Community Care Ministries


Community Care Ministries
Community Care
Updated 4/15/15
CedarCreek Community Care Ministries
Our Mission:
The Community Care Ministries of CedarCreek Church
exists to demonstrate God's love for people in their time of need, by
offering hope, assistance, and encouragement.
It's our desire to extend a caring hand to the people that attend
CedarCreek through the Community Care Ministries. We have a
number of ministries in which we reach out to people that call
CedarCreek "home". This booklet gives some info about each ministry.
If you have any questions, please call the contact numbers listed for
each ministry.
For information about weddings, funerals, counseling referrals, or to speak with a
Community Care Pastor, call the Perrysburg office …. 419.661.8661 (or the office of the
campus you attend).
Pastor of Community Care, Perrysburg,
Rick DuShane
Community Care Pastor, Perrysburg,
Donna Eoff
Director of CARS & Assistance Care, Perrysburg & South Toledo,
Bruce Nimmo
Associate Pastor, Whitehouse
Aaron Davis
Associate Pastor, South Toledo
Ben Bockert
Associate Pastor, West Toledo,
Jason Dittus
Associate Pastor, Findlay
Shawn Bellner
Updated 4/15/15
The Ministries of
Purpose: Assistance Care exists to demonstrate Christ’s compassion and mercy,
providing physical help for those in the midst of desperate hardship.
Car Care Clinic: Provides oil change, safety inspection, and minor repairs for single moms and
others in need that regularly attend CedarCreek.
Volunteers- mechanics & car helpers (any level experience), parts runners, skilled equipment
maintenance workers, food (for workers), waiting room helpers, facility cleaner.
*Contact Bruce Nimmo………………….(419) 661-8661
Cars Ministry: Assists CedarCreek families with basic transportation needs through donated
Volunteers- mechanics and donated cars (any condition vehicle accepted)
*Contact Bruce Nimmo………................(419) 661-8661
Financial Assistance: Helps CedarCreek attenders going through a difficult time, with
emergency housing & utility needs, food.
Volunteers- people with giving hearts to help the increasing number of people in financial crisis
*Contact Bruce Nimmo (PB)……………..(419) 661-8661
*Contact Jason Dittus (WT)………..........(419) 720-8661
*Contact Aaron Davis (WH)……………...(567) 246-5064
*Contact Ben Bockert (ST)……….……...(567) 225-3355
*Contact Shawn Bellner (FN)….…….…..(567) 429-7121
Home Repairs: Offers ‘emergency’ assistance to homeowners with basic maintenance issues
involving health & safety (for CedarCreek regular attenders in need).
Volunteers- carpenters, plumbers, electricians, painters, carpet cleaners, drywall hangers,
wallpaper hangers, cleaners, general maintenance people, yard-workers,
*Contact Bruce Nimmo (PB)……….…….(419) 661-8661
*Contact Jason Dittus (WT)……….……..(419) 720-8661
*Contact Aaron Davis (WH)…………......(567) 246-5064
*Contact Ben Bockert (ST)………….…..(567) 225-3355
*Contact Shawn Bellner (FN)…………...(567) 429-7121
Purpose: Support Care exists to show Christ’s mercy through instruction, support, and
emotional help to people with difficult or challenging needs.
Hospital Visitation Ministry: Provides comfort, encouragement, and prayer from one of our
visitation team members, for those who are hospitalized, or in Hospice.
Volunteers- (this ministry team is currently full at this time)
*Contact Donna Eoff…(419) 661-8661
Prayer Ministry: Serves by prayerfully interceding on behalf of anyone who makes a request
known to the church through our ‘email prayer team’ & our ‘auditorium prayer team’ (prayer
down front after each weekend service).
Volunteers- people to pray for the needs of others on our email prayer list & to pray with people
following our weekend services.
*Contact Donna Eoff…(419) 661-8661
Pre-Marriage Mentoring: Provides guidance to an engaged couple, working one on one with a
mentoring couple. (required for CedarCreek weddings)
Volunteers- couples with a passion to mentor engaged couples, to help prepare them to have
a Christ centered marriage
*Contact Donna Eoff…(419) 661-8661
Need Prayer?
There are Prayer Volunteers in the front of the auditoriums after
every service or out in the Atriums who will pray with you.
Look for their yellow lanyards!
Email your request to
Call the “Prayerline” at the church office (419) 661-8661 ext 120.
Submit a request through “Community Care” at
Place your request in the prayer box on weekends. The
Welcome Center Team can help you locate it at your campus.
Do you want to find FREEDOM from a
HURT, HABIT or HANG-UP in your life?
Join us for Celebrate Recovery
at all CedarCreek Church locations,
Friday Nights, 6pm
This biblical and balanced program
helps us overcome our hurts, habits,
and hangups by showing Christ’s
love through a recovery process and
has served over 700,000 people in
over 19,000 churches worldwide!
6pm –Fellowship & Complimentary Snacks
7pm -Celebration Service with Worship,
Encouraging Testimonies, and Teaching.
8pm -Open Share Support Groups
(See our website for full group list)
“The Landing”- This CR program is for high school students
whose lives are spinning out of control, or who aren’t sure what’s wrong, but know
something is. It’s a safe place they can work through life struggles
and experience the healing power of Jesus.
This is not just another lecture or sermon, but an opportunity for students to engage
in lessons through videos, discussion, writing, drawing, moving, and much more!
More info at