment and they did not appear at that examination. Further, candidates scoring exemption marks in one or more Papers (Paper-I or 11or III or IV) they shall not required to appear in such paper(s). Page 2 /17 Note: (i) The SAS Apprentice who have availed normal two chances special chance are not eligible for appearing in the examination. (ii) No application for withdrawal would be considered availing special chaI!ces. 3. and one for candidates Names of intending candidates who fulfill the prescribed criteria may please be sent in the enclosed proforma to Main Office CDA (A), Meerut on the address and within the scheduled date as mentioned at para-8 below. Since no preliminary Examination(Test) is being conducted during this round of SAS Examination the candidates would not be attempting first chance. 4. The following instructions may please be observed while completing the above proforma. (a) Candidate shall have to choose anyone as option Sub-Section from (A) Army, (8) Air Force, (C) Navy and (D) Factory as per Rule 15(vi) Paper-IV Sub-Rule (c) subject to according permission by CGDA. (b) Request for change of centre shall not be entertained after notification of approved list of candidates as mentioned in Rule 24. However, in case where due to exceptional circumstances, a candidate desires to take the examination at a centre other than the one nearest to the candidates duty point, an application the Principal Controller/Controller by the candidate containing specific recommendation shall be sent to HQrs office for consideration. circumstances, the candidate shall be permitted to sit in the examination without prior approval ofHQrs. Office. (c) The examination shall be conducted at Allahabad, Bangalore, of Under no as per his/her choice Chandigarh, Chennai, Cochin, Dehradun, Guwahati, Hyderabed, Jabalpur, Jaipur, Jammu, Kanpur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Meerut, Mumbai, New Delhi, Patna, Port Blair, Pune 'A' (PCDA(O), Pune 'B' (PCDA(SC), Secunderabad, provided sufficient candidates are appearing therefrom. The centres are subject to change depending on administrative convenience. The candidates should be advised to give firm indication of the Centre (with due regard to the prescribed criteria) in the very first instance. The instructions contained in this Office Memo No.330 12(5)N/1I AN-K dated 30.10.71 in regard to freezing to transfer of candidates Number may also be adhered to as far as possible 5. The candidates after notification of their Roll shall be allowed option in all the papers to answer the questions either in English or in Hindi. All the question papers will be printed bilingually. The option is however, for the complete paper only and not part thereof. Therefore, a candidate can opt to answer all questions of a full paper or all papers either in Hindi or English. In other words, optional use of Hindi or English questionwise will not be permitted and such answer books will not be evaluated. This aspect may be brought to the office of the candidates. If a particular candidate has opted to answer only one or all the four Papers completely in Hindi, the fact may be shown in the proforma in the column provided for the purpose. A 'Nil' report may also be sent in case no candidate has opted for Hindi. Page 3/17 6. In pursuance of guidelines notified vide Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Deptt. Of Disability Affairs, New Delhi OM NO 16-11 0/2003-DD.III dated 26.02.2013, details of the physically handicapped category of the candidates may be intimated. In case a physically handicapped candidate is desirous of facility of scribe/compensation time etc, application may please be forwarded along with requisite medical certificate for consideration of request by the Competent Authority. In this regard reference is also invited to the HQrs. Office Circular No.AN/SAS/16100/PH/Guidelines dated 12.08.2013. 7. As per instructions contained in Govt. of India, Cabinet Secretariat, Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms OM No.F.360211l0/76-Estt. (SCT) dated 21.07.77 regarding relaxation of standards in the case of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates in qualifying examination, it has been decided by the CGDA to lower/relax the qualifying standards for SC/ST candidates appearing in this examination upto a maximum extent of 5 % in individual paper/aggregate. This may be brought to the notice of all SC/ST candidates. Names of the candidates who belong to reserved community may please be furnished to this office while sponsoring their names itself, as per instructions Circular No. 0611/AN/K/(Orders) they belong to the reserved dated 12.09.77. Candidates or the unreserved record. A specimen of the declaration 7.1 community contained in this office may also be asked to declare and such declaration may be kept on is enclosed. Further, in terms of HQrs. Office Circular No. ANIII/2151/PC-I089(N) regarding verification appointment/promotion whether of caste certificate of SC/ST & OBC , it is requested that necessary undertaking dated 11.01.2013 candidates at the time of initial as stipulated therein, in consonance with DOP&T OM NO.3601113/2005-Estt(Res), dated 9.9.2005 may also be invariably SC/ST candidates besides aforesaid declaration and kept on record and forward this office. obtained from 8. The list of the candidates may be prepared strictly according to the proforma enclosed and dispatch by name to Shri M.S.Bohra, AO(AN) latest by 20.03.2015 by fastest means of communication. All efforts should, therefore, be made to adhere to this date to enable us to forward the names of candidates to HQrs. Office as per the time schedules. The name of the candidates who are finally selected by the HQrs Office to appear in the examination and the Roll Numbers assigned to them, shall be intimated to your office as soon as possible after receipt of the same from the HQrs. Office. 9. Since SAS Part I Examination is being held shortly, that it is in their own interest to start preparation all prospective for the examination candidates are advised without waiting for the intimation about acceptance to their candidature. It is likely that candidates are not making full use of training classes where these are held under the scheme contained in our No.AN/0611/AN/K, dated 17/07/58 (as amended). 10. Absenteeism making administrative not only results in all round increase in work but also wasteful expenditure arrangements for holding the examination. to appear in SAS Part-I or Part-Il examination whether a candidate As per SAS Rule 14(b), each permission will count as one chance against the respective actually sits for the examination withdraw his/her name by the CGDA. In accordance in or not unless he/she is specifically part, allowed to with the ibid proviso read with SAS Rule 14(d), withdrawal of the candidate not submitted within laid down time period would count as a chance. It may be clarified that as per decision of MOD(Fin), withdrawal of a candidate on medical ground after commencement of examination would also count as a chance. As such failure to appear in this examination by way of absenteeism or medical ground after commencement forfeiture of one of the four valuable chances allowed to candidates further be clarified that under no circumstances request for withdrawal as per of examination revised SAS rules. It may in respect of candidates availing special chance will be accepted. This may be brought to the notice of the candidates. Page 4/17 will entail 11. Detailed rules governing SAS Examination together with detailed new syllabus, recommended books etc. have already been notified and circulated to all Sub Offices/sections of the Main Office vide this office Most Important Circular No.AN/V1/3205/SAS/Restructure dated 28.03.2007.Rule referred to in the preceding paras are the Rules governing the Examination for admission to the Subordinate Accounts Service (SAS) in Defence Accounts Departments which have been circulated as Annexure 'A' to our ibid Most Important Circular. The detailed syllabus etc. is also mentioned in Annexure' AA' ofthe circular for guidance of the candidates. Please acknowledge Receipt. 12. (Pra anjan) ACDA(AN) Copy to: 1. 2. OA, Cell AN-VII - For uploading on the website. - For information and n1a please. -~ -- (Praveen Ranjan) ACDA (AN) Page 5/17 CERTIFICATE I * do hereby declare that - (i) I belong to (name of community} yvhich is included in the list of Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe ( as the case may be). Or, * (ii) I do not belong to Se/ST community. Signature: Designation: Account No.: Roll No.: '"Strike out which is not applicable. ( To be used by the Main Office of Principal Controllers / Controllers The declaration the individual has been verified as per the information recorded concerned) in the Service Book of and found correct. Signature and Name Sr. Accounts Officer / Accounts Officer (AN) Office of the PCDA / CDA Dated the 201 5 - 'I PROFOt:lViA ~~_:>,p,f:n_EXAillHl\!.ATIO/IJ SCHEDULED r·~~(':t •• J::::,,'~ !."" 1"0 BE rlEl.D 1I(.!~::·'.6'(.,20j~ ~f :~.t-:::--df;."~)~~~~~~·:.!c~:.~::-:::"'r:-'::~::?1~ended by the PCDf/C0:-: t'.',- (::'.i:.~r.i~J~·'.. l ;::}~..;.:,rr~ir4at~r.>n SECOND CHANCE y. if, .1. ',ra,~le , :C0lfli: Se~: ,\If). ilf,.-'(:lldi(.t~w ,);;t~ Late oi <I( ttPP('IIn'- BIrth men, Wh£:th;:r ~...atsqcry (13en,1 se- Station & Office where servinq Physicahy sn Handicepped . if yes oeta!1 of :ate9u', Nearest centre t Aari~s obtaineo :0 '''eliminarv 'amination nslc or 10,(J6.2[",~ to the candidates duty point ----L--, RoHI'e, 1 Paper ! -,- ;>~~9r - ['ilarics ootainoc m SAS Part-l Examination 2014 Ss::.ienl,0· ------[ut,,; KoH Paper Paper Paper Paper III IV ('.;; Ne, ' ... ~--.-.-' s !. 6 I 11 ., 8 I " -r ........ -----------~---i-_ j I Particulars section of Sub(VIL. !I\I '~\:'Il1y,(8) Air Force ::"1 f\!2\1Y to} ~;::<ctory l~; of PI~p·:o;·rv :;·~c:tion Whether the candidate is wilimg to attempt in Hindi If se, the Paper(s) in which he!shc will ta!(E! the exam in HINOi Exemption I -- ! I I I I __~ -13: ! , --~-.--- J. i4 :5 16 --- ...T-- ---.--..-- ..... ,---._, .• i 17 I 18 -I ' 19 ..._ ....,.... 1 I I L__ Ramarks. if snv ~.P3P;,.T."l::;:':, ! .. L ~., 1-•.) _~ J 10 ! I detail ! L 1--+----- #," t· s-, , ._~'j;J.' J ·.,,1 . ..•. 24 - ~. ~,r~r , •. 1 :- _ 2~ 2:1 A_Cccpt,H1('C ""Hl nt C('BUner;:j",:;",1'. 'Jf P'-wdpfll Conrrullcr/Controller "i:mH' & Signature 7/IJ7 ..J.. _ 20 1-_._.._. PROFORM~ '?!:::.:" PART :.::x,M.,tm.\ATiOi\l SCHEl,: UIoEQ TO BE t HD IN IV1Ab4Dl.,? P,h;~'~_~KCt~~;;\rs, of ~n~:~odin9J~•• i~;::dkt:3:t8S recommended bV the pet ;A/CD! ..~.f··.v St\5 F;:.~rt~rfS;~aXf~it1cthot1 THIRD/FOURTH ;"am;: (l~ C.~;ad:: i,'::{:0U;,\ th~: Se,c f~!C,. ;;i\(;CJj,:n.r; (,:;negi.l"Y Date Date of of Birth appoint- ;G~n: se; er .•...11 ment Station Whether 11Office where ~.e~m~l Physically t.{andicapped if yes, detail of category CHANC;~ Marlt5 obtain-x1 in Pre:lminary Nearest centre 10 the Examination hrdd L " ,j .... _ ,----_._-- ~-. 5 _ .. -- p2p~~r ,'~ /~,'. ?ilPe, 2f.~ I __ -:-.. Ma'ts obtZH1GCi ir, SAS PanKI Examination nuli 6 _.... Paper III IV 26 25 Total _ .. .._------' , - Roll No Paper Paper Paper I II HI .~ ,', ,n-'; :0 Roll ~o. 11 10 S~pt. 2014 Paper 32 33 Roli No. TO~_i 14 candtdate ic willing to attempt in i Paper Paper {Y.~ the ~~J.oardJ.V~e:1Jbi;r'~ ~~,(~centan(~~ and tak2! the exam in ~'_~~r.:I_~ 3:: f"('(,nr.n.lni;'F.Jd~~ti(.1;·';~, I I! ii I 18 III HV I 19 20 I Exemption details Paper Marks Remarks, if ..~ I I any ; ____ 36 ... __ ....:.w. 37 uf Pr~tDCiD21 Cantroller/Controller ;";aEH P.. o 8~ 1':1 Paper I t H indi. if se, the Paper(5) in whictl helsh" VIii! 34 I I I ! I D;.:"rt. Apr 20i:. -.-- ..-..~.---..----------------:---.--- ..--. Whether the I! Paper ~6 -.. _._--------_._---- Part' cuiars of subsectior: (vlz, (Ai Army, (8) Air For :e (C) Navy (D) Fact·ry Section HI of Paper-IV ~...~__. 31 P2Der 13 '2 ~---..---------~- Marhs obtained in SAS Part-I Examination Oec 2013 Paper 9 0 v ,0 SAS Part·! E}(arnination canridates duty point 2 Marl~s obtained 2: ,08.2(;;: O( & Signature •.•.• 38 , j Total "),' 1:.1 PROEOR.IYl.6 SAS PAET I EX,tl,iVmUtTiOI\' ;:-·C.!)[;)ULED TO BE HEW if! r'-Ii\)::,20:l.5 E"'tber\£Hnr~{:.rjf)\.~ucl~te~:r; f'ecOrr~t!T'l!€H,ded b~tthe ?(:'DAJC-~A if Of 51:75 F~1rt"'I En2Hrn~r~~~t~,Qn 'i,-···_iH~~!.Xi?;:rs· SPECIAL ;,.';~;Ot!~~; ;'~T;~ {It ",:r-L.1(' Cate O'~ Girth Se!' ';'IF Date of a:--,(;lrze:') IiVheiner Category ((;enf 3Ct appointmcm .-_. ..... Stabon O. Office where senring PhYSJcolly handicapp?ri. STi __ CHANCE _--- if yes detail of cateqory Nearest centre to the candidates duty iViarlt! obtainec in Preliminary I I E~;;m:nah0n ~1ari;sobtained. in Preiiminaf'j Examinanon heM on 08.09.2008 held on 1S_E.2007 i1-- ---,------.-.-..... -.-.... --... ----.. -. -.-.-.--.-.-----.---- point ! Roll !'i,1. Pape: RuB No. 15 i6 RoIl No, ! Paper Paper 18 19 , c;u {t .' 7 ! s 8 12 11 "10 -,--------- .. _, .. _-----, ,~;.!:~!Ji.?in,"c In S,~:, Pari I E;:c!l1in;1.tl0f, f%,200? ';,0;( '"" ,. PanEr I "'"per pap;'--;';;:~; I' Ii' _____ ,~n,,=~, ~_24 ...__ .__ _ _..,.___ I IV Tota! Roll No ~ I I I 26 --~----;~~:r , Paper . ., Paper I ' 11 ; 27 ~ ~ I,' ___ -l-.......- L rH . I Marks ",ori, 2009 ; __ ...,.........__ ~fj _ _ .• __ _ 43 t: ~',.,~~; ~ Ct 'i I 11--L- ' (Di Fa:lcry III ' : Paper IV ' '. -r- ---------- ..__".•..__,,'__" ...•. _., ....• ,... .,•..__ Whether tile candidate is t-\lilJing to attempt in Hindi. if SOf the Paperts) in which hGisl1e will take the exam if HINDI ----------.-,--'---. Exemption _ .._._ .. I; i.' , I : . .... I! __ ._._" Paper 11/; I ~ ; _---, Remarks, I if anv ---..•...--- ----"1 I dettli!s Paper ~t'~: ar k:; '(.! .,,:) ":.t _ --.-i-._.- 49 _ _.._ __ ._. __ . t __ ._.-_ ..- . se 52 61 >.5 54 :~ff;1be}'+s; , Acceotance and Recommendations of Principal Controller/Controller Name & Signature f~ Of '1- /'7- Total IV Tote: ;:::lPC;if! {!0' : ....- ... . I F3U7!; I _.~ '...,-'..-- ..----- r~i"ri;s obtained in SAS Part-l Examination Dsc 2013 Total IV Particulars of Sub-section (viz. (;\j Army, {B) ,4:r Fo;'ce (C) ,"avy April 2013 --:a~:;-~--~lal ; SectioE ill of P::HJer··1V !'''P:'' . obtained in SAS Part-l Examination I ~_____. I ot:~:!;!·:~(~ !; -·--Z.'~ ~';~n.~-··~);:1;T'if)~~{I:);·l St:!p:-~j-f{-·--·-·-·-·-----'··-----·-··· ·--~ln<? ~7 !~~l-;a~:T. paPt~r;~~:~r~:p-~;--- ····-~~~I'j~o i ;~~-e~l Paper ,;;-r-;o ;;--;; r;;-r;;-j ;T;6- " :'ll§.:::I~~ i _"- in Sft,$ Part-: Er.aminati()r. illiarits obtained 14 13 43 ; _ : ;'1 i~'j ;\-n,:!':p) ]'/t~IIS ;\.);t'" ..:+,;t:ll, " - .i . , \\". Cf~ ,h J,t l'~' FiT)i ;:)_l<>~;~ i' i :\-,i:n~:~!(\ ill I )c:kl1v' t,:t :nLuj f,,'(C'il(.t:' ;Hld t)(I~~'~rl\,_'C;,IU;U:('t':. IhTaJinkTi '\C'('i1ill< r i.cri_](~u\,.'r:·dCl Detencc !\t-(~:\lUljLS Ft.CsDA/PCi\ (Fy:,)fCsl.:(\ in .·judillt'- ' n,\ (Hit: (l;iZEUi/Cl'«(;\ n"VS,)! CDA r'lInds), /\jiIlY, :\jl F,n"" &,' Navy (illciudilltc, SUVit;CS I H}r:i :.II1u their \)~ f:-\tnl(\1t StrucLure). I;1! -: \. ::;(:"'j'V 1\.'l~'()r1:~allis.iti (lIt:; nlle; :\~,:cnCit.~<,like (;}<,LF. Coast (ilEln! DiCf'::rClll i l ; ~;';~ i'-'i:fi til(: i') \\."il1 1',\ ;'iI" '!ilil1J;.l',' jl,\I), ;I'! ~ :".>',il\.::il~ \\'{~1"kjng Zll'(".Jl)lJ\ "_,11 1 ' li l ! ',J('il"r:t! L'U1I\>''I:1{' i,.d1·1\f' ! Lhc"::f':;':\\,'1 tf.}Jl ~Hh! r'dlh'{iUII"; >:'nL~' :lud i\l!I(.;Li(I\,\S i':':h:'~& !'i,\ver , .: ", fZ'uIHlud) " '" , "" "\ f' ),'\. ill-.,'!t:trgi:': :~/\~. 1/ ,'\~ .rnd I,d" i\11!ii~,~i.l·yI'll' I'il.l(llh',:,',' L It(' i liJidi ! t • ill'i'!: \':ll"jlll.h /\1 :,!.)'Ti;lt~ (-j\'i",;,lit, o l Ilit',:' :"ulltrollc! (;c:i.icrnl td'-i\L.\~"\)lHH:<. {\udi1u: ()cIJ(;I;d:oi lmli,; Ruk',; ,,1 !,'pillp(n>lkl',\: ',! \"(: \11 ~..'h;,pl\'r:; " C'iupL'! i>.) lntoruuuiou. J U of (li\.ll'arl k):hi Commissiou illi'uJl1I;tli'lil (\.'Iiltiil ", "I'" ;,f" I\wlil - Cellcl,:! !It'illcq']c:c; and rules \11.111 ,,f n;t'ci!,\'; .u«t \i1!,Jt·(!~)I.Jtl!~<~L i. :{"!li-'J;:! t i,"i),'i "t" 'd I·-t llnil :\1"lil :I~!)!i!j';i1''''':i::I\'I) ofaudit nliu\'l:Hlw(':,. ;~:!'.I!I;,_.u.. _ :'\CC(HUl!,'-' l!h:L,1. \ 'tll(lj) ! \:.'Le nl..'\.' i... i;\.I:J1 f'lillClpk·> ,lrq\cj';,:'d ~~t\q'~'~, - L.:-:>Tlit:-; cd pC ,\I..'('uHUi"; and '\cC(lllnts C:Clic'['cd i.~cpiHtHt('nl 't .l;lI.l:ifcr::; I'owcr :\-leilluds 01 (l)ci'cllce tlf :\·j;',!,<Lu LUI·.llr:lJi<pl,j'l .n ul j't1i,I!'1\-'I<d Ser\'li'c'S) Coruroller !\L"_',iUlltillg (I{' - r'{)\\'<:r i)cJ(.~!J\..'C .. (icnCl'c:l Principles and methods of Accounts - r~ulc,'~rcguluting the Accounting of !,:/'lt1:'" /\",'1'(1; "; l IJ \tu.l!l! ~'I \t' \ 't,)!'dl illt. 1 d {)uUi1lt::c, ,,)1 Iile"y",·:;;:: .. I<.uks i • !;I,.,'},!.i!~;~i'i(l\ n.,'pqrt t,d ih'c.' ( \HiJi--<j~·,lk the i".ieh.'ncc SCl"\,icC's {;t)\:cnUUtTlt !!\i'c\t :lli\)il .,>1 I'lill'!'" IlJl,lllli':::r.;.Ii;llic.,,:", \'lIdiIWC'111 ';.'!\dr:h.·l~;_, 1..'.,;·'<,il,ltlUlt,' ~,\ll'~ ~ilil..l 1'\!~i~!.'i\l.llttri ,-h,';:\'liqL, ~II\J I("("\i\,(:!ic.:-:"' fCt'.uLiii!l!', n'::C-()V~'l"jc>; or (d Iliie: C~~lJclh.lj!lIi(' ill iL. 1-', ,_: \ . 11' : (··:•• . ;, I • 'l]lf; p.\; "';;:'.1',' '\ I t~ It ~ l ;t,~1 l '.' 1) ·3t}!.k;~ ,). J,·)et~'I~c\.L,(;:di.:~! I··\_)pnJilUt"C i.' }('i'P~;'l::" - BtHir·;ct,i!:- ..• '\tl''':UI1(,.':;S >~ ~_. i,:j ;d!i',;i! "t, ,,!,.j-;j:·,'1tii'Ll '\}:ilrt'!l ::i1l,1:~;U:)p;:":!'l';C -. t. ;:\ 1)\ :-)I'_'~·~l!.'.!li.·-,; }}.~I.;.,~:_!. \l\!:i' q: '~li ,t';. L)·:-I;~~:jiC·'· !'\~'( :\{_~.,.'·\tl(fl.i!tL~ I1 " t "'1' !H~ll'tiiJ!!'( j ~ , ,t ,,)",:te1n '''t]\PlCICI:li "e ")'i':Jinli,.>1l l 1:;,~Ch;i11gl~' Li~:';l;""nl:> '-I ;'\:"-, ,,', '.. .·>il;J; i r(~',L:,nr(jJtt).~, t'l'(: J.;I!u::Lj)~·J, ":,.!\.',.!L,: <',_\';,J;l,-~;)!: 'f I and !\\Idil "'--!,,lit or Accounts clfi.icncv hU)!(lIn) and Allclil- S1nlCtu:c' \lC uud spelt of Audit an.I Ellectivcuess /\udli. UCIIClni - fUTlcliol1,; ;\,:CUUlllS ('O\'i. ;','.'.('II!iI P('i,~ulil[('ry ,ud ;\lloijl 1.'''';1: :111,1 iI\ 'd \~!i;\lIi_, 1.;,;1J..1IS tl3l"~~ tn thf'l liunuc.ul lZC'gUI:.JtH!ji.-' "I 11iIHipk:; III 1,iu.incc and :)undarcis \11' lin.un I,d f'rfqH i I\' Ilj.l.l;lli', 11(:' ,H);.q l·t 1'\ \.1' \.\' 1"\f)'-·ll<.iil'I;-( ;I~,l:·\t/, ;:;;1\: . L :I(!1;.lgC to Publ tl' i.Yc"pCrT~"" f HIJ!:I",l.i,,:qJ~ <11<.1 i<;~'('II\'"C!il~~s ;' \ii.\ii ~)t·i·tliiiy ~.)L~pn'1iV1. ~'::'lH;·(.i'..J~';. 'uivcr-ial service condition and grant offee, Honoraria awJ Rcwnrrls. :.. qg(il~:'\I~d \'l~..., ,lLinc,:lt1S Charges. \ hcqw:--: Haiik Drafts, Military Treasury Reuuuunces S: ( 'ash i\';:-;igil)l\( uts. i r'(''ld: 'l c icpl.oues. I:ul<.::; i:C('uii,lt' LP ;\1.1)]\ and/or I\ir lorcc. :-:ut,~" ;_',ccltliar III tll',' indiau Navy. ·\ 'I r<lininl; \ .r.uu '1I1d Minor Training ,-l\ll'r;~c!i,,"~"; ~I:I.Jj"'aill!llg (~lal11.. ,'ltlli(~HI 1'!,li:lili:: lnstructional C;I~lill l quipun-nt "CAj· I,;I::;:! ,"]',, "I ':;igll:d:. ;_~(IUlied ll:iil1i!l;.~;.';'.(111." (('lP" ,\t'I[\n~ .. J;J! \\''-~Jrk> >~('rVlt'I~~S ~~;r~\i!t h (Q':lr;. in respect I)r{.~:ldcts. l~r:ltnjng CiraIll )dd~s for the gnill:1I1CC t) i/c ,,'d~ M'lC in oblairung !\;~~'lljf~L·" -Iucalional ~-: I' or 1" \'jl:-lring their \ .uidunce fiJl HCI;\IUlItS. OCficT!-:; will) receive and handle cash. I,/ f-'" d Iuu.Is, rU;:lkillg p<l\:n1cnl(~illid 1'1 " i I' I1 11 ,. J :)!" ... r .• i,. il ,11 11t.1 L~ r, '.,] lil Lli~ }I\~~!I : 'd I ,I 'I I'! (: ~ .. " " i I ,11::" , I :t I1 I ;)jl 'I' 11 'I 1 '.l'l' ;\ I,' , }rF~il 1.( \to I )(' , 'i I { ~; \ \ dl' '11" !! l t . . ,\ LJ~ .;,'jl" 1'1 'I ' \ '11-.11':1I,.,I!L :' ~I 1 ~ ! I i" 'Pil] q 1I1I I, , I ~'1l\. Id. " ',\! i', I, I :11 Y " !\ )1 r ~Iillla[f'~, \crvjf."l' ~It)l Vi 1 vii "\;' Cs!<'•.• l)chlcX j.~I·'11 t" i \ ....,., ( 11 Ye;11 i1(1\\·....:r, \,.1 ). ... ,·iill':.~j I i l'. _ i , d, " '11"111,1<. !,) {1~'\I'i:LII~'n: "\1(1 (' \ :[:11 1,'llt·'...>,~. I,. I: 1'1 'Idil , ;. ~..•' 1"'1. I, " I' ,i! i i- ~'. c j~"'t "!.: , , I! j 11 'I I, ~.1 I;!. ,: '-I" " Id. I " 11'.11 'L: ~ ,11. I' I Iltli 11 " \ ! 11 ,i ,',1 11 ,! ill \1: oil It,' "t' :fll. I I I th .! h'i" 1 I ,h f d ,·1 1;,lld 1'1:;'1 !i'<l11 III ':Ccti''ll I) :'l"',.I.l\:i1I;':1I1d Hil;~k. ! -. ...[·Clll..l' ;\lidit ((·h.i!)l;~1 f· ,p '-, ,It };-: '''l't vicc. ._-RC<>:;!'i:) f.\, (~i:;lr~~\.", 'li !':,:", .,-'!1~:._~. I )=...~t:t ..dhJ Rcmiu.uu.c H\..~::d;;. ''''I', \1,\1\ "t1 11:,;,.,:,,'1 l'l'I:dilll',.i\J('ll,>scilc(lllk :Idl>l ,IIII-,'II;! i:;lI~"I'II1.1tll'!I' {"'I'; l (""I-I ~llId I1i j.t! 1~':,",ltlali'ill'; 1';I;l 111\,'lt:q\lc'l 1 l'J ') and ,} (li';1 nl'\PI\''':lidi\,c ·~I.'l)ll \': ;'11 '.,'; [",'0{, i 1.111 ".' \ 1111 ,I I': 11I ,I \ j 11 I', I' ..\ I I ;0 !;1 .iu d l ' \ ~ I (\ ',;In l(~ j I~ I' I' ) , d(, III .. 11\1;' :1:: III l'ath'l I';.: J), \ pi} 7 ~_ J 1--1 If 1 l,' i( II! i; ',\ I' J ,q 1 \ ,! ~ I.',' I !Id t -, i< ,1 ';i{ 'Il~d j ,.C \11. -. llli II )' i III I. i! (d 1 it 11' , 1 .:0; ,i I " ,. 'I :1· !\Ii');' Hl~,~ .ur. i ,irL\..1 I', .o.tu. l1lfL LI! I! i , 11 ;~:., i\ ~:!q; 1: I, , "IHI, 1\ :'.il i,'_:l. I,ll I :,(l~'! I , 'I '!IIW,1 '. :1I111 \.1:.Irgilll' 1j'~I"I;' \:1 .\':'" illill" .. ':I.;(,o:n di~l(i\}l1lJfl'·t,·,1 uucl, l'!j .r,d", \.·\'~~!ill;f ~HIII ~'I()C(\":~ \.;(}l~ljJlg n .1Ht~l. 1',1 \- U;.i,~llle Pndit r(~laTi(}Jl:-::!1ip' l~" >"d --(' .: '/t ,1"\ :1: - llctl\.l l~ji e. 11; 11 I ' .! I .11 !:. I\ ; , I , i, I ' : I , . ~I !I,.': j "1 'll;,1I1 dl\'i I i. 11 ~.. j 1 J •. ! 11 " 11 '.; I '. 1I ! ll,. : j I i. t l I ill 'if I I ' ; 1I " ;I I l:'; till'; i 11• :'li!IClIIC!,h i"ilil.iai [I'l~!\j' 'l.ltlll,lllk.i'ltJ, i((';;"I1'1 tll,JiI (.~t:i(t.·l~H:llt;~ .uthcr j'd ~~.\'·~l;"·!\l ·d'I\:ilY j'lL'-l (\Ithel \):i.I':,'llI 1':'{!lli :'IL.[ ~,,)~~\,/\\.·.\qllll~, \d t I' :' iirlli"rll ;11 I,· \.;! " , I it:' i , IIi ,\lId -~'il~~h II<UI'i<!cli\lfIS \d U,!ilk l'rcpurauon i\'_'.:<!lIl\1 1';'\'lll.:'!ll; di;~tl~. {!lI~ptijl1,' .. .Inv.uue i"".·l\II\ ~1I1dt:'jh:,'il,llltll·.' il.:lil\JIl :\. (\.1 ",':!"III":II .u .iu.' I!;!irl! : ,I , <'I "r- ,d I!".J', ,..I.iI' ,J', dClPUIJh L \.. 'Ijl )(I\\L. • Ii \ l,_,,:lll'lii,jl:' 1 I I \ i i ,'. I 11 It f 1~\.'~~lt'( iH .,\\,~ U,!s\(' llilllClPlc:, I'. !I>."" i u.: t \}j:.! lil ~"'\)',ielll wd :-! ' ';,..~ 1 i'-(>il;jjl<1I Al()JlIill!; lY L h q i..... \..'t d ' J1!\i It) (I\:',,'j Ill!" ill!11 IIIll'l ! :. :I~l(. titr- "'""l!ji;,_~k' \ '_ ... I ;;'I,)i [(>i,n,c:! ii 1\.11] i.-u /,', lnl..~I.!I;,d,·.pl'I)\:'pr~~ci~ltl~~1l i If • 1 ,! I '111' I II i(t':J\"J\(~\' d \\. IHIIII I;:",~ 1·,1.1..!1j,1l h.i; t: f ~ 1I '~i I ! I· .. · 1\".r1. .r t , C}:!lt'j ( 1 J I IlIIIJI'I 1,1/' .' _' h,I:11iJI)' 1,1 \'\ll11j1<iJli,':; l'll:r:: (~;'I!~1c :IIH:dY~I" I ;~li.\ !~{Hlk-}·~\.."pirt~l ,','1';',', It 11 I rl'l'old~, <impi,: r,lli\l '11{:hk' f : \'~II\~. ", ,11 \, III l' fg\ ('IH,): dj' incomplete I,. ,il1':I<11:;(;dl'jilc'lil:; ", I. -\ I.. I 1';"1II: it) COlllpany Accounts I \irJ1l<Jiiull (It' Joint Sl(ld< - \kill11l1il ('\)IlJl';lllV "r .lo int (,Ll~:"C'S ~,I\ld, ili "llij ",11;\1,,,; .vr.. ';1· u.: ·\ ;~:.'vnl;liit'li Ljt .~\; :\,'\ \'; l'~;; 1{); 1h,~'~-·)cr\'jl_'·\;..'S \'/u\--J; ; Il i ;~!", . t; \;11 'i.; {iLl!, i~ l .' f. !: i!.il!'<!l"l p '\'li:."-: ; I ..!\. 1!.11 ';.d ,. '~i,LdhHl~~~ \~"'(! ij "11 q (1)1' L\·]\l.,i .. l.l! ~·n!p!\:.'~·t-"((~ L H i \)1\,: j Id::; l'\~\pi,',i '..';; ;ll!;,;ijt i L__ 'i'!~n'~' 'Z.·ivUi~ilJ:·: j!}l , i \,\.dl P:,'llhl "1rd\.·'t~Uil):J_ 1;1/< i,~('·p~irlilH,'jl!. ;l!.:.<} \',iq!ttlll dlhl r,~ !t H" j ) t~ II C C {..., i\ i i .u r, l !.-Ic~~., qLlcsricJJI~~ Uti r)rof~:cdurl'~; dlJd on i{egul:l(iult.'; <'\d,,'..l\V:ljl(·e:~ which dji" 10 Lhc L)1;cd\,;-,; pi!,<>.CI!h.,:,J, «n l~:!.'·:,} h:: ~.q·!~)!i;:·.~din 1 Cd'·:( !lu~.ljl;li P: 'pI",;i.!' 1.";1'111 ; l! tlr,! > L..'.!;~'(_ -------_._------ .:.;::;.( ~ f 1 ~;i;:\ptC'l' 1 l}~ I .(.~fL-.,) if; l·~:,I, I ~ .urn 0 I' l\l iIeSS:. !\..l \()lhC:'; ,Cld;li'Y 1:11 ~r;.)t!p Ll(:Ul":!it!.'t"' .,! f ~, !''",·.l.h.·'c! i "'t\'liL!!lillV -·1\nshQ1 !\il U i 1(; , .1 i ;.~".iH,"lli\'" :~i.:..lhj"ay or Income (\qnn!i:~;>l\ql Tax at ;-,ourl:C 1"(\)!1\ ::'ILlrj\,.", j'-. :II.;:"(~ h, t_'~'J1U t! t,C' S~~rvic~~~\) Rules F'rOl't.,klll hUld (India) Rules Hui(·s l{)/~). i<.i..'f.:'qJ..!tI~lil',i h:jI 'i 01\ (L.\lu!;Li~.tu i.\~~\"itIcI1.LFu.nd ty"th,f.':r! l ' '~'il} ;'~'l\" l(lJh:',s, ')nt)g. "). ;'~'.:.~ I ~l"plnr l~u!(',;([',pI , iJ ~:!{.:1 \! \'~:; i' \..\ l(c'F'.ul(llt()lb i (it il;.ns) I-(cgulati\)n:, t()F:s) !t;,.\\'C Rulestor th,.:' ~~i~rviccs Volume I (Anuy) r·nl\:i'.;il:p(; ~)f'I'r;'\vl~liZcg\jl:1LluJk; peculiar to the ~~\T'-'ic··C's ;~\j~ /\ '\,IIlI : ,1()\I1' ; l~'! !',;r! L\ t, )f\.j ~ 'dl'l ;'\ ill.:·;Ui'lllC':' :··idJi:llw ~. /S'1!/ --- ------- ;'i' ;, : l): ' . i. (., :'\(",.!l 1\I."lP~:'~,> :;,11-3 in /:~.~prjf\I ..:;:d.H.':t·- ,f\n\':\l"~; and (>dls j\UUtlTl:_'.lll in !\dviJ\lce Forfeiture oC Shar~;:) - Re ..issue uf F\.)rkikd ;-';ku'f''i " ~;\;.II!jil;IV Iorrn :lIld Cl mte I us Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss /\cC()llnt~. :,lliJll.::; :It.))l;:e',lulll ll('phi<:' Fnil v Hook,\d\:lil<I'd :\I.i .•·;Jtli il'.l.,d..'; or L' 1.\, kq ,I \,I",,'piJl!'~ .• :J.IR.Ba~Jnh\i:i /\.,I,()unliilt: (d :\1. \\..}tlllil!}F.- - ;;i'1:i\lt;u.3; :(,;"'cw~1 ,J~ ].~~ r~}~l~,~~ioi Sl]ZVRClE -_._ -._._ RiEGUJLAT10l\JS _--- -----_._. __ .._--- '. .- l~~RAC'nCA],--WnH BOOKS) , - :' St,dl,Janl I'uy s(akFixation or pay under Fundamentals Rules Stepping up (lY [lay. or anomalies - Fixation of pay of Re-employed Pensioners - Increments Advance lucrcments - Stagnation Increments - Lump-sum Incentive for acquiring Iljght~l qu;tli1i\"~lii\lil- Incentive for promoting small family norms -Inccniivc Ior re.uoval Ik~u\l\.'sS Allowance, UFC\, CC1\ and CCA tu certain places uu.ler specific suuctiou an'! under ')pecial Orders - Transport Allowance .. W;dlillt; Allownuce (''jTk . UVC'I'1 iuic Allowance - Fee and 1louorariuru. :hlilli:,;:,iblc /\JI\!wLI\I<:'~ .i OilJlfli', lime when udnus.iibic t In<lv:likd .Io.niug conditions (r'-'llClal Amount limc of Joining r.'\Icn:-:iulI Ill' JUiilil1V 'lim.: - I'imc. governing the grant of Children's Educational .'\II(1wat\(l~ :!c.lI(,Ill(~. ,klJeral Provisions governing the Central Government Health Scheme tin Serving l.ruplovees and Pensioners CUE Group - Insurance Scheme-Scope[mural Ice and :';[HllllL FUlJ(l:;tv1i::mbcr:,hip, Monthly Subscription and Amount of Insurance Cover. i\.1cdical Attendance Rules - Medical Facilities iJJllldia and Outside Indiaof charges special nursing - Artificial Appliances - i\ uthoriscd Attendants .. Recognised Hospitals - Concessions for fclllliiyRcl,I)(iliioll of or Hcuubursernent Medical Rules. Calculation 0111('1' or tvledic:::d Reimbursement Claim v-Live Case. :;,;n,icc iV!:Jttcrs Snvict' Book .. verification al1cnlli(on·(:hallg(' (11 Name - Iorwurding ';lIl',eqllcllt (lr ol ~crvice nl'pli'i.11i(Jll - I )att~ o l Ilillh <lilt! it,; (iJi' other ,.'tI11'1<)VIII(,1H. 1111,'1\.";1 hee j'1l\-\,(T of Iruvcling and 1111{:I\c'st Bt':lIing Advance - GCrJcmJ COlidiLi()J1s-~jpecwJ Sandion - Amount of Advance - Adjustment of Advance. Allowance ' Grades of Government Servants Journey/Transfer/Retirement !\ir/:;-lea - TA on Tour/Local " Daily Allowance .. J(lIlnIC~' by - Advance ol TA - Conveyance ;\IJ0W111Kl', /1/ 'l J .h 1flc..."IL.k"'-- t'oflditiollS' _ .: ~~'; i" itl!: ..~.~bd!;:·:.. i\jtlt:'lp../,'nL.·· I1L-h'\' in lrulia - Fucasluncut or!.L ',1,' ·.:~i·'~;:t ~ :.E·~p· .. '-11~',;\ jl/:\!1~':' / .... '11'! Il'C.J!ICI!l :V!,,;:' '1 f, ;vli.',us, ..~ ,I diii!lJL', t " ('IW~5d.iGlti\)ILI ux Deduction ~,Ii source) l)cfilli~i'!l\ 111</\, Relit Free a~'\.'(HTI1l10(hJtio!l - De.Jlll,:tic'lJs - la:{,lhk Incomcl ax - Rebate ill Tax - Incentives [(II' Savings, ( ';d,.'ulaiillfl ul lncornc lax-Live Case. [I"'(HII"; ; ~;:( - (Iucoruv \ l\.lI (aI"; ~If' :";ai<Il'Y) , 11,,"1(1,1 ~)lI'-'ll,:rs Allotment of Quaners - Liccn«: )u: ' t lut Pi' IUIil ,\i>>lIII','I][ ,'11 R,:icIIliJli\ oi' \)ulll'\,'r:, ' ::-iubkttin)J. ,,j'( ,hi:IlIU:- ,\!I kill,I:; ": ; ."1'" \ :P\,C'lIiil;;:lll i\hl!l al ,;,d;:" 'if' i~f\I\!il,l:; , r luud: (d,'lli ('1(.1 l from ut' Provident Sul':"criplioll- (O!' Interest :;Id)~\'ijl'ij"'l, lil"d:illj,_"l" ']\,,'lrlii1;i!UIjI ;hl\;I,\\:':S ,\I\(I lund ' Genera! Provident lund \ C'S" \i;lllJlc!l(l'l>.T 1iunsler (1[' Balance, Final Sculemcnt or Pro\idclll luiul, I) :)1 I P :\'iIll, l\:U)' FUllJ, i\l'()l' ['und, r \\JiJldr;lv,;Il:, '\c<.:nunlinI1 .. ;\iT!' Amount I:Ji}(ihilily h.lltd, I'cusion - Qualifying Servi,:c, Counting of Previous Civil/Miliuu; Sl'lvic.l; IUl !,Ut':" .iI PI) re-employment - Fmohuueuts and Average l.moluments - Classes ut Pension hl1'<lil:I'eusiou Extra Ordinary Pension - calculation of Pension - Uratuity , Nt'lV l'cti:;IUll :;~'ilemc, Authorisation 1..[' Pension and Gratuity" Payment of Pension - Couunutatiou \II' l\'w,iull l-nrusluucut or I cave Dearness relief 10 pensioners, Pension lhn'"gl, l'ul.l ic ~;C'cl."r !;allk! l'ost Office SavlllgHnnk Voluntary 1~t'ljJ\;:'lllcnl fZ\·,~igjl(lti',Jll. L;ll ,'lal' I >isJllis::al ' i\li':slllg ! mploycc l (1') t") ('o., Cir ~:;~'l'\,icI'S(Pari!) -- (lCllcr:tl - Commissioned ulfll Cl:' ' ./(', ):;;; liZ:, Pc Icnce Sn: UI i IY Corps - lcrri tori al i\ 1111y' C omunuat ion I' I' 1\'11 <.i 1)\ 1 ' Fq~iJI;llj"ll ['CI\\i\'11 i\]'pcndin::, !~'-'r.)li.~<.llj\.nl~.,I.\.'J ;)CI v Jl..\;.::) \~ .u r-r t) - l.Jcn,,,-:JuJ j':"I.~¥t.d[H/I...lIIS -- gr<ut\ \11 1"CilSh))f :11'1\.1 Gratuities '" Anticipatory Pensions. Advance of Pensions. I'rovisionalI'ayiueru l~i'hHllil .•. l\'usioll Gr.uuiry and Pending Enquiry Awards - Payment Pensions - Liiuitation "I' {lniW'i ](e,:o~'e::il:~;(Lid over Payment ' Procedure For Cornmutruion Pension. :~cJI;:;i\'i.l or or New Pension Scheme Syllabus of this Sectionwill cover an the chapters of H1.c lis" 'Of ;f I 1[) 3,' :t;OOKS grven H1 tne . L1St Of bO~W~B n, oruon m: i1l:US ::'H2'!C'tHHll • .'~ III ,'iI , , addiiillll, maintenance. " , 'I ~'" accounting, ~}l I ' trunslcr ofhalar».e Jlld ,(' • tinal sculcmcnt I'dV <lnd Allowances. Pay Rules and lXa\ e Rules Il'l Industrial Regulation applicable le Defence Travel Employees Civilians 17//7 n in t",,'illl'\, ill r'aciI)1 Y, •• " (lr;l\',,·,dllil<;